Example #1
$id = 0;
$message = '';
$data['module_Title'] = 'List of table';
$data['message'] = '';
if (isset($_GET['_Id'])) {
    $id = $_GET['_Id'];
    $data['_data'] = $obj->getByID($id);
} else {
    $data['_data'] = $obj->get();
    $data['list_fields'] = $obj->getListField();
//$data['_extraModule'] = array(array('Commitments', 'Commit&action = Commitlist'));
$data['prefix'] = $obj->getPrefix();
$field_list = $obj->getUpdateFields();
$_data = $obj->getByID($id);
$data['lists'] = $obj->getListField();
$upload_dir = UPLOADS_DIR . $obj->getUploadURL();
$data['upload_dir'] = $upload_dir;
$data['uploadUrl'] = '../uploads/' . $obj->getUploadURL();
/* * *************** END of these fields are required *********************************** */
 *  $fields_post :: This list is the list of all fields which are affected while inserting in database
 * */
 *  $fields_edit :: This list is the list of all fields which are affected while updating database
 * */
 *  generalprocess :: This will handle CRUD model