/** * @param WPSEO_Option_Tabs $option_tabs Option Tabs to get tabs from. * @param Yoast_Form $yform Yoast Form which is being used in the views. * @param array $options Options which are being used in the views. */ public function run(WPSEO_Option_Tabs $option_tabs, Yoast_Form $yform, $options = array()) { echo '<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper" id="wpseo-tabs">'; foreach ($option_tabs->get_tabs() as $tab) { printf('<a class="nav-tab" id="%1$s-tab" href="#top#%1$s">%2$s</a>', $tab->get_name(), $tab->get_label()); } echo '</h2>'; $filter_name = sprintf('yoast_option_tab_help_center_%s', $option_tabs->get_base()); $base_help_center_items = apply_filters($filter_name, array()); foreach ($option_tabs->get_tabs() as $tab) { $identifier = $tab->get_name(); printf('<div id="%s" class="wpseotab">', $identifier); $filter_name = sprintf('yoast_option_tab_help_center_%s_%s', $option_tabs->get_base(), $tab->get_name()); $help_center_items = apply_filters($filter_name, $base_help_center_items); if (!empty($help_center_items)) { $this->create_help_center($option_tabs->get_base(), $tab->get_name(), $help_center_items); } else { $video = $tab->get_video_url(); if (!empty($video)) { $tab_video_url = $video; include WPSEO_PATH . 'admin/views/partial-settings-tab-video.php'; } } $tab_view = $this->get_tab_view($option_tabs, $tab); if (is_file($tab_view)) { require_once $tab_view; } echo '</div>'; } }
/** * @param WPSEO_Option_Tabs $option_tabs Option Tabs to get tabs from. * @param Yoast_Form $yform Yoast Form which is being used in the views. * @param array $options Options which are being used in the views. */ public function run(WPSEO_Option_Tabs $option_tabs, Yoast_Form $yform, $options = array()) { echo '<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper" id="wpseo-tabs">'; foreach ($option_tabs->get_tabs() as $tab) { printf('<a class="nav-tab" id="%1$s-tab" href="#top#%1$s">%2$s</a>', $tab->get_name(), $tab->get_label()); } echo '</h2>'; foreach ($option_tabs->get_tabs() as $tab) { // Prepare the help center for each tab. $help_center = new WPSEO_Help_Center($option_tabs->get_base(), $tab); $identifier = $tab->get_name(); printf('<div id="%s" class="wpseotab">', $identifier); // Output the help center. $help_center->output_help_center(); // Output the settings view for all tabs. $tab_view = $this->get_tab_view($option_tabs, $tab); if (is_file($tab_view)) { require_once $tab_view; } echo '</div>'; } }
<?php /** * @package WPSEO\Admin */ if (!defined('WPSEO_VERSION')) { header('Status: 403 Forbidden'); header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); exit; } $active_tab = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'tab'); $tabs = new WPSEO_Option_Tabs('advanced', 'breadcrumbs'); $tabs->add_tab(new WPSEO_Option_Tab('breadcrumbs', __('Breadcrumbs', 'wordpress-seo'), array('video_url' => 'https://yoa.st/screencast-breadcrumbs', 'opt_group' => 'wpseo_internallinks'))); $tabs->add_tab(new WPSEO_Option_Tab('permalinks', __('Permalinks', 'wordpress-seo'), array('video_url' => 'https://yoa.st/screencast-permalinks', 'opt_group' => 'wpseo_permalinks'))); $tabs->add_tab(new WPSEO_Option_Tab('rss', __('RSS', 'wordpress-seo'), array('video_url' => 'https://yoa.st/screencast-rss', 'opt_group' => 'wpseo_rss'))); $active_tab = $tabs->get_active_tab(); Yoast_Form::get_instance()->admin_header(true, $active_tab->get_opt_group()); echo '<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">'; foreach ($tabs->get_tabs() as $tab) { $active = $tabs->is_active_tab($tab) ? ' nav-tab-active' : ''; echo '<a class="nav-tab' . $active . '" id="' . $tab->get_name() . '-tab" href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=wpseo_advanced&tab=' . $tab->get_name()) . '">' . $tab->get_label() . '</a>'; } echo '</h2>'; echo '<br/>'; require_once WPSEO_PATH . 'admin/views/tabs/advanced/' . $active_tab->get_name() . '.php'; Yoast_Form::get_instance()->admin_footer();