Example #1
$conf = array('domain' => array(), 'api' => array('nohtml' => 'true'), 'tools' => array('static' => 'tools.html', 'title' => 'Tools'), 'faq' => array('static' => 'faq.html', 'title' => 'FAQ'), 'apidoc' => array('static' => 'apidoc.html', 'title' => 'API Docs'), 'home' => array('static' => 'home.html', 'title' => 'Whomsy'));
// make sense of the request
$url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if (empty($_REQUEST) && !empty($url['query'])) {
    // dreamhost quirk with phpcgi
    parse_str($url['query'], $_REQUEST);
$url = $url['path'];
$self = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if ($self !== '/') {
    // app not in the server root
    $url = str_replace($self, '', $url);
    $self = $self . '/';
$url = ltrim($url, '/');
$request = explode('/', $url);
if (!in_array($request[0], array_keys($conf))) {
    $request[0] = 'home';
// define useful constants
define('HOME', $self);
define('PAGEID', $request[0]);
// the requested page
define('DOMAIN', !empty($_REQUEST['domain']) ? $_REQUEST['domain'] : @$request[1]);
// domain, if any
$conf = $conf[PAGEID];
// config for the requested page
// the "business" logic
$data = WhomsyModel::getData($conf, DOMAIN);
// render the view
WhomsyView::render($data, $conf);