Example #1
  * 获取用户详情
 public function customerInfo()
     $cus_id = Auth::id();
     $customer = Auth::user()->name;
     $customer_info = CustomerInfo::where('cus_id', $cus_id)->first();
     $data['company_name'] = $customer_info->company;
     $domain_pc = $customer_info->pc_domain;
     $data['domain_pc'] = str_replace('http://', '', $domain_pc);
     $domain_m = $customer_info->mobile_domain;
     $data['domain_m'] = str_replace('http://', '', $domain_m);
     if ($customer_info->favicon != '') {
         $data['favicon'] = asset('customers/' . $customer . '/images/l/common/' . $customer_info->favicon);
     if ($customer_info->logo != '') {
         $data['logo_large'] = asset('customers/' . $customer . '/images/l/common/' . $customer_info->logo);
     if ($customer_info->logo_small != '') {
         $data['logo_small'] = asset('customers/' . $customer . '/images/l/common/' . $customer_info->logo_small);
     $data['pc_header_script'] = $customer_info->pc_header_script;
     $data['mobile_header_script'] = $customer_info->mobile_header_script;
     $data['title'] = $customer_info->title;
     $data['keywords'] = $customer_info->keywords;
     $data['description'] = $customer_info->description;
     $data['footer'] = $customer_info->footer;
     $data['mobile_footer'] = $customer_info->mobile_footer;
     $data['pc_footer_script'] = $customer_info->pc_footer_script;
     $data['mobile_footer_script'] = $customer_info->mobile_footer_script;
     $data['pc_num_per_page'] = $customer_info->pc_page_count;
     $data['pc_num_pagenav'] = $customer_info->pc_page_links;
     $data['m_num_per_page'] = $customer_info->mobile_page_count;
     $data['m_num_pagenav'] = $customer_info->mobile_page_links;
     $data['contactor'] = $customer_info->contact_name;
     $data['telephone'] = $customer_info->telephone;
     $data['mobile'] = $customer_info->mobile;
     $data['fax'] = $customer_info->fax;
     $data['mail'] = $customer_info->email;
     $data['qq'] = $customer_info->qq;
     $data['address'] = $customer_info->address;
     $websiteinfo = WebsiteInfo::where('cus_id', $cus_id)->select('pc_tpl_id', 'mobile_tpl_id')->first();
     $pc_tpl_name = Template::where('id', $websiteinfo->pc_tpl_id)->pluck('name');
     $pc_ini = parse_ini_file(public_path('/templates/' . $pc_tpl_name . '/config.ini'), true);
     $data['pc_logo_size'] = isset($pc_ini['Config']['LogoSize']) ? strtr($pc_ini['Config']['LogoSize'], '*', '/') : 0;
     $mobile_tpl_name = Template::where('id', $websiteinfo->mobile_tpl_id)->pluck('name');
     $mobile_ini = parse_ini_file(public_path('/templates/' . $mobile_tpl_name . '/config.ini'), true);
     $data['m_logo_size'] = isset($mobile_ini['Config']['LogoSize']) ? strtr($mobile_ini['Config']['LogoSize'], '*', '/') : 0;
     $result['err'] = 0;
     $result['msg'] = '';
     $result['data'] = $data;
     return Response::json($result);
Example #2
 public function classifyList()
     $customer = Auth::user()->name;
     $cus_id = Auth::id();
     $classify = Classify::where('cus_id', $cus_id)->orderBy('sort')->orderBy('id')->get()->toArray();
     $showtypetotal = WebsiteInfo::where('website_info.cus_id', $cus_id)->LeftJoin('template', 'mobile_tpl_id', '=', 'template.id')->select('template.list1showtypetotal', 'template.list2showtypetotal', 'template.list3showtypetotal', 'template.list4showtypetotal')->first();
     if (count($classify)) {
         foreach ($classify as &$c_arr) {
             $liststr = 'list' . $c_arr['type'] . 'showtypetotal';
             $c_arr['showtypetotal'] = $showtypetotal->{$liststr};
             if ($c_arr['mobile_show']) {
                 $c_arr['show'] = MobileHomepage::where('c_id', $c_arr['id'])->where('cus_id', $cus_id)->pluck('index_show');
     $result['err'] = 0;
     $result['msg'] = '';
     $result['data'] = $this->toTree($classify);
     return Response::json($result);
Example #3
  * 获取用户详情
 public function customerInfo()
     $cus_id = Auth::id();
     $customer = Auth::user()->name;
     $weburl = Customer::where('id', $cus_id)->pluck('weburl');
     $suf_url = str_replace('http://c', '', $weburl);
     $customer_info = CustomerInfo::where('cus_id', $cus_id)->first();
     $data['company_name'] = $customer_info->company;
     $domain_pc = $customer_info->pc_domain;
     $data['domain_pc'] = str_replace('http://', '', $domain_pc);
     $domain_m = $customer_info->mobile_domain;
     $data['domain_m'] = str_replace('http://', '', $domain_m);
     $data['def_domain_pc'] = $customer . $suf_url;
     $data['def_domain_m'] = "m." . $customer . $suf_url;
     if ($customer_info->favicon != '') {
         $data['favicon'] = asset('customers/' . $customer . '/images/l/common/' . $customer_info->favicon);
     if ($customer_info->logo != '') {
         $data['logo_large'] = asset('customers/' . $customer . '/images/l/common/' . $customer_info->logo);
     if ($customer_info->logo_small != '') {
         $data['logo_small'] = asset('customers/' . $customer . '/images/l/common/' . $customer_info->logo_small);
     $data['pc_header_script'] = $customer_info->pc_header_script;
     $data['mobile_header_script'] = $customer_info->mobile_header_script;
     $data['title'] = $customer_info->title;
     $data['keywords'] = $customer_info->keywords;
     $data['description'] = $customer_info->description;
     $data['footer'] = $customer_info->footer;
     $data['mobile_footer'] = $customer_info->mobile_footer;
     $data['pc_footer_script'] = $customer_info->pc_footer_script;
     $data['mobile_footer_script'] = $customer_info->mobile_footer_script;
     $data['pc_num_per_page'] = $customer_info->pc_page_count;
     $data['pc_imgtxt_per_page'] = $customer_info->pc_page_imgtxt_count;
     $data['pc_txt_per_page'] = $customer_info->pc_page_txt_count;
     $data['pc_img_per_page'] = $customer_info->pc_page_img_count;
     $data['pc_page_count_switch'] = $customer_info->pc_page_count_switch;
     $data['copyright'] = $customer_info->copyright;
     $data['pc_num_pagenav'] = $customer_info->pc_page_links;
     $data['m_num_per_page'] = $customer_info->mobile_page_count;
     $data['m_num_pagenav'] = $customer_info->mobile_page_links;
     $data['contactor'] = $customer_info->contact_name;
     $data['telephone'] = $customer_info->telephone;
     $data['mobile'] = $customer_info->mobile;
     $data['fax'] = $customer_info->fax;
     $data['mail'] = $customer_info->email;
     $data['qq'] = $customer_info->qq;
     $data['address'] = $customer_info->address;
     $data['enlarge'] = $customer_info->enlarge;
     $data['lang'] = $customer_info->lang;
     $data['background_music'] = $customer_info->background_music;
     $data['talent_support'] = $customer_info->talent_support;
     $data['lastpushtime'] = strtotime($customer_info->lastpushtime);
     $data['floatadv'] = json_decode($customer_info->floatadv);
     foreach ((array) $data['floatadv'] as $key => $val) {
         if (!isset($val->type) || $val->type == 'adv') {
             $data['floatadv'][$key]->url = asset('customers/' . $customer . '/images/l/common/' . $val->adv);
     $websiteinfo = WebsiteInfo::where('cus_id', $cus_id)->select('pc_tpl_id', 'mobile_tpl_id')->first();
     $pc_tpl_name = Template::where('id', $websiteinfo->pc_tpl_id)->pluck('name');
     if ($pc_tpl_name != null) {
         $pc_ini = parse_ini_file(public_path('/templates/' . $pc_tpl_name . '/config.ini'), true);
     } else {
         $pc_ini = false;
     $data['pc_logo_size'] = isset($pc_ini['Config']['LogoSize']) ? strtr($pc_ini['Config']['LogoSize'], '*', '/') : 0;
     $mobile_tpl_name = Template::where('id', $websiteinfo->mobile_tpl_id)->pluck('name');
     if ($mobile_tpl_name != null) {
         $mobile_ini = parse_ini_file(public_path('/templates/' . $mobile_tpl_name . '/config.ini'), true);
     } else {
         $mobile_ini = false;
     $data['m_logo_size'] = isset($mobile_ini['Config']['LogoSize']) ? strtr($mobile_ini['Config']['LogoSize'], '*', '/') : 0;
     $result['err'] = 0;
     $result['msg'] = '';
     $result['data'] = $data;
     return Response::json($result);
Example #4
 public function mhomepageModify()
     $cus_id = Auth::id();
     $template_id = WebsiteInfo::where('cus_id', $cus_id)->pluck('mobile_tpl_id');
     $data = Input::all();
     $keys = array_keys($data);
     if ($keys[0] == 'slidepics') {
         if ($data['slidepics'] != '') {
             foreach ($data['slidepics'] as $key => $val) {
                 $data['slidepics'][$key]['title'] = $data['slidepics'][$key]['PC_name'];
                 $data['slidepics'][$key]['image'] = basename($data['slidepics'][$key]['phone_info_pic']);
                 $data['slidepics'][$key]['link'] = $data['slidepics'][$key]['PC_link'];
     $config_str = WebsiteConfig::where('cus_id', $cus_id)->where('type', 2)->where('template_id', $template_id)->pluck('value');
     if ($config_str) {
         $config_arr = unserialize($config_str);
         $config_arr[$keys[0]]['value'] = $data[$keys[0]];
     } else {
         $mobile = new PrintController('preview', 'mobile');
         $config_arr = $mobile->mobilePageList('global', true);
         $config_arr[$keys[0]]['value'] = $data[$keys[0]];
     $new_config_str = serialize($config_arr);
     if ($config_str) {
         $result = DB::table('website_config')->where('cus_id', $cus_id)->where('type', 2)->where('template_id', $template_id)->update(array('value' => $new_config_str));
     } else {
         $result = DB::table('website_config')->insert(array('cus_id' => $cus_id, 'type' => 2, 'template_id' => $template_id, 'key' => 'global', 'value' => $new_config_str));
     if ($result) {
         $return_msg = array('err' => 0, 'msg' => '');
     } else {
         $return_msg = array('err' => 3001, 'msg' => '修改失败', 'data' => array());
     return Response::json($return_msg);
Example #5
if (!isset($_SESSION['csrfKey'])) {
    $_SESSION['csrfKey'] = md5(uniqid());
include $prevFolder . "_config.php";
//define("BASE_DIRECTORY", str_replace("//", "/", $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$MAIN_ROOT));
define("MAIN_ROOT", $MAIN_ROOT);
$PAGE_NAME = "";
include_once BASE_DIRECTORY . "_functions.php";
$mysqli = new btmysql($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
$logObj = new Basic($mysqli, "logs", "log_id");
// Get Clan Info
$webInfoObj = new WebsiteInfo($mysqli);
$websiteInfo = $webInfoObj->get_info_filtered();
$CLAN_NAME = $websiteInfo['clanname'];
$THEME = $websiteInfo['theme'];
define("THEME", $THEME);
$arrWebsiteLogoURL = parse_url($websiteInfo['logourl']);
if (!isset($arrWebsiteLogoURL['scheme']) || $arrWebsiteLogoURL['scheme'] == "") {
    $websiteInfo['logourl'] = $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/" . $websiteInfo['logourl'];
// Check Debug Mode
if ($websiteInfo['debugmode'] == 1) {
    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING & ~E_STRICT);
} else {
Example #6
  * 文件上传
  * ===点击选择图片后上传===
 public function fileupload()
     $customer = Auth::user()->name;
     $cus_id = Auth::id();
     $target = Input::get('target');
     $files = Input::file();
     $dir = public_path('customers/' . $customer . '/cache_images/');
     $customerinfo = Customer::find($cus_id);
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
     //        $size = 0; //===文件大小
     if ($files) {
         if ($target == 'imgcache') {
             $id = $cus_id;
             $filename = Input::get('filename');
             $filename = explode('.', $filename);
             $filetype = end($filename);
             $name = WebsiteInfo::leftJoin('template', 'pc_tpl_id', '=', 'template.id')->where('website_info.cus_id', $id)->pluck('name');
             if ($files['upload_file0']->isValid()) {
                 $type = $files['upload_file0']->getClientOriginalExtension();
                 $truth_name = time() . mt_rand(100, 999) . '.' . $type;
                 $up_result = $files['upload_file0']->move(public_path('templates/' . $name . '/img_cache/'), $truth_name);
                 if ($up_result) {
                     $load['name'] = $truth_name;
                     if ($filetype == 'html') {
                         $load['url'] = '{$site_url}images/' . $truth_name;
                     } elseif ($filetype == 'json') {
                         $load['url'] = 'images/' . $truth_name;
                     } else {
                         $load['url'] = '../images/' . $truth_name;
                     $return = ['err' => 0, 'msg' => '图片上传成功', 'data' => $load];
                 } else {
                     $return = ['err' => 1001, 'msg' => '图片上传失败', 'data' => ''];
             return Response::json($return);
         } else {
             $data = array();
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 if ($file->isValid()) {
                     $type = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
                     $fileName = time() . str_random(4) . '.' . $type;
                     $up_result = $file->move($dir . '/', $fileName);
                     if ($up_result) {
                         $data[$i]['name'] = $fileName;
                         $data[$i]['url'] = asset('customers/' . $customer . '/cache_images/' . $fileName);
             return Response::json(['err' => 0, 'msg' => '$target!=imgcache', 'data' => $data]);
     } else {
         $file = Input::get('image');
         if (strpos($file, 'jpeg')) {
             $type = 'jpg';
         } else {
             $type = 'png';
         $fileName = time() . str_random(4) . '.' . $type;
         if (strpos($file, 'jpeg')) {
             $upload = file_put_contents($dir . '/' . $fileName, base64_decode(preg_replace('/data\\:image\\/jpeg\\;base64\\,/i', '', $file)));
         } else {
             $upload = file_put_contents($dir . '/' . $fileName, base64_decode(preg_replace('/data\\:image\\/png\\;base64\\,/i', '', $file)));
         if ($upload) {
             return Response::json(['err' => 0, 'msg' => 'empty($file)&&$upload', 'data' => ['name' => $fileName, 'url' => asset('customers/' . $customer . '/cache_images/' . $fileName), 's_url' => '/images/s/' . $target . '/' . $fileName]]);
         } else {
             return Response::json(['err' => 1001, 'msg' => '上传文件失败', 'data' => []]);
Example #7
 public function notifyNewMember($accepted = true)
     $webInfoObj = new WebsiteInfo($this->MySQL);
     $webInfo = $webInfoObj->get_info_filtered();
     $to = $this->arrObjInfo['email'];
     if ($accepted) {
         $subject = $webInfo['clanname'] . ": Member Application Accepted";
         $message = "You have been accepted to become a full member of " . $webInfo['clanname'] . "!  Go to <a href='" . FULL_SITE_URL . "'>" . FULL_SITE_URL . "</a> to log in to your account.";
     } else {
         $subject = $webInfo['clanname'] . ": Member Application Declined";
         $message = "Your application to become a member of " . $webInfo['clanname'] . " has been declined.  You may try signing up again by going to <a href='" . FULL_SITE_URL . "'>" . FULL_SITE_URL . "</a>.";
     $webInfoObj->objBTMail->sendMail($to, $subject, $message);
Example #8
  * 定义用户id、用户名、
  * @param string $showtpye
  * @param string $type
 function __construct($showtpye = 'preview', $type = 'pc')
     $this->showtype = $showtpye;
     $this->type = $type;
     $this->cus_id = Auth::id();
     $this->customer = Auth::user()->name;
     if ($this->showtype == 'preview') {
         $this->source_dir = '/customers/' . $this->customer . '/images/';
         //asset('customers/' . $this->customer . '/images/') . '/';
         if ($this->type == 'mobile') {
             $this->domain = '/mobile';
             //url() . '/mobile';
             $this->tpl_id = WebsiteInfo::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->pluck('mobile_tpl_id');
             $this->themename = DB::table('template')->leftJoin('website_info', 'website_info.mobile_tpl_id', '=', 'template.id')->where('website_info.cus_id', '=', $this->cus_id)->pluck('template.name');
             $this->source_dir = '/customers/' . $this->customer . '/mobile/images/';
             //asset('customers/' . $this->customer . '/mobile/images/') . '/';
             self::$cus_domain = '';
             //CustomerInfo::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->pluck('mobile_domain');
         } else {
             $this->domain = '';
             $this->tpl_id = WebsiteInfo::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->pluck('pc_tpl_id');
             $this->themename = DB::table('template')->leftJoin('website_info', 'website_info.pc_tpl_id', '=', 'template.id')->where('website_info.cus_id', '=', $this->cus_id)->pluck('template.name');
             self::$cus_domain = '';
             //CustomerInfo::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->pluck('pc_domain');
         $this->site_url = '/templates/' . $this->themename . '/';
     } else {
         if ($this->type == 'mobile') {
             $this->tpl_id = WebsiteInfo::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->pluck('mobile_tpl_id');
             $this->themename = DB::table('template')->leftJoin('website_info', 'website_info.mobile_tpl_id', '=', 'template.id')->where('website_info.cus_id', '=', $this->cus_id)->pluck('template.name');
             $mobile_domain = CustomerInfo::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->pluck('mobile_domain');
             $mobile_domain = str_replace('http://', '', $mobile_domain);
             if (strpos($mobile_domain, '/mobile')) {
                 $this->domain = '/mobile';
             //$this->domain = '';//CustomerInfo::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->pluck('mobile_domain');
         } else {
             $this->tpl_id = WebsiteInfo::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->pluck('pc_tpl_id');
             $this->themename = DB::table('template')->leftJoin('website_info', 'website_info.pc_tpl_id', '=', 'template.id')->where('website_info.cus_id', '=', $this->cus_id)->pluck('template.name');
             $this->domain = '';
             //CustomerInfo::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->pluck('pc_domain');
         self::$cus_domain = '';
         // $this->domain;
         $this->site_url = $this->domain . '/';
         $this->source_dir = '/images/';
         //$this->domain . '/images/';
Example #9
 public function templateUploadZip()
     $files = Input::file();
     $cus_id = Auth::id();
     $temptype = Input::get("type");
     $customization = Customer::where('id', $cus_id)->pluck('customization');
     if ($customization <= 0 || $customization != 3 && $customization != $temptype) {
         return Response::json(['err' => 1001, 'msg' => '您未开启相应的高级定制,高级定制需要付费,如需要,请联系客服', 'data' => '您未开启高级定制,高级定制需要付费,如需要,请联系客服']);
     $files = Input::file();
     $file = $files['upload_zip'];
     if ($file->isValid()) {
         $type = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         $truth_name = date('ymd') . mt_rand(100, 999) . '.' . $type;
         if ($type == "zip") {
             if (file_exists(public_path("temp_templates/{$truth_name}"))) {
                 $result = ['err' => 1000, 'msg' => '模板覆盖成功'];
             } else {
                 $up_result = $file->move(public_path("temp_templates/"), $truth_name);
                 if ($up_result) {
                     if ($temptype == 1) {
                         $name = WebsiteInfo::leftJoin('template', 'pc_tpl_id', '=', 'template.id')->where('website_info.cus_id', $cus_id)->pluck('name');
                     } else {
                         $name = WebsiteInfo::leftJoin('template', 'mobile_tpl_id', '=', 'template.id')->where('website_info.cus_id', $cus_id)->pluck('name');
                     $tpl_name = $name;
                     $result = $this->saveTemplate($truth_name, $tpl_name, $temptype);
                     $pushed = WebsiteInfo::where("cus_id", $cus_id)->pluck("pushed");
                     if ($temptype == 1) {
                         if ($pushed == 0 || $pushed == 2) {
                             $pushed = 2;
                         } else {
                             $pushed = 1;
                     } else {
                         if ($pushed == 0 || $pushed == 3) {
                             $pushed = 3;
                         } else {
                             $pushed = 1;
                     WebsiteInfo::where("cus_id", $cus_id)->update(array("pushed" => $pushed));
                 } else {
                     $result = ['err' => 1001, 'msg' => '模板覆盖失败'];
         } else {
             $result = ['err' => 1002, 'msg' => '模板覆盖失败,请上传正确的文件类型'];
     } else {
         $result = ['err' => 1002, 'msg' => '模板覆盖失败,请上传正确的文件类型'];
     return Response::json($result);
Example #10
  * 判断一个用户是否需要推送并返回修改的次数
 public function isNeedPush()
     $count = Classify::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->where('pushed', '>', 0)->count();
     $count += Articles::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->where('pushed', '>', 0)->count();
     $count += WebsiteConfig::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->where('pushed', '>', 0)->count();
     $count += WebsiteInfo::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->where('pushed', '>', 0)->count();
     $count += MobileHomepage::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->where('pushed', '>', 0)->count();
     $count += CustomerInfo::where('cus_id', $this->cus_id)->where('pushed', '>', 0)->count();
     $data_final = ['err' => 0, 'msg' => '', 'data' => ['cache_num' => $count]];
     return Response::json($data_final);
Example #11
             $consoleOptionObj->addNew($arrColumns, $arrValues);
         $arrValues = array($tempCatID, $consoleOptionName, $arrConsoleOptionInfo[$key]['filename'], $newOrderNum, "1", $arrConsoleOptionInfo[$key]['hide'], "");
         $consoleOptionObj->addNew($arrColumns, $arrValues);
     } elseif ($consoleOptionName == "Private Messages" && $checkConsole !== false && $pmCatID != "") {
         $consoleOptionObj->update(array("consolecategory_id", "sortnum"), array($pmCatID, 0));
 // Check for valid theme
 $arrValidThemes = array();
 $themeOptions .= "";
 $websiteInfoObj = new WebsiteInfo($mysqli);
 $themeName = $websiteInfoObj->get_info("theme");
 // Add New Websiteinfo
 $websiteInfoObj->multiUpdate(array("default_timezone", "date_format", "display_date"), array("America/New_York", "l, F j, Y", "1"));
 $verifyTheme = file_exists("../themes/" . $themeName . "/themeinfo.xml");
 $_SESSION['btUsername'] = $member->get_info("username");
 $_SESSION['btPassword'] = $member->get_info("password");
 if (!$verifyTheme) {
     $arrThemes = scandir("../themes");
     $themeOptions = "";
     foreach ($arrThemes as $themeName) {
         $themeURL = "../themes/" . $themeName;
         if (is_dir($themeURL) && $themeName != "." && $themeName != ".." && is_readable($themeURL . "/THEMENAME.txt") && file_exists("../themes/" . $themeName . "/themeinfo.xml")) {
             $arrValidThemes[] = $themeName;
             $dispThemeName = file_get_contents($themeURL . "/THEMENAME.txt");
Example #12
 public function fileedit()
     $cus_id = Auth::id();
     $filename = Input::get('filename');
     $content = Input::get('code');
     if ($filename === NULL || $content === NULL) {
         $result = ['err' => 1001, 'msg' => '提交数据错误'];
     } else {
         $file_type = explode('.', $filename);
         $file_type = end($file_type);
         $template = WebsiteInfo::join('template', 'pc_tpl_id', '=', 'template.id')->where('website_info.cus_id', $cus_id)->pluck('name');
         if ($file_type == 'css') {
             $dst = public_path('templates/' . $template . '/css/' . $filename);
         } elseif ($file_type == 'js') {
             $dst = public_path('templates/' . $template . '/js/' . $filename);
         } elseif ($file_type == 'json') {
             $dst = public_path('templates/' . $template . '/json/' . $filename);
         } else {
             if ($file_type == 'html') {
                 $dst = app_path('views/templates/' . $template . '/' . $filename);
         if (file_exists($dst)) {
             $edit = file_put_contents($dst, $content);
             if ($edit == FALSE) {
                 $result = ['err' => 1001, 'msg' => '无法编辑文件'];
             } else {
                 $result = ['err' => 0, 'msg' => ''];
         } else {
             $result = ['err' => 1001, 'msg' => '文件不存在'];
     return Response::json($result);
Example #13
 public function modifyCustomer()
     if ($this->authData()) {
         $update['name'] = trim(Input::get('name'));
         $update['email'] = trim(Input::get('email'));
         $update['ftp_address'] = trim(Input::get('ftp_address'));
         $update['ftp_user'] = trim(Input::get('ftp_user'));
         $update['ftp_pwd'] = trim(Input::get('ftp_pwd'));
         $update['ended_at'] = trim(Input::get('ended_at'));
         $update['status'] = Input::get('status');
         $cus_id = Customer::where('name', $update['name'])->pluck('id');
         if ($cus_id) {
             $save = Customer::where('id', $cus_id)->update($update);
             if ($save) {
                 $result = ['err' => 1000, 'msg' => '更新用户成功'];
             } else {
                 $result = ['err' => 1002, 'msg' => '更新用户失败'];
         } else {
             $update['password'] = Hash::make($update['name']);
             $insert_id = Customer::insertGetId($update);
             if ($insert_id) {
                 WebsiteInfo::insert(['cus_id' => $insert_id]);
                 CustomerInfo::insert(['cus_id' => $insert_id]);
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']));
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/datail');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/category');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/images');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/images/l');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/images/s');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/images/ueditor');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/mobile');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/mobile/datail');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/mobile/category');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/mobile/images');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/mobile/images/l');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/mobile/images/s');
                 mkdir(public_path('customers/' . $update['name']) . '/mobile/images/ueditor');
                 $ftp_array = explode(':', $update['ftp_address']);
                 $ftp_array[1] = isset($ftp_array[1]) ? $ftp_array[1] : '21';
                 $conn = ftp_connect($ftp_array[0], $ftp_array[1]);
                 if ($conn) {
                     ftp_login($conn, $update['ftp_user'], $update['ftp_pwd']);
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images/ueditor');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images/l');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images/l/category');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images/l/articles');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images/l/common');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images/l/page_index');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images/s');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images/l/category');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images/l/articles');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images/l/common');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/images/l/page_index');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile/images');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile//images/ueditor');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile//images/l');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile//images/l/category');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile//images/l/articles');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile//images/l/common');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile//images/l/page_index');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile//images/s');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile//images/l/category');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile//images/l/articles');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile//images/l/common');
                     ftp_mkdir($conn, '/mobile//images/l/page_index');
                 $result = ['err' => 1000, 'msg' => '创建用户成功'];
             } else {
                 $result = ['err' => 1001, 'msg' => '创建用户失败'];
     } else {
         $result = ['err' => 1003, 'msg' => '验证不通过'];
     return Response::json($result);
Example #14
 private function quickBarDefaultColor()
     $id = Auth::id();
     $search = "/QuickBar=(.*)/i";
     $template = WebsiteInfo::where('cus_id', $id)->first();
     $pc_name = Template::where('id', $template->pc_tpl_id)->pluck('name');
     $config_str = file_get_contents(public_path('/templates/' . $pc_name) . '/config.ini');
     $result = preg_match($search, $config_str, $config_arr);
     if (!$result) {
         $config_arr = array();
         $config_arr[1] = '#AAA,#BBB,#FFF|totop';
     $color_str = preg_replace("/\\|(.*)/i", '', $config_arr[1]);
     $colors['pc'] = explode(',', ltrim($color_str, ','));
     $mobile_name = Template::where('id', $template->mobile_tpl_id)->pluck('name');
     $config_str = file_get_contents(public_path('/templates/' . $mobile_name) . '/config.ini');
     $result = preg_match($search, $config_str, $config_arr);
     if ($result) {
         if (trim($config_arr[1]) != 'custom') {
             $color_str = preg_replace("/\\|(.*)/i", '', $config_arr[1]);
             $colors['mobile'] = explode(',', ltrim($color_str, ','));
     return $colors;
Example #15
  * 还原用户
  * @param ftp_connect $conn ftp对象
  * @param string $dir 路径
  * @param string $username 用户名
  * @return null
 function reductionCustomer()
     if ($this->authData()) {
         $result = '';
         $name = Input::get('username');
         //            $name = Input::get('name');
         $Customer = Customer::where('name', $name)->where('is_del', 0)->get();
         if (!isset($Customer[0])) {
             return Response::json(['err' => 1004, 'msg' => '用户不存在或未删除']);
         $conn = @ftp_connect($Customer[0]['ftp_address'], $Customer[0]['ftp_port']);
         if (!$conn) {
             return Response::json(['err' => 1004, 'msg' => 'FTP服务器连接失败']);
         if (!@ftp_login($conn, $Customer[0]['ftp_user'], $Customer[0]['ftp_pwd'])) {
             return Response::json(['err' => 1004, 'msg' => 'FTP服务器登陆失败']);
         @ftp_pasv($conn, 1);
         // 打开被动模拟
         if (!@ftp_rename($conn, $name . "_beifen", $name)) {
             return Response::json(['err' => 1004, 'msg' => 'FTP服务器静态没有备份']);
         $zip = new ZipArchive();
         if (!is_dir(public_path("customers/" . $name))) {
             mkdir("customers/" . $name);
         if ($zip->open(public_path("customers_backups/" . $name . '.zip')) === TRUE) {
             $zip->extractTo(public_path("customers/" . $name));
         } else {
             return Response::json(['err' => 1004, 'msg' => '解压失败']);
         if ($zip->open(public_path("packages/customernull.zip")) === TRUE) {
             $zip->extractTo(public_path("customers/" . $name));
         } else {
             return Response::json(['err' => 1004, 'msg' => '解压失败2']);
         $update['is_del'] = 1;
         $cus_id = $Customer[0]['id'];
         $WebsiteInfo = WebsiteInfo::where('cus_id', $cus_id)->where('is_del', 0)->get();
         if ($WebsiteInfo) {
             WebsiteInfo::where('cus_id', $cus_id)->update($update);
         $CustomerInfo = CustomerInfo::where('cus_id', $cus_id)->where('is_del', 0)->get();
         if ($CustomerInfo) {
             CustomerInfo::where('cus_id', $cus_id)->update($update);
         Customer::where('id', $cus_id)->update($update);
         unlink(public_path("customers_backups/" . $name . ".zip"));
         $result = ['err' => 1000, 'msg' => '还原用户成功'];
     } else {
         $result = ['err' => 1002, 'msg' => '验证不通过'];
     return Response::json($result);