public function getSearchResults($term, $totalLimit = self::SEARCH_RESULTS_LIMIT) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $term = trim($term); $ret = array(); if (!empty($this->app->wg->EnableWikiaSearchExt) && !empty($term)) { wfloadExtensionMessages('GameGuides'); $cacheKey = $this->generateCacheKey(__METHOD__ . ':' . str_replace(array(' ', "\n", "\t", "\r"), '_', $term) . ":{$totalLimit}"); $ret = $this->loadFromCache($cacheKey); if (empty($ret)) { $resultSet = $this->getResultSet($term, $totalLimit); $ret['textResults'] = array(); $count = 0; if ($resultSet->hasResults()) { $textResults = array(); $mwService = new Wikia\Search\MediaWikiService(); foreach ($resultSet as $result) { try { $textResults[] = array('textForm' => $result->getTitle(), 'urlForm' => $mwService->getLocalUrlForPageId($result['pageid'], array('useskin' => GameGuidesController::SKIN_NAME))); $count++; } catch (Exception $e) { } // result is probably stale/deleted } $ret['textResults'] = $textResults; $ret['count'] = $count; } } $this->storeInCache($cacheKey, $ret); } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $ret; }
<?php /** * Lets us test the performance of a given snippetting approach * @package MediaWiki * @addtopackage maintenance */ ini_set("include_path", dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../../maintenance/"); require_once ""; $options = getopt('i:s::fc::', ['id:', 'service::', 'force', 'conf::']); global $wgEnableParserCache, $wgAllowMemcacheReads; $wgEnableParserCache = false; $wgAllowMemcacheReads = false; $articleId = $options['id']; $mws = new Wikia\Search\MediaWikiService(); $service = new ArticleService($mws->getCanonicalPageIdFromPageId($articleId)); $start = microtime(true); $type = 'default'; if (isset($options['service']) && $options['service'] == 'solr') { $type = 'solr'; $response = $service->getTextSnippetFromSolr(); } else { $response = $service->getTextSnippet(); } echo sprintf("%.2f (%s) %s\n", microtime(true) - $start, $type, $response);
<?php // get wiki thumbnail and thumbnail tracking $isOnWikiMatch = isset($result['onWikiMatch']) && $result['onWikiMatch']; $imageFileName = PromoImage::fromPathname($result['image_s'])->ensureCityIdIsSet($result['id'])->getPathname(); $imageOriginalURL = ImagesService::getImageSrcByTitle($corporateWikiId, $imageFileName, WikiaSearchController::CROSS_WIKI_PROMO_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, WikiaSearchController::CROSS_WIKI_PROMO_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); if (!empty($imageOriginalURL)) { $imageURL = ImagesService::overrideThumbnailFormat($imageOriginalURL, ImagesService::EXT_JPG); $thumbTracking = 'class="wiki-thumb-tracking" data-pos="' . $pos . '" data-event="search_click_wiki-thumb"'; } if (empty($imageURL)) { // display placeholder image if no thumbnail $imageURL = $wg->ExtensionsPath . '/wikia/Search/images/wiki_image_placeholder.png'; $thumbTracking = 'class="wiki-thumb-tracking" data-pos="' . $pos . '" data-event="search_click_wiki-no-thumb"'; } $service = new Wikia\Search\MediaWikiService(); $pagesMsg = $service->shortnumForMsg($result['articles_i'] ?: 0, 'wikiasearch2-pages'); $imgMsg = $service->shortnumForMsg($result['images_i'] ?: 0, 'wikiasearch2-images'); $videoMsg = $service->shortnumForMsg($result['videos_i'] ?: 0, 'wikiasearch2-videos'); $title = ($sn = $result->getText('sitename_txt')) ? $sn : $result->getText('headline_txt'); $url = $result->getText('url'); ?> <li class="result"> <?php $suffix = $result['exactWikiMatch'] ? "match" : "wiki"; $trackingData = 'class="result-link" data-pos="' . $pos . '" data-event="search_click_' . $suffix . '"'; ?> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?>
/** * JSON service that supports the access of video (and optionally photo) content from both * the current and premium video wiki. * * Request params: * -- q (required) the query * -- videoOnly (optional) whether to only include videos (false by default) * -- next (optional) pagination value * */ public function combinedMediaSearch() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $query = $request->getVal('q'); if (strlen($query) == 0) { throw new Exception("Please include a query value for parameter 'q'"); } $config = new Wikia\Search\Config(); $videoOnly = (bool) $request->getVal('videoOnly', false); $config->setQuery($query)->setCombinedMediaSearch(true)->setCombinedMediaSearchIsVideoOnly($videoOnly)->setLimit(4)->setStart($this->getVal('next', 0)); $results = $this->queryServiceFactory->getFromConfig($config)->searchAsApi(['url', 'id', 'pageid', 'wid', 'title'], true); $dimensions = ['width' => 120, 'height' => 90]; $service = new \Wikia\Search\MediaWikiService(); foreach ($results['items'] as &$result) { if (!isset($result['thumbnail'])) { $result['thumbnail'] = $service->getThumbnailHtmlFromFileTitle($result['title'], $dimensions); } } $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor("Search"); $results['videoUrl'] = $title->getLocalURL(['ns6' => 1, 'fulltext' => 'Search', 'search' => $query, 'filters[]' => $videoOnly ? 'is_video' : '']); $response = $this->getResponse(); $response->setFormat('json'); $response->setData($results); }