function flt_users_custom_column($content = '', $column_name, $id)
     if ('rs_groups' == $column_name) {
         global $scoper, $current_user;
         static $all_groups;
         if (!isset($all_groups)) {
             $all_groups = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups();
         if (empty($all_groups)) {
         // query for group membership without cache because otherwise we'll clutter groups col with WP Role Metagroup display
         if ($group_ids = WP_Scoped_User::get_groups_for_user($id, array('no_cache' => true))) {
             $group_names = array();
             foreach ($group_ids as $group_id) {
                 foreach ($all_groups as $group) {
                     if ($group_id == $group->ID) {
                         $group_names[$group->display_name] = $group_id;
             if ($group_names) {
                 uksort($group_names, "strnatcasecmp");
                 foreach ($group_names as $name => $id) {
                     $group_names[$name] = "<a href='" . "admin.php?page=rs-groups&amp;mode=edit&amp;id={$id}'>{$name}</a>";
                 return implode(", ", $group_names);
     } else {
         return $content;
function scoper_object_roles_list($viewing_user, $args = array())
    $html = '';
        wp_die(__awp('Cheatin&#8217; uh?'));
    $defaults = array('enforce_duration_limits' => true, 'is_user_profile' => false, 'echo' => true);
    $args = array_merge($defaults, (array) $args);
    global $scoper, $wpdb, $current_user;
    if ($viewing_user) {
        if (!is_object($viewing_user)) {
            global $current_rs_user;
            if ($viewing_user == $current_rs_user->ID) {
                $viewing_user = $current_rs_user;
            } else {
                $viewing_user = new WP_Scoped_User($viewing_user);
    $all_roles = array();
    $role_display = array();
    foreach ($scoper->role_defs->get_all_keys() as $role_handle) {
        if ($viewing_user) {
            $role_display[$role_handle] = $scoper->role_defs->get_display_name($role_handle, OBJECT_UI_RS);
        } else {
            $role_display[$role_handle] = $scoper->role_defs->get_abbrev($role_handle, OBJECT_UI_RS);
    if (!$is_user_profile) {
        $require_blogwide_editor = scoper_get_option('role_admin_blogwide_editor_only');
        if ('admin' === $require_blogwide_editor && !is_user_administrator_rs()) {
            return false;
        if ('admin_content' === $require_blogwide_editor && !is_content_administrator_rs()) {
            return false;
    } else {
        $require_blogwide_editor = false;
    foreach ($scoper->data_sources->get_all() as $src_name => $src) {
        $otype_count = 0;
        if (!empty($src->taxonomy_only) || $src_name == 'group' && !$viewing_user) {
        $strict_objects = $scoper->get_restrictions(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, $src_name);
        foreach ($src->object_types as $object_type => $otype) {
            $disable_role_admin = false;
            if ($require_blogwide_editor) {
                if (!$scoper->user_can_edit_blogwide('post', $object_type, array('require_others_cap' => true))) {
                    $disable_role_admin = true;
            if (!empty($src->cols->type) && !empty($otype->name)) {
                $col_type = $src->cols->type;
                $otype_clause = "AND {$src->table}.{$col_type} = '{$otype->name}'";
            } elseif ($otype_count < 2) {
                $otype_clause = '';
            } else {
            $col_id = $src->cols->id;
            $col_name = $src->cols->name;
            $ug_clause_for_user_being_viewed = $viewing_user ? $viewing_user->get_user_clause('uro') : '';
            // TODO: replace join with uro subselect
            $qry = "SELECT DISTINCT {$src->table}.{$col_name}, {$src->table}.{$col_id}, uro.role_name, uro.date_limited, uro.start_date_gmt, uro.end_date_gmt" . " FROM {$src->table} ";
            $join = " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs} AS uro" . " ON uro.obj_or_term_id = {$src->table}.{$col_id}" . " AND uro.src_or_tx_name = '{$src_name}'" . " AND uro.scope = 'object' AND uro.role_type = 'rs'";
            $duration_clause = $enforce_duration_limits ? scoper_get_duration_clause("{$src->table}.{$src->cols->date}") : '';
            $status_clause = 'post' == $src_name ? "AND post_status != 'auto-draft'" : '';
            // TODO: version update script to delete post roles on auto-drafts (stored via default roles)
            $where = " WHERE 1=1 {$status_clause} {$otype_clause} {$duration_clause} {$ug_clause_for_user_being_viewed}";
            $orderby = " ORDER BY {$src->table}.{$col_name} ASC, uro.role_name ASC";
            $qry .= $join . $where . $orderby;
            $results = scoper_get_results($qry);
            if (!is_user_administrator_rs()) {
                // no need to filter admins - just query the assignments
                // only list role assignments which the logged-in user can administer
                $args['required_operation'] = OP_EDIT_RS;
                // Possible TODO: re-implement OP_ADMIN distinction with admin-specific capabilities
                if ( cr_get_reqd_caps( $src_name, OP_ADMIN_RS, $object_type ) {
                	$args['required_operation'] = OP_ADMIN_RS;
                } else {
                	$reqd_caps = array();
                	foreach (array_keys($src->statuses) as $status_name) {
                		$admin_caps = $scoper->cap_defs->get_matching($src_name, $object_type, OP_ADMIN_RS, $status_name);
                		$delete_caps = $scoper->cap_defs->get_matching($src_name, $object_type, OP_DELETE_RS, $status_name);
                		$reqd_caps[$object_type][$status_name] = array_merge(array_keys($admin_caps), array_keys($delete_caps));
                	$args['force_reqd_caps'] = $reqd_caps;
                $qry = "SELECT {$src->table}.{$col_id} FROM {$src->table} WHERE 1=1";
                $args['require_full_object_role'] = true;
                $qry_flt = apply_filters('objects_request_rs', $qry, $src_name, $object_type, $args);
                $cu_admin_results = scoper_get_col($qry_flt);
                if (empty($viewing_user) || $current_user->ID != $viewing_user->ID) {
                    foreach ($results as $key => $row) {
                        if (!in_array($row->{$col_id}, $cu_admin_results)) {
                } else {
                    // for current user's view of their own user profile, just de-link unadminable objects
                    $link_roles = array();
                    $link_objects = array();
                    if (!$disable_role_admin) {
                        foreach ($results as $key => $row) {
                            if (in_array($row->{$col_id}, $cu_admin_results)) {
                                $link_roles[$row->{$col_id}] = true;
                        $args['required_operation'] = OP_EDIT_RS;
                        $args['require_full_object_role'] = false;
                        if (isset($args['force_reqd_caps'])) {
                        $qry_flt = apply_filters('objects_request_rs', $qry, $src_name, $object_type, $args);
                        $cu_edit_results = scoper_get_col($qry_flt);
                        foreach ($results as $key => $row) {
                            if (in_array($row->{$col_id}, $cu_edit_results)) {
                                $link_objects[$row->{$col_id}] = true;
            $object_roles = array();
            $objnames = array();
            if ($results) {
                $got_object_roles = true;
                foreach ($results as $row) {
                    if (!isset($objnames[$row->{$col_id}])) {
                        if ('post' == $src->name) {
                            $objnames[$row->{$col_id}] = apply_filters('the_title', $row->{$col_name}, $row->{$col_id});
                        } else {
                            $objnames[$row->{$col_id}] = $row->{$col_name};
                    $role_handle = 'rs_' . $row->role_name;
                    if ($row->date_limited) {
                        $duration_key = serialize(array('start_date_gmt' => $row->start_date_gmt, 'end_date_gmt' => $row->end_date_gmt));
                    } else {
                        $duration_key = '';
                    $object_roles[$duration_key][$row->{$col_id}][$role_handle] = true;
            } else {

            $title_roles = __('edit roles', 'scoper');
            foreach (array_keys($object_roles) as $duration_key) {
                $date_caption = '';
                $limit_class = '';
                $limit_style = '';
                $link_class = '';
                if ($duration_key) {
                    $html .= "<h3 style='margin-bottom:0'>{$date_caption}</h3>";
                    $duration_limits = unserialize($duration_key);
                    $duration_limits['date_limited'] = true;
                    ScoperAdminUI::set_agent_formatting($duration_limits, $date_caption, $limit_class, $link_class, $limit_style);
                    $title = "title='{$date_caption}'";
                    $date_caption = '<span class="rs-gray"> ' . trim($date_caption) . '</span>';
                } else {
                    $title = "title='{$title_roles}'";
                if (!$disable_role_admin && (is_user_administrator_rs() || $cu_admin_results)) {
                    //if ( ( $src_name != $object_type ) && ( 'post' != $object_type ) ) {  // menu links currently assume unique object type names
                    //	$roles_page = "rs-roles-{$object_type}_{$src_name}";
                    //} else {
                    $roles_page = "rs-{$object_type}-roles";
                    $url = "admin.php?page={$roles_page}";
                    $html .= "<h4><a name='{$object_type}' href='{$url}'><strong>" . sprintf(__('%1$s Roles%2$s:', 'scoper'), $otype->labels->singular_name, '</strong></a><span style="font-weight:normal">' . $date_caption) . "</span></h4>";
                } else {
                    $html .= "<h4><strong>" . sprintf(__('%1$s Roles%2$s:', 'scoper'), $otype->labels->singular_name, $date_caption) . "</strong></h4>";
                $html .= "<ul class='rs-termlist'><li>" . "<table class='widefat'>" . "<thead>" . "<tr class='thead'>" . "\t<th class='rs-tightcol'>" . __('ID') . "</th>" . "\t<th>" . __awp('Name') . "</th>" . "\t<th>" . __('Role Assignments', 'scoper') . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "</thead>";
                $id_clause = isset($role_codes[$role_handle]) ? "id='roles-{$role_codes[$role_handle]}'" : '';
                $html .= "<tbody {$id_clause}>";
                $style = ' class="rs-backwhite"';
                $title_item = sprintf(__('edit %s', 'scoper'), agp_strtolower($otype->labels->singular_name));
                foreach ($object_roles[$duration_key] as $obj_id => $roles) {
                    $object_name = esc_attr($objnames[$obj_id]);
                    $html .= "\n\t<tr{$style}>";
                    $link_this_object = !isset($link_objects) || isset($link_objects[$obj_id]);
                    // link from object ID to the object type's default editor, if defined
                    if ($link_this_object && !empty($src->edit_url)) {
                        $src_edit_url = sprintf($src->edit_url, $obj_id);
                        $html .= "<td><a href='{$src_edit_url}' class='edit' title='{$title_item}'>{$obj_id}</a></td>";
                    } else {
                        $html .= "<td>{$obj_id}</td>";
                    $name = !empty($objnames[$obj_id]) ? $objnames[$obj_id] : __('(untitled)', 'scoper');
                    // link from object name to our "Edit Object Role Assignment" interface
                    $link_this_role = !isset($link_roles) || isset($link_roles[$obj_id]);
                    if ($link_this_role) {
                        if ('group' == $object_type) {
                            $rs_edit_url = sprintf($src->edit_url, $obj_id);
                        } else {
                            $rs_edit_url = "admin.php?page=rs-object_role_edit&amp;src_name={$src_name}&amp;object_type={$object_type}&amp;object_id={$obj_id}&amp;object_name={$object_name}";
                        $html .= "\n\t<td><a {$title}{$limit_style}class='{$link_class}{$limit_class}' href='{$rs_edit_url}'>{$name}</a></td>";
                    } else {
                        $html .= "\n\t<td>{$name}</td>";
                    $html .= "<td>";
                    $role_list = array();
                    foreach (array_keys($roles) as $role_handle) {
                        // roles which require object assignment are asterisked (bolding would contradict the notation of term roles list, where propogating roles are bolded)
                        if (isset($strict_objects['restrictions'][$role_handle][$obj_id]) || isset($strict_objects['unrestrictions'][$role_handle]) && is_array($strict_objects['unrestrictions'][$role_handle]) && !isset($strict_objects['unrestrictions'][$role_handle][$obj_id])) {
                            $role_list[] = "<span class='rs-backylw'>" . $role_display[$role_handle] . '</span>';
                        } else {
                            $role_list[] = $role_display[$role_handle];
                    $html .= implode(', ', $role_list);
                    $html .= '</td></tr>';
                    $style = ' class="alternate"' == $style ? ' class="rs-backwhite"' : ' class="alternate"';
                // end foreach object_roles
                $html .= '</tbody></table>';
                $html .= '</li></ul><br />';
            // end foreach role date range
        // end foreach object_types
    // end foreach data source
    if ($echo) {
        echo $html;
    } else {
        return $html;
 function flt_users_where($where, $reqd_caps = '', $object_src_name = '', $object_id = '', $args = array())
         return $where;
     global $wpdb;
     static $stored_owner_id;
     if (!isset($stored_owner_id)) {
         $stored_owner_id = array();
     $defaults = array('use_term_roles' => 1, 'use_blog_roles' => 1, 'skip_object_roles' => 0, 'querying_groups' => 0, 'ignore_group_roles' => false, 'ignore_user_roles' => false, 'object_type' => '', 'objscope_roles' => '', 'preserve_or_clause' => '', 'enforce_duration_limits' => true, 'enforce_content_date_limits' => true);
     $args = array_merge($defaults, (array) $args);
     // Default to not honoring custom user caps, but support option
     $custom_user_blogcaps = SCOPER_CUSTOM_USER_BLOGCAPS;
     // if reqd_caps are missing, try to determine context from URI
     if (!$reqd_caps) {
         return $where;
     // no basis for filtering without required caps
     $reqd_caps = (array) $reqd_caps;
     // if rolenames are intermingled with caps in reqd_caps array, convert them to caps
     $reqd_caps = $this->scoper->role_defs->role_handles_to_caps($reqd_caps, true);
     //arg: also check for unprefixed WP rolenames
     if ($object_id && !$object_src_name) {
         $object_id = 0;
     if ($object_id) {
         foreach ($reqd_caps as $cap_name) {
             if ($meta_caps = apply_filters('map_meta_cap_rs', (array) $cap_name, $cap_name, -1, $object_id)) {
                 $reqd_caps = array_diff($reqd_caps, array($cap_name));
                 $reqd_caps = array_unique(array_merge($reqd_caps, $meta_caps));
         if ('post' == $object_src_name && ($use_term_roles || $use_blog_roles)) {
             if ($post = get_post($object_id)) {
                 $object_date_gmt = $post->post_date_gmt;
         } else {
             $object_date_gmt = '';
     $owner_has_all_caps = true;
     // IMPORTANT: set this false downstream as appropriate
     $rs_where = array();
     // Group the required caps by object type (as defined by $scoper->cap_defs).
     // The 2nd arg causes caps without an otype association to be included with a nullstring src_name key
     // The 3rd arg forces caps with a data source other than $object_src to be also lumped in with sourceless caps
     // $caps_by_otype[src_name][object_type] = array of cap names
     $caps_by_otype = $this->scoper->cap_defs->organize_caps_by_otype($reqd_caps, true, $object_src_name, $object_type);
     foreach ($caps_by_otype as $src_name => $otypes) {
         if ($object_type) {
             $otypes = array_intersect_key($otypes, array($object_type => 1));
         // Cap reqs that pertain to other data sources or have no data source association
         // will only be satisfied by blog roles.
         $args['use_term_roles'] = $use_term_roles && $src_name == $object_src_name;
         $args['skip_object_roles'] = $skip_object_roles || $src_name != $object_src_name;
         $this_src_object_id = $src_name == $object_src_name ? $object_id : 0;
         if ($src_name) {
             if (!($src = $this->scoper->data_sources->get($src_name))) {
             $uses_taxonomies = scoper_get_taxonomy_usage($src_name, array_keys($otypes));
             if ($this_src_object_id && $args['use_term_roles'] && !empty($uses_taxonomies)) {
                 $args['object_terms'] = array();
                 foreach ($uses_taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
                     $args['object_terms'][$taxonomy] = $this->scoper->get_terms($taxonomy, UNFILTERED_RS, COL_ID_RS, $this_src_object_id);
         foreach ($otypes as $object_type => $this_otype_caps) {
             $qry_roles = array();
             $args['use_term_roles'] = $args['use_term_roles'] && scoper_get_otype_option('use_term_roles', $src_name, $object_type);
             //$caps_by_op = $this->scoper->cap_defs->organize_caps_by_op($this_otype_caps, true); //arg: retain caps which are not scoper-defined
             //foreach ( $caps_by_op as $op => $this_op_caps ) {
             foreach ($this_otype_caps as $cap_name) {
                 // If supporting custom user blogcaps, a separate role clause for each cap
                 // Otherwise (default) all reqd_caps from one role assignment (whatever scope it may be)
                 if ($custom_user_blogcaps) {
                     $reqd_caps_arg = array($cap_name);
                 } else {
                     $reqd_caps_arg = $this_otype_caps;
                     $cap_name = '';
                 // 'blog' argument forces inclusion of qualifying WP roles even if scoping with RS roles
                 // (will later strip out non-scopable roles for term role / object role clauses)
                 $args['roles'] = $this->scoper->role_defs->qualify_roles($reqd_caps_arg, '', '', array('all_wp_caps' => true));
                 if ($args['roles'] || !$src_name) {
                     if (USER_ROLES_RS && !$ignore_user_roles) {
                         $qry_roles[$cap_name]['general'][ROLE_BASIS_USER] = $this->users_queryroles($reqd_caps_arg, $src_name, $this_src_object_id, $args);
                     if (GROUP_ROLES_RS && !$ignore_group_roles) {
                         $qry_roles[$cap_name]['general'][ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS] = $this->users_queryroles($reqd_caps_arg, $src_name, $this_src_object_id, $args);
                 // potentially, a separate set of role clauses for object owner
                 if ($this_src_object_id && $src->cols->owner) {
                     $owner_needs_caps = $this->scoper->cap_defs->get_base_caps($reqd_caps_arg);
                     //returns array of caps the owner needs, after removing those which are credited to owners automatically
                     if ($owner_needs_caps) {
                         $owner_has_all_caps = false;
                     if ($owner_needs_caps != $reqd_caps_arg) {
                         if (!isset($stored_owner_id[$src_name][$this_src_object_id])) {
                             // DON'T initialize this at top of function
                             $stored_owner_id[$src_name][$this_src_object_id] = scoper_get_var("SELECT {$src->cols->owner} FROM {$src->table} WHERE {$src->cols->id} = '{$object_id}' LIMIT 1");
                         if ($stored_owner_id[$src_name][$this_src_object_id]) {
                             $owner_roles = $this->scoper->role_defs->qualify_roles($owner_needs_caps);
                             if ($args['roles'] = array_diff_key($owner_roles, $args['roles'])) {
                                 // if owners (needing fewer caps) qualify under different roles than other users:
                                 if (GROUP_ROLES_RS && !$ignore_group_roles) {
                                     if (!isset($owner_groups)) {
                                         $owner_groups = WP_Scoped_User::get_groups_for_user($stored_owner_id[$src_name][$this_src_object_id]);
                                     //$owner_groups = scoper_get_col("SELECT $wpdb->user2group_gid_col FROM $wpdb->user2group_rs WHERE $wpdb->user2group_uid_col = '{$stored_owner_id[$src_name][$this_src_object_id]}'");
                                     if ($owner_groups) {
                                         $qry_roles[$cap_name]['owner'][ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS] = $this->users_queryroles($owner_needs_caps, $src_name, $this_src_object_id, $args);
                                 if (USER_ROLES_RS && !$ignore_user_roles) {
                                     $qry_roles[$cap_name]['owner'][ROLE_BASIS_USER] = $this->users_queryroles($owner_needs_caps, $src_name, $this_src_object_id, $args);
                             // endif owner needs any caps assigned by role
                         //endif stored owner_id found
                     // endif any required caps are automatically granted to owner
                 // endif request is for a specific object from a data source which stores owner_id
                 // If not supporting custom blogcaps, we actually passed all of this object type's caps together
                 if (!$custom_user_blogcaps) {
             // end foreach this_otype_caps
             //d_echo ('scope data');
             // ------------ Construct this object type's where clause from $qry_roles: -----------------
             // ( note: if custom user blogcaps are not enabled, all roles stored into one cap_name dimension )
             // $qry_roles[cap_name][general/owner][user/groups]['object'][''] = array of role handles
             // $qry_roles[cap_name][general/owner][user/groups]['term'][taxonomy] = array of role handles
             // $qry_roles[cap_name][general/owner][user/groups]['blog'][role_type] = array of role handles
             // now construct the query for this iteration's operation type
             $table_aliases = array(ROLE_BASIS_USER => 'uro', ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS => 'gro');
             foreach ($qry_roles as $cap_name => $user_types) {
                 // note: default is to put qualifying roles from all reqd_caps into a single "cap_name" element
                 $ot_where = array();
                 if (!empty($stored_owner_id) && $owner_has_all_caps && USER_ROLES_RS && !$ignore_user_roles) {
                     $ot_where['owner'][ROLE_BASIS_USER] = "uro.user_id = '{$stored_owner_id[$src_name][$this_src_object_id]}'";
                 foreach ($user_types as $user_type => $role_bases) {
                     foreach ($role_bases as $role_basis => $scopes) {
                         $alias = $table_aliases[$role_basis];
                         $content_date_comparison = $enforce_content_date_limits && !empty($object_date_gmt) ? "'{$object_date_gmt}'" : '';
                         $duration_clause = scoper_get_duration_clause($content_date_comparison, $alias, $enforce_duration_limits);
                         // arg: skip duration clause
                         foreach ($scopes as $scope => $keys) {
                             foreach ($keys as $key => $role_names) {
                                 if (empty($role_names)) {
                                 $role_in = "'" . implode("','", $role_names) . "'";
                                 switch ($scope) {
                                     case OBJECT_SCOPE_RS:
                                         $id_clause = $object_id ? "AND {$alias}.obj_or_term_id = '{$object_id}'" : '';
                                         $ot_where[$user_type][$role_basis][$scope][$key] = "{$alias}.scope = 'object' AND {$alias}.assign_for IN ('entity', 'both') AND {$alias}.src_or_tx_name = '{$src_name}' AND {$alias}.role_type = 'rs' AND {$alias}.role_name IN ({$role_in}) {$duration_clause} {$id_clause}";
                                     case TERM_SCOPE_RS:
                                         $terms_clause = $object_id && $args['object_terms'][$key] ? "AND {$alias}.obj_or_term_id IN ('" . implode("', '", $args['object_terms'][$key]) . "')" : '';
                                         $ot_where[$user_type][$role_basis][$scope][$key] = "{$alias}.scope = 'term' AND {$alias}.assign_for IN ('entity', 'both') AND {$alias}.src_or_tx_name = '{$key}' {$terms_clause} AND {$alias}.role_type = 'rs' AND {$alias}.role_name IN ({$role_in}) {$duration_clause}";
                                     case BLOG_SCOPE_RS:
                                         $ot_where[$user_type][$role_basis][$scope][$key] = "{$alias}.scope = 'blog' AND {$alias}.role_type = '{$key}' AND {$alias}.role_name IN ({$role_in}) {$duration_clause}";
                                 // end scope switch
                             // end foreach key
                             if (!empty($ot_where[$user_type][$role_basis][$scope])) {
                                 // [key 1 clause] [OR] [key 2 clause] [OR] ...
                                 $ot_where[$user_type][$role_basis][$scope] = agp_implode(' ) OR ( ', $ot_where[$user_type][$role_basis][$scope], ' ( ', ' ) ');
                         // end foreach scope
                         if (!empty($ot_where[$user_type][$role_basis])) {
                             // [object scope clauses] [OR] [taxonomy scope clauses] [OR] [blog scope clauses]
                             $ot_where[$user_type][$role_basis] = agp_implode(' ) OR ( ', $ot_where[$user_type][$role_basis], ' ( ', ' ) ');
                             if ('owner' == $user_type) {
                                 switch ($role_basis) {
                                     case ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS:
                                         $ot_where[$user_type][$role_basis] .= "AND gro.group_id IN ('" . implode("', '", $owner_groups) . "')";
                                     case ROLE_BASIS_USER:
                                         $ot_where[$user_type][$role_basis] .= "AND uro.user_id = '{$stored_owner_id[$src_name][$this_src_object_id]}'";
                                 // end role basis switch
                             // endif owner
                         // endif any role clauses for this user_type/role_basis
                     // end foreach role basis (user or groups)
                 // end foreach user type (general or owner)
                 foreach ($ot_where as $user_type => $arr) {
                     foreach ($arr as $role_basis => $val) {
                         if (!empty($ot_where[$user_type])) {
                             // [group role clauses] [OR] [user role clauses]
                             $ot_where[$user_type] = agp_implode(' ) OR ( ', $ot_where[$user_type], ' ( ', ' ) ');
                 if (!empty($ot_where)) {
                     // [general user clauses] [OR] [owner clauses]
                     $rs_where[$src_name][$object_type][$cap_name] = agp_implode(' ) OR ( ', $ot_where, ' ( ', ' ) ');
             // end foreach cap name (for optional support of custom user blogcaps)
             if (!empty($rs_where[$src_name][$object_type])) {
                 // [cap1 clauses] [AND] [cap2 clauses]
                 $rs_where[$src_name][$object_type] = agp_implode(' ) AND ( ', $rs_where[$src_name][$object_type], ' ( ', ' ) ');
         // end foreach otypes
         if (isset($rs_where[$src_name])) {
             // object_type1 clauses [AND] [object_type2 clauses] [AND] ...
             $rs_where[$src_name] = agp_implode(' ) AND ( ', $rs_where[$src_name], ' ( ', ' ) ');
     // end foreach data source
     // data_source 1 clauses [AND] [data_source 2 clauses] [AND] ...
     $rs_where = agp_implode(' ) AND ( ', $rs_where, ' ( ', ' ) ');
     if ($rs_where) {
         if (false !== strpos($where, $rs_where)) {
             return $where;
         if (!empty($preserve_or_clause)) {
             $rs_where = "( ( {$rs_where} ) OR ( {$preserve_or_clause} ) )";
         if ($where) {
             $where = " AND ( {$rs_where} ) {$where}";
         } else {
             $where = " AND {$rs_where}";
     } else {
         // if no valid role clauses were constructed, required caps are invalid; no users can do it
         $where = ' AND 1=2';
     return $where;
Example #4
 function _get_usergroups($args = array())
     if (!$this->ID && !defined('SCOPER_ANON_METAGROUP')) {
         return array();
     $args = (array) $args;
     if (!empty($this->assigned_blog_roles)) {
         $args['metagroup_roles'] = $this->assigned_blog_roles[ANY_CONTENT_DATE_RS];
     $user_groups = WP_Scoped_User::get_groups_for_user($this->ID, $args);
     return $user_groups;