function wfitem($wf) { $wf->cp->ogimage = WRA::base_url() . 'images/500.png'; if (!empty($wf->currouteindex[0]['index'])) { $this->cpid = intval($wf->currouteindex[0]['index']); } }
function wfitem($wf) { if (wra_userscontext::isloged($wf) && wra_userscontext::hasright('adminpage')) { $wf->cp->baseico = true; $wf->cp->norobots(); $wf->cp->bodyclass = "admin_login"; } else { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . 'admin/login'); $wf->nicedie(); } $this->adminnodes = WRA_ENV::adminnodes(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->adminnodes); $i++) { if ($_REQUEST['node'] == $this->adminnodes[$i]->link) { $this->curnode = $this->adminnodes[$i]; $this->curadmin = new wfadmin($this->curnode->link); break; } } $this->art = json_decode(stripslashes($_REQUEST['ids'])); if (!is_array($this->art)) { $this->art = array(); $this->art[] = $_REQUEST['ids']; } $this->header = $this->curnode->name; if (!$this->curadmin->multilanguages) { $this->currows = $this->curadmin->getrows('', $this->page * $this->onpage, $this->onpage); } else { $this->currows = $this->curadmin->getrows('_' . WRA_CONF::$language, $this->page * $this->onpage, $this->onpage); } }
function getlink() { if ($this->id <= wra_foursqvenues::$linknumber) { return WRA::base_url() . 'e/' . $this->id; } else { return WRA::base_url() . 'e/' . $this->link; } }
function wra_cacheflow($named, $cacheon) { $this->name = WRA::base_url() . $named . intval(time() / 1200); $this->cacheon = $cacheon; if (WRA_CONF::$usedebug) { $this->cacheon = false; } }
function run() { parent::run(); $this->nofooter = true; $this->noheader = true; $this->wf->cp->ogimage = WRA::base_url() . 'images/500.png'; $adminmark = ''; if (wra_userscontext::hasright('adminpage')) { $adminmark = time(); } $cache0 = new wra_cacheflow('p' . $this->wf->requestedpage . $adminmark, true); if ($cache0->begin()) { if (!empty($this->wf->currouteindex[0]['index'])) { if (count($this->wf->currouteindex) > 1) { $this->linky = addslashes($this->wf->currouteindex[0]['index'] . '/' . $this->wf->currouteindex[1]['index']); $id = wra_foursqvenues::getidbylink($this->linky); if ($id) { $this->cpid = $id; } } else { $this->cpid = intval($this->wf->currouteindex[0]['index']); if ($this->cpid > wra_foursqvenues::$linknumber) { $this->cpid = 0; } } } $this->wf->cp->ogtitle = 'Fresh ukrainian news on the map '; $this->wf->cp->ogname = 'Map of war in Ukraine'; $this->wf->cp->header = 'Map of Unrest in Ukraine'; $this->wf->cp->description = 'Fresh news from Ukraine on the map, event of summer 2014, war between Russia and Ukraine, beginning of Third World War. 2014 pro-Russian conflict in Ukraine '; $this->wf->cp->keywords = 'Ukraine, Russia, Donetsk, war, artillery, war games, provocations, intelligence, USA, Eastern Europe'; if ($this->cpid != 0) { $this->venue = new wra_foursqvenues(); $this->venue->load($this->cpid); $this->wf->cp->header = $this->venue->name; $this->wf->cp->ogtitle = $this->venue->name; $this->wf->cp->pagehead = $this->venue->name; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['ll'])) { ini_set('display_errors', 'Off'); $this->ll = explode(';', $_REQUEST['ll']); $this->ll[0] = floatval($this->ll[0]); $this->ll[1] = floatval($this->ll[1]); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['zoom'])) { $this->zoom = intval($_REQUEST['zoom']); } $this->cats = wra_cats::get_list(); $this->venues = wra_foursqvenues::get_l30(time()); $this->wf->includeheader(); include WRA_Path . '/template/index.php'; $this->wf->includefooter(); // $this->lastupdate= wra_foursqvenues::lastupdate(); } $cache0->end(); // $this->wf->nicedie(); }
function run() { parent::run(); if ($_REQUEST['oauth_token']) { $connection = new TwitterOAuth(WRA_CONF::$twiappid, WRA_CONF::$twiappsecret, $_REQUEST['oauth_token'], $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']); $token_credentials = $connection->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']); $connection = new TwitterOAuth(WRA_CONF::$twiappid, WRA_CONF::$twiappsecret, $token_credentials['oauth_token'], $token_credentials['oauth_token_secret']); $account = $connection->get('account/verify_credentials'); // WRA::debug($ctwe); if ($account) { // WRA::debug($user); $nu = new wra_twu(); $nu->display_name = htmlspecialchars($account->screen_name, ENT_QUOTES); //$user->name; $nu->regdate = WRA::getcurtime(); $nu->twuserid = $account->id; // $nu->userid = $usr; $nu->username = htmlspecialchars($account->name, ENT_QUOTES); $nu->usersurname = htmlspecialchars($user['last_name'], ENT_QUOTES); $nu->link = $account->url; //$user->link; $nu->user_agent = wra_fbu::getbrowser(); $nu->access_token = $token_credentials['oauth_token']; $nu->email = $token_credentials['oauth_token_secret']; $nu->photo = $account->profile_image_url; if ($account->notifications) { $nu->gender = 0; } else { $nu->gender = 1; } $nu->phone = ''; if (!empty($nu->twuserid)) { if (!wra_twu::istwexist($nu->twuserid)) { $nu->userid = $this->addUsr($nu->username, $nu->usersurname, $nu->phone, $nu->email, "asdf" . time(), $nu->photo); $nu->add(); } else { $nu->loadbytw($nu->twuserid); $nu->update(); } wra_twu::twd($nu->twuserid, $nu->userid); } if (empty($_SESSION['lastpage'])) { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . '?from=tw&show=no'); } else { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . $_SESSION['lastpage']); } $_SESSION['lastpage'] = ''; } } else { ?> <a href="<?php WRA::e(wra_twitter::loginLink()); ?> ">login</a><?php } }
function run() { $this->nofooter = true; $this->noheader = true; if (isset($_POST['btnclicked'])) { switch ($_POST['btnclicked']) { case 'btnfind': break; case 'btnAdd': WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . $this->curnode->link . '/edit'); break; } } }
function run() { parent::run(); if (wra_userscontext::isloged($this->wf) || wra_u::islogin()) { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url()); return; } $this->wf->cp->ogtitle = 'Fresh ukrainian news on the map '; $this->wf->cp->ogname = 'Map of war in Ukraine'; $this->wf->cp->header = 'Map of Unrest in Ukraine'; $this->wf->cp->description = 'Fresh news from Ukraine on the map, event of summer 2014, war between Russia and Ukraine, beginning of Third World War. 2014 pro-Russian conflict in Ukraine '; $this->wf->cp->keywords = 'Ukraine, Russia, Donetsk, war, artillery, war games, provocations, intelligence, USA, Eastern Europe'; // $this->lastupdate= wra_foursqvenues::lastupdate(); }
function show() { $cache0 = new wra_cacheflow('sitemap', true); if ($cache0->begin()) { $this->items = wra_foursqvenues::get_listall(); WRA::e('<?'); ?> xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"<?php WRA::e('?>'); ?> <urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <url> <loc><?php WRA::e(WRA::base_url()); ?> </loc> <changefreq>hourly</changefreq> </url> <url> <loc><?php WRA::e(WRA::base_url()); ?> history</loc> <changefreq>hourly</changefreq> </url> <?php foreach ($this->items as $a0) { ?> <url> <loc><?php WRA::e($a0->getlink()); ?> </loc> <changefreq>yearly</changefreq> </url> <?php } ?> </urlset><?php } $cache0->end(); }
function wfitem($wf) { //include WRA_Path. '/modules/admin/admintable.php'; //include WRA_Path.'/modules/admin/adminpages.php'; $this->header = 'Администрирование'; $this->adminnodes = WRA_ENV::adminnodes(); $this->noticecount = wra_adminnotices::getcount(); if (wra_userscontext::isloged($wf) && wra_userscontext::hasright('adminpage')) { $wf->cp->baseico = true; $wf->cp->norobots(); $wf->cp->bodyclass = "admin_login"; } else { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . 'admin/login'); $wf->nicedie(); } // wra_adminnotices:: message('hello','hello'); }
function run() { $this->nofooter = true; $this->noheader = false; if (isset($_POST['admin_login'])) { $this->enter_try = -1; $isremember = false; if (isset($_POST['rememberme'])) { $isremember = true; } $login = addslashes($_POST['admin_login']); $pass = $_POST['admin_pass']; $this->enter_try = wra_userscontext::login($this->wf, $login, $pass, $isremember); } if (isset($_REQUEST['act'])) { // die($_REQUEST['act']); wra_userscontext::logout(); if (@$_REQUEST['backurl'] == 'index.php') { WRA::gotopage(''); $this->wf->nicedie(); } } if (wra_userscontext::isloged($this->wf)) { switch (@$_POST['returnurl']) { case 'admin': default: if (wra_userscontext::hasright('adminpage')) { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . 'admin'); $this->wf->nicedie(); } else { $this->enter_try = 3; } break; } } else { switch (@$_REQUEST['returnurl']) { case 'user': WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url()); $this->wf->nicedie(); break; } } }
static function er($text) { echo str_replace('{wfurl}', WRA::base_url(), stripslashes($text)); }
defined('WERUA') or (include '../bad.php'); ?> <input type="hidden" id="curnode" name="curnode" value="<?php WRA::e($this->curnode->link); ?> " /> <div class="plan_top"> <div class="plan_top_header"><span><?php WRA::e($this->curnode->name); ?> </span> <div class="controls"> <!-- <input id="btnAdd" type="button" name="btnadd" value="Добавить" /> --> <a href="<?php WRA::e(WRA::base_url()); ?> admin/image/import" id="btnImport">Импортировать</a> </div> </div> <div> <table class="plan_top_header_table"> <tr> <td class="td_info td_info_1">Адрес импорта</td> <td class="td_patient"> <input id="import_source" name="import_source" type="text" value="<?php WRA::e($this->importUrl); ?> " placeholder="ex. upload/albums"> </td> <td style="width:60px;"></td>
static function sendRememberMail($reg_mail) { $code = wra_users::getRightCode($reg_mail); $subj = "Callback from "; $body = "<a href=" . WRA::base_url() . "remember?email=" . $reg_mail . "&code=" . $code . ">get new password</a>"; $headers = 'From: no-reply@award'; // $res = wra_email::sendemail($reg_mail, $subj, $body); $res = wra_email::sendemail($reg_mail, $subj, $body); }
<!-- <a href="#" class="deleteinfoimage">удалить</a> --> </div> </div> <?php // end of empty pic line foreach ($ac->items as $w0) { ?> <div class="row old" id="infopic-old-<?php WRA::e($w0->id); ?> -<?php WRA::e($ac->lang); ?> "> <div><img src="<?php echo WRA::base_url(); WRA::e($w0->tmbpic); ?> " width="120px"/></div> <div class="imginfo"> <div><span>Id:</span><span class="id00" ><?php WRA::e($w0->id); ?> </span></div> <div><span>Название:</span><input type="text" name="<?php WRA::e($curid); ?> _header_<?php WRA::e($ac->lang); ?> _<?php
} ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td><a href="<?php WRA::e(WRA::base_url() . $this->curnode->link . "/edit?id=" . $ad0->id); ?> ">редактировать</a> </td> <td><a href="<?php WRA::e(WRA::base_url() . $this->curnode->link . "/view?id=" . $ad0->id); ?> ">просмотреть</a> </td> <td><a class="deleteconfirm" href="<?php WRA::e(WRA::base_url() . $this->curnode->link . "/edit?act=delete&id=" . $ad0->id); ?> ">удалить</a> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <div id="adactions"><img src="../images/wf/arrow_ltr.png">С выделенными: <input id="btndeletemany" type="button" value="Удалить"/><input id="btnexportcsv" type="button" value="Экспортировать в CSV"/> Экспортировать поле: <select id="exportfield"><option value="-1">Выберите</option><?php foreach ($this->curadmin->columns as $ac) { if ($ac->tablestatus == admincolumntype::none) { continue; } ?>
function run() { WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url()); // $this->wf->closedb(); // $this->wf->nicedie(); }
function flush() { //есть шанс погибнуть разобравшись в этом коде //вывод таблицы ?> <?php if ($this->subtable) { ?> <br/> <div class="text_header_edit"> <?php WRA::e($this->headertext); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php $rowi = 0; $columni = 0; if ($this->pid != "-1" && $this->pid != "0" && $this->pid != "" && $this->useheader) { ?> <div><a href="<?php WRA::e(WRA::getcurpage() . '&pid=' . $this->parent_parentid); ?> ">←вверх</a></div> <?php } if (count($this->rows) == 0) { ?> <div class="sub_text"> <center>Нет ни одной записи</center> </div><?php } else { ?> <div><input type="text" id="filternow" value="Поиск"></div><?php } while ($rowi < count($this->rows)) { $columni = 0; ?> <div class="sub_text" id="sub_text-<?php WRA::e($this->rows[$rowi]["id"]); ?> "><?php while ($columni < count($this->columns)) { if ($this->columns[$columni]->header == "id" || $this->columns[$columni]->header == "Ключевые слова") { $columni++; continue; } $tdcontent = ""; $tdcontent = $this->columns[$columni]->prefix . $this->rows[$rowi][$columni] . $this->columns[$columni]->sufix; switch ($this->columns[$columni]->type) { case column_type_h2header: if (!$this->columns[$columni]->isparent) { WRA::e('<h2>' . $tdcontent . '</h2>'); } else { if ($this->info == "") { WRA::e('<h2><a href="' . WRA::getcurpage() . '&pid=' . $this->rows[$rowi]["id"] . '">' . $tdcontent . "</a></h2>"); } else { WRA::e('<h2><a href="' . WRA::getcurpage() . '&pid=' . $this->rows[$rowi]["id"] . '&type=' . $this->info . '">' . $tdcontent . "</a></h2>"); } } break; case column_type_date: WRA::e('<span class="date_content">' . $this->columns[$columni]->header . ': ' . $tdcontent . '</span>'); break; case column_type_link: WRA::e('<a target="_blank" href="' . $tdcontent . '">' . $tdcontent . "</a>"); break; case column_type_check: WRA::e('<p>' . $this->columns[$columni]->header . ': '); if ($tdcontent == 1) { WRA::e('Да'); } else { WRA::e('Нет'); } WRA::e('</p>'); break; case column_type_pic: if ($tdcontent != "") { WRA::e('<p><img src="' . WRA::base_url() . $tdcontent . '"/></p>'); } else { WRA::e($tdcontent); } break; case column_type_id: break; case column_type_text: default: ?> <p<?php if ($this->rowstyle != "") { WRA::e(' style="' . $this->rowstyle . '"'); } ?> ><?php if ($tdcontent != "") { WRA::e($this->columns[$columni]->header . ''); } if ($this->columns[$columni]->isparent) { WRA::e('<h2><a href="' . WRA::getcurpage() . '&pid=' . $this->rows[$rowi]["id"] . '">' . $tdcontent . "</a></h2>"); } else { WRA::e($tdcontent); } ?> </p><?php break; } $columni++; } ?> <div class="red_del"><?php if ($this->candelete) { ?> <a href="<?php WRA::e(WRA::getcurpage()); ?> &id=<?php WRA::e($this->rows[$rowi]["id"]); ?> " class="delete_link deletetd <?php WRA::e($this->deleteeditclass); ?> " style="display:none" id="del-<?php WRA::e($this->rows[$rowi]["id"]); if ($this->info != "") { WRA::e("-" . $this->info); } ?> ">Удалить</a><?php } if ($this->canedit) { ?> <a href="<?php WRA::e(WRA::getcurpage()); ?> &id=<?php WRA::e($this->rows[$rowi]["id"]); ?> " class="edit_link edittd <?php WRA::e($this->deleteeditclass); ?> " style="display:none" id="ed-<?php WRA::e($this->rows[$rowi]["id"]); if ($this->info != "") { WRA::e("-" . $this->info); } ?> ">Редактировать</a><?php } ?> </div><?php $rowi++; ?> </div> <?php } }
static function pic_replace($pics = array(), $text, $size = '690', $divclass = '') { foreach ($pics as $k => $v) { $imgsearch = "[image" . $v->id . "]"; $text = str_replace($imgsearch, "<div class='" . $divclass . "'><img src ='" . WRA::base_url() . $v->pic . "' width='" . $size . "'/></div>", $text); } return $text; }
function run() { parent::run(); $code = $_REQUEST["code"]; if (!empty($code)) { // WRA::debug("get fb data"); $token_url = "" . "client_id=" . WRA_CONF::$fbappid . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode(WRA_CONF::$fbauthlink . '') . "&client_secret=" . WRA_CONF::$fbappsecret . "&code=" . $code; // $usr = $_REQUEST['state']; $response = @file_get_contents($token_url); // WRA::debug($response); $params = null; parse_str($response, $params); // WRA::debug($params); $graph_url = ",picture,name,first_name,location,hometown,gender,last_name,link,email&type=large&access_token=" . $params['access_token']; // WRA::debug($graph_url); $user = @json_decode(@file_get_contents($graph_url)); // WRA::debug('asdasda'); // wra_fbu::fbd($user->id); $nu = new wra_fbu(); $nu->display_name = htmlspecialchars($user->name, ENT_QUOTES); $nu->regdate = WRA::getcurtime(); $nu->fbuserid = $user->id; // $nu->userid = $usr; $nu->username = htmlspecialchars($user->first_name, ENT_QUOTES); $nu->usersurname = htmlspecialchars($user->last_name, ENT_QUOTES); $nu->link = htmlspecialchars($user->link, ENT_QUOTES); $nu->user_agent = wra_fbu::getbrowser(); $nu->access_token = $params['access_token']; $nu->email = htmlspecialchars($user->email, ENT_QUOTES); $nu->photo = str_replace("_q", "_n", $user->picture->data->url); if ($user->gender == 'female') { $nu->gender = 1; } else { $nu->gender = 0; } $nu->phone = ''; if (isset($nu->hometown)) { $nu->adres = htmlspecialchars($nu->hometown->name, ENT_QUOTES); } if (isset($nu->location)) { $nu->adres = htmlspecialchars($nu->location->name, ENT_QUOTES); } // WRA::debug($nu);die(); if (!empty($nu->fbuserid)) { if (!wra_fbu::isfbexist($user->id)) { $nu->userid = $this->addUsr($nu->display_name, $nu->usersurname, $nu->phone, $nu->email, "asdf" . time(), $nu->photo); $nu->add(); } else { $nu->loadbyfb($nu->fbuserid); $nu->update(); } wra_fbu::fbd($nu->fbuserid, $nu->userid); // try{ // }catch(Exception $ex){} //print_r($fb); } } // if(empty($_SESSION['lastpage'])){ WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . '?from=fb'); // }else{ // WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url().$_SESSION['lastpage']); // } $_SESSION['lastpage'] = ''; }
static function getcurlang() { if (isset($_COOKIE['wralang' . WRA::base_url()])) { return $_COOKIE['wralang' . WRA::base_url()]; } else { $lang = substr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 0, 2); if ($lang == 'ru' || $lang == 'uk') { $lang = WRA_CONF::$language; } else { $lang = 'en'; } // die($lang); @setcookie("wralang" . WRA::base_url(), $lang, time() + WRA_CONF::$remembertime, "/"); // @setcookie("wralang", WRA_CONF::$language, time() + WRA_CONF::$remembertime, "/"); return $lang; // return WRA_CONF::$language; } }
function run() { $act = @$_REQUEST['act']; switch ($act) { case "ui": $savepc = new wra_image(); $savepc->header = ''; $savepc->description = ''; $ismessage = false; $admimessage = ''; $wimage = wra_admintable::getpic($savepc->pic, $savepc->tmbpic, $ismessage, $admimessage, 'gallery/', 340, 'qqfile', false, true); $savepc->keywords = ''; $savepc->galinfoid = 0; $savepc->width = $wimage->imagewidth; $savepc->height = $wimage->imageheight; $languages = wra_lang::getlist(); $savepc->add("_ru"); $ruid = $savepc->id; foreach ($languages as $l0) { if ($l0->alias != 'ru') { $savepc->add('_' . $l0->alias); } } echo '{"success":true,"imgid":"' . $ruid . '","tmb":"' . WRA::base_url() . $savepc->tmbpic . '"}'; break; case 'uploadimage': $savepc = new wra_image(); $savepc->header = ''; $savepc->description = ''; $ismessage = false; $admimessage = ''; require_once WRA_Path . '/modules/admin/admintable.php'; wra_admintable::getpic($savepc->pic, $savepc->tmbpic, $ismessage, $admimessage, 'gallery/', 240, 'qqfile', false, true); $savepc->keywords = ''; $savepc->galinfoid = -1; $savepc->add(); WRA::e(htmlspecialchars(json_encode(array('success' => true, 'picid' => $savepc->id, 'path' => $savepc->tmbpic, 'oldid' => $_REQUEST['id'])), ENT_NOQUOTES)); break; case 'uploadimagepack': if (isset($_FILES['Filedata'])) { $savepc = new wra_image(); $moreinfo = new wra_iteminfo(); $moreinfo->weight = 0; $moreinfo->alt = ''; $moreinfo->keywords = ''; $moreinfo->autoadres = 0; $moreinfo->adres = ''; $moreinfo->commentopt = 2; $moreinfo->mappriority = 0; $moreinfo->authorid = WRA::curuser()->id; $moreinfo->add(); $savepc->header = ''; $savepc->description = ''; //$savepc->pic=$_POST['fieldpic']; $ismessage = false; $admimessage = ''; require_once '../../modules/admin/admintable.php'; wra_admintable::getpic($savepc->pic, $savepc->tmbpic, $ismessage, $admimessage, 'gallery/', 240, 'Filedata', false, true); $savepc->galleryid = WRA::getreq('galid'); $savepc->keywords = ''; $savepc->infoid = $moreinfo->id; $savepc->add(); } WRA::e($savepc->tmbpic . '~@~' . $savepc->id); break; case 'uploadpic': $savepc = new wra_upfile(); if (isset($_FILES['Filedata'])) { if ($_FILES['Filedata']['size'] != 0) { $savepc->original_filename = $_FILES['Filedata']['name']; $wf = new wra_uploadedfile(WRA_Path); $wf->uploaddir .= 'files/'; $wf->addvalidtype('jpg'); $wf->addvalidtype('png'); $wf->addvalidtype('gif'); $wf->addvalidtype('jpeg'); $wf->addvalidtype('jpeg'); $wf->addvalidtype('docx'); $wf->addvalidtype('pdf'); $wf->addvalidtype('doc'); $wf->upload('Filedata', true); WRA::e($wf->error); if ($wf->error == '') { $savepc->path_to_file = 'upload/files/' . $wf->filename; $savepc->description = $_FILES['Filedata']['name'] . ' - загружено загрузчиком редактора'; $savepc->add(); } else { $ismessage = true; switch ($wf->error) { default: $adminmessage = 'Ошибка загрузки файла'; break; } } } } WRA::e(WRA::base_url() . $savepc->path_to_file); break; } }
function run() { $this->nofooter = true; $this->noheader = true; if (isset($_POST['btnclicked'])) { switch ($_POST['btnclicked']) { case 'btnfind': break; case 'btnadd': WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . $this->curnode->link . '/edit'); break; case 'btnSave': if ($this->curadmin->curid == -1) { if ($this->curadmin->multilanguages) { foreach ($this->wf->languages as $v) { $this->curadmin->addfirst('_' . $v->alias); } } else { $this->curadmin->addfirst(''); } WRA::gotopage(WRA::base_url() . $this->curnode->link); } else { if ($this->curadmin->multilanguages) { // WRA::debug($this->wf->languages); foreach ($this->wf->languages as $v) { // WRA::debug($v->alias); $this->curadmin->updatefirst('_' . $v->alias); } } else { $this->curadmin->updatefirst(''); } $this->load($this->wf); } break; } } }
function add_style($style) { $this->styles[] = WRA::base_url() . $style . '?g'; }