Example #1
function watupro_liveresult()
    global $wpdb, $user_ID;
    $_watu = new WatuPRO();
    $_question = new WTPQuestion();
    // select exam
    $exam = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_EXAMS . " WHERE ID=%d", $_POST['quiz_id']));
    $_watu->this_quiz = $exam;
    $advanced_settings = unserialize(stripslashes($exam->advanced_settings));
    if (watupro_intel()) {
        WatuPROIQuestion::$advanced_settings = $advanced_settings;
        WTPQuestion::$advanced_settings = $advanced_settings;
    $questions = watupro_unserialize_questions($_POST['watupro_questions']);
    // find current question
    $ques = null;
    foreach ($questions as $question) {
        if ($question->ID == $_POST['question_id']) {
            $ques = $question;
    if (!is_object($ques)) {
        die(__("Sorry, we couldn't retrieve the answer", 'watupro'));
    $ansArr = is_array($_POST["answer-" . $ques->ID]) ? $_POST["answer-" . $ques->ID] : array();
    list($points, $correct) = WTPQuestion::calc_answer($ques, $ansArr, $ques->q_answers);
    list($answer_text, $current_text, $unresolved_text) = $_question->process($_watu, $_POST['question_num'], $ques->question, $ques, $ansArr, $correct, $points);
    $current_text = apply_filters('watupro_content', $current_text);
    echo $current_text;
    // now save it in the user answers details if user is logged in
    if (is_user_logged_in()) {
        $taking_id = $_watu->add_taking($exam->ID, 1);
        $answer = serialize($_POST['answer-' . $_POST['question_id']]);
        // we need to store the serialized answer here
        $_watu->store_details($exam->ID, $taking_id, $ques->ID, $answer, $points, $ques->question, $correct, $current_text);
Example #2
function watupro_questions()
    global $wpdb, $user_ID;
    $multiuser_access = 'all';
    if (watupro_intel()) {
        $multiuser_access = WatuPROIMultiUser::check_access('exams_access');
    if ($multiuser_access == 'own') {
        // make sure this is my quiz
        $quiz = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_EXAMS . " WHERE ID=%d", $_GET['quiz']));
        if ($quiz->editor_id != $user_ID) {
            wp_die(__('You can only manage the questions on your own quizzes.', 'watupro'));
    if (!empty($_GET['export'])) {
    if (!empty($_POST['watupro_import'])) {
    $action = 'new';
    if (!empty($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] == 'edit') {
        $action = 'edit';
    if (isset($_POST['ok'])) {
        // add new category?
        if (!empty($_POST['new_cat'])) {
            $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO " . WATUPRO_QCATS . " (name, editor_id) VALUES (%s, %d) ", $_POST['new_cat'], $user_ID));
            $_POST['cat_id'] = $wpdb->insert_id;
        // only 'radio' questuons can be truefalse
        if ($_POST['answer_type'] != 'radio') {
            $_POST['truefalse'] = 0;
        if ($action == 'edit') {
            WTPQuestion::edit($_POST, $_POST['question']);
        } else {
            $_POST['question'] = WTPQuestion::add($_POST);
            $action = 'edit';
        // when we have selected "exact" feedback we need to match feedback/explanation to answers
        $explanations = array();
        if (!empty($_POST['explain_answer']) and !empty($_POST['do_elaborate_explanation']) and @$_POST['elaborate_explanation'] == 'exact') {
            $explanations = explode("{{{split}}}", $_POST['explain_answer']);
        // adding answers
        $question_id = $_POST['question'];
        if ($question_id > 0) {
            // select old answers
            $old_answers = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " WHERE question_id=%d ORDER BY ID", $question_id));
            // handle matrix
            if (watupro_intel() and $_POST['answer_type'] == 'matrix') {
                WatuPROIQuestion::save_matrix($question_id, $old_answers);
            // the $counter will skip over empty answers, $sort_order_counter will track the provided answers order.
            $counter = 1;
            $sort_order_counter = 1;
            $correctArry = @$_POST['correct_answer'];
            $pointArry = @$_POST['point'];
            if (!empty($_POST['answer']) and is_array($_POST['answer'])) {
                foreach ($_POST['answer'] as $key => $answer_text) {
                    $correct = 0;
                    if (@in_array($counter, $correctArry)) {
                        $correct = 1;
                    $point = $pointArry[$key];
                    $grade_id_key = $key + 1;
                    // correct answers must always have positive number of points
                    if ($correct and $point <= 0) {
                        $point = 1;
                    // actually add or save the answer
                    if ($answer_text !== "") {
                        if (empty($point)) {
                            $point = 0;
                        // is there old answer?
                        if (isset($old_answers[$counter - 1])) {
                            $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " SET \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tanswer=%s, correct=%s, point=%s, sort_order=%d, explanation=%s, grade_id=%s\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ID=%d", $answer_text, $correct, $point, $sort_order_counter, @$explanations[$key], @implode('|', $_POST['grade_id_' . $grade_id_key]), $old_answers[$counter - 1]->ID));
                        } else {
                            $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " (question_id, answer, correct, point, sort_order, explanation, grade_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES(%d, %s, %s, %s, %d, %s, %s)", $question_id, $answer_text, $correct, $point, $sort_order_counter, @$explanations[$key], @implode('|', $_POST['grade_id_' . $grade_id_key])));
                        // for truefalse questions don't save more than 2 answers
                        if (!empty($_POST['truefalse']) and $sort_order_counter > 2) {
                        // break the foreach
                // end foreach $_POST['answer']
                // any old answers to cleanup?
                if ($sort_order_counter <= sizeof($old_answers)) {
                    $answers_to_del = array_slice($old_answers, $sort_order_counter - 1);
                    $ans_del_ids = array(0);
                    foreach ($answers_to_del as $a) {
                        $ans_del_ids[] = $a->ID;
                    $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " WHERE ID IN (" . implode(',', $ans_del_ids) . ") AND question_id=%d", $question_id));
            // end if $_POST['answer']
            do_action('watupro_saved_question', $question_id);
            // should I redirect to edit a choice in rich text editor?
            if (!empty($_POST['goto_rich_text'])) {
                watupro_redirect("admin.php?page=watupro_edit_choice&id=" . $_POST['goto_rich_text']);
        // end if $question_id
    // end adding/saving question
    // delete question
    if (!empty($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] == 'delete') {
        $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " WHERE question_id=%d", $_REQUEST['question']));
        $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM " . WATUPRO_QUESTIONS . " WHERE ID=%d", $_REQUEST['question']));
        $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM " . WATUPRO_STUDENT_ANSWERS . " WHERE question_id=%d", $_REQUEST['question']));
    // mass delete questions
    if (!empty($_POST['mass_delete'])) {
        $qids = is_array($_POST['qids']) ? $_POST['qids'] : array(0);
        $qid_sql = implode(", ", $qids);
        $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . WATUPRO_QUESTIONS . " WHERE ID IN ({$qid_sql})");
        $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " WHERE question_id IN ({$qid_sql})");
        $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . WATUPRO_STUDENT_ANSWERS . " WHERE question_id IN ({$qid_sql})");
    // save question hints settings
    if (!empty($_POST['hints_settings'])) {
        if (empty($_POST['enable_question_hints'])) {
            $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE " . WATUPRO_EXAMS . " SET question_hints='' WHERE ID=%d", $_GET['quiz']));
        } else {
            $per_quiz = intval($_POST['hints_per_quiz']);
            $per_question = intval($_POST['hints_per_question']);
            $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE " . WATUPRO_EXAMS . " SET question_hints='{$per_quiz}|{$per_question}' WHERE ID=%d", $_GET['quiz']));
    // mass change question category
    if (!empty($_POST['mass_change_category'])) {
        $qids = is_array($_POST['qids']) ? $_POST['qids'] : array(0);
        $qid_sql = implode(", ", $qids);
        $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE " . WATUPRO_QUESTIONS . " SET cat_id=%d \n\t\t\tWHERE ID IN ({$qid_sql}) AND exam_id=%d", $_POST['mass_cat_id'], $_GET['quiz']));
    // select exam
    $exam = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_EXAMS . " WHERE ID=%d", $_GET['quiz']));
    $exam_name = stripslashes($exam->name);
    // reorder questions
    if (!empty($_GET['move'])) {
        WTPQuestion::reorder($_GET['move'], $_GET['quiz'], $_GET['dir']);
        watupro_redirect("admin.php?page=watupro_questions&quiz=" . $_GET['quiz']);
    // filter by category SQL
    $filter_sql = "";
    if (!empty($_GET['filter_cat_id'])) {
        if ($_GET['filter_cat_id'] == -1) {
            $filter_sql .= " AND Q.cat_id = 0 ";
        } else {
            $filter_sql .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND Q.cat_id = %d ", $_GET['filter_cat_id']);
    // filter by tag
    if (!empty($_GET['filter_tag'])) {
        $tags = explode(",", $_GET['filter_tag']);
        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
            $tag = trim($tag);
            $filter_sql .= " AND Q.tags LIKE '%|" . $tag . "|%'";
    // filter by ID
    if (!empty($_GET['filter_id'])) {
        // cleanup everything that is not comma or number
        $_GET['filter_id'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9\\s\\,]/', '', $_GET['filter_id']);
        if (!empty($_GET['filter_id'])) {
            $filter_sql .= " AND Q.ID IN ({$_GET['filter_id']}) ";
    // Retrieve the questions
    $all_question = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS Q.ID, Q.question, C.name as cat, \n\t\tQ.answer_type as answer_type, Q.is_inactive as is_inactive, \n\t\tQ.importance as importance, Q.truefalse as truefalse,\n\t\t(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " WHERE question_id=Q.ID) AS answer_count\n\t\t\t\tFROM `" . WATUPRO_QUESTIONS . "` AS Q\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . WATUPRO_QCATS . " AS C ON C.ID=Q.cat_id \n\t\t\t\tWHERE Q.exam_id=" . intval($_GET['quiz']) . " {$filter_sql} ORDER BY Q.sort_order, Q.ID");
    $num_questions = sizeof($all_question);
    if (empty($filter_sql)) {
    // strip per page. We have good reasons to NOT use SQL limit here (the fix_sort_order function is the reason)
    $page_limit = 50;
    $offset = empty($_GET['offset']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['offset']);
    $all_question = array_slice($all_question, $offset, $page_limit);
    // select question categories
    $qcats = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_QCATS . " ORDER BY name");
    // hints related stuff
    $enable_question_hints = $hints_per_quiz = $hints_per_question = 0;
    if (!empty($exam->question_hints)) {
        $enable_question_hints = true;
        list($hints_per_quiz, $hints_per_question) = explode("|", $exam->question_hints);
    if (@file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/watupro/questions.php')) {
        require get_stylesheet_directory() . '/watupro/questions.php';
    } else {
        require WATUPRO_PATH . "/views/questions.php";
Example #3
function watupro_import_question($data, &$cats)
    global $wpdb;
    if ($_POST['file_type'] == 'new') {
        $cat_id = WTPCategory::discover(@$data[3], $cats);
        // handle true/false subtype
        $truefalse = 0;
        if ($data[1] == 'true/false') {
            $truefalse = 1;
            $data[1] = 'radio';
        // only new questions and answers
        $stripfrom = 6;
        $question_array = array("content" => $data[0], "answer_type" => $data[1], "sort_order" => $data[2], "cat_id" => $cat_id, "explain_answer" => $data[4], "is_required" => $data[5], "quiz" => $_GET['quiz']);
        $stripfrom = 13;
        $question_array['correct_condition'] = $data[6];
        $gapdata = explode("/", $data[7]);
        // handle both gap & sort
        $question_array['correct_gap_points'] = $question_array['correct_sort_points'] = @$gapdata[0];
        $question_array['incorrect_gap_points'] = $question_array['incorrect_sort_points'] = @$gapdata[1];
        $question_array['sorting_answers'] = $data[8];
        $question_array['max_selections'] = $data[9];
        $question_array['is_inactive'] = $data[10];
        $question_array['is_survey'] = $data[11];
        $question_array['elaborate_explanation'] = $data[12];
        $question_array['truefalse'] = $truefalse;
        $question_array['feedback_label'] = '';
        // temp as it's not yet included in export
        // sorting answers may contain ||| or |||||| for new lines separator
        $question_array['sorting_answers'] = str_replace('||||||', "\n", $question_array['sorting_answers']);
        $question_array['sorting_answers'] = str_replace('|||', "\n", $question_array['sorting_answers']);
        $qid = WTPQuestion::add($question_array);
        // extract answers
        $data = array_slice($data, $stripfrom);
        $answers = array();
        $step = 1;
        foreach ($data as $cnt => $d) {
            if ($step == 1) {
                $answer = array();
                $answer['answer'] = $d;
                $answer['is_correct'] = 0;
                $step = 2;
            } else {
                $answer['points'] = $d;
                $step = 1;
                $answers[] = $answer;
        // now we have the answers in the array, let's identify which ones are correct
        if ($data[1] == 'radio') {
            // for 'single answer' it's the one with most points
            $top_points = 0;
            foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                if ($answer['points'] > $top_points) {
                    $top_points = $answer['points'];
            // once again
            foreach ($answers as $cnt => $answer) {
                if ($answer['points'] == $top_points) {
                    $answers[$cnt]['is_correct'] = 1;
        } else {
            // for other types answer with positive points is correct
            foreach ($answers as $cnt => $answer) {
                if ($answer['points'] > 0) {
                    $answers[$cnt]['is_correct'] = 1;
        // finally insert them
        $vals = array();
        foreach ($answers as $cnt => $answer) {
            if ($answer['answer'] === '') {
            $vals[] = $wpdb->prepare("(%d, %s, %s, %s, %d)", $qid, $answer['answer'], $answer['is_correct'], $answer['points'], $cnt);
        $values_sql = implode(",", $vals);
        if (sizeof($answers)) {
            $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " (question_id,answer,correct,point, sort_order) \n\t\t\tVALUES {$values_sql}");
    } else {
        // for old files import
        if ($row == 1 or empty($data[1])) {
        // skip first line
        $cat_id = WTPCategory::discover($data[4], $cats);
        $stripfrom = 14;
        $gapdata = explode("/", $data[8]);
        if (empty($data[0])) {
            $question_array = array("content" => $data[1], "answer_type" => $data[2], "sort_order" => $data[3], "cat_id" => $cat_id, "explain_answer" => $data[5], "is_required" => $data[6], "quiz" => $_GET['quiz']);
            $question_array['correct_condition'] = $data[7];
            $question_array['correct_gap_points'] = $gapdata[0];
            $question_array['incorrect_gap_points'] = $gapdata[1];
            $question_array['sorting_answers'] = $data[9];
            $question_array['max_selections'] = $data[10];
            $question_array['is_inactive'] = $data[11];
            $question_array['is_survey'] = $data[12];
            $question_array['elaborate_explanation'] = $data[13];
            $question_array['feedback_label'] = '';
            // temp as it's not yet included in export
            // sorting answers may contain ||| or |||||| for new lines separator
            $question_array['sorting_answers'] = str_replace('||||||', "\n", $question_array['sorting_answers']);
            $question_array['sorting_answers'] = str_replace('|||', "\n", $question_array['sorting_answers']);
            $qid = WTPQuestion::add($question_array);
        } else {
            $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE " . WATUPRO_QUESTIONS . " SET question=%s, answer_type=%s,\n  \t\t\t\tsort_order=%d, cat_id=%d, explain_answer=%s, is_required=%d, correct_condition=%s,\n  \t\t\t\tcorrect_gap_points=%s, incorrect_gap_points=%s, sorting_answers = %s, max_selections = %d,\n  \t\t\t\tis_inactive=%d, is_survey = %d, elaborate_explanation = %s\n  \t\t\t\tWHERE ID=%d", $data[1], $data[2], $data[3], $cat_id, $data[5], $data[6], $data[7], $gapdata[0], $gapdata[1], $data[9], $data[10], $data[11], $data[12], $data[13], $data[0]));
            $qid = $data[0];
        // now answers, first extract them similar to the "new file" option
        $data = array_slice($data, $stripfrom);
        $answers = array();
        $step = 1;
        foreach ($data as $cnt => $d) {
            switch ($step) {
                case 1:
                    $answer = array();
                    $answer['id'] = $d;
                    $step = 2;
                case 2:
                    $answer['answer'] = $d;
                    $step = 3;
                case 3:
                    $answer['points'] = $d;
                    $step = 1;
                    $answers[] = $answer;
        // end foreach
        // now insert or update
        foreach ($answers as $cnt => $answer) {
            if ($answer['answer'] === '') {
            // assume 1st is correct
            if ($cnt == 1) {
                $correct = 1;
            } else {
                $correct = 0;
            if ($answer['id']) {
                $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " SET answer=%s, point=%d WHERE ID=%d", $answer['answer'], $answer['points'], $answer['id']));
            } else {
                $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . "\n  \t\t\t\t\t\t(question_id,answer,correct,point, sort_order) VALUES (%d, %s, %s, %s, %d) ", $qid, $answer['answer'], $correct, $answer['points'], $cnt));
        // end foreach
    // end else pf $_POST['file_type']=='new'
Example #4
 function display($ques, $qct, $question_count, $in_progress, $exam = null)
     global $wpdb, $question_catids;
     // should we display category header? (when quiz is paginated 1 category per page this is handled by watupro_cat_header())
     if (!empty($exam) and $exam->group_by_cat and !in_array($ques->cat_id, $question_catids) and $exam->single_page != WATUPRO_PAGINATE_PAGE_PER_CATEGORY) {
         echo "<h3>" . $ques->cat . "</h3>";
         if (!empty($ques->cat_description)) {
             echo "<div>" . apply_filters('watupro_content', stripslashes(wpautop($ques->cat_description))) . "</div>";
         $question_catids[] = $ques->cat_id;
     // fill in_progress once to avoid running multiple qiueries
     if (!empty($in_progress)) {
         // check if we already fetched the answers. if not, fetch
         // this is to avoid queries on every question
         WTPQuestion::$in_progress = $in_progress;
         if (empty($this->inprogress_details)) {
             $answers = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_STUDENT_ANSWERS . " \n\t  \t\t\t\tWHERE taking_id=%d AND exam_id=%d", $in_progress->ID, $in_progress->exam_id));
             $this->inprogress_details = $this->inprogress_hints = $this->inprogress_snapshots = array();
             $this->num_hints_total = 0;
             foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                 $this->inprogress_details[$answer->question_id] = unserialize($answer->answer);
                 $this->inprogress_hints[$answer->question_id] = stripslashes($answer->hints_used);
                 $this->inprogress_snapshots[$answer->question_id] = stripslashes($answer->snapshot);
                 if (!empty($answer->feedback)) {
                     $this->inprogress_feedbacks[$answer->question_id] = $answer->feedback;
                 $this->num_hints_total += $answer->num_hints_used;
     // if there is snapshot, means we have called 'see answer'. In this case we should make the div below invisible
     $nodisplay = '';
     if (!empty($this->inprogress_snapshots[$ques->ID]) and $exam->live_result) {
         $nodisplay = 'style="display:none;"';
     $compact_class = $ques->compact_format ? "watupro-compact" : "";
     $question_number = empty(self::$advanced_settings['dont_display_question_numbers']) ? "<span class='watupro_num'>Question {$qct} </span>" : '';
     echo "<div id='questionWrap-{$question_count}' {$nodisplay} class='{$compact_class}'>\n\t\t\t<div class='question-content' " . @$display_style . ">";
     // replace {{{ID}}} if any
     $ques->question = str_replace('{{{ID}}}', $ques->ID, $ques->question);
     if (watupro_intel() and ($ques->answer_type == 'gaps' or $ques->answer_type == 'sort' or $ques->answer_type == 'matrix')) {
         require_once WATUPRO_PATH . "/i/models/question.php";
         WatuPROIQuestion::display($ques, $qct, $question_count, @$this->inprogress_details);
     } else {
         echo wpautop(self::flag_review($ques, $qct) . $question_number . stripslashes($ques->question));
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='question_id[]' id='qID_{$question_count}' value='{$ques->ID}' />";
     echo "<input type='hidden' id='answerType{$ques->ID}' value='{$ques->answer_type}'>";
     if ($ques->is_required) {
         echo "<input type='hidden' id='watupro-required-question-" . $ques->ID . "'>";
     if (!empty($exam->question_hints)) {
         $this->display_hints($ques, $in_progress);
     if ($ques->answer_type != 'sort') {
         echo "<!-- end question-content--></div>";
     // end question-content
     $this->display_choices($ques, $in_progress);
     // accept feedback?
     if ($ques->accept_feedback) {
         $feedback = empty($this->inprogress_feedbacks[$ques->ID]) ? '' : stripslashes($this->inprogress_feedbacks[$ques->ID]);
         echo "<p>" . stripslashes($ques->feedback_label) . "<br>\n \t\t\t<textarea name='feedback-{$ques->ID}' rows='3' cols='30' class='watupro-user-feedback' id='watuproUserFeedback{$ques->ID}'>{$feedback}</textarea></p>";
     echo '<!-- end questionWrap--></div>';
     // end questionWrap
Example #5

// called when exam is submitted
$_question = new WTPQuestion();
global $user_email, $user_identity, $question_catids, $post;
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
    $user_email = @$_POST['taker_email'];
if (watupro_intel()) {
    require_once WATUPRO_PATH . "/i/models/question.php";
$taking_id = $_watu->add_taking($exam->ID);
$_POST['watupro_current_taking_id'] = $GLOBALS['watupro_taking_id'] = $taking_id;
// needed in personality quizzes and shortcodes
$_watu->this_quiz = $exam;
$total = $score = $achieved = $max_points = 0;
$result = $unresolved_questions = $current_text = '';
$user_grade_ids = array();
// used in personality quizzes (Intelligence module)
$question_catids = array();
// used for category based pagination
foreach ($all_question as $qct => $ques) {
    if (empty($ques->is_survey)) {
    // the two rows below are about the category headers
    if (!$ques->exclude_on_final_screen) {
        $result .= watupro_cat_header($exam, $qct, $ques, 'submit');
        if (!in_array($ques->cat_id, $question_catids)) {
            $question_catids[] = $ques->cat_id;
Example #6
if (!is_singular() and !empty($GLOBALS['watupro_client_includes_loaded'])) {
    #If this is in the listing page - and a quiz is already shown, don't show another.
    printf(__("Please go to <a href='%s'>%s</a> to view this test", 'watupro'), get_permalink(), get_the_title());
    return false;
// now select and display questions
$answer_display = $exam->show_answers == "" ? get_option('watupro_show_answers') : $exam->show_answers;
// loading serialized questions or questions coming by POST
if (!empty($_POST['action']) or !empty($in_progress->serialized_questions)) {
    $serialized_questions = empty($_REQUEST['watupro_questions']) ? @$in_progress->serialized_questions : $_REQUEST['watupro_questions'];
    $all_question = watupro_unserialize_questions($serialized_questions);
// this happens either at the beginning or if for some reason $all_question is empty on submitting
if (empty($all_question)) {
    $all_question = WTPQuestion::select_all($exam);
    // regroup by cats?
    if (empty($passed_question_ids)) {
        $all_question = $_watu->group_by_cat($all_question, $exam);
    // now match answers to non-textarea questions
    $_watu->match_answers($all_question, $exam);
$cnt_questions = sizeof($all_question);
// get required question ids as string
$rids = array(0);
foreach ($all_question as $q) {
    if ($q->is_required) {
        $rids[] = $q->ID;
Example #7
 static function import_questions_aiken($quiz, $handle)
     global $wpdb;
     $start_question = true;
     $qid = 0;
     // question ID
     $answers = array();
     while (($aiken_line = fgets($handle, 10000)) !== FALSE) {
         $aiken_line = trim($aiken_line);
         if (empty($aiken_line)) {
         if ($start_question) {
             // let's import the question and get its ID for the answers
             $question_array = array("content" => $aiken_line, "answer_type" => 'radio', "quiz" => $quiz->ID, "cat_id" => 0, 'explain_answer' => '', 'is_required' => 0, 'max_selections' => 0);
             $qid = WTPQuestion::add($question_array);
             $start_question = false;
         // import answers
         if (!$start_question) {
             // the correct answer is here: let's find it, assign it, and set start_question to true
             if (preg_match("/^ANSWER/", $aiken_line)) {
                 $correct_letter = preg_replace("/^ANSWER\\:/", '', $aiken_line);
                 $correct_letter = trim($correct_letter);
                 foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) {
                     $correct = $key == $correct_letter ? 1 : 0;
                     $points = $correct;
                     $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tquestion_id=%d, answer=%s, correct=%s, point=%s", $qid, $answer, $correct, $points));
                 $start_question = true;
                 $answers = array();
             } else {
                 // fill into the answers array
                 $answer_text = substr($aiken_line, 2);
                 $answer_letter = substr($aiken_line, 0, 1);
                 $answers[$answer_letter] = $answer_text;
     // end while
Example #8
function watupro_unserialize_answer($answer)
    global $wpdb;
    $answer_arr = unserialize(stripslashes($answer->answer));
    $question = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_QUESTIONS . " WHERE ID=%d", $answer->question_id));
    $answer_value = $answer_arr[0];
    list($points, $is_correct) = WTPQuestion::calc_answer($question, $answer_value);
    $answer->answer = $answer_value;
    $answer->is_correct = $is_correct;
    $answer->points = $points;
    return $answer;
Example #9
 static function copy($id, $copy_to = 0)
     global $wpdb;
     // select exam
     $exam = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_EXAMS . " WHERE id=%d", $id));
     if (empty($exam->ID)) {
         throw new Exception(__("Invalid exam ID", 'watupro'));
     // select grades
     $grades = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_GRADES . " WHERE exam_id=%d ORDER BY ID", $id));
     // copy only some grades?
     if (!empty($_POST['copy_select'])) {
         foreach ($grades as $cnt => $grade) {
             if (!@in_array($grade->ID, @$_POST['grade_ids'])) {
     // select questions and choices
     $questions = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_QUESTIONS . " WHERE exam_id=%d \n\t\t\tORDER BY sort_order, ID", $id), ARRAY_A);
     // copy only some questions?
     if (!empty($_POST['copy_select'])) {
         foreach ($questions as $cnt => $question) {
             if (!@in_array($question['ID'], @$_POST['question_ids'])) {
     $qids = array(0);
     foreach ($questions as $question) {
         $qids[] = $question['ID'];
     $choices = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " WHERE question_id IN (" . implode(",", $qids) . ") \n\t\t\tORDER BY sort_order, ID");
     // match choices to questions
     foreach ($questions as $cnt => $question) {
         $questions[$cnt]['choices'] = array();
         foreach ($choices as $choice) {
             if ($choice->question_id == $question['ID']) {
                 $questions[$cnt]['choices'][] = $choice;
     // insert/copy exam
     if (empty($copy_to)) {
         $new_exam_id = self::add(array("name" => stripslashes($exam->name) . " " . __("(Copy)", 'watupro'), "description" => stripslashes($exam->description), "content" => stripslashes($exam->final_screen), "require_login" => $exam->require_login, "take_again" => $exam->take_again, "email_taker" => $exam->email_taker, "email_admin" => $exam->email_admin, "admin_email" => $exam->admin_email, "randomize_questions" => $exam->randomize_questions, "login_mode" => $exam->login_mode, "time_limit" => $exam->time_limit, "pull_random" => $exam->pull_random, "show_answers" => $exam->show_answers, "group_by_cat" => $exam->group_by_cat, "num_answers" => $exam->num_answers, "single_page" => $exam->single_page, "cat_id" => $exam->cat_id, "times_to_take" => $exam->times_to_take, "mode" => $exam->mode, "require_captcha" => $exam->require_captcha, "grades_by_percent" => $exam->grades_by_percent, "disallow_previous_button" => $exam->disallow_previous_button, "random_per_category" => $exam->random_per_category, "email_output" => $exam->email_output, "live_result" => $exam->live_result, "fee" => $exam->fee, "is_scheduled" => $exam->is_scheduled, "schedule_from" => $exam->schedule_from, "schedule_to" => $exam->schedule_to, "submit_always_visible" => $exam->submit_always_visible, "retake_after" => $exam->retake_after, "reuse_questions_from" => $exam->reuse_questions_from, "show_pagination" => $exam->show_pagination, "advanced_settings" => $exam->advanced_settings, "enable_save_button" => $exam->enable_save_button, "shareable_final_screen" => $exam->shareable_final_screen, "redirect_final_screen" => $exam->redirect_final_screen, "question_hints" => $exam->question_hints, "takings_by_ip" => $exam->takings_by_ip, "reuse_default_grades" => $exam->reuse_default_grades, "store_progress" => $exam->store_progress, "custom_per_page" => $exam->custom_per_page, "is_active" => $exam->is_active, "randomize_cats" => $exam->randomize_cats, "email_subject" => $exam->email_subject, "pay_always" => $exam->pay_always, "published_odd" => $exam->published_odd, "published_odd_url" => $exam->published_odd_url, "retake_grades" => ""));
     } else {
         $new_exam_id = $copy_to;
     // insert grades
     foreach ($grades as $grade) {
         $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO " . WATUPRO_GRADES . " SET\n\t\t\t\t\texam_id=%d, gtitle=%s, gdescription=%s, gfrom=%s, gto=%s, cat_id=%d, certificate_id=%d", $new_exam_id, stripcslashes($grade->gtitle), stripcslashes($grade->gdescription), $grade->gfrom, $grade->gto, $grade->cat_id, $grade->certificate_id));
     // insert questions and choices
     foreach ($questions as $question) {
         $to_copy = array("quiz" => $new_exam_id, "content" => $question['question'], "answer_type" => $question['answer_type'], "cat_id" => $question['cat_id'], "explain_answer" => $question['explain_answer'], "is_required" => $question['is_required'], "sort_order" => $question['sort_order'], "correct_gap_points" => $question['correct_gap_points'], "incorrect_gap_points" => $question['incorrect_gap_points'], "correct_sort_points" => $question['correct_gap_points'], "incorrect_sort_points" => $question['incorrect_gap_points'], "max_selections" => $question['max_selections'], "sorting_answers" => $question['sorting_answers'], "is_inactive" => $question['is_inactive'], "is_survey" => $question['is_survey'], "elaborate_explanation" => $question['elaborate_explanation'], "open_end_mode" => $question['open_end_mode'], "correct_condition" => $question['correct_condition'], "tags" => $question['tags'], "open_end_display" => $question['open_end_display'], "exclude_on_final_screen" => $question['exclude_on_final_screen'], "hints" => $question['hints'], "importance" => $question['importance'], "unanswered_penalty" => $question['unanswered_penalty'], "truefalse" => $question['truefalse'], "accept_feedback" => $question['accept_feedback'], "feedback_label" => $question['feedback_label']);
         if (!empty($question['elaborate_explanation'])) {
             $to_copy['do_elaborate_explanation'] = true;
         $new_question_id = WTPQuestion::add($to_copy);
         foreach ($question['choices'] as $choice) {
             $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO " . WATUPRO_ANSWERS . " (question_id,answer,correct,point, sort_order)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES(%d, %s, %s, %s, %d)", $new_question_id, $choice->answer, $choice->correct, $choice->point, $choice->sort_order));