Example #1
 * There is currently:
 * 1. xblox: a visual programming language to extend the file manager with a built-in macro system
 * 2. xideve: a visual editor for HTML - Authoring (Dojo only for now). This needs currently &debug=true to run
 * 3. xnode: tools to manager Node.JS services in xide applications
$XAPP_COMPONENTS = array('xblox' => XApp_Service_Utils::_getKey('xblox', false), 'xideve' => XApp_Service_Utils::_getKey('xide', false) ? array('cmdOffset' => 'xapp/xide/') : false, 'xnode' => XApp_Service_Utils::_getKey('xnode', false));
$XAPP_RESOURCE_CONFIG = XApp_Service_Utils::_getKey("resourceConfig", '');
 * Define extra variables for client rendering. This array will override existing variables (see xapp/commander/App near '$XAPP_RELATIVE_VARIABLES')
 * The resource variables go into the the client side resource manager 'xide.manager.ResourceManager'
$XF_RESOURCE_VARIABLES = array('FILLED_USER_NAME' => 'admin', 'FILLED_PASSWORD' => 'asdasd', 'COMPONENTS' => json_encode($XAPP_COMPONENTS), 'GLOBAL_FONT_SIZE' => XApp_Service_Entry_Utils::isMobile() ? '1.1em' : '0.88em', 'ACTION_BUTTON_SIZE' => XApp_Service_Entry_Utils::isMobile() ? '1.5em' : '1.3em', 'PACKAGE_CONFIG' => 'run-release-debug', 'CDN_URL' => 'http://www.x4dojo.org/xbox-app/1.9/');
 * Compose XFile configuration
$XF_CONFIG = array("DEFAULT_STORE_OPTIONS" => array("fields" => $XF_NODE_FLAGS, "includeList" => $XF_VISIBLE_FILE_EXTENSIONS, "excludeList" => $XF_HIDDEN_FILE_EXTENSIONS), "LAYOUT_PRESET" => XF_LAYOUT_PRESET_SINGLE, "PANEL_OPTIONS" => array("ALLOW_NEW_TABS" => true, "ALLOW_MULTI_TAB" => false, "ALLOW_INFO_VIEW" => true, "ALLOW_LOG_VIEW" => true, "ALLOW_BREADCRUMBS" => true, "ALLOW_CONTEXT_MENU" => true, "ALLOW_LAYOUT_SELECTOR" => true, "ALLOW_SOURCE_SELECTOR" => true, "ALLOW_COLUMN_RESIZE" => true, "ALLOW_COLUMN_REORDER" => true, "ALLOW_COLUMN_HIDE" => true, "ALLOW_MAIN_MENU" => true, "ALLOW_ACTION_TOOLBAR" => true), "ALLOWED_ACTIONS" => array(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), "FILE_PANEL_OPTIONS_LEFT" => array("LAYOUT" => XF_PANEL_MODE_LIST, "AUTO_OPEN" => "true"), "FILE_PANEL_OPTIONS_MAIN" => array("LAYOUT" => XF_PANEL_MODE_LIST, "AUTO_OPEN" => "true"), "FILE_PANEL_OPTIONS_RIGHT" => array("LAYOUT" => XF_PANEL_MODE_LIST, "AUTO_OPEN" => "true"));
 * Include main files
require_once XAPP_BASEDIR . 'commander/Bootstrap.php';
require_once XAPP_BASEDIR . 'commander/App.php';
 * Bootstrap override