/** * @return void */ protected function connectXmpp() { $this->connection = new XMPPHP_XMPP($this->config['host'], $this->config['port'], $this->config['user'], $this->config['password'], $this->config['resource'], $this->config['server']); // TODO configurable: $this->connection->useEncryption(FALSE); $this->connection->connect(); $this->connection->processUntil('session_start'); }
function my_action_callback() { $cmd = $_POST['cmd']; include 'XMPPHP/XMPP.php'; error_reporting(0); //$time_start = microtime_float(); $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP('talk.google.com', 5222, '*****@*****.**', 'ns171284', 'xmpphp', 'gmail.com', $printlog=false, $loglevel=XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_INFO); try { $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->presence(); // $time_end = microtime_float(); $conn->message('*****@*****.**', $cmd); $conn->disconnect(); } catch(XMPPHP_Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } //$time = $time_end - $time_start; die(); //die("TOTAL TIME = ".$time); }
/** * Processes the message (sends using jabber). * @param object $eventdata the event data submitted by the message sender plus $eventdata->savedmessageid * @return true if ok, false if error */ function send_message($eventdata) { global $CFG; if (!empty($CFG->noemailever)) { // hidden setting for development sites, set in config.php if needed debugging('$CFG->noemailever active, no jabber message sent.', DEBUG_MINIMAL); return true; } //hold onto jabber id preference because /admin/cron.php sends a lot of messages at once static $jabberaddresses = array(); if (!array_key_exists($eventdata->userto->id, $jabberaddresses)) { $jabberaddresses[$eventdata->userto->id] = get_user_preferences('message_processor_jabber_jabberid', null, $eventdata->userto->id); } $jabberaddress = $jabberaddresses[$eventdata->userto->id]; //calling s() on smallmessage causes Jabber to display things like < Jabber != a browser $jabbermessage = fullname($eventdata->userfrom) . ': ' . $eventdata->smallmessage; if (!empty($eventdata->contexturl)) { $jabbermessage .= "\n" . get_string('view') . ': ' . $eventdata->contexturl; } $jabbermessage .= "\n(" . get_string('noreply', 'message') . ')'; $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP($CFG->jabberhost, $CFG->jabberport, $CFG->jabberusername, $CFG->jabberpassword, 'moodle', $CFG->jabberserver); try { //$conn->useEncryption(false); $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->presence(); $conn->message($jabberaddress, $jabbermessage); $conn->disconnect(); } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { debugging($e->getMessage()); return false; } return true; }
/** * Processes the message (sends using jabber). * @param object $eventdata the event data submitted by the message sender plus $eventdata->savedmessageid * @return true if ok, false if error */ function send_message($eventdata) { global $CFG; if (message_output_jabber::_jabber_configured()) { //hold onto jabber id preference because /admin/cron.php sends a lot of messages at once static $jabberaddresses = array(); if (!array_key_exists($eventdata->userto->id, $jabberaddresses)) { $jabberaddresses[$eventdata->userto->id] = get_user_preferences('message_processor_jabber_jabberid', $eventdata->userto->email, $eventdata->userto->id); } $jabberaddress = $jabberaddresses[$eventdata->userto->id]; $jabbermessage = fullname($eventdata->userfrom) . ': ' . $eventdata->smallmessage; if (!empty($eventdata->contexturl)) { $jabbermessage .= "\n" . get_string('view') . ': ' . $eventdata->contexturl; } $jabbermessage .= "\n(" . get_string('noreply', 'message') . ')'; $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP($CFG->jabberhost, $CFG->jabberport, $CFG->jabberusername, $CFG->jabberpassword, 'moodle', $CFG->jabberserver); try { //$conn->useEncryption(false); $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->presence(); $conn->message($jabberaddress, $jabbermessage); $conn->disconnect(); } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { debugging($e->getMessage()); return false; } } //note that we're reporting success if message was sent or if Jabber simply isnt configured return true; }
/** * Sends message recipient if log entries are present. * * @return void */ public function shutdown() { // If there are events to send, use them as message body. // Otherwise, there is no message to be sent. if (empty($this->_eventsToSend)) { return; } // Finally, send the IM, but re-throw any exceptions at the // proper level of abstraction. try { $jabber = new XMPPHP_XMPP($this->options['host'], $this->options['port'], $this->options['user'], $this->options['password'], $this->options['resource'], $this->options['server'], false, XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_VERBOSE); try { $jabber->connect(); $jabber->processUntil('session_start'); $jabber->presence(); $events = implode('', $this->_eventsToSend); $jabber->message($this->options['recipient'], $events); $jabber->disconnect(); } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Zend_Log_Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } }
protected function sendGroupMessage(\XMPPHP_XMPP $client, $config) { $client->connect(); $client->processUntil('session_start', static::TIMEOUT); $client->presence(NULL, static::STATUS, $config['to'] . '/Professor X'); $client->message($config['to'], $config['message'], 'groupchat'); $client->disconnect(); }
public function notify(Commit $commit) { $old = error_reporting(0); $conn = new \XMPPHP_XMPP($this->host, $this->port, $this->username, $this->password, 'sismo', $this->server); $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->presence(); foreach (explode(',', $this->recipient) as $user) { $conn->message($user, $this->format($this->format, $commit)); } $conn->disconnect(); error_reporting($old); }
function xs_send($to, $text) { include TE_DIR . '/lib/XMPPHP/XMPP.php'; $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP(XS_SERVER, XS_PORT, XS_LOGIN, XS_PASS, 'xmpphp', XS_SERVIS, $printlog = false, $loglevel = XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_INFO); try { $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->presence(); $conn->message($to, $text); $conn->disconnect(); } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } }
function jabber($to, $message) { @(require_once DIR . '/system/lib/XMPPHP/XMPP.php'); @($conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP($GLOBALS['config']['jabber']['host'], $GLOBALS['config']['jabber']['port'], $GLOBALS['config']['jabber']['user'], $GLOBALS['config']['jabber']['password'], $GLOBALS['config']['jabber']['resource'], $GLOBALS['config']['jabber']['server'], $printlog = false, $loglevel = XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_INFO)); try { @$conn->connect(); @$conn->processUntil('session_start'); @$conn->presence(); @$conn->message($to, $message); @$conn->disconnect(); return true; } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { return false; } }
public function testAuthException() { try { $xmpp = new XMPPHP_XMPP('jabber.wentz.it', 5222, 'invalidusername', 'invalidpassword', 'xmpphp', 'jabber.wentz.it', true, XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_VERBOSE); $xmpp->useEncryption(false); $xmpp->connect(10); $xmpp->processUntil('session_start'); $xmpp->presence(); $xmpp->message('*****@*****.**', 'This is a test message!'); $xmpp->disconnect(); } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { return; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->fail('Unexpected Exception thrown: ' . $e->getMessage()); } $this->fail('Expected XMPPHP_Exception not thrown!'); }
/** * @param $message * * @return $this */ protected function send($message) { $configCurrentProject = $this->getCurrentProjectConfig(); $host = $configCurrentProject['host']; $port = $configCurrentProject['port']; $user = $configCurrentProject['user']; $password = $configCurrentProject['password']; $ressource = $configCurrentProject['ressource']; $server = $configCurrentProject['server']; $to = $configCurrentProject['to']; $type = $configCurrentProject['type']; $xmpp = new XMPPHP_XMPP($host, $port, $user, $password, $ressource, $server, false, 4); $xmpp->connect(); $xmpp->processUntil('session_start'); $xmpp->presence(null, 'available', $to . '/' . $user); $xmpp->message($to, $message, $type); $xmpp->presence(null, 'unavailable', $to . '/' . $user); $xmpp->disconnect(); return $this; }
function snapRegisterNewXmppUser($emailaddress) { global $APPCONFIG; include_once '../extensions/XMPPHP/XMPPHP_XMPP.php'; $conf = $APPCONFIG['XMPP']; $passwd = $conf['userpasswd']; $userJID = cleanString($emailaddress) . time() . '@' . $conf['server']; $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP($conf['server'], $conf['port'], $conf['adminuser'], $conf['adminpasswd'], $conf['resource'], $conf['domain']); $conn->autoSubscribe(true); $conn->useEncryption(false); $resp = array(); try { $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->registerNewUser($userJID, $emailaddress, $passwd); $conn->processUntil('done'); $conn->disconnect(); return array('xmppuserid' => $userJID, 'xmpppasswd' => $passwd); } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { return 0; //die($e->getMessage()); } }
public static function SendMessage($msg, $to = NULL) { if (!in_array(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('', '::1'))) { $jabber_server = sfConfig::get('app_sfJabberPlugin_jabber_server'); $port = sfConfig::get('app_sfJabberPlugin_port'); $username = sfConfig::get('app_sfJabberPlugin_username'); $host = sfConfig::get('app_sfJabberPlugin_host'); $password = sfConfig::get('app_sfJabberPlugin_password'); if ($to == NULL) { $to = sfConfig::get('app_sfJabberPlugin_admin'); } $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP($jabber_server, $port, $username, $password, 'xmpphp', $host, $printlog = false, $loglevel = XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_VERBOSE); try { $conn->useSSL(); $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->presence(); $conn->message($to, $msg); $conn->disconnect(); } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { } } }
function enotify($user, $message, $ticketnumber, $fromuser, $tousergroup, $description) { if ($user == 'system') { // an automatic script is running to set some default user info $email = 'system@localhost'; $screenname = ''; $email_notify = 'n'; $screenname_notify = 'n'; } else { // get the real user info $query = "SELECT email,screenname,email_notify,screenname_notify " . "FROM user WHERE username = ?"; $result = $this->db->query($query, array($user)) or die("select screename queryfailed"); $myresult = $result->row_array(); $email = $myresult['email']; $screenname = $myresult['screenname']; $email_notify = $myresult['email_notify']; $screenname_notify = $myresult['screenname_notify']; } // if they have specified a screenname then send them a jabber notification if ($this->config->item('xmpp_server') && $screenname && $screenname_notify == 'y') { include 'libraries/XMPPHP/XMPP.php'; // edit this to use database jabber user defined in config file $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP("{$xmpp_server}", 5222, "{$this->config}->item('xmpp_user')", "{$this->config}->item('xmpp_password')", 'xmpphp', "{$this->config}->item('xmpp_domain')", $printlog = false, $loglevel = XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_INFO); try { $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->presence(); $conn->message("{$screenname}", "{$message}"); $conn->disconnect(); } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { //die($e->getMessage()); $xmppmessage = $e->getMessage(); echo "{$xmppmessage}"; } } // if they have specified an email then send them an email notification if ($email && $email_notify == 'y') { // HTML Email Headers $to = $email; // truncate the description to fit in the subject $description = substr($description, 0, 40); $subject = lang('ticketnumber') . "{$ticketnumber}" . lang('to') . ": {$tousergroup} " . lang('from') . ": {$fromuser} {$description}"; mail($to, $subject, $message); } }
define("XS_SERVER", "gmail.com"); $reg = Registry::instance(); if ($reg->get('new_comment') != false) { flush(); $text = 'Комментарий ' . SITE_URL . '/?id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['comment_text']; $stor = new Storage(); $stor = $stor->storType(TE_STORTYPE); $h = $stor->make('hamster'); $h->setProperty('status', 'admin'); $tos = array(); $tos = $h->getList(); if (XS_LOGIN != 'login') { include 'lib/XMPPHP/XMPP.php'; $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP(XS_HOST, XS_PORT, XS_LOGIN, XS_PASS, 'xmpphp', XS_SERVER, $printlog = false, $loglevel = XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_INFO); //timeout = 5сек $conn->connect(5); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->presence(); foreach ($tos as $to) { $conn->message($to['email'], $text); /*if (!$conn->message) { //off-line message $text = 'MSG '.$to['email'].' '.$text; $to['email'] = '*****@*****.**'; $conn->message($to['email'], $text); }*/ } $conn->disconnect(); } else { $text = 'Комментарий ' . SITE_URL . '/?id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['comment_text'];
if ($at->advancedSettings) { $useEncryption = $at->useEncryption; if ($at->jabberHost) { $jabberHost = $at->jabberHost; } if ($at->jabberPort) { $jabberPort = $at->jabberPort; } } $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP($jabberHost, $jabberPort ? $jabberPort : 5222, $at->jabberLogin, $at->jabberPasswd, 'xmpphp', $at->jabberServer); if ($useEncryption) { $conn->useEncryption(true); $opts = array('ssl' => array('verify_peer' => true, 'allow_self_signed' => true)); if ($at->jabberHost != $at->jabberServer) { $opts['ssl']['CN_match'] = $at->jabberServer; } $conn->set_context($opts); } else { $conn->useEncryption(false); } try { $message = str_replace("{TORRENT}", $name, $at->message); $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->presence(); $conn->message($at->jabberFor, $message); $conn->disconnect(); } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } }
public static function sendXMPMessage($chat, $params = array()) { $data = (array) erLhcoreClassModelChatConfig::fetch('xmp_data')->data; $templateMessage = 'xmp_message'; if (isset($params['template'])) { $templateMessage = $params['template']; } if (isset($data['use_xmp']) && $data['use_xmp'] == 1) { if (isset($data['use_standard_xmp']) && $data['use_standard_xmp'] == '0' || !isset($data['use_standard_xmp'])) { $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP($data['host'], $data['port'], $data['username'], $data['password'], $data['resource'], $data['server'], $printlog = false, $loglevel = XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_INFO); try { $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $emailRecipient = array(); // Email messages $groupRecipients = array(); // Group messages if ($chat->department !== false && $chat->department->xmpp_recipients != '') { // Perhaps department has assigned email $emailRecipient = explode(',', $chat->department->xmpp_recipients); } elseif (isset($data['recipients']) && $data['recipients'] != '') { $emailRecipient = explode(',', $data['recipients']); } if ($chat->department !== false && $chat->department->xmpp_group_recipients != '') { $groupRecipients = explode(',', $chat->department->xmpp_group_recipients); } // change status foreach ($groupRecipients as $recipient) { $conn->presence(NULL, 'available', $recipient); } if (!empty($emailRecipient)) { $conn->presence(); } $messages = array_reverse(erLhcoreClassModelmsg::getList(array('limit' => 5, 'sort' => 'id DESC', 'filter' => array('chat_id' => $chat->id)))); $messagesContent = ''; foreach ($messages as $msg) { if ($msg->user_id == -1) { $messagesContent .= date(erLhcoreClassModule::$dateDateHourFormat, $msg->time) . ' ' . erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('chat/syncadmin', 'System assistant') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($msg->msg) . "\n"; } else { $messagesContent .= date(erLhcoreClassModule::$dateDateHourFormat, $msg->time) . ' ' . ($msg->user_id == 0 ? htmlspecialchars($chat->nick) : htmlspecialchars($msg->name_support)) . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($msg->msg) . "\n"; } } $cfgSite = erConfigClassLhConfig::getInstance(); $secretHash = $cfgSite->getSetting('site', 'secrethash'); foreach ($emailRecipient as $email) { $veryfyEmail = sha1(sha1($email . $secretHash) . $secretHash); $messagesParsed = str_replace(array('{messages}', '{url_accept}', '{chat_id}', '{user_name}'), array($messagesContent, self::getBaseHost() . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . erLhcoreClassDesign::baseurl('chat/accept') . '/' . erLhcoreClassModelChatAccept::generateAcceptLink($chat) . '/' . $veryfyEmail . '/' . $email, $chat->id, $chat->user_name), $data[$templateMessage]); $conn->message($email, $messagesParsed); } foreach ($groupRecipients as $email) { list($emailGroup) = explode('/', $email); $veryfyEmail = sha1(sha1($emailGroup . $secretHash) . $secretHash); $messagesParsed = str_replace(array('{messages}', '{url_accept}', '{chat_id}', '{user_name}'), array($messagesContent, self::getBaseHost() . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . erLhcoreClassDesign::baseurl('chat/accept') . '/' . erLhcoreClassModelChatAccept::generateAcceptLink($chat) . '/' . $veryfyEmail . '/' . $emailGroup, $chat->id, $chat->user_name), $data[$templateMessage]); $conn->message($emailGroup, $messagesParsed, 'groupchat'); } foreach ($groupRecipients as $recipient) { $conn->presence(NULL, 'unavailable', $recipient); } $conn->disconnect(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } } else { if (($accessToken = self::getAccessToken()) !== false) { $dataLogin = self::get_dns_srv('gmail.com'); $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP($dataLogin[0], $dataLogin[1], $data['email_gtalk'], $accessToken, 'xmpphp', $dataLogin[0], $printlog = false, $loglevel = XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_INFO, true); try { $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->presence(); $emailRecipient = array(); if ($chat->department !== false && $chat->department->xmpp_recipients != '') { // Perhaps department has assigned email $emailRecipient = explode(',', $chat->department->xmpp_recipients); } elseif (isset($data['recipients']) && $data['recipients'] != '') { $emailRecipient = explode(',', $data['recipients']); } $messages = array_reverse(erLhcoreClassModelmsg::getList(array('limit' => 5, 'sort' => 'id DESC', 'filter' => array('chat_id' => $chat->id)))); $messagesContent = ''; foreach ($messages as $msg) { if ($msg->user_id == -1) { $messagesContent .= date(erLhcoreClassModule::$dateDateHourFormat, $msg->time) . ' ' . erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('chat/syncadmin', 'System assistant') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($msg->msg) . "\n"; } else { $messagesContent .= date(erLhcoreClassModule::$dateDateHourFormat, $msg->time) . ' ' . ($msg->user_id == 0 ? htmlspecialchars($chat->nick) : htmlspecialchars($msg->name_support)) . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($msg->msg) . "\n"; } } $cfgSite = erConfigClassLhConfig::getInstance(); $secretHash = $cfgSite->getSetting('site', 'secrethash'); foreach ($emailRecipient as $email) { $veryfyEmail = sha1(sha1($email . $secretHash) . $secretHash); $conn->message($email, str_replace(array('{messages}', '{url_accept}', '{chat_id}', '{user_name}'), array($messagesContent, self::getBaseHost() . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . erLhcoreClassDesign::baseurl('chat/accept') . '/' . erLhcoreClassModelChatAccept::generateAcceptLink($chat) . '/' . $veryfyEmail . '/' . $email, $chat->id, $chat->user_name), $data[$templateMessage])); } $conn->disconnect(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } } else { throw new Exception('Invalid access token'); } } } }
/** * Send quick message. */ function send_quick_msg($jbr_user, $msg, $bug_id) { $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP(plugin_config_get('jbr_server'), plugin_config_get('jbr_port'), plugin_config_get('jbr_login'), plugin_config_get('jbr_pwd'), 'xmpphp', plugin_config_get('jbr_server'), $printlog = False, $loglevel = 'LOGGING_INFO'); //$conn->useEncryption(false); //Enable this line if you get a error "Fatal error: Cannot access protected property XMPPHP_XMPP::$use_encryption" try { $conn->connect($timeout = plugin_config_get('jbr_timeout')); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->message($jbr_user . '@' . plugin_config_get('jbr_server'), $msg); $conn->disconnect(); echo '<center><div align="center" style="width:300px;border: solid 1px;padding:10px;margin-bottom:10px;background-color:#D2F5B0;">'; echo plugin_lang_get('msg_send_successful'); echo '</div></center>'; header('Refresh: 3; URL=' . get_bug_link($bug_id)); } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { $e->getMessage(); echo '<center><div align="center" style="width:300px;border: solid 1px;padding:10px;margin-bottom:10px;background-color:#FCBDBD;">'; echo plugin_lang_get('msg_send_error'); echo '</div></center>'; header('Refresh: 3; URL=' . get_bug_link($bug_id)); } }
public function sendNotification($user, $subject, $message) { if ($user->getNotificationMethod() == 'jabber') { $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP(ConfigLine::configByName('jabber_server'), 5222, ConfigLine::configByName('jabber_username'), ConfigLine::configByName('jabber_password'), 'xmpphp', $server = null, $printlog = false, $loglevel = XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_INFO); try { $conn->connect(); $conn->processUntil('session_start'); $conn->presence(); $conn->message($user->getJabber(), $message); $conn->disconnect(); } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } elseif ($user->getNotificationMethod() == 'email') { if ($GLOBALS['mail_sending_type'] == 'smtp') { $config['username'] = ConfigLine::configByName('mail_smtp_username'); $config['password'] = ConfigLine::configByName('mail_smtp_password'); $config['ssl'] = ConfigLine::configByName('mail_smtp_ssl'); $config['auth'] = ConfigLine::configByName('mail_smtp_login_auth'); $transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp(ConfigLine::configByName('mail_smtp_server'), $config); } $mail = new Zend_Mail(); $mail->setFrom(ConfigLine::configByName('mail_sender_adress'), ConfigLine::configByName('mail_sender_name')); $mail->addTo($user->getEmail()); $mail->setSubject($subject); $mail->setBodyText($message); $mail->send($transport); } }
require 'XMPPHP/XMPP.php'; $conf = array('server' => 'talk.google.com', 'port' => 5222, 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'proto' => 'xmpphp', 'domain' => 'gmail.com', 'printlog' => true, 'loglevel' => XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_VERBOSE); // Easy and simple for access to variables with their names extract($conf); $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP($server, $port, $username, $password, $proto, $domain, $printlog, $loglevel); $conn->autoSubscribe(); try { if (isset($_SESSION['messages'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['messages'] as $message) { echo $message; flush(); } } else { $_SESSION['messages'] = array(); } $conn->connect('http://server.tld:5280/xmpp-httpbind', 1, true); $events = array('message', 'presence', 'end_stream', 'session_start', 'vcard'); $payloads = $conn->processUntil($events); foreach ($payloads as $result) { list($event, $data) = $result; if (isset($data)) { extract($data); } switch ($event) { case 'message': if (!$body) { break; } $cmd = explode(' ', $body); $msg = str_repeat('-', 80); $msg .= "\nMessage from: {$from}\n";
/** * connect the configured Jabber account to the configured server * * @param string $resource Resource to connect (defaults to configured resource) * * @return XMPPHP connection to the configured server */ function jabber_connect($resource = null) { static $conn = null; if (!$conn) { $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP(common_config('xmpp', 'host') ? common_config('xmpp', 'host') : common_config('xmpp', 'server'), common_config('xmpp', 'port'), common_config('xmpp', 'user'), common_config('xmpp', 'password'), $resource ? $resource : common_config('xmpp', 'resource'), common_config('xmpp', 'server'), common_config('xmpp', 'debug') ? true : false, common_config('xmpp', 'debug') ? XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_VERBOSE : null); if (!$conn) { return false; } $conn->autoSubscribe(); $conn->useEncryption(common_config('xmpp', 'encryption')); try { $conn->connect(true); // true = persistent connection } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { common_log(LOG_ERR, $e->getMessage()); return false; } $conn->processUntil('session_start'); } return $conn; }
/** * Custom connection function which also stores our connected state. * * {@inheritdoc} */ public function connect($timeout = 30, $persistent = false, $sendinit = true) { $return = parent::connect($timeout, $persistent, $sendinit); $this->connected = !$this->isDisconnected(); return $return; }
/** * Checking if the given username exists and the given text password * is correct by trying to connect to and authenticate on xmpp server. * @author del Rosario Ernesto <*****@*****.**> * @return bool */ public static function check_username_and_password($user = "", $password = "", $conf = array()) { if (empty($user) || empty($password) || !isset($conf["host"]) || !isset($conf["port"])) { return null; } $xmpp = new XMPPHP_XMPP($conf["host"], $conf["port"], $user, $password, $conf["resource"], $conf["server"], $conf["printlog"], $conf["loglevel"]); try { $xmpp->connect(); $xmpp->processUntil('session_start'); $xmpp->disconnect(); return true; } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) { return false; } }