Example #1
 // Do we have the latest list of devices??
 // run-a-command-to-get-the-latest-list-of-devices;;
 // What to do if the command is all off. We have to expand the command to include all
 // the devices currently in the room. Since all off might be a popular command in scene and timer
 // commands we need to ensure correct timing. Because if the daemon runs with old data
 // we might miss a switch off of a devices that were added later to the scene.
 // Make use of the feature that the condition in the loop is re-evaluated for every iteration. SO
 // "explode" the ALL-OFF command, and replace it with the individual device commands, en put them at
 // the back of the queue-list being executed
 switch ($items[$i]['action']) {
     case "weather":
         $log->lwrite("main:: Recognized WEATHER Message", 3);
         // Write the received values to the rrd database file, and update all fields.
         // Update the weather structure in the MySQL database
         // make broadcst
         $bcst = array('tcnt' => "0", 'action' => "weather", 'type' => "json", 'brand' => $items[$i]['brand'], 'address' => $items[$i]['address'], 'channel' => $items[$i]['channel']);
         if (array_key_exists('temperature', $items[$i])) {
             $bcst['temperature'] = $items[$i]['temperature'];
         if (array_key_exists('humidity', $items[$i])) {
             $bcst['humidity'] = $items[$i]['humidity'];
         if (array_key_exists('airpressure', $items[$i])) {
             $bcst['airpressure'] = $items[$i]['airpressure'];
         if (array_key_exists('windspeed', $items[$i])) {
             $bcst['windspeed'] = $items[$i]['windspeed'];
         if (array_key_exists('winddirection', $items[$i])) {