Example #1
 public static function GetNpcSameModel($modelId, $entry)
     $creatures = DB::World()->select("\n        SELECT\n        `a`.`entry`,\n        `a`.`name`,\n        `a`.`minlevel`,\n        `a`.`maxlevel`,\n        `a`.`rank`,\n        `a`.`type`,\n        %s\n        FROM `creature_template` AS `a`\n        %s\n        WHERE\n        (`a`.`modelid_1` IN (%s) OR `a`.`modelid_2` IN (%s) OR `a`.`modelid_3` IN (%s) OR `a`.`modelid_4` IN (%s))\n        AND\n        `a`.`entry` NOT IN (%s)\n        LIMIT 200", WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN ? '`b`.`name_loc' . WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() . '` AS `name_loc`' : 'NULL', WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN ? 'LEFT JOIN `locales_creature` AS `b` ON `b`.`entry` = `a`.`entry`' : null, $modelId, $modelId, $modelId, $modelId, $entry);
     if (!$creatures) {
         return false;
     foreach ($creatures as &$cr) {
         if (WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN) {
             if ($cr['name_loc'] != null) {
                 $cr['name'] = $cr['name_loc'];
         $cr['zone_info'] = WoW_Utils::GetNpcAreaInfo($cr['entry']);
     return $creatures;
Example #2
 private static function HandleQuest()
     if (!self::$m_quest) {
         return false;
     $fields_to_locale = array('Title', 'Details', 'Objectives', 'OfferRewardText', 'RequestItemsText', 'EndText', 'CompletedText', 'ObjectiveText1', 'ObjectiveText2', 'ObjectiveText3', 'ObjectiveText4');
     // Try to set localized fields
     foreach ($fields_to_locale as $field) {
         if (WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN) {
             if (isset(self::$m_quest[$field . '_loc']) && self::$m_quest[$field . '_loc'] != null) {
                 self::$m_quest[$field] = self::$m_quest[$field . '_loc'];
     // Zone?
     $zone_data = array();
     if (self::$m_quest['ZoneOrSort'] > 0) {
         // Find zone
         $zone_data = DB::World()->selectRow("\n            SELECT\n            `a`.`id`,\n            `a`.`mapID`,\n            `a`.`zoneID`,\n            `a`.`name_en` AS `name_original`,\n            `a`.`name_%s` AS `name_loc`\n            FROM `DBPREFIX_areas` AS `a`\n            WHERE `a`.`id` = %d", WoW_Locale::GetLocale(), self::$m_quest['ZoneOrSort']);
         if ($zone_data) {
             $zone_data = array('id' => $zone_data['id'], 'name' => WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN ? $zone_data['name_loc'] : $zone_data['name_original']);
     // Find NPC relations (start/end)
     $quest_relation = array('start' => 'creature_questrelation', 'end' => 'creature_involvedrelation');
     foreach ($quest_relation as &$relation) {
         $table = $relation;
         $relation = array('npc' => array(), 'zone' => array());
         $relation['npc'] = DB::World()->selectRow("\n            SELECT\n            `a`.`id`,\n            `b`.`guid`,\n            `b`.`map`,\n            `b`.`position_x`,\n            `b`.`position_y`,\n            `c`.`name`,\n            `c`.`faction_A`,\n            `c`.`faction_H`,\n            %s\n            FROM `%s` AS `a`\n            LEFT JOIN `creature` AS `b` ON `b`.`id` = `a`.`id`\n            LEFT JOIN `creature_template` AS `c` ON `c`.`entry` = `a`.`id`\n            %s\n            WHERE `a`.`quest` = %d", WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN ? '`d`.`name_loc' . WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() . '` AS `name_loc`' : 'NULL', $table, WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN ? 'LEFT JOIN `locales_creature` AS `d` ON `d`.`entry` = `a`.`id`' : null, self::$m_quest['entry']);
         if (!$relation['npc']) {
             $relation = false;
         $relation['zone'] = WoW_Utils::GetNpcAreaInfo($relation['npc']['id'], $relation['npc'], true);
         if (WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN) {
             if (isset($relation['npc']['name_loc']) && $relation['npc']['name_loc'] != null) {
                 $relation['npc']['name'] = $relation['npc']['name_loc'];
             if (isset($relation['zone']['zoneName_loc']) && $relation['zone']['zoneName_loc'] != null) {
                 $relation['zone']['zoneName'] = $relation['zone']['zoneName_loc'];
     if (!$quest_relation['start'] && !$quest_relation['end']) {
         $quest_relation = null;
     // Objectives
     $items_to_add = array();
     self::$m_quest['ObjectivesText'] = '';
     self::$m_quest['ObjectivesTextScript'] = '';
     $obj_item_icon = 1;
     // Kill %d players
     if (self::$m_quest['PlayersSlain'] > 0) {
         self::$m_quest['ObjectivesText'] .= '<tr><th><ul><li><var>&nbsp;</var></li></ul></th><td>' . sprintf(WoW_Locale::GetString('template_quest_obj_players_slain'), self::$m_quest['PlayersSlain']) . '</td></tr>';
     // Provided item
     if (self::$m_quest['SrcItemId'] > 0) {
         $src_item = WoW_Items::GetBasicItemInfo(self::$m_quest['SrcItemId']);
         if (is_array($src_item)) {
             $items_to_add = array_merge($items_to_add, array($src_item));
             self::$m_quest['ObjectivesText'] .= sprintf('<tr><th align="right" id="iconlist-icon%d"></th><td><span class="q%d"><a href="%s/item=%d">%s</a></span> %s</td></tr>', $obj_item_icon, $src_item['quality'], WoW::GetWoWPath(), $src_item['entry'], $src_item['name'], WoW_Locale::GetString('template_quest_item_provided'));
             self::$m_quest['ObjectivesTextScript'] .= '$WH.ge(\'iconlist-icon' . $obj_item_icon . '\').appendChild(g_items.createIcon(' . $src_item['entry'] . ', 0, 1))';
     // Related items
     $items = array();
     $rewardItems = array();
     $choiceItems = array();
     $rewItemData = array();
     $choiceItemData = array();
     // Find items
     for ($i = 1; $i < 7; ++$i) {
         if ($i < 5) {
             if (!in_array(self::$m_quest['RewItemId' . $i], $items)) {
                 $items[self::$m_quest['RewItemId' . $i]] = self::$m_quest['RewItemId' . $i];
                 $rewardItems[] = array('itemId' => self::$m_quest['RewItemId' . $i], 'count' => self::$m_quest['RewItemCount' . $i]);
         if (!in_array(self::$m_quest['RewChoiceItemId' . $i], $items)) {
             $items[self::$m_quest['RewChoiceItemId' . $i]] = self::$m_quest['RewChoiceItemId' . $i];
             $choiceItems[] = array('itemId' => self::$m_quest['RewChoiceItemId' . $i], 'count' => self::$m_quest['RewChoiceItemCount' . $i]);
     // Load basic items info for reward items
     if (is_array($rewardItems)) {
         $ids = array();
         foreach ($rewardItems as $it) {
             if (!in_array($it['itemId'], $ids)) {
                 $ids[] = $it['itemId'];
         $rewItemData = WoW_Items::GetBasicItemInfo($ids);
     // Load basic items info for choice reward items
     if (is_array($choiceItems)) {
         $ids = array();
         foreach ($choiceItems as $it) {
             if (!in_array($it['itemId'], $ids)) {
                 $ids[] = $it['itemId'];
         $choiceItemData = WoW_Items::GetBasicItemInfo($ids);
     self::$m_quest['ReceiveRewardText'] = array('text' => '', 'script' => '');
     self::$m_quest['ChoiceRewardText'] = array('text' => '', 'script' => '');
     $rewMoney = self::$m_quest['RewOrReqMoney'] > 0 ? self::$m_quest['RewOrReqMoney'] : 0;
     if ($rewMoney > 0) {
         $isRecieve = true;
         $money = WoW_Utils::GetMoneyFormat($rewMoney);
         self::$m_quest['ReceiveRewardText']['text'] .= sprintf('%s%s%s', $money['gold'] > 0 ? sprintf('<span class="moneygold">%d</span> ', $money['gold']) : null, $money['silver'] > 0 ? sprintf('<span class="moneysilver">%d</span> ', $money['silver']) : null, $money['copper'] > 0 ? sprintf('<span class="moneycopper">%d</span> ', $money['copper']) : null);
     $item_to_add = array(array('field' => 'ReceiveRewardText', 'var' => $rewItemData), array('field' => 'ChoiceRewardText', 'var' => $choiceItemData));
     // Generate rewards text
     foreach ($item_to_add as $item) {
         if (is_array($item['var']) && sizeof($item['var']) > 0) {
             self::$m_quest[$item['field']]['text'] .= '<table class="icontab icontab-box">';
             $i = 0;
             $item_icon = 1;
             $tr_opened = false;
             $tr_closed = true;
             foreach ($item['var'] as $it) {
                 if ($i == 2) {
                     self::$m_quest[$item['field']]['text'] .= '</tr>';
                     $i = 0;
                     $tr_closed = true;
                     $tr_opened = false;
                 if ($i == 0) {
                     self::$m_quest[$item['field']]['text'] .= '<tr>';
                     $tr_closed = false;
                     $tr_opened = true;
                 self::$m_quest[$item['field']]['text'] .= sprintf('<th id="icontab-icon%d"></th><td><span class="q%d"><a href="%s/item=%d">%s</a></span></td>', $item_icon, $it['quality'], WoW::GetWoWPath(), $it['entry'], WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN && isset($it['name_loc']) && $it['name_loc'] != null ? $it['name_loc'] : $it['name']);
                 self::$m_quest[$item['field']]['script'] .= sprintf('$WH.ge(\'icontab-icon%d\').appendChild(g_items.createIcon(%d, 1, 1));', $item_icon, $it['entry']);
             if ($tr_opened && !$tr_closed) {
                 self::$m_quest[$item['field']]['text'] .= '</tr>';
             self::$m_quest[$item['field']]['text'] .= '</table>';
     // Merge items arrays
     if (is_array($rewItemData) && is_array($choiceItemData)) {
         $items_info = array_merge($rewItemData, $choiceItemData);
         // If any item found
     } elseif (is_array($rewItemData)) {
         $items_info = $rewItemData;
     } elseif (is_array($choiceItemData)) {
         $items_info = $choiceItemData;
     if (is_array($items_to_add)) {
         $items_info = array_merge($items_info, $items_to_add);
     // Find quest in achievement criterias
     $achievements_cr = DB::World()->select("\n        SELECT\n        `a`.`referredAchievement`,\n        `b`.`id`,\n        `b`.`factionFlag` AS `side`,\n        `b`.`name_en` AS `name_original`,\n        `b`.`name_%s` AS `name_loc`,\n        `b`.`desc_en` AS `desc_original`,\n        `b`.`desc_%s` AS `desc_loc`,\n        `b`.`categoryId`,\n        `b`.`iconID`,\n        `b`.`points`,\n        `c`.`icon`,\n        `d`.`parentCategory`,\n        `d`.`name_en` AS `categoryName_original`,\n        `d`.`name_%s` AS `categoryName_loc`\n        FROM `DBPREFIX_achievement_criteria` AS `a`\n        LEFT JOIN `DBPREFIX_achievement` AS `b` ON `b`.`id` = `a`.`referredAchievement`\n        LEFT JOIN `DBPREFIX_spell_icon` AS `c` ON `c`.`id` = `b`.`iconID`\n        LEFT JOIN `DBPREFIX_achievement_category` AS `d` ON `d`.`id` = `b`.`categoryId`\n        WHERE `a`.`requiredType` = 27 AND `a`.`data` = %d\n        ", WoW_Locale::GetLocale(), WoW_Locale::GetLocale(), WoW_Locale::GetLocale(), self::GetID());
     $achievements = array();
     if (is_array($achievements_cr)) {
         foreach ($achievements_cr as $ach) {
             $ach['name'] = WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN && isset($ach['name_loc']) && $ach['name_loc'] != null ? $ach['name_loc'] : $ach['name_original'];
             $ach['desc'] = WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN && isset($ach['desc_loc']) && $ach['desc_loc'] != null ? $ach['desc_loc'] : $ach['desc_original'];
             $ach['categoryName'] = WoW_Locale::GetLocaleID() != LOCALE_EN && isset($ach['categoryName_loc']) && $ach['categoryName_loc'] != null ? $ach['categoryName_loc'] : $ach['categoryName_original'];
             $achievements[] = array('id' => $ach['id'], 'name' => $ach['name'], 'desc' => $ach['desc'], 'categoryName' => $ach['categoryName'], 'categoryId' => $ach['categoryId'], 'icon' => $ach['icon'], 'points' => $ach['points'], 'side' => $ach['side'], 'parentCategory' => $ach['parentCategory']);
         unset($achievements_cr, $ach);
     // Set page title
     WoW_Template::SetPageData('quest_name', self::$m_quest['Title']);
     $quest = self::$m_quest;
     self::$m_quest = array('items' => $items_info, 'quest' => $quest, 'achievements' => $achievements, 'zone' => $zone_data, 'relations' => $quest_relation);
     //echo '<pre>';
     unset($quest, $items, $items_info);