Example #1
 function WYLogonButtonElement($bV)
     parent::WYElement("logon-button", true);
     $this->sEditorPageName = "";
     $this->bVisible = $bV;
Example #2
 function WYMenuElement($sN, $bG, $oURL, $sT, $oB)
     //global $webyep_bUseTablesForMenus;
     parent::WYElement($sN, $bG);
     $this->sEditorPageName = "menu.php";
     $this->iEditorWidth = 500;
     $this->iEditorHeight = 500;
     $this->sEditButtonCSSClass = "WebYepMenuEditButton";
     $this->aCurrentPath = array();
     $this->aOpenTrees = array();
     $this->aCloseTrees = array();
     $this->iLastTitleID = 0;
     // check for old version
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_ITEMSARRAY])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_ITEMSARRAY] = array();
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_MAXID])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_MAXID] = 0;
     $this->oURL =& $oURL;
     $this->sTarget = $sT;
     $this->sListType = 'ul';
Example #3
 function WYRichTextElement($sN, $bG, $sCSSURL, $bObfuscate)
     parent::WYElement($sN, $bG);
     $this->sEditorPageName = "rich-text.php";
     $this->iEditorWidth = 850;
     $this->iEditorHeight = 620;
     $this->sEditButtonCSSClass = "WebYepRichTextEditButton";
     if ($sCSSURL) {
         $this->oCSSURL = new WYURL($sCSSURL);
     } else {
         $this->oCSSURL = od_nil;
     $this->bObfuscate = $bObfuscate;
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT])) {
         // check whether a Long Text Element with same field name left some data...
         $oLT = new WYLongTextElement($sN, $bG, false);
         if ($oLT->sText() != "") {
             $this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT] = $oLT->sDisplay();
         } else {
             $this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT] = "";
Example #4
 function WYShortTextElement($sN, $bG)
     parent::WYElement($sN, $bG);
     $this->sEditorPageName = "short-text.php";
     $this->iEditorWidth = 450;
     $this->iEditorHeight = 250;
     $this->sEditButtonCSSClass = "WebYepShortTextEditButton";
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT] = "";
Example #5
 function WYAttachmentElement($sN, $bG = false, $sCustomIcon = "")
     parent::WYElement($sN, $bG);
     $this->sEditorPageName = "attachment.php";
     $this->iEditorWidth = 650;
     $this->iEditorHeight = 250;
     $this->sCustomIcon = $sCustomIcon;
     $this->sEditButtonCSSClass = "WebYepAttachmentEditButton";
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_ATTACHMENT_FILENAME])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_ATTACHMENT_FILENAME] = "";
Example #6
 function WYLongTextElement($sN, $bG, $bHide)
     global $goApp;
     parent::WYElement($sN, $bG);
     $this->sEditorPageName = $goApp->bIsiPhone ? "long-text-iphone.php" : "long-text.php";
     $this->iEditorWidth = 520;
     $this->iEditorHeight = 450;
     $this->sEditButtonCSSClass = "WebYepLongTextEditButton";
     $this->bHideEMailAddress = $bHide;
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT] = "";
Example #7
 function WYReadMoreElement($sN, $sL = "", $sTP = "", $sTF = "")
     parent::WYElement($sN, false);
     $this->sEditorPageName = "read-more.php";
     $this->iEditorWidth = 450;
     $this->iEditorHeight = 250;
     $this->sEditButtonCSSClass = "WebYepReadMoreEditButton";
     $this->sLinkText = $sL == '' ? $sN : $sL;
     $this->sTargetPage = $sTP;
     $this->sTargetFrame = $sTF;
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT] = "";
Example #8
 function WYGuestbookElement($sN, $iMax, $sEMail, $bHide)
     parent::WYElement($sN, false);
     $this->iMaxEntries = $iMax;
     $this->sEMail = $sEMail;
     $this->bHideEMailAddresses = $bHide;
     $this->sEditorPageName = "#";
     // no editor
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_GB_ENTRIES])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_GB_ENTRIES] = array();
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_GB_BLOCKED_IPS])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_GB_BLOCKED_IPS] = array();
Example #9
 function WYGalleryElement($sN, $bG, $iTNw, $iTNh, $iC = 3, $iIw = 0, $iIh = 0, $iCellWidth = 0)
     global $goApp;
     parent::WYElement($sN, $bG);
     $this->iTNWidth = $iTNw;
     $this->iTNHeight = $iTNh;
     $this->iImageWidth = $iIw;
     $this->iImageHeight = $iIh;
     $this->iCellWidth = $iCellWidth == 0 ? (int) round($iTNw * 1.2) : $iCellWidth;
     $this->iCols = $iC;
     $this->sEditorPageName = "gallery.php";
     $this->iEditorWidth = 430;
     $this->iEditorHeight = 400;
     $this->iEditedID = false;
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_GALLERY_ID_ARRAY])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_LOOPIDARRAY] = array();
     if ($goApp->bEditMode && $this->bUserMayEditThisElement()) {
Example #10
 function WYLoopElement($sN)
     global $goApp;
     parent::WYElement($sN, false);
     $this->sEditorPageName = "";
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_LOOPIDARRAY])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_LOOPIDARRAY] = array(1);
     } else {
         if (!count($this->dContent[WY_DK_LOOPIDARRAY])) {
             $this->dContent[WY_DK_LOOPIDARRAY] = array(1);
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_DISABLEDLOOPIDARRAY])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_DISABLEDLOOPIDARRAY] = array();
     $this->iLoopID = 0;
     $this->iEditedID = false;
     $this->iLoopIDJustDeleted = 0;
     if ($goApp->bEditMode && $this->bUserMayEditThisElement()) {
     $this->iElementsLeft = count($this->_aLoopIDs());
Example #11
  * public API
  * Diese Funktion wird mittels PHP-PI in der HTML-Seite eingebunden
  * und erzeugt das (im Adminmodus editierbare) Image-Element.
  * @param string    $sN       der Name des Bildes
  * @param boolean   $bG       gibt an, ob der Inhalt dieses Elements für alle Seiten gleich ist
  * @param string    $sA       zusätzliche Attribute für das <img> Element, z.B. 'class="photo" id="p1"'
  * @param string    $sU       URL zu der das Bild verlinken soll
  * @param string    $sT       Ziel-Frame, in dem $sURL aufgerufen werden soll
  * @param int       $iW       max Breite des Bildes (0 = kein Limit in der Breite)
  * @param int       $iH       max Höhe des Bildes (0 = kein Limit in der Höhe)
  * @param boolean   $bThumb   ist das Bild ein Vorschaubild? (default = false)
  * @param int       $iTW      max Breite des Vorschaubildes
  * @param int       $iTH      max Höhe des Vorschaubildes
 function WYImageElement($sN, $bG, $sA, $sU, $sT, $iW = 0, $iH = 0, $bThumb = false, $iTW = 0, $iTH = 0)
     $aAtts = array();
     $aKV = array();
     $sPair = "";
     parent::WYElement($sN, $bG);
     $this->sEditorPageName = "image.php";
     $this->iEditorWidth = 500;
     $this->iEditorHeight = 280;
     $this->sEditButtonCSSClass = "WebYepImageEditButton";
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_IMAGEFILENAME])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_IMAGEFILENAME] = "";
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_THUMBNAIL_FILENAME])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_THUMBNAIL_FILENAME] = "";
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_URL])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_URL] = "";
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_ALTTEXT])) {
         $this->dContent[WY_DK_ALTTEXT] = "";
     $this->sAttributes = trim($sA);
     $this->iImageWidth = $iW;
     $this->iImageHeight = $iH;
     $this->iThumbWidth = $iTW;
     $this->iThumbHeight = $iTH;
     if ($bThumb && $this->iThumbWidth != 0 || !$bThumb && $this->iImageWidth != 0) {
         // remove width and height from attributes string
         $this->sAttributes = preg_replace('/width *= *"?[0-9]"?/', "", $this->sAttributes);
         $this->sAttributes = preg_replace('/height *= *"?[0-9]"?/', "", $this->sAttributes);
         $this->sAttributes = preg_replace('/  +/', " ", $this->sAttributes);
     if ($this->dContent[WY_DK_ALTTEXT]) {
         $this->sAttributes = preg_replace('/alt *= *"[^"]*"/', "", $this->sAttributes);
     $this->bIsThumb = $bThumb;
     $this->sURL = $sU;
     $this->sTarget = $sT;