Example #1
 public function read($filepath, $mimetype = "")
     if ($mimetype == 'image/tilepic') {
         # Read in Tilepic format image
         $this->handle = new TilepicParser($filepath);
         if (!$this->handle->error) {
             $this->filepath = $filepath;
             foreach ($this->handle->properties as $k => $v) {
                 if (isset($this->properties[$k])) {
                     $this->properties[$k] = $v;
             $this->properties["mimetype"] = "image/tilepic";
             $this->properties["typename"] = "Tilepic";
             return true;
         } else {
             $this->postError(1610, $this->handle->error, "WLPlugGD->read()");
             return false;
     } else {
         $this->handle = "";
         $this->filepath = "";
         $this->metadata = array();
         $va_info = @getimagesize($filepath);
         switch ($va_info[2]) {
             case IMAGETYPE_GIF:
                 $this->handle = imagecreatefromgif($filepath);
                 $vs_mimetype = "image/gif";
                 $vs_typename = "GIF";
             case IMAGETYPE_JPEG:
                 if (function_exists('exif_read_data') && !$this->opo_config->get('dont_use_exif_read_data')) {
                     $this->metadata["EXIF"] = $va_exif = caSanitizeArray(@exif_read_data($filepath, 'EXIF', true, false));
                     // Rotate incoming image as needed
                     if (is_array($va_exif)) {
                         if (isset($va_exif['IFD0']['Orientation'])) {
                             $vn_orientation = $va_exif['IFD0']['Orientation'];
                             switch ($vn_orientation) {
                                 case 3:
                                     $this->handle = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath);
                                     $this->handle = $this->rotateImage($this->handle, -180);
                                 case 6:
                                     $this->handle = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath);
                                     $this->handle = $this->rotateImage($this->handle, -90);
                                     $va_tmp = $va_info;
                                     $va_info[0] = $va_tmp[1];
                                     $va_info[1] = $va_tmp[0];
                                 case 8:
                                     $this->handle = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath);
                                     $this->handle = $this->rotateImage($this->handle, 90);
                                     $va_tmp = $va_info;
                                     $va_info[0] = $va_tmp[1];
                                     $va_info[1] = $va_tmp[0];
                 if (!$this->handle) {
                     $this->handle = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath);
                 $vs_mimetype = "image/jpeg";
                 $vs_typename = "JPEG";
                 $o_xmp = new XMPParser();
                 if ($o_xmp->parse($filepath)) {
                     if (is_array($va_xmp_metadata = $o_xmp->getMetadata()) && sizeof($va_xmp_metadata)) {
                         $va_metadata['XMP'] = $va_xmp_metadata;
             case IMAGETYPE_PNG:
                 $this->handle = imagecreatefrompng($filepath);
                 $vs_mimetype = "image/png";
                 $vs_typename = "PNG";
                 return false;
         if ($this->handle) {
             $this->filepath = $filepath;
             # load image properties
             $this->properties["width"] = $va_info[0];
             $this->properties["height"] = $va_info[1];
             $this->properties["mimetype"] = $vs_mimetype;
             $this->properties["typename"] = $vs_typename;
             $this->properties["filesize"] = @filesize($filepath);
             return true;
         } else {
             # plug-in can't handle format
             return false;
Example #2
 private function _graphicsMagickGetMetadata($ps_filepath)
     $va_metadata = array();
     /* EXIF metadata */
     if (function_exists('exif_read_data') && !$this->opo_config->get('dont_use_exif_read_data')) {
         if (is_array($va_exif = caSanitizeArray(@exif_read_data($ps_filepath, 'EXIF', true, false)))) {
             $va_metadata['EXIF'] = $va_exif;
     // if the builtin EXIF extraction is not used or failed for some reason, try ExifTool
     if (!isset($va_metadata['EXIF']) || !is_array($va_metadata['EXIF'])) {
         if (caExifToolInstalled()) {
             $va_metadata['EXIF'] = caExtractMetadataWithExifTool($ps_filepath, true);
     // else try GraphicsMagick
     if (!isset($va_metadata['EXIF']) || !is_array($va_metadata['EXIF'])) {
         exec($this->ops_graphicsmagick_path . ' identify -format "%[EXIF:*]" ' . caEscapeShellArg($ps_filepath) . (caIsPOSIX() ? " 2> /dev/null" : ""), $va_output, $vn_return);
         if (is_array($va_output) && sizeof($va_output) > 1) {
             foreach ($va_output as $vs_output_line) {
                 $va_tmp = explode('=', $vs_output_line);
                 // format is "Make=NIKON CORPORATION"
                 if (isset($va_tmp[0]) && isset($va_tmp[1])) {
                     $va_metadata['EXIF'][$va_tmp[0]] = $va_tmp[1];
         $va_output = array();
     $o_xmp = new XMPParser();
     if ($o_xmp->parse($ps_filepath)) {
         if (is_array($va_xmp_metadata = $o_xmp->getMetadata()) && sizeof($va_xmp_metadata)) {
             $va_metadata['XMP'] = array();
             foreach ($va_xmp_metadata as $vs_xmp_tag => $va_xmp_values) {
                 $va_metadata['XMP'][$vs_xmp_tag] = join('; ', $va_xmp_values);
     /* IPTC metadata */
     $vs_iptc_file = tempnam(caGetTempDirPath(), 'gmiptc');
     @rename($vs_iptc_file, $vs_iptc_file . '.iptc');
     // GM uses the file extension to figure out what we want
     $vs_iptc_file .= '.iptc';
     exec($this->ops_graphicsmagick_path . " convert " . caEscapeShellArg($ps_filepath) . " " . caEscapeShellArg($vs_iptc_file) . (caIsPOSIX() ? " 2> /dev/null" : ""), $va_output, $vn_return);
     $vs_iptc_data = file_get_contents($vs_iptc_file);
     $va_iptc_raw = iptcparse($vs_iptc_data);
     $va_iptc_tags = array('2#004' => 'Genre', '2#005' => 'DocumentTitle', '2#010' => 'Urgency', '2#015' => 'Category', '2#020' => 'Subcategories', '2#025' => 'Keywords', '2#040' => 'SpecialInstructions', '2#055' => 'CreationDate', '2#060' => 'TimeCreated', '2#080' => 'AuthorByline', '2#085' => 'AuthorTitle', '2#090' => 'City', '2#095' => 'State', '2#100' => 'CountryCode', '2#101' => 'Country', '2#103' => 'OTR', '2#105' => 'Headline', '2#110' => 'Credit', '2#115' => 'PhotoSource', '2#116' => 'Copyright', '2#120' => 'Caption', '2#122' => 'CaptionWriter');
     $va_iptc = array();
     if (is_array($va_iptc_raw)) {
         foreach ($va_iptc_raw as $vs_iptc_tag => $va_iptc_tag_data) {
             if (isset($va_iptc_tags[$vs_iptc_tag])) {
                 $va_iptc[$va_iptc_tags[$vs_iptc_tag]] = join('; ', $va_iptc_tag_data);
     if (sizeof($va_iptc)) {
         $va_metadata['IPTC'] = $va_iptc;
     /* DPX metadata */
     exec($this->ops_graphicsmagick_path . " identify -format '%[DPX:*]' " . caEscapeShellArg($ps_filepath) . (caIsPOSIX() ? " 2> /dev/null" : ""), $va_output, $vn_return);
     if ($va_output[0]) {
         $va_metadata['DPX'] = $va_output;
     return $va_metadata;
Example #3
 private function _gmagickRead($ps_filepath)
     try {
         $handle = new Gmagick($ps_filepath);
         // force use of first image in multi-page TIFF
         $this->handle = $handle;
         $this->filepath = $ps_filepath;
         $this->metadata = array();
         // handle metadata
         /* EXIF */
         if (function_exists('exif_read_data') && !$this->opo_config->get('dont_use_exif_read_data')) {
             if (is_array($va_exif = caSanitizeArray(@exif_read_data($ps_filepath, 'EXIF', true, false)))) {
                 $va_metadata['EXIF'] = $va_exif;
         // if the builtin EXIF extraction is not used or failed for some reason, try ExifTool
         if (!isset($va_metadata['EXIF']) || !is_array($va_metadata['EXIF'])) {
             if (caExifToolInstalled()) {
                 $va_metadata['EXIF'] = caExtractMetadataWithExifTool($ps_filepath, true);
         // Rotate incoming image as needed
         if (isset($va_metadata['EXIF']['IFD0']['Orientation'])) {
             $vn_orientation = $va_metadata['EXIF']['IFD0']['Orientation'];
             $vs_tmp_basename = tempnam(caGetTempDirPath(), 'ca_image_tmp');
             $vb_is_rotated = false;
             switch ($vn_orientation) {
                 case 3:
                     $this->handle->rotateimage("#FFFFFF", 180);
                     $vb_is_rotated = true;
                 case 6:
                     $this->handle->rotateimage("#FFFFFF", 90);
                     $vb_is_rotated = true;
                 case 8:
                     $this->handle->rotateimage("#FFFFFF", -90);
                     $vb_is_rotated = true;
             if ($vb_is_rotated) {
                 if ($this->handle->writeimage($vs_tmp_basename)) {
                     $va_tmp = $this->handle->getimagegeometry();
                     $this->properties["faces"] = $this->opa_faces = caDetectFaces($vs_tmp_basename, $va_tmp['width'], $va_tmp['height']);
         // get XMP
         $o_xmp = new XMPParser();
         if ($o_xmp->parse($ps_filepath)) {
             if (is_array($va_xmp_metadata = $o_xmp->getMetadata()) && sizeof($va_xmp_metadata)) {
                 $va_metadata['XMP'] = array();
                 foreach ($va_xmp_metadata as $vs_xmp_tag => $va_xmp_values) {
                     $va_metadata['XMP'][$vs_xmp_tag] = join('; ', $va_xmp_values);
         // try to get IPTC and DPX with GraphicsMagick, if available
         if (caMediaPluginGraphicsMagickInstalled()) {
             /* IPTC metadata */
             $vs_iptc_file = tempnam(caGetTempDirPath(), 'gmiptc');
             @rename($vs_iptc_file, $vs_iptc_file . '.iptc');
             // GM uses the file extension to figure out what we want
             $vs_iptc_file .= '.iptc';
             exec($this->ops_graphicsmagick_path . " convert " . caEscapeShellArg($ps_filepath) . " " . caEscapeShellArg($vs_iptc_file) . (caIsPOSIX() ? " 2> /dev/null" : ""), $va_output, $vn_return);
             $vs_iptc_data = file_get_contents($vs_iptc_file);
             $va_iptc_raw = iptcparse($vs_iptc_data);
             $va_iptc_tags = array('2#004' => 'Genre', '2#005' => 'DocumentTitle', '2#010' => 'Urgency', '2#015' => 'Category', '2#020' => 'Subcategories', '2#025' => 'Keywords', '2#040' => 'SpecialInstructions', '2#055' => 'CreationDate', '2#060' => 'TimeCreated', '2#080' => 'AuthorByline', '2#085' => 'AuthorTitle', '2#090' => 'City', '2#095' => 'State', '2#100' => 'CountryCode', '2#101' => 'Country', '2#103' => 'OTR', '2#105' => 'Headline', '2#110' => 'Credit', '2#115' => 'PhotoSource', '2#116' => 'Copyright', '2#120' => 'Caption', '2#122' => 'CaptionWriter');
             $va_iptc = array();
             if (is_array($va_iptc_raw)) {
                 foreach ($va_iptc_raw as $vs_iptc_tag => $va_iptc_tag_data) {
                     if (isset($va_iptc_tags[$vs_iptc_tag])) {
                         $va_iptc[$va_iptc_tags[$vs_iptc_tag]] = join('; ', $va_iptc_tag_data);
             if (sizeof($va_iptc)) {
                 $va_metadata['IPTC'] = $va_iptc;
             /* DPX metadata */
             exec($this->ops_graphicsmagick_path . " identify -format '%[DPX:*]' " . caEscapeShellArg($ps_filepath) . (caIsPOSIX() ? " 2> /dev/null" : ""), $va_output, $vn_return);
             if ($va_output[0]) {
                 $va_metadata['DPX'] = $va_output;
         $this->metadata = $va_metadata;
         return $handle;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->postError(1610, _t("Could not read image file"), "WLPlugGmagick->read()");
         return false;
         // gmagick couldn't read file, presumably
Example #4
 public function read($ps_filepath, $mimetype = "")
     if (!($this->handle && ${$ps_filepath} === $this->filepath)) {
         if ($mimetype == 'image/tilepic') {
             # Read in Tilepic format image
             $this->handle = new TilepicParser($ps_filepath);
             if (!$this->handle->error) {
                 $this->filepath = $ps_filepath;
                 foreach ($this->handle->properties as $k => $v) {
                     if (isset($this->properties[$k])) {
                         $this->properties[$k] = $v;
                 $this->properties["mimetype"] = "image/tilepic";
                 $this->properties["typename"] = "Tilepic";
                 return 1;
             } else {
                 $this->postError(1610, $this->handle->error, "WLPlugImagick->read()");
                 return false;
         } else {
             $this->handle = "";
             $this->filepath = "";
             $handle = new Imagick();
             if ($mimetype == 'image/x-dcraw') {
                 if ($this->filepath_conv) {
                 if (!caMediaPluginDcrawInstalled($this->ops_dcraw_path)) {
                     $this->postError(1610, _t("Could not convert Camera RAW format file because conversion tool (dcraw) is not installed"), "WLPlugImagick->read()");
                     return false;
                 $vs_tmp_name = tempnam(caGetTempDirPath(), "rawtmp");
                 if (!copy($ps_filepath, $vs_tmp_name)) {
                     $this->postError(1610, _t("Could not copy Camera RAW file to temporary directory"), "WLPlugImagick->read()");
                     return false;
                 exec($this->ops_dcraw_path . " -T " . caEscapeShellArg($vs_tmp_name), $va_output, $vn_return);
                 if ($vn_return != 0) {
                     $this->postError(1610, _t("Camera RAW file conversion failed: %1", $vn_return), "WLPlugImagick->read()");
                     return false;
                 if (!(file_exists($vs_tmp_name . '.tiff') && filesize($vs_tmp_name . '.tiff') > 0)) {
                     $this->postError(1610, _t("Translation from Camera RAW to TIFF failed"), "WLPlugImagick->read()");
                     return false;
                 $ps_filepath = $this->filepath_conv = $vs_tmp_name . '.tiff';
             if ($handle->readImage($ps_filepath)) {
                 $this->handle = $handle;
                 $this->filepath = $ps_filepath;
                 $va_raw_metadata = $this->handle->getImageProperties();
                 $this->metadata = array();
                 foreach ($va_raw_metadata as $vs_tag => $vs_value) {
                     if (sizeof($va_tmp = explode(':', $vs_tag)) > 1) {
                         $vs_type = strtoupper($va_tmp[0]);
                         $vs_tag = $va_tmp[1];
                     } else {
                         $vs_type = 'GENERIC';
                     if ($vs_type == 'EXIF') {
                     $this->metadata[$vs_type][$vs_tag] = $vs_value;
                 // exif
                 if (function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
                     if (is_array($va_exif = caSanitizeArray(@exif_read_data($ps_filepath, 'EXIF', true, false)))) {
                         // Rotate incoming image as needed
                         if (isset($va_exif['IFD0']['Orientation'])) {
                             $vn_orientation = $va_exif['IFD0']['Orientation'];
                             $vs_tmp_basename = tempnam(caGetTempDirPath(), 'ca_image_tmp');
                             $vb_is_rotated = false;
                             switch ($vn_orientation) {
                                 case 3:
                                     $this->handle->rotateImage("#FFFFFF", 180);
                                     $vb_is_rotated = true;
                                 case 6:
                                     $this->handle->rotateImage("#FFFFFF", 90);
                                     $vb_is_rotated = true;
                                 case 8:
                                     $this->handle->rotateImage("#FFFFFF", -90);
                                     $vb_is_rotated = true;
                             if ($vb_is_rotated) {
                                 if ($this->handle->writeImage($vs_tmp_basename)) {
                                     $va_tmp = $this->handle->getImageGeometry();
                                     $this->properties["faces"] = $this->opa_faces = caDetectFaces($vs_tmp_basename, $va_tmp['width'], $va_tmp['height']);
                         $this->metadata['EXIF'] = $va_exif;
                 // XMP
                 $o_xmp = new XMPParser();
                 if ($o_xmp->parse($ps_filepath)) {
                     if (is_array($va_xmp_metadata = $o_xmp->getMetadata()) && sizeof($va_xmp_metadata)) {
                         $this->metadata['XMP'] = $va_xmp_metadata;
                 # load image properties
                 $va_tmp = $this->handle->getImageGeometry();
                 $this->properties["width"] = $va_tmp['width'];
                 $this->properties["height"] = $va_tmp['height'];
                 $this->properties["quality"] = "";
                 $this->properties["filesize"] = $this->handle->getImageLength();
                 $this->properties["bitdepth"] = $this->handle->getImageDepth();
                 $this->properties["resolution"] = $this->handle->getImageResolution();
                 $this->properties["colorspace"] = $this->_getColorspaceAsString($this->handle->getImageColorspace());
                 // force all images to true color (takes care of GIF transparency for one thing...)
                 if (!$this->handle->setImageColorspace(imagick::COLORSPACE_RGB)) {
                     $this->postError(1610, _t("Error during RGB colorspace transformation operation"), "WLPlugImagick->read()");
                     return false;
                 if (!$this->properties["faces"]) {
                     $this->properties["faces"] = $this->opa_faces = caDetectFaces($ps_filepath, $va_tmp['width'], $va_tmp['height']);
                 $this->properties["mimetype"] = $this->_getMagickImageMimeType($this->handle);
                 $this->properties["typename"] = $this->handle->getImageFormat();
                 $this->ohandle = $this->handle->clone();
                 return 1;
             } else {
                 $this->postError(1610, _t("Could not read image file"), "WLPlugImagick->read()");
                 return false;
     } else {
         # image already loaded by previous call (probably divineFileFormat())
         return 1;
Example #5
 private function _CoreImageGetMetadata($ps_filepath)
     if (caMediaPluginCoreImageInstalled($this->ops_CoreImage_path)) {
         $va_metadata = array();
         if (function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
             if (is_array($va_exif = caSanitizeArray(@exif_read_data($ps_filepath, 'EXIF', true, false)))) {
                 $va_metadata['EXIF'] = $va_exif;
         $o_xmp = new XMPParser();
         if ($o_xmp->parse($ps_filepath)) {
             if (is_array($va_xmp_metadata = $o_xmp->getMetadata()) && sizeof($va_xmp_metadata)) {
                 $va_metadata['XMP'] = $va_xmp_metadata;
         return $va_metadata;
     return null;
 * Embed XMP metadata into representation media. Embedding is performed on a copy of the representation media and placed
 * into the system tmp directory. The original media is never modified.
 * @param BaseModel $po_object ca_objects instance to pull metadata from for embedding
 * @param BaseModel $po_representation ca_object_representations instance to pull metadata from for embedding
 * @param string $ps_version Version of media to embed into. If omitted "original" version is used.
 * @return string Path to copy of media with embedded metadata. False is returned in the embedding failed.
function caEmbedMetadataIntoRepresentation($po_object, $po_representation, $ps_version = "original")
    if (!($vs_media_metadata_config = $po_representation->getAppConfig()->get('media_metadata'))) {
        return false;
    $o_metadata_config = Configuration::load($vs_media_metadata_config);
    $vs_mimetype = $po_representation->getMediaInfo('media', $ps_version, 'MIMETYPE');
    if (!in_array($vs_mimetype, array('image/jpeg'))) {
        return false;
    // Don't try to embed in files other than JPEGs
    $vs_filepath = $po_representation->getMediaPath('media', $ps_version);
    if (!file_exists($vs_filepath)) {
        return false;
    $va_mappings = $o_metadata_config->getAssoc('export_mappings');
    $o_xmp = new XMPParser();
    copy($vs_filepath, $vs_tmp_filepath = caGetTempDirPath() . "/" . time() . md5($vs_filepath));
    if (is_object($po_object) && isset($va_mappings['ca_objects']) && is_array($va_mappings['ca_objects'])) {
        $va_mapping = $va_mappings['ca_objects'];
        $vs_type = $po_object->getTypeCode();
        if (isset($va_mapping[$vs_type]) && is_array($va_mapping[$vs_type])) {
            $va_mapping = $va_mapping[$vs_type];
        } else {
            if (isset($va_mapping['__default__']) && is_array($va_mapping['__default__'])) {
                $va_mapping = $va_mapping['__default__'];
            } else {
                return null;
        if (is_array($va_mapping)) {
            foreach ($va_mapping as $vs_xmp => $va_ca) {
                $va_tmp = explode(':', $vs_xmp);
                if (sizeof($va_tmp) > 1) {
                    $vs_xmp = $va_tmp[1];
                foreach ($va_ca as $vs_ca => $va_opts) {
                    if (preg_match('!^static:!', $vs_ca)) {
                        $vs_val = preg_replace('!^static:!', '', $vs_ca);
                    } else {
                        $vs_val = $po_object->get($vs_ca, $va_opts);
                    if ($vs_val) {
                        $o_xmp->set($vs_xmp, $vs_val);
    if (is_object($po_representation) && isset($va_mappings['ca_object_representations']) && is_array($va_mappings['ca_object_representations'])) {
        $va_mapping = $va_mappings['ca_object_representations'];
        $vs_type = $po_representation->getTypeCode();
        if (isset($va_mapping[$vs_type]) && is_array($va_mapping[$vs_type])) {
            $va_mapping = $va_mapping[$vs_type];
        } else {
            if (isset($va_mapping['__default__']) && is_array($va_mapping['__default__'])) {
                $va_mapping = $va_mapping['__default__'];
            } else {
                return null;
        if (is_array($va_mapping)) {
            foreach ($va_mapping as $vs_xmp => $va_ca) {
                $va_tmp = explode(':', $vs_xmp);
                if (sizeof($va_tmp) > 1) {
                    $vs_xmp = $va_tmp[1];
                foreach ($va_ca as $vs_ca => $va_opts) {
                    if (preg_match('!^static:!', $vs_ca)) {
                        $vs_val = preg_replace('!^static:!', '', $vs_ca);
                    } else {
                        $vs_val = $po_representation->get($vs_ca, $va_opts);
                    if ($vs_val) {
                        $o_xmp->set($vs_xmp, $vs_val);
    return $vs_tmp_filepath;
Example #7
 private function _graphicsMagickGetMetadata($ps_filepath)
     $va_metadata = array();
     /* EXIF metadata */
     if (function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
         if (is_array($va_exif = caSanitizeArray(@exif_read_data($ps_filepath, 'EXIF', true, false)))) {
             $va_metadata['EXIF'] = $va_exif;
     $o_xmp = new XMPParser();
     if ($o_xmp->parse($ps_filepath)) {
         if (is_array($va_xmp_metadata = $o_xmp->getMetadata()) && sizeof($va_xmp_metadata)) {
             $va_metadata['XMP'] = array();
             foreach ($va_xmp_metadata as $vs_xmp_tag => $va_xmp_values) {
                 $va_metadata['XMP'][$vs_xmp_tag] = join('; ', $va_xmp_values);
     /* IPTC metadata */
     $vs_iptc_file = tempnam(caGetTempDirPath(), 'gmiptc');
     @rename($vs_iptc_file, $vs_iptc_file . '.iptc');
     // GM uses the file extension to figure out what we want
     $vs_iptc_file .= '.iptc';
     exec($this->ops_graphicsmagick_path . " convert " . caEscapeShellArg($ps_filepath) . " " . caEscapeShellArg($vs_iptc_file), $va_output, $vn_return);
     $vs_iptc_data = file_get_contents($vs_iptc_file);
     $va_iptc_raw = iptcparse($vs_iptc_data);
     $va_iptc_tags = array('2#004' => 'Genre', '2#005' => 'DocumentTitle', '2#010' => 'Urgency', '2#015' => 'Category', '2#020' => 'Subcategories', '2#025' => 'Keywords', '2#040' => 'SpecialInstructions', '2#055' => 'CreationDate', '2#060' => 'TimeCreated', '2#080' => 'AuthorByline', '2#085' => 'AuthorTitle', '2#090' => 'City', '2#095' => 'State', '2#100' => 'CountryCode', '2#101' => 'Country', '2#103' => 'OTR', '2#105' => 'Headline', '2#110' => 'Credit', '2#115' => 'PhotoSource', '2#116' => 'Copyright', '2#120' => 'Caption', '2#122' => 'CaptionWriter');
     $va_iptc = array();
     if (is_array($va_iptc_raw)) {
         foreach ($va_iptc_raw as $vs_iptc_tag => $va_iptc_tag_data) {
             if (isset($va_iptc_tags[$vs_iptc_tag])) {
                 $va_iptc[$va_iptc_tags[$vs_iptc_tag]] = join('; ', $va_iptc_tag_data);
     if (sizeof($va_iptc)) {
         $va_metadata['IPTC'] = $va_iptc;
     /* DPX metadata */
     exec($this->ops_graphicsmagick_path . " identify -format '%[DPX:*]' " . caEscapeShellArg($ps_filepath), $va_output, $vn_return);
     if ($va_output[0]) {
         $va_metadata['DPX'] = $va_output;
     return $va_metadata;
Example #8
 private function _imageMagickGetMetadata($ps_filepath)
     if (caMediaPluginImageMagickInstalled($this->ops_imagemagick_path)) {
         $va_metadata = array();
         if (function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
             if (is_array($va_exif = caSanitizeArray(@exif_read_data($ps_filepath, 'EXIF', true, false)))) {
                 $va_metadata['EXIF'] = $va_exif;
         $o_xmp = new XMPParser();
         if ($o_xmp->parse($ps_filepath)) {
             if (is_array($va_xmp_metadata = $o_xmp->getMetadata()) && sizeof($va_xmp_metadata)) {
                 $va_metadata['XMP'] = $va_xmp_metadata;
         exec($this->ops_imagemagick_path . "/identify -format '%[DPX:*]' " . caEscapeShellArg($ps_filepath), $va_output, $vn_return);
         if ($va_output[0]) {
             $va_metadata['DPX'] = $va_output;
         $va_iptc_tags = array('credit' => '2:110', 'byline' => '2:080', 'date_created' => '2:055', 'time_created' => '2:060', 'caption' => '2:120', 'copyright' => '2:116', 'title' => '2:005', 'genre' => '2:004', 'urgency' => '2:010', 'category' => '2:015', 'supplemental category' => '2:020', 'keywords' => '2:025', 'special_instructions' => '2:040', 'byline' => '2:080', 'bylinetitle' => '2:085', 'city' => '2:090', 'location' => '2:092', 'province' => '2:095', 'countrycode' => '2:100', 'countryname' => '2:101', 'headline' => '2:105', 'credit' => '2:110', 'source' => '2:115', 'description writer' => '2:122');
         $va_iptc = array();
         foreach ($va_iptc_tags as $vs_tag_name => $vs_tag_code) {
             $va_output = array();
             exec($this->ops_imagemagick_path . "/identify -format '%[IPTC:" . $vs_tag_code . "]' " . caEscapeShellArg($ps_filepath), $va_output, $vn_return);
             if ($va_output[0]) {
                 $va_iptc[str_replace(":", ",", $vs_tag_code) . ' [' . $vs_tag_name . ']'] = $va_output[0];
         if (sizeof($va_iptc)) {
             $va_metadata['IPTC'] = $va_iptc;
         return $va_metadata;
     return null;
Example #9
 private function _graphicsMagickGetMetadata($ps_filepath)
     $va_metadata = array();
     if (function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
         if (is_array($va_exif = caSanitizeArray(@exif_read_data($ps_filepath, 'EXIF', true, false)))) {
             $va_metadata['EXIF'] = $va_exif;
     $o_xmp = new XMPParser();
     if ($o_xmp->parse($ps_filepath)) {
         if (is_array($va_xmp_metadata = $o_xmp->getMetadata()) && sizeof($va_xmp_metadata)) {
             $va_metadata['XMP'] = $va_xmp_metadata;
     // GM doesn't seem to support DPX or IPTC metadata extraction :-(
     return $va_metadata;
Example #10
 private function _CoreImageGetMetadata($ps_filepath)
     if (caMediaPluginCoreImageInstalled($this->ops_CoreImage_path)) {
         $va_metadata = array();
         if (function_exists('exif_read_data') && !$this->opo_config->get('dont_use_exif_read_data')) {
             if (is_array($va_exif = caSanitizeArray(@exif_read_data($ps_filepath, 'EXIF', true, false)))) {
                 $va_metadata['EXIF'] = $va_exif;
         // if the builtin EXIF extraction is not used or failed for some reason, try ExifTool
         if (!isset($va_metadata['EXIF']) || !is_array($va_metadata['EXIF'])) {
             if (caExifToolInstalled()) {
                 $va_metadata['EXIF'] = caExtractMetadataWithExifTool($ps_filepath, true);
         $o_xmp = new XMPParser();
         if ($o_xmp->parse($ps_filepath)) {
             if (is_array($va_xmp_metadata = $o_xmp->getMetadata()) && sizeof($va_xmp_metadata)) {
                 $va_metadata['XMP'] = $va_xmp_metadata;
         return $va_metadata;
     return null;