Example #1
function wysija_exec_process($process = 'queue')
    $scheduled_times = WYSIJA::get_cron_schedule($process);
    if (isset($scheduled_times['running']) && $scheduled_times['running'] && $scheduled_times['running'] + 900 > time()) {
        echo 'already running : ' . $process . '<br/>';
    //set schedule as running
    WYSIJA::set_cron_schedule($process, 0, time());
    //execute schedule
    switch ($process) {
        case 'queue':
            $hPremium =& WYSIJA::get('premium', 'helper', false, WYSIJANLP);
            if (is_object($hPremium)) {
        case 'bounce':
            $hPremium =& WYSIJA::get('premium', 'helper', false, WYSIJANLP);
            if (is_object($hPremium)) {
        case 'daily':
        case 'weekly':
            if (is_object($hPremium)) {
        case 'monthly':
    //set next_schedule
    if ($report) {
        echo 'processed : ' . $process . '<br/>';
Example #2
  * check that there is no passed schedules that need to be executed now
  * @return void
 public static function cron_check()
     $cron_schedules = WYSIJA::get_cron_schedule('all');
     if (empty($cron_schedules)) {
     } else {
         $processes = WYSIJA::get_cron_frequencies();
         $updatedsched = false;
         foreach ($cron_schedules as $proc => &$params) {
             $running = 0;
             if (isset($params['running'])) {
                 $running = $params['running'];
             //if the process has timedout we reschedule the next execution
             if ($running && time() > $running + 900) {
                 //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','modifying next schedule for '.$proc);
                 $next_schedule = time() + $processes[$proc];
                 $params = array('next_schedule' => $next_schedule, 'prev_schedule' => $running, 'running' => false);
                 $updatedsched = true;
         if ($updatedsched) {
             //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','updating scheds');
             WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_schedules', $cron_schedules, 'yes');
     $timenow = time();
     $processesToRun = array();
     foreach ($cron_schedules as $process => $scheduled_times) {
         if ((!$scheduled_times['running'] || (int) $scheduled_times['running'] + 900 < $timenow) && $scheduled_times['next_schedule'] < $timenow) {
             $processesToRun[] = $process;
     $model_config =& WYSIJA::get('config', 'model');
     if (!empty($processesToRun) && $model_config->getValue('cron_page_hit_trigger')) {
         //call the cron url
         $cron_url = site_url('wp-cron.php') . '?' . WYSIJA_CRON . '&action=wysija_cron&process=' . implode(',', $processesToRun) . '&silent=1';
         //TODO we should use the http class there
         $hHTTP =& WYSIJA::get('http', 'helper');
Example #3
  * run process if it's not detected as already running
  * @param type $process
  * @return type
 function run_scheduled_task($process = 'queue')
     //first let's make sure that the process asked to be run is not already running
     $scheduled_times = WYSIJA::get_cron_schedule($process);
     $processes = WYSIJA::get_cron_frequencies();
     $process_frequency = $processes[$process];
     // check if the scheduled task is already being processed,
     // we consider it timed out once the started running time plus the frequency has been passed
     if (!empty($scheduled_times['running']) && $scheduled_times['running'] + $process_frequency > time()) {
         if ($this->report) {
             echo 'already running : ' . $process . '<br/>';
     // set schedule as running
     WYSIJA::set_cron_schedule($process, 0, time());
     // execute schedule
     switch ($process) {
         case 'queue':
             // check if there are any scheduled newsletters ready for action
             // if premium is activated we execute the premium cron process
             if (defined('WYSIJANLP')) {
                 $helper_premium = WYSIJA::get('premium', 'helper', false, WYSIJANLP);
             } else {
                 // run the standard queue process no scheduled tasks will be check since it has already been checked above
         case 'bounce':
             $helper_premium = WYSIJA::get('premium', 'helper', false, WYSIJANLP);
             $model_config = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model');
             // if premium is activated we launch the premium function
             if (is_multisite()) {
                 $multisite_prefix = 'ms_';
             // we don't process the bounce automatically unless the option is ticked
             if (defined('WYSIJANLP') && $model_config->getValue($multisite_prefix . 'bounce_process_auto')) {
             } else {
                 $process .= ' (bounce handling not activated)';
         case 'daily':
         case 'weekly':
             if (defined('WYSIJANLP')) {
                 $helper_premium = WYSIJA::get('premium', 'helper', false, WYSIJANLP);
         case 'monthly':
     // set next_schedule details
     if ($this->report) {
         echo 'processed : ' . $process . '<br/>';
Example #4
 function defaultDisplay()
     $this->data['base_url'] = $this->base_url . '?' . http_build_query($_REQUEST);
     // saved filter
     $this->title = __('Newsletters', WYSIJA);
     $this->viewShow = $this->action = 'main';
     $this->js[] = 'wysija-admin-list';
     $this->jsTrans["selecmiss"] = __('Please select a newsletter.', WYSIJA);
     $this->jsTrans['suredelete'] = __('Delete this newsletter for ever?', WYSIJA);
     $this->jsTrans['suredelete_bulk'] = __('Delete these newsletters for ever?', WYSIJA);
     $this->jsTrans['processqueue'] = __('Sending batch of emails...', WYSIJA);
     $this->jsTrans['viewnews'] = __('View newsletter', WYSIJA);
     $this->jsTrans['confirmpauseedit'] = __('The newsletter will be deactivated, you will need to reactivate it once you\'re over editing it. Do you want to proceed?', WYSIJA);
     //get the filters
     if (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && $_REQUEST['search']) {
         $this->filters['like'] = array();
         foreach ($this->searchable as $field) {
             $this->filters['like'][$field] = $_REQUEST['search'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter-list']) && $_REQUEST['filter-list']) {
         $this->filters['equal'] = array('C.list_id' => $_REQUEST['filter-list']);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter-date']) && $_REQUEST['filter-date']) {
         $this->filters['greater_eq'] = array('created_at' => $_REQUEST['filter-date']);
         $this->filters['less_eq'] = array('created_at' => strtotime('+1 month', $_REQUEST['filter-date']));
     $this->filters['is'] = array('type' => 'IS NOT NULL');
     if (isset($_REQUEST['link_filter']) && $_REQUEST['link_filter']) {
         $linkfilters = explode('-', $_REQUEST['link_filter']);
         if (count($linkfilters) > 1) {
             $this->_addLinkFilter($linkfilters[1], $linkfilters[0]);
         } else {
     $this->modelObj->noCheck = true;
     if ($this->filters) {
     // Count emails by status and type
     $emails_by_status = $this->count_emails_by_status();
     $emails_by_type = $this->count_emails_by_type();
     $counts = array_merge($emails_by_status, $emails_by_type);
     $counts['all'] = array_sum($emails_by_status);
     // collect data
     $this->data['campaigns'] = $this->get_campaigns();
     $this->data['datemin'] = $this->get_oldest_compaign();
     $lists = $this->get_lists();
     // $lists is in use later within this scope
     $this->data['lists'] = $lists;
     // for paging
     $this->modelObj->countRows = $counts['all'];
     if ($this->filters) {
         $count_emails = $this->count_emails();
         if (!empty($count_emails)) {
             $this->modelObj->countRows = $count_emails;
     // count queue
     $email_ids = array();
     foreach ($this->data['campaigns'] as $emailcamp) {
         if (in_array($emailcamp['status'], array(1, 3, 99))) {
             $email_ids[] = $emailcamp['email_id'];
     $model_queue = WYSIJA::get('queue', 'model');
     $model_queue->setConditions(array("email_id" => $email_ids));
     $queue = $model_queue->count();
     if ($queue) {
         $this->viewObj->queuedemails = $queue;
     //make a loop from the first created to now and increment an array of months
     $now = time();
     $this->data['dates'] = array();
     if ((int) $this->data['datemin']['datemin'] > 1) {
         setlocale(LC_TIME, 'en_US');
         $formtlettres = "1 " . date('F', $this->data['datemin']['datemin']) . ' ' . date("Y", $this->data['datemin']['datemin']);
         $month_start = strtotime($formtlettres);
         if ($month_start > 0) {
             for ($i = $month_start; $i < $now; $i = strtotime('+1 month', $i)) {
                 $this->data['dates'][$i] = date_i18n('F Y', $i);
                 //date('F Y',$i);
     $campaign_ids_sent = $campaign_ids = array();
     foreach ($this->data['campaigns'] as &$campaign) {
         $campaign_ids[] = $campaign['campaign_id'];
         $model_email = WYSIJA::get('email', 'model');
         if (in_array((int) $campaign['status'], array(-1, 1, 2, 3, 99))) {
             $campaign_ids_sent[] = $campaign['campaign_id'];
     // 3 - campaign_list request & count request for queue */
     if ($campaign_ids) {
         $model_campaign_list = WYSIJA::get('campaign_list', 'model');
         $userlists = $model_campaign_list->get(array('list_id', 'campaign_id'), array('campaign_id' => $campaign_ids));
         if ($campaign_ids_sent) {
             $model_campaign_list = WYSIJA::get("email_user_stat", "model");
             $statstotal = $model_campaign_list->getResults("SELECT COUNT(A.user_id) as count,B.email_id FROM `[wysija]queue` as A\n\t\t\t\t\t JOIN `[wysija]email` as B on A.email_id=B.email_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE B.campaign_id IN (" . implode(",", $campaign_ids_sent) . ") group by B.email_id");
             $senttotalgroupedby = $model_campaign_list->getResults("SELECT COUNT(A.user_id) as count,B.campaign_id,B.email_id,B.type,B.status,A.status as statususer FROM `[wysija]" . $model_campaign_list->table_name . "` as A\n\t\t\t\t\t JOIN `[wysija]email` as B on A.email_id=B.email_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE B.campaign_id IN (" . implode(",", $campaign_ids_sent) . ") group by A.status,B.email_id");
             $updateEmail = array();
             $columnnamestatus = array(0 => "number_sent", 1 => "number_opened", 2 => "number_clicked", 3 => "number_unsub", -1 => "number_bounce");
             foreach ($senttotalgroupedby as $sentbystatus) {
                 if ($sentbystatus['statususer'] != "-2") {
                     $updateEmail[$sentbystatus['email_id']][$columnnamestatus[$sentbystatus['statususer']]] = $sentbystatus['count'];
                 if (isset($senttotal[$sentbystatus['email_id']])) {
                     $senttotal[$sentbystatus['email_id']]['count'] = (int) $senttotal[$sentbystatus['email_id']]['count'] + (int) $sentbystatus['count'];
                 } else {
                     $senttotal[$sentbystatus['email_id']] = $sentbystatus;
             $model_email = WYSIJA::get('email', 'model');
             foreach ($updateEmail as $emailid => $update) {
                 foreach ($columnnamestatus as $v) {
                     if (!isset($update[$v])) {
                         $update[$v] = 0;
                 $model_email->update($update, array('email_id' => $emailid));
             $model_config = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model');
             $running = false;
             $is_multisite = is_multisite();
             if ($is_multisite && $model_config->getValue('sending_method') == 'network') {
                 $sending_emails_each = $model_config->getValue('ms_sending_emails_each');
             } else {
                 $sending_emails_each = $model_config->getValue('sending_emails_each');
             if ($model_config->getValue('cron_manual')) {
                 $formsHelp = WYSIJA::get('forms', 'helper');
                 $queue_frequency = $formsHelp->eachValuesSec[$sending_emails_each];
                 $queue_scheduled = WYSIJA::get_cron_schedule('queue');
                 $next_scheduled_queue = $queue_scheduled['next_schedule'];
                 $running = $queue_scheduled['running'];
                 if ($running) {
                     $helper_toolbox = WYSIJA::get('toolbox', 'helper');
                     $running = time() - $running;
                     $running = $helper_toolbox->duration_string($running, true, 4);
             } else {
                 $schedules = wp_get_schedules();
                 $queue_frequency = $schedules[wp_get_schedule('wysija_cron_queue')]['interval'];
                 $next_scheduled_queue = wp_next_scheduled('wysija_cron_queue');
             $status_sent_complete = array();
             if (isset($senttotal) && $senttotal) {
                 foreach ($senttotal as $sentot) {
                     if ($sentot) {
                         $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] = $sentot['count'];
                         $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['to'] = $sentot['count'];
                     } else {
                         $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] = $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['to'] = 0;
                     $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['status'] = $sentot['status'];
                     $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['type'] = $sentot['type'];
                     $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['left'] = (int) $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] - (int) $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['to'];
             foreach ($statstotal as $sentot) {
                 if (!isset($this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']])) {
                     $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] = 0;
                     $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['to'] = 0;
                 $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] = $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] + $sentot['count'];
                 $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['left'] = (int) $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] - (int) $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['to'];
             if ($is_multisite && $model_config->getValue('sending_method') == 'network') {
                 $sending_emails_number = $model_config->getValue('ms_sending_emails_number');
             } else {
                 $sending_emails_number = $model_config->getValue('sending_emails_number');
             if (isset($this->data['sent'])) {
                 foreach ($this->data['sent'] as $key => &$camp) {
                     if ($this->data['sent'][$key]['left'] > 0) {
                         $cronsneeded = ceil($this->data['sent'][$key]['left'] / $sending_emails_number);
                         $this->data['sent'][$key]['remaining_time'] = $cronsneeded * $queue_frequency;
                         $this->data['sent'][$key]['running_for'] = $running;
                         $this->data['sent'][$key]['next_batch'] = $next_scheduled_queue - time();
                         $this->data['sent'][$key]['remaining_time'] = $this->data['sent'][$key]['remaining_time'] - $queue_frequency + $this->data['sent'][$key]['next_batch'];
                     } else {
                         if (in_array($this->data['sent'][$key]['status'], array(1, 3, 99)) && $this->data['sent'][$key]['type'] == 1) {
                             $status_sent_complete[] = $key;
             // status update to sent for the one that are sent
             if (count($status_sent_complete) > 0) {
                 $model_email = WYSIJA::get('email', 'model');
                 $model_email->noCheck = true;
                 $model_email->update(array('status' => 2), array('equal' => array('email_id' => $status_sent_complete)));
     $this->data['counts'] = array_reverse($counts);
     // regrouping all the data in the same array
     foreach ($this->data['campaigns'] as &$campaign) {
         // default key while we don't have the data
         //TODO add data for stats about emails opened clicked etc
         $campaign["emails"] = 0;
         $campaign["opened"] = 0;
         $campaign["clicked"] = 0;
         if ($userlists) {
             foreach ($userlists as $key => $userlist) {
                 if ($campaign["campaign_id"] == $userlist["campaign_id"] && isset($lists[$userlist["list_id"]])) {
                     if (!isset($campaign["lists"])) {
                         $campaign["lists"] = $lists[$userlist["list_id"]]["name"];
                     } else {
                         $campaign["lists"] .= ", " . $lists[$userlist["list_id"]]["name"];
         if (isset($campaign["lists"]) && !$campaign["lists"]) {
         if ((isset($campaign['params']['schedule']['isscheduled']) || $campaign['type'] == 2 && isset($campaign['params']['autonl']['event']) && in_array($campaign['params']['autonl']['event'], array('new-articles'))) && $campaign['status'] != 2 && !isset($campaign["lists"]) || $campaign['type'] == 2 && isset($campaign['params']['autonl']['event']) && in_array($campaign['params']['autonl']['event'], array('subs-2-nl')) && $campaign['status'] != 2 && (!isset($campaign['params']['autonl']['subscribetolist']) || !isset($lists[$campaign['params']['autonl']['subscribetolist']]))) {
             $campaign['classRow'] = " listmissing ";
             $campaign['msgListEdit'] = '<strong>' . __('The list has been deleted.', WYSIJA) . '</strong>';
             $campaign['msgSendSuspended'] = '<strong>' . __('Sending suspended.', WYSIJA) . '</strong>';
     if (!$this->data['campaigns']) {
         $this->notice(__('There are no newsletters.', WYSIJA));
Example #5
  * check that there is no passed schedules that need to be executed now
  * @return void
 public static function cron_check()
     $cron_schedules = WYSIJA::get_cron_schedule('all');
     if (empty($cron_schedules)) {
     } else {
         $processes = WYSIJA::get_cron_frequencies();
         $updated_sched = false;
         foreach ($cron_schedules as $schedule => &$params) {
             $running = 0;
             $time_now = time();
             if (isset($params['running'])) {
                 $running = $params['running'];
             //if the process has timedout we reschedule the next execution
             if ($running && $time_now > $running + $processes[$schedule]) {
                 //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','modifying next schedule for '.$proc);
                 $process_frequency = $processes[$schedule];
                 $next_schedule = $running + $process_frequency;
                 // if the next schedule is already behind, we give it 30 seconds before it can trigger again
                 if ($next_schedule < $time_now) {
                     $next_schedule = $time_now + 30;
                 $params = array('next_schedule' => $next_schedule, 'prev_schedule' => $running, 'running' => false);
                 $updated_sched = true;
         if ($updated_sched) {
             //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','updating scheds');
             WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_schedules', $cron_schedules, 'yes');
     $time_now = time();
     $processesToRun = array();
     foreach ($cron_schedules as $schedule => $scheduled_times) {
         if (strpos($schedule, '(bounce handling not activated)') !== false) {
         if (!isset($processes[$schedule])) {
         $process_frequency = $processes[$schedule];
         if ((!$scheduled_times['running'] || (int) $scheduled_times['running'] + $process_frequency < $time_now) && $scheduled_times['next_schedule'] < $time_now) {
             $processesToRun[] = $schedule;
     $model_config = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model');
     $page_view_trigger = (int) $model_config->getValue('cron_page_hit_trigger');
     if (!empty($processesToRun) && $page_view_trigger === 1) {
         //call the cron url
         // do not call that more than once per 5 minutes attempt at reducing the CPU load for some users
         // http://wordpress.org/support/topic/wysija-newsletters-slowing-down-my-site-1
         $last_cron_time_plus_5min = (int) get_option('wysija_last_php_cron_call') + 5 * 60;
         if ($last_cron_time_plus_5min < time()) {
             $cron_url = site_url('wp-cron.php') . '?' . WYSIJA_CRON . '&action=wysija_cron&process=' . implode(',', $processesToRun) . '&silent=1';
             $cron_request = apply_filters('cron_request', array('url' => $cron_url, 'args' => array('timeout' => 0.01, 'blocking' => false, 'sslverify' => apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', true))));
             wp_remote_post($cron_url, $cron_request['args']);
             WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_last_php_cron_call', time());
Example #6
 function defaultDisplay()
     $this->data['base_url'] = $this->base_url . '?' . http_build_query($_REQUEST);
     // saved filter
     $this->title = __('Newsletters', WYSIJA);
     $this->viewShow = $this->action = 'main';
     $this->js[] = 'wysija-admin-list';
     $this->jsTrans["selecmiss"] = __('Please select a newsletter.', WYSIJA);
     $this->jsTrans['suredelete'] = __('Delete this newsletter for ever?', WYSIJA);
     $this->jsTrans['processqueue'] = __('Sending batch of emails...', WYSIJA);
     $this->jsTrans['viewnews'] = __('View newsletter', WYSIJA);
     $this->jsTrans['confirmpauseedit'] = __('The newsletter will be deactivated, you will need to reactivate it once you\'re over editing it. Do you want to proceed?', WYSIJA);
     //get the filters
     if (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && $_REQUEST['search']) {
         $this->filters['like'] = array();
         foreach ($this->searchable as $field) {
             $this->filters['like'][$field] = $_REQUEST['search'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter-list']) && $_REQUEST['filter-list']) {
         $this->filters['equal'] = array('C.list_id' => $_REQUEST['filter-list']);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter-date']) && $_REQUEST['filter-date']) {
         $this->filters['greater_eq'] = array('created_at' => $_REQUEST['filter-date']);
         $this->filters['less_eq'] = array('created_at' => strtotime('+1 month', $_REQUEST['filter-date']));
     $this->filters['is'] = array('type' => 'IS NOT NULL');
     if (isset($_REQUEST['link_filter']) && $_REQUEST['link_filter']) {
         $linkfilters = explode('-', $_REQUEST['link_filter']);
         if (count($linkfilters) > 1) {
             $this->_addLinkFilter($linkfilters[1], $linkfilters[0]);
         } else {
     $this->modelObj->noCheck = true;
     // 0 - counting request
     $queryCmmonStart = "SELECT count(distinct A.campaign_id) as campaigns FROM `[wysija]" . $this->modelObj->table_name . "` as A";
     $queryCmmonStart .= ' LEFT JOIN `[wysija]email` as B on A.campaign_id=B.campaign_id';
     $queryCmmonStart .= ' LEFT JOIN `[wysija]campaign_list` as C on A.campaign_id=C.campaign_id';
     // all the counts query
     $query = 'SELECT count(email_id) as campaigns,  status FROM `[wysija]email` WHERE campaign_id > 0 GROUP BY status';
     $countss = $this->modelObj->query('get_res', $query, ARRAY_A);
     $counts = array();
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($countss as $count) {
         switch ($count['status']) {
             case '0':
                 $type = 'draft';
             case '1':
             case '3':
             case '99':
                 $type = 'sending';
             case '2':
                 $type = 'sent';
             case '-1':
                 $type = 'paused';
             case '4':
                 $type = 'scheduled';
         $total = $total + $count['campaigns'];
         $counts['status-' . $type] = $count['campaigns'];
     $query = 'SELECT count(email_id) as campaigns, type FROM `[wysija]email` WHERE campaign_id > 0 GROUP BY type';
     $countss = $this->modelObj->query('get_res', $query, ARRAY_A);
     foreach ($countss as $count) {
         switch ($count['type']) {
             case '1':
                 $type = 'regular';
             case '2':
                 $type = 'autonl';
         $counts['type-' . $type] = $count['campaigns'];
     $counts['all'] = $total;
     if ($this->filters) {
     // 1 - campaign request
     $query = 'SELECT A.campaign_id, A.name as campaign_name, B.subject as name, A.description, B.params , B.type , B.number_opened,B.number_clicked,B.number_unsub,B.status,B.status,B.created_at,B.modified_at,B.sent_at,B.email_id FROM `[wysija]' . $this->modelObj->table_name . '` as A';
     $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `[wysija]email` as B on A.campaign_id=B.campaign_id';
     $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `[wysija]campaign_list` as C on A.campaign_id=C.campaign_id';
     $queryFinal = $this->modelObj->makeWhere();
     //campaign created the longest ago
     $query2 = 'SELECT MIN(B.created_at) as datemin FROM `[wysija]' . $this->modelObj->table_name . '` as A';
     $query2 .= ' LEFT JOIN `[wysija]email` as B on A.campaign_id=B.campaign_id';
     $query2 .= ' LEFT JOIN `[wysija]campaign_list` as C on A.campaign_id=C.campaign_id';
     $queryFinal2 = $this->modelObj->makeWhere();
     //without filter we already have the total number of campaigns
     if ($this->filters) {
         $this->modelObj->countRows = $this->modelObj->count($queryCmmonStart . $queryFinal, 'campaigns');
     } else {
         $this->modelObj->countRows = $counts['all'];
     $orderby = ' ORDER BY ';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby'])) {
         if (!is_string($_REQUEST['orderby']) or preg_match('|[^a-z0-9#_.-]|i', $_REQUEST['orderby']) !== 0) {
             $_REQUEST['orderby'] = '';
         if (!in_array(strtoupper($_REQUEST['ordert']), array('DESC', 'ASC'))) {
             $_REQUEST['ordert'] = 'DESC';
         $orderby .= $_REQUEST['orderby'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['ordert'];
     } else {
         $orderby = ' ORDER BY ';
         $orderby .= 'FIELD(B.status, 99,3,1,0,2), ';
         $orderby .= 'B.status desc, ';
         $orderby .= 'B.modified_at desc, ';
         $orderby .= 'B.sent_at desc, ';
         $orderby .= 'B.type desc, ';
         $orderby .= 'A.' . $this->modelObj->getPk() . ' desc';
     //$this->data['campaigns']=$this->modelObj->getResults($query.$queryFinal." GROUP BY A.campaign_id".$orderby.$this->modelObj->setLimit());
     $this->data['campaigns'] = $this->modelObj->getResults($query . $queryFinal . ' GROUP BY B.email_id' . $orderby . $this->modelObj->setLimit());
     $emailids = array();
     foreach ($this->data['campaigns'] as $emailcamp) {
         if (in_array($emailcamp['status'], array(1, 3, 99))) {
             $emailids[] = $emailcamp['email_id'];
     $modelQ = WYSIJA::get('queue', 'model');
     $modelQ->setConditions(array("email_id" => $emailids));
     $queue = $modelQ->count();
     if ($queue) {
         $this->viewObj->queuedemails = $queue;
     $this->data['datemin'] = $this->modelObj->query('get_row', $query2 . $queryFinal2);
     //make a loop from the first created to now and increment an array of months
     $now = time();
     $this->data['dates'] = array();
     if ((int) $this->data['datemin']['datemin'] > 1) {
         setlocale(LC_TIME, 'en_US');
         $firstdayof = getdate($this->data['datemin']['datemin']);
         $formtlettres = "1 " . date("F", $this->data['datemin']['datemin']) . " " . date("Y", $this->data['datemin']['datemin']);
         $monthstart = strtotime($formtlettres);
         if ($monthstart > 0) {
             for ($i = $monthstart; $i < $now; $i = strtotime('+1 month', $i)) {
                 $this->data['dates'][$i] = date_i18n('F Y', $i);
                 //date('F Y',$i);
     //make the data object for the listing view*/
     $modelList = WYSIJA::get('list', 'model');
     // 2 - list request */
     $query = 'SELECT A.list_id, A.name,A.is_enabled, count( B.campaign_id ) AS users FROM `[wysija]' . $modelList->table_name . '` as A';
     $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `[wysija]campaign_list` as B on A.list_id = B.list_id';
     $query .= ' GROUP BY A.list_id';
     $listsDB = $modelList->getResults($query);
     $lists = array();
     foreach ($listsDB as $listobj) {
         $lists[$listobj["list_id"]] = $listobj;
     $listsDB = null;
     $campaign_ids_sent = $campaign_ids = array();
     foreach ($this->data['campaigns'] as &$campaign) {
         $campaign_ids[] = $campaign['campaign_id'];
         $modelEmail = WYSIJA::get('email', 'model');
         if (in_array((int) $campaign['status'], array(-1, 1, 2, 3, 99))) {
             $campaign_ids_sent[] = $campaign['campaign_id'];
     // 3 - campaign_list request & count request for queue */
     if ($campaign_ids) {
         $modeluList = WYSIJA::get('campaign_list', 'model');
         $userlists = $modeluList->get(array('list_id', 'campaign_id'), array('campaign_id' => $campaign_ids));
         if ($campaign_ids_sent) {
             $modeluList = WYSIJA::get("email_user_stat", "model");
             $statstotal = $modeluList->getResults("SELECT COUNT(A.user_id) as count,B.email_id FROM `[wysija]queue` as A\r\n                     JOIN `[wysija]email` as B on A.email_id=B.email_id\r\n                        WHERE B.campaign_id IN (" . implode(",", $campaign_ids_sent) . ") group by B.email_id");
             $senttotalgroupedby = $modeluList->getResults("SELECT COUNT(A.user_id) as count,B.campaign_id,B.email_id,B.type,B.status,A.status as statususer FROM `[wysija]" . $modeluList->table_name . "` as A\r\n                     JOIN `[wysija]email` as B on A.email_id=B.email_id\r\n                        WHERE B.campaign_id IN (" . implode(",", $campaign_ids_sent) . ") group by A.status,B.email_id");
             $updateEmail = array();
             $columnnamestatus = array(0 => "number_sent", 1 => "number_opened", 2 => "number_clicked", 3 => "number_unsub", -1 => "number_bounce");
             foreach ($senttotalgroupedby as $sentbystatus) {
                 if ($sentbystatus['statususer'] != "-2") {
                     $updateEmail[$sentbystatus['email_id']][$columnnamestatus[$sentbystatus['statususer']]] = $sentbystatus['count'];
                 if (isset($senttotal[$sentbystatus['email_id']])) {
                     $senttotal[$sentbystatus['email_id']]['count'] = (int) $senttotal[$sentbystatus['email_id']]['count'] + (int) $sentbystatus['count'];
                 } else {
                     $senttotal[$sentbystatus['email_id']] = $sentbystatus;
             $modelEmail = WYSIJA::get('email', 'model');
             foreach ($updateEmail as $emailid => $update) {
                 foreach ($columnnamestatus as $v) {
                     if (!isset($update[$v])) {
                         $update[$v] = 0;
                 $modelEmail->update($update, array('email_id' => $emailid));
             $modelC = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model');
             $running = false;
             $is_multisite = is_multisite();
             //$is_multisite=true;//PROD comment that line
             if ($is_multisite && $modelC->getValue('sending_method') == 'network') {
                 $sending_emails_each = $modelC->getValue('ms_sending_emails_each');
             } else {
                 $sending_emails_each = $modelC->getValue('sending_emails_each');
             if ($modelC->getValue('cron_manual')) {
                 $formsHelp = WYSIJA::get('forms', 'helper');
                 $queue_frequency = $formsHelp->eachValuesSec[$sending_emails_each];
                 $queue_scheduled = WYSIJA::get_cron_schedule('queue');
                 $next_scheduled_queue = $queue_scheduled['next_schedule'];
                 $running = $queue_scheduled['running'];
                 if ($running) {
                     $helperToolbox = WYSIJA::get('toolbox', 'helper');
                     $running = time() - $running;
                     $running = $helperToolbox->duration($running, true, 4);
             } else {
                 $schedules = wp_get_schedules();
                 $queue_frequency = $schedules[wp_get_schedule('wysija_cron_queue')]['interval'];
                 $next_scheduled_queue = wp_next_scheduled('wysija_cron_queue');
             $status_sent_complete = array();
             if (isset($senttotal) && $senttotal) {
                 foreach ($senttotal as $sentot) {
                     if ($sentot) {
                         $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] = $sentot['count'];
                         $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['to'] = $sentot['count'];
                     } else {
                         $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] = $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['to'] = 0;
                     $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['status'] = $sentot['status'];
                     $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['type'] = $sentot['type'];
                     $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['left'] = (int) $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] - (int) $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['to'];
             foreach ($statstotal as $sentot) {
                 if (!isset($this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']])) {
                     $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] = 0;
                     $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['to'] = 0;
                 $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] = $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] + $sentot['count'];
                 $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['left'] = (int) $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['total'] - (int) $this->data['sent'][$sentot['email_id']]['to'];
             $is_multisite = is_multisite();
             //$is_multisite=true;//PROD comment that line
             if ($is_multisite && $modelC->getValue('sending_method') == 'network') {
                 $sending_emails_number = $modelC->getValue('ms_sending_emails_number');
             } else {
                 $sending_emails_number = $modelC->getValue('sending_emails_number');
             if (isset($this->data['sent'])) {
                 foreach ($this->data['sent'] as $key => $camp) {
                     if ($this->data['sent'][$key]['left'] > 0) {
                         $cronsneeded = ceil($this->data['sent'][$key]['left'] / $sending_emails_number);
                         $this->data['sent'][$key]['remaining_time'] = $cronsneeded * $queue_frequency;
                         $this->data['sent'][$key]['running_for'] = $running;
                         $this->data['sent'][$key]['next_batch'] = $next_scheduled_queue - time();
                         $this->data['sent'][$key]['remaining_time'] = $this->data['sent'][$key]['remaining_time'] - $queue_frequency + $this->data['sent'][$key]['next_batch'];
                     } else {
                         if (in_array($this->data['sent'][$key]['status'], array(1, 3, 99)) && $this->data['sent'][$key]['type'] == 1) {
                             $status_sent_complete[] = $key;
             /* status update to sent for the one that are sent*/
             if (count($status_sent_complete) > 0) {
                 $modelEmail = WYSIJA::get('email', 'model');
                 $modelEmail->noCheck = true;
                 $modelEmail->update(array('status' => 2), array('equal' => array('email_id' => $status_sent_complete)));
     $this->data['lists'] = $lists;
     $this->data['counts'] = array_reverse($counts);
     /* regrouping all the data in the same array */
     foreach ($this->data['campaigns'] as $keysus => &$campaign) {
         /* default key while we don't have the data*/
         //TODO add data for stats about emails opened clicked etc
         $campaign["emails"] = 0;
         $campaign["opened"] = 0;
         $campaign["clicked"] = 0;
         if ($userlists) {
             foreach ($userlists as $key => $userlist) {
                 if ($campaign["campaign_id"] == $userlist["campaign_id"] && isset($lists[$userlist["list_id"]])) {
                     if (!isset($campaign["lists"])) {
                         $campaign["lists"] = $lists[$userlist["list_id"]]["name"];
                     } else {
                         $campaign["lists"] .= ", " . $lists[$userlist["list_id"]]["name"];
         if (isset($campaign["lists"]) && !$campaign["lists"]) {
         if ((isset($campaign['params']['schedule']['isscheduled']) || $campaign['type'] == 2 && isset($campaign['params']['autonl']['event']) && in_array($campaign['params']['autonl']['event'], array('new-articles'))) && $campaign['status'] != 2 && !isset($campaign["lists"]) || $campaign['type'] == 2 && isset($campaign['params']['autonl']['event']) && in_array($campaign['params']['autonl']['event'], array('subs-2-nl')) && $campaign['status'] != 2 && (!isset($campaign['params']['autonl']['subscribetolist']) || !isset($lists[$campaign['params']['autonl']['subscribetolist']]))) {
             $campaign['classRow'] = " listmissing ";
             $campaign['msgListEdit'] = '<strong>' . __('The list has been deleted.', WYSIJA) . '</strong>';
             $campaign['msgSendSuspended'] = '<strong>' . __('Sending suspended.', WYSIJA) . '</strong>';
     if (!$this->data['campaigns']) {
         $this->notice(__('There are no newsletters.', WYSIJA));
Example #7
 function run_scheduled_task($process = 'queue')
     $scheduled_times = WYSIJA::get_cron_schedule($process);
     if (isset($scheduled_times['running']) && $scheduled_times['running'] && $scheduled_times['running'] + 900 > time()) {
         if ($this->report) {
             echo 'already running : ' . $process . '<br/>';
     WYSIJA::set_cron_schedule($process, 0, time());
     switch ($process) {
         case 'queue':
             if (defined('WYSIJANLP')) {
                 $hPremium =& WYSIJA::get('premium', 'helper', false, WYSIJANLP);
         case 'bounce':
             if (defined('WYSIJANLP')) {
                 $hPremium =& WYSIJA::get('premium', 'helper', false, WYSIJANLP);
         case 'daily':
         case 'weekly':
             if (defined('WYSIJANLP')) {
                 $hPremium =& WYSIJA::get('premium', 'helper', false, WYSIJANLP);
         case 'monthly':
     if ($this->report) {
         echo 'processed : ' . $process . '<br/>';
Example #8
  * check that there is no passed schedules that need to be executed now
  * @return void
 public static function cron_check()
     $cron_schedules = WYSIJA::get_cron_schedule('all');
     if (empty($cron_schedules)) {
     } else {
         $processes = WYSIJA::get_cron_frequencies();
         $updated_sched = false;
         foreach ($cron_schedules as $schedule => &$params) {
             $running = 0;
             $time_now = time();
             if (isset($params['running'])) {
                 $running = $params['running'];
             //if the process has timedout we reschedule the next execution
             if ($running && $time_now > $running + $processes[$schedule]) {
                 //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','modifying next schedule for '.$proc);
                 $process_frequency = $processes[$schedule];
                 $next_schedule = $running + $process_frequency;
                 // if the next schedule is already behind, we give it 30 seconds before it can trigger again
                 if ($next_schedule < $time_now) {
                     $next_schedule = $time_now + 30;
                 $params = array('next_schedule' => $next_schedule, 'prev_schedule' => $running, 'running' => false);
                 $updated_sched = true;
         if ($updated_sched) {
             //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','updating scheds');
             WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_schedules', $cron_schedules, 'yes');
     $time_now = time();
     $processesToRun = array();
     foreach ($cron_schedules as $schedule => $scheduled_times) {
         $process_frequency = $processes[$schedule];
         if ((!$scheduled_times['running'] || (int) $scheduled_times['running'] + $process_frequency < $time_now) && $scheduled_times['next_schedule'] < $time_now) {
             $processesToRun[] = $schedule;
     $model_config = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model');
     $page_view_trigger = (int) $model_config->getValue('cron_page_hit_trigger');
     if (!empty($processesToRun) && $page_view_trigger === 1) {
         //call the cron url
         $cron_url = site_url('wp-cron.php') . '?' . WYSIJA_CRON . '&action=wysija_cron&process=' . implode(',', $processesToRun) . '&silent=1';
         $cron_request = apply_filters('cron_request', array('url' => $cron_url, 'args' => array('timeout' => 0.01, 'blocking' => false, 'sslverify' => apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', true))));
         wp_remote_post($cron_url, $cron_request['args']);