function associateLongInfinitivesAndParticiples() { $lexems = Lexem::loadUnassociated(); $numMatched = 0; foreach ($lexems as $l) { $matched = false; $wordlist = WordList::loadByUnaccented($l->unaccented); foreach ($wordlist as $wl) { if ($wl->inflectionId == 50 || $wl->inflectionId == 52) { $verb = Lexem::load($wl->lexemId); print "{$l->unaccented} :: {$verb->unaccented}\n"; $matched = true; $ldms = LexemDefinitionMap::loadByLexemId($verb->id); foreach ($ldms as $ldm) { $existingLdm = LexemDefinitionMap::load($l->id, $ldm->definitionId); if (!$existingLdm) { $newLdm = LexemDefinitionMap::create($l->id, $ldm->definitionId); $newLdm->save(); } } } } if ($matched) { $numMatched++; } } print "Matched {$numMatched} of " . count($lexems) . " total lexems.\n"; }
<?php require_once '../../phplib/util.php'; $PLURAL_INFLECTIONS = array(3, 11, 19, 27, 35); $SOURCES = loadSources(); define('DRY_RUN', true); $dbResult = mysql_query('select * from lexems where (lexem_model_type = "T") or (lexem_model_type in ("MQ", "FQ", "NQ") and lexem_restriction like "%P%")' . 'order by lexem_neaccentuat'); $found = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbResult)) { $lexem = Lexem::createFromDbRow($row); $wordLists = WordList::loadByUnaccented($lexem->unaccented); $matchingWordLists = array(); foreach ($wordLists as $wl) { if (in_array($wl->inflectionId, $PLURAL_INFLECTIONS) && $wl->lexemId != $lexem->id) { $matchingWordLists[] = $wl; } } if (count($matchingWordLists)) { $sources = getSourcesForLexem($lexem); print "{$lexem->unaccented} {$lexem->modelType}{$lexem->modelNumber}{$lexem->restriction} {$sources} " . "{$lexem->id}\n"; foreach ($matchingWordLists as $wl) { $match = Lexem::load($wl->lexemId); $sources = getSourcesForLexem($match); print " * {$match->unaccented} {$match->modelType}{$match->modelNumber}{$match->restriction} {$sources}" . "{$match->id}\n"; } $found++; } } print "{$found} lexeme semnalate.\n"; /**************************************************************/ function loadSources()