Example #1
 public function load_report_stats($author_graph, $period_start, $period_end)
     global $user_ID, $current_user, $wp_post_types, $wpdb, $word_stats_options;
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
     # Loading the stats can timeout on some servers with 30s max execution and "all time" is selected
     $report['total_keywords'] = $report['recent_posts_rows'] = array();
     $report['totals_readability'][0] = $report['totals_readability'][1] = $report['totals_readability'][2] = $report['type_count']['custom'] = $dg_difficult_row = $dg_simple_row = $dg_short_row = $dg_long_row = $dg_no_keywords_row = $cached = $not_cached = 0;
     # Validate dates
     $period_start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($period_start));
     $period_end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($period_end) + 86400);
     # Last day included
     $ignore = Word_Stats_Core::get_ignored_keywords();
     foreach ($wp_post_types as $post_type) {
         $report['type_count'][$post_type->name] = 0;
         # Load only content and custom post types
         if (Word_Stats_Core::is_content_type($post_type->name)) {
             $query = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE post_type = %s AND " . (!$word_stats_options['count_unpublished'] ? "post_status = 'publish' AND " : '') . "post_date BETWEEN %s AND %s " . "ORDER BY post_date DESC", $post_type->name, $period_start, $period_end);
             $posts = $wpdb->get_results($query, OBJECT);
             foreach ($posts as $post) {
                 # load_report_stats is not meant to be called before all posts are cached.
                 # But in case a post happens to be created while the script was running, we cache it here.
                 if (!get_post_meta($post->ID, 'word_stats_cached', true)) {
                 $post_word_count = intval(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'word_stats_word_count', true));
                 $keywords = unserialize(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'word_stats_keywords', true));
                 # Add up words per author and aggregated. Group per month.
                 $post_month = mysql2date('Y-m', $post->post_date);
                 Word_Stats_Core::add_to_all(array(&$report['author_count'][-1][$post_type->name][$post_month], &$report['author_count'][$post->post_author][$post_type->name][$post_month], &$report['author_count_total'][$post->post_author], &$report['author_count_total'][-1]), $post_word_count);
                 # Divisor to calculate keyword density per 1000 words
                 $density_divisor = intval($post_word_count / 1000) ? intval($post_word_count / 1000) : 1;
                 # Unless the selected author is -1 (all), stats for posts by the selected author only
                 if ($author_graph == -1 || $post->post_author == $author_graph) {
                     $dg_relevant_keywords = $dg_spammed_keywords = array();
                     $too_short = (int) $word_stats_options['diagnostic_too_short'];
                     # For code readability
                     # Remove ignored words.
                     $keywords = bst_regfilter_keyword_counts($keywords, $ignore);
                     # Aggregate the keywords, then create two lists for keywords flagged as relevant and spammed, according to their density.
                     # Posts that are already flagged as too short aren't diagnosed as having no relevant keywords.
                     if ($keywords && is_array($keywords)) {
                         #empty arrays test false
                         foreach ($keywords as $key => $value) {
                             if ($report['total_keywords'][$key] === null) {
                                 $report['total_keywords'][$key] = 0;
                             $report['total_keywords'][$key] += (int) $value;
                             if ($post_word_count >= $too_short) {
                                 $density = $value / $density_divisor;
                                 if ($density > (int) $word_stats_options['diagnostic_no_keywords']) {
                                     $dg_relevant_keywords[$key] = true;
                                 if ($density > (int) $word_stats_options['diagnostic_spammed_keywords']) {
                                     $dg_spammed_keywords[$key] = $value;
                     # Counts per type. Custom post types are aggregated.
                     if ($post_type->name != 'post' && $post_type->name != 'page') {
                     } else {
                     # Get the readability index.
                     $ARI = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'readability_ARI', true);
                     $CLI = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'readability_CLI', true);
                     $LIX = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'readability_LIX', true);
                     if ($ARI && $CLI && $LIX) {
                         $ws_index_n = Word_Stats_Core::calc_ws_index($ARI, $CLI, $LIX);
                         # Aggregate levels in 3 tiers (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)
                         if ($ws_index_n < $word_stats_options['diagnostic_too_simple']) {
                             $ws_index = 0;
                         } elseif ($ws_index_n < $word_stats_options['diagnostic_too_difficult']) {
                             $ws_index = 1;
                         } else {
                             $ws_index = 2;
                     # Empty title fix.
                     $post_title = $post->post_title == '' ? '#' . $post->ID . ' ' . __('(no title)', 'word-stats') : htmlentities($post->post_title, null, 'utf-8');
                     $post_link = current_user_can('edit_post', $post->ID) ? '<a href=\'' . get_edit_post_link($post->ID) . '\'>' . $post_title . '</a>' : $post_title;
                     $common = array($post_link, $post_type->name, mysql2date('Y-m-d', $post->post_date), number_format($post_word_count));
                     if ($ws_index_n > (int) $word_stats_options['diagnostic_too_difficult'] && $post_word_count >= $too_short) {
                         $report['diagnostic']['too_difficult'][$dg_difficult_row] = Word_Stats_Admin::diagnostics_row($common, 'readability', round($ws_index_n));
                     if ($ws_index_n < (int) $word_stats_options['diagnostic_too_simple'] && $post_word_count >= $too_short) {
                         $report['diagnostic']['too_simple'][$dg_simple_row] = Word_Stats_Admin::diagnostics_row($common, 'readability', round($ws_index_n));
                     if ($post_word_count < $too_short) {
                         $report['diagnostic']['too_short'][$dg_short_row] = Word_Stats_Admin::diagnostics_row($common, 'readability', round($ws_index_n));
                     if ($post_word_count > intval($word_stats_options['diagnostic_too_long'])) {
                         $report['diagnostic']['too_long'][$dg_long_row] = Word_Stats_Admin::diagnostics_row($common, 'readability', round($ws_index_n));
                     if (empty($dg_relevant_keywords) && $post_word_count >= $too_short) {
                         $report['diagnostic']['no_keywords'][$dg_no_keywords_row] = Word_Stats_Admin::diagnostics_row($common, 'readability', round($ws_index_n));
                     if (count($dg_spammed_keywords) > 0) {
                         $report['diagnostic']['spammed_keywords'][$dg_spammed_row] = Word_Stats_Admin::diagnostics_row($common, 'keywords', implode(', ', array_keys($dg_spammed_keywords)));
     # Sort keywords by frequency, descending
     $report['total_keywords'] = array_reverse($report['total_keywords'], true);
     # Sort timeline
     return $report;
Example #2
				temp = allText.split( /[,;\\.\\(\\:]/ );
				var LIX = totalWords / temp.length + ( LIXlongwords * 100 ) / totalWords;
				LIX = LIX.toFixed( 1 );
				if ( LIX < 30 ) { LIXtext = \'<span style="color: #06a;">\' + LIX + "</span>"; }
				if ( LIX >= 30 && LIX < 55 ) { LIXtext = \'<span style="color: #0a6;">\' + LIX + "</span>"; }
				if ( LIX >= 55 ) { LIXtext = \'<span style="color: #c36;">\' + LIX + "</span>"; }

				temp = "";';
if ($word_stats_options['live_keywords']) {
    echo '
					/* Find keywords */
					var wordHash = new Array;
					var topCount = 0; ';
    # Find if we must retrieve ignored keywords and add them to an array.
    echo $word_stats_options['ignore_keywords'] || $word_stats_options['ignore_common'] ? 'var ignKeywords = new Array("' . implode(Word_Stats_Core::get_ignored_keywords(), '", "') . '");' : 'var ignKeywords = new Array;';
    echo '
					for (var i = 0; i < wordArray.length; i = i + 1) {
						wordArray[i] = wordArray[i].toLowerCase();
						if ( !bstMatchRegArray( ignKeywords, wordArray[i] ) ) {
						if ( wordArray[i].length > 2 ) {
							if ( !wordHash[ wordArray[i] ] ) { wordHash[ wordArray[i] ] = 0; }
							wordHash[ wordArray[i] ] = wordHash[ wordArray[i] ] + 1;
							if ( wordHash[ wordArray[i] ] > topCount ) { topCount = wordHash[ wordArray[i] ]; }
    // Add tags. Note $post has been declared global above.
    if ($word_stats_options['add_tags'] && get_the_tags($post->ID)) {
        echo '/* Add last saved tags */', "\n";
        foreach (get_the_tags($post->ID) as $tag) {