Example #1
  * @param type $fieldName
  * @param type $htmlOptions
 public function renderInput($fieldName, $htmlOptions = array())
     switch ($fieldName) {
         case 'color':
             $field = $this->getField($fieldName);
             $options = Dropdowns::getItems($field->linkType, null, false);
             $enableDropdownLegend = Yii::app()->settings->enableColorDropdownLegend;
             if ($enableDropdownLegend) {
                 $htmlOptions['options'] = array();
                 foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
                     $brightness = X2Color::getColorBrightness($value);
                     $fontColor = $brightness > 127.5 ? 'black' : 'white';
                     $htmlOptions['options'][$value] = array('style' => 'background-color: ' . $value . ';
                              color: ' . $fontColor);
             return CHtml::activeDropDownList($this, $field->fieldName, $options, $htmlOptions);
         case 'priority':
             return CHtml::activeDropdownList($this, 'priority', self::getPriorityLabels());
         case 'associationType':
             return X2Html::activeMultiTypeAutocomplete($this, 'associationType', 'associationId', array('calendar' => Yii::t('app', 'Select an option')) + X2Model::getAssociationTypeOptions());
         case 'reminder':
             $reminderInput = parent::renderInput($fieldName, array('class' => 'reminder-checkbox'));
             $reminderInput .= X2Html::openTag('div', X2Html::mergeHtmlOptions($htmlOptions, array('class' => 'reminder-config'))) . Yii::t('actions', 'Create a notification reminder for {user} {time} before this {action} ' . 'is due', array('{user}' => CHtml::activeDropDownList($this, 'notificationUsers', array('me' => Yii::t('actions', 'me'), 'assigned' => Yii::t('actions', 'the assigned user'), 'both' => Yii::t('actions', 'me and the assigned user'))), '{time}' => CHtml::activeDropDownList($this, 'notificationTime', array(1 => Yii::t('actions', '1 minute'), 5 => Yii::t('actions', '5 minutes'), 10 => Yii::t('actions', '10 minutes'), 15 => Yii::t('actions', '15 minutes'), 30 => Yii::t('actions', '30 minutes'), 60 => Yii::t('actions', '1 hour'), 1440 => Yii::t('actions', '1 day'), 10080 => Yii::t('actions', '1 week'))), '{action}' => lcfirst(Modules::displayName(false, 'Actions')))) . '</div>';
             return $reminderInput;
             return parent::renderInput($fieldName, $htmlOptions);
Example #2
  * @param type $fieldName
  * @param type $htmlOptions
 public function renderInput($fieldName, $htmlOptions = array())
     if ($fieldName === 'color') {
         $field = $this->getField($fieldName);
         $options = Dropdowns::getItems($field->linkType, null, false);
         $enableDropdownLegend = Yii::app()->settings->enableColorDropdownLegend;
         if ($enableDropdownLegend) {
             $htmlOptions['options'] = array();
             foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
                 $brightness = X2Color::getColorBrightness($value);
                 $fontColor = $brightness > 127.5 ? 'black' : 'white';
                 $htmlOptions['options'][$value] = array('style' => 'background-color: ' . $value . ';
                          color: ' . $fontColor);
         return CHtml::activeDropDownList($this, $field->fieldName, $options, $htmlOptions);
     } elseif ($fieldName == 'priority') {
         return CHtml::activeDropdownList($this, 'priority', self::getPriorityLabels());
     return parent::renderInput($fieldName, $htmlOptions);