if (Website::getServerConfig()->isSetKey(SERVERCONFIG_SQL_DATABASE)) { Website::getDBHandle()->setDatabaseName(Website::getServerConfig()->getValue(SERVERCONFIG_SQL_DATABASE)); } else { new Error_Critic('#E-7', 'There is no key <b>' . SERVERCONFIG_SQL_DATABASE . '</b> in server config file.'); } if (Website::getServerConfig()->isSetKey(SERVERCONFIG_SQL_USER)) { Website::getDBHandle()->setDatabaseUsername(Website::getServerConfig()->getValue(SERVERCONFIG_SQL_USER)); } else { new Error_Critic('#E-7', 'There is no key <b>' . SERVERCONFIG_SQL_USER . '</b> in server config file.'); } if (Website::getServerConfig()->isSetKey(SERVERCONFIG_SQL_PASS)) { Website::getDBHandle()->setDatabasePassword(Website::getServerConfig()->getValue(SERVERCONFIG_SQL_PASS)); } else { new Error_Critic('#E-7', 'There is no key <b>' . SERVERCONFIG_SQL_PASS . '</b> in server config file.'); } Website::updatePasswordEncryption(); $SQL = Website::getDBHandle(); } if ($step == 'start') { echo '<h1>STEP ' . $step . '</h1>Informations<br>'; echo 'Welcome to Gesior Account Maker installer. <b>After 5 simple steps account maker will be ready to use!</b><br />'; // check access to write files $writeable = array('config/config.php', 'cache', 'cache/flags', 'cache/DONT_EDIT_usercounter.txt', 'cache/DONT_EDIT_serverstatus.txt', 'custom_scripts', 'install.txt'); foreach ($writeable as $fileToWrite) { if (is_writable($fileToWrite)) { echo '<span style="color:green">CAN WRITE TO FILE: <b>' . $fileToWrite . '</b></span><br />'; } else { echo '<span style="color:red">CANNOT WRITE TO FILE: <b>' . $fileToWrite . '</b> - edit file access for PHP [on linux: chmod]</span><br />'; } } } elseif ($step == 1) {