  * Add template editor style to the embeds.
 static function admin_init()
     $theme = get_option('wpemfb_theme');
     add_editor_style(WP_Embed_FB_Plugin::get_url() . '/templates/' . $theme . '/' . $theme . '.css');
  * Shortcode function
  * [facebook='url' width='600' raw='true' social_plugin='true' posts='2'   ] width is optional
  * @param array $atts [0]=>url ['width']=>embed width ['raw']=>for videos and photos
  * @return string
 static function shortcode($atts)
     if (!empty($atts) && isset($atts[0])) {
         $clean = trim($atts[0], '=');
         $juice = str_replace(array('https', 'http', '://facebook.com/', '://m.facebook.com/', '://facebook.com/', '://www.facebook.com/'), '', $clean);
         if (isset($atts['width'])) {
             self::$width = $atts['width'];
         if (isset($atts['raw'])) {
             if ($atts['raw'] == 'true') {
                 self::$raw = true;
             } else {
                 self::$raw = false;
         if (isset($atts['social_plugin'])) {
             if ($atts['social_plugin'] == 'true') {
                 self::$raw = false;
             } else {
                 self::$raw = true;
         if (isset($atts['theme'])) {
             wp_enqueue_style('wpemfb-' . $atts['theme'], WP_Embed_FB_Plugin::get_url() . 'templates/' . $atts['theme'] . '/' . $atts['theme'] . '.css', array(), false);
             self::$theme = $atts['theme'];
         if (isset($atts['posts'])) {
             self::$num_posts = intval($atts['posts']);
         $embed = self::fb_embed(array('https', '://www.facebook.com/', $juice));
         return $embed;
     return '';