Example #1
 function testXMLProcessing()
     $xml = new XMLtoArray("jobSpecification.xml");
     $this->assertNoErrors($xml->directory = "../specifications/xml/");
     $xmldata = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
Example #2
 function updateDatabases($xmlPackage, $workflowId, $formData, $goal)
     global $db;
     $db = connect($xmlPackage->getDb());
     debug::message("connect to db:" . $xmlPackage->getDb() . '<br>');
     $newDataItem = new coreWorkflowDataPacket($workflowId, array());
     $tables = $xmlPackage->getTables();
     if (sizeof($tables) > 0) {
         //For each table
         for ($tableIndex = 0; $tableIndex < sizeof($tables); $tableIndex++) {
             $table = $tables[$tableIndex]->getTableName();
             $valsArray['workflowId'] = $workflowId;
             $fields = $tables[$tableIndex]->getDbFields();
             //The fields specificed
             for ($index = 0; $index < sizeof($fields); $index++) {
                 $field = $fields[$index];
                 $valsArray[$field] = addslashes($formData[$field]);
             //Does this workflow item already exist in the table
             $sql_query = "workflowId='{$workflowId}'";
             if (dbpear::numRecords($table, "{$sql_query}")) {
                 $keyName = dbs::getprimarykey($table);
                 $keyValue = dbpear::selAttribute($keyName, $table, $sql_query);
                 dbs::updaterecord($table, $valsArray, $keyName, $keyValue);
             } else {
                 dbs::irrecord($table, $valsArray, false);
             $db = connect('iWFMS');
         $xmlParser = new XMLtoArray("jobSpecification.xml");
         $xmlTree = $xmlParser->process();
         //Package the xml data
         $xmlPackage = xmlPackage::package($xmlTree);
         if (!$goal) {
             //We are not at the goal node
             //Display the data as HTML
             xmlPackage::displayItem($xmlPackage, $workflowId, 'workflow', 'Current workflow item');
         } else {
             //We are at the goal node
             xmlPackage::displayArchiveItem($xmlPackage, $workflowId, 'workflowArchive', 'Current archived workflow item', 'archive');
     } else {
         $xmlParser = new XMLtoArray("jobSpecification.xml");
         $xmlTree = $xmlParser->process();
         //Package the xml data
         $xmlPackage = xmlPackage::package($xmlTree);
         //Display the data as HTML
         xmlPackage::displayItem($xmlPackage, $workflowId, 'workflow', 'Current workflow item');
Example #3
function databaseActions($databaseActions)
    if (sizeof($databaseActions)) {
        //The form required data to be fetched from the database
        for ($index = 0; $index < sizeof($databaseActions); $index++) {
            $predicateValues = $databaseActions[$index]->getPredicateValues();
            $xmlfile = $predicateValues[0]->toString() . '.xml';
            $xmlParser = new XMLtoArray($xmlfile);
            $xmlTree = $xmlParser->process();
            //Package the xml data
            $xmlPackage = xmlPackage::package($xmlTree);
            //Display the data as HTML
            xmlPackage::displayAllData($xmlPackage, $_GET['workflowID'], 'Database Information');
Example #4
  * @return array representing XML file contents
  * @desc Reads the xml file in and parses it
 function process()
     $count = 0;
     debug::message("XML spec:  " . $this->file . '<br>');
     $fp = XMLtoArray::openXML();
     while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) {
         debug::message("\n" . $data . "\n");
         $count = $count - 1;
     return $this->stack;
Example #5
                } else {
                $plannerProgress = $newPlannerProgress;
                $newPlannerProgress = array();
    debug::message("edge progression test :" . $edgeProgressionResult);
    if ($edgeProgressionResult) {
        if (!$goal) {
            //No point in updating plans if we have reached the goal
        $xmlParser = new XMLtoArray($_POST['formName'] . '.xml');
        $xmlTree = $xmlParser->process();
        //Package the xml data into objects
        $xmlPackage = xmlPackage::package($xmlTree);
        //Display the data as HTML
        xmlDatabase::updateDatabases($xmlPackage, $_POST['workflowID'], $_POST, $goal);
    } else {
        //no progress
        errors::errorMessage("Progression to a new workflow stage failed!");
        $xmlParser = new XMLtoArray("jobSpecification.xml");
        $xmlTree = $xmlParser->process();
        //Package the xml data
        $xmlPackage = xmlPackage::package($xmlTree);
        //Display the data as HTML
        xmlPackage::displayItem($xmlPackage, $_POST['workflowID'], 'workflow', 'Current workflow item');
include_once "includes/commonPages/system_footer.php";
$url = 'http://www.whoisxmlapi.com/whoisserver/WhoisService?domainName=' . $domain . '&username='******'&password='******'&outputFormat=' . $format;
if ($format == 'JSON') {
    // Use a JSON resource //
    // Get and build the JSON object
    $result = json_decode(file_get_contents($url));
    // Print out a nice informative string
    print "<div>JSON:</div>" . RecursivePrettyPrint($result);
} else {
    // Use a XML resource //
    $url = 'http://www.whoisxmlapi.com/whoisserver/WhoisService?domainName=' . $domain . '&username='******'&password='******'&outputFormat=' . $format;
    // Get and build the XML associative array
    $parser = new XMLtoArray();
    $result = array("WhoisRecord" => $parser->ParseXML($url));
    // Print out a nice informative string
    print "<div>XML:</div>" . RecursivePrettyPrint($result);
// Function to recursively print all properties of an object and their values
function RecursivePrettyPrint($obj)
    $str = "";
    foreach ((array) $obj as $key => $value) {
        if (!is_string($key)) {
            // XML parsing leaves a little to be desired as it fills our obj with key/values with just whitespace, ignore that whitespace at the cost of losing hostNames and ips in the final printed result
        $str .= '<div style="margin-left: 25px;border-left:1px solid black">' . $key . ": ";
        if (is_string($value)) {