public function register_routes($routes)
     $routes = parent::register_routes($routes);
     // $routes = parent::register_revision_routes( $routes );
     // $routes = parent::register_comment_routes( $routes );
     // Add more custom routes here
     return $routes;
Example #2
  * Prepare post data
  * @param array $post The unprepared post data
  * @param array $fields The subset of post type fields to return
  * @return array The prepared post data
 protected function prepare_post($post, $context = 'view')
     $_post = parent::prepare_post($post, $context);
     // Override entity meta keys with the correct links
     $_post['meta']['links']['self'] = json_url($this->base . '/' . get_page_uri($post['ID']));
     if (!empty($post['post_parent'])) {
         $_post['meta']['links']['up'] = json_url($this->base . '/' . get_page_uri((int) $post['post_parent']));
     return apply_filters('json_prepare_page', $_post, $post, $context);
 public function register_routes($routes)
     print "hi i'm here" . $base;
     $routes = parent::register_routes($routes);
     // $routes = parent::register_revision_routes( $routes );
     // $routes = parent::register_comment_routes( $routes );
     // Add more custom routes here
     return $routes;
 protected function prepare_post($post, $context = 'view')
     $post = parent::prepare_post($post, $context);
     if ($post['type'] === 'location') {
         $post['latitude'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'latitude', true);
         $post['longitude'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'longitude', true);
         $post['case_studies'] = $this->get_linked_content($post['ID'], 'case_study');
         $post['galleries'] = $this->get_linked_content($post['ID'], 'gallery');
         $post['has_events'] = count($post['case_studies']) + count($post['galleries']) > 0;
     } else {
         $post['event_date'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'event_date', true);
     return $post;
 protected function prepare_post($post, $context = 'view')
     $post = parent::prepare_post($post, $context);
     // Add custom fields
     $post['given_name'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'given_name', true);
     $post['surname'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'surname', true);
     $post['job_title'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'job_title', true);
     $post['location'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'location', true);
     $post['email_address'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'email_address', true);
     $post['facebook'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'facebook', true);
     $post['twitter'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'twitter', true);
     $post['instagram'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'instagram', true);
     $post['linkedin'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'linkedin', true);
     $post['pinterest'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'pinterest', true);
     $post['google_plus'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'google_plus', true);
     // Custom thumbnail sizes
     $headshot_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post['ID']);
     if ($headshot_id) {
         list($src, $width, $height, $resized) = wp_get_attachment_image_src($headshot_id, 'team-member-headshot');
         $post['headshot'] = array('ID' => (int) $headshot_id, 'src' => $src, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height);
     return $post;
Example #6
 public function register_routes($routes)
     $routes = parent::register_routes($routes);
     $routes = parent::register_revision_routes($routes);
     return $routes;
 public function register_routes($routes)
     $routes = parent::register_routes($routes);
     $routes['/plots'] = array(array(array($this, 'create_plot'), WP_JSON_Server::CREATABLE | WP_JSON_Server::ACCEPT_JSON));
     return $routes;
 public function __construct(WP_JSON_ResponseHandler $server)
     $this->plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
Example #9
  * Get the topics that a user created
  * Kind of like bbp_get_user_topics_started()
  * @see WP_JSON_Posts::get_posts()
 public function get_users_posts($user, $context = 'view')
     return parent::get_posts(array('author' => $user), $context);
 public function get_publicacao($id, $context = 'view')
     return parent::get_post($id, $context);