Example #1
 * Format a price amount.
 * The available options that you can specify in the $args argument include:
 *     'display_currency_symbol' - Whether to attach the currency symbol to the figure.
 *                                 Defaults to true.
 *     'display_decimal_point'   - Whether to display the decimal point.
 *                                 Defaults to true.
 *     'display_currency_code'   - Whether to attach the currency code to the figure.
 *                                 Defaults to fault.
 *     'isocode'                 - Specify the isocode of the base country that you want to use for
 *                                 this price.
 *                                 Defaults to the settings in Settings->Store->General.
 * @since 4.0
 * @uses  apply_filters() Applies 'wpsc_format_currency'                     filter
 * @uses  apply_filters() Applies 'wpsc_format_currency_currency_code'       filter.
 * @uses  apply_filters() Applies 'wpsc_format_currency_currency_symbol'     filter.
 * @uses  apply_filters() Applies 'wpsc_format_currency_decimal_separator'   filter.
 * @uses  apply_filters() Applies 'wpsc_format_currency_thousands_separator' filter.
 * @uses  apply_filters() Applies 'wpsc_modify_decimals' filter.
 * @uses  get_option()    Gets the value of 'currency_sign_location' in Settings->Store->General.
 * @uses  get_option()    Gets the value of 'currency_type' in Settings->Store->General.
 * @uses  WPSC_Country::__construct()
 * @uses  WPSC_Country::get()
 * @uses  wp_parse_args()
 * @param  float|int|string $amt  The price you want to format.
 * @param  string|array     $args A query string or array containing the options. Defaults to ''.
 * @return string                 The formatted price.
function wpsc_format_currency($amt, $args = '')
    $defaults = array('display_currency_symbol' => true, 'display_decimal_point' => true, 'display_currency_code' => false, 'isocode' => false, 'currency_code' => false);
    $args = wp_parse_args($args);
    // Either display symbol or code, not both
    if (array_key_exists('display_currency_symbol', $args)) {
        $args['display_currency_code'] = !$args['display_currency_symbol'];
    } elseif (array_key_exists('display_currency_code', $args)) {
        $args['display_currency_symbol'] = !$args['display_currency_code'];
    $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    $currencies_without_fractions = WPSC_Payment_Gateways::currencies_without_fractions();
    if ($isocode) {
        $currency = new WPSC_Country($isocode);
    } else {
        $currency = new WPSC_Country(get_option('currency_type'));
    $currency_code = $currency->get_currency_code();
    // No decimal point, no decimals
    if (!$display_decimal_point || in_array($currency_code, $currencies_without_fractions)) {
        $decimals = 0;
    } else {
        $decimals = 2;
        // default is 2
    $decimals = apply_filters('wpsc_modify_decimals', $decimals, $isocode);
    $decimal_separator = apply_filters('wpsc_format_currency_decimal_separator', wpsc_get_option('decimal_separator'), $isocode);
    $thousands_separator = apply_filters('wpsc_format_currency_thousands_separator', wpsc_get_option('thousands_separator'), $isocode);
    // Format the price for output
    $formatted = number_format($amt, $decimals, $decimal_separator, $thousands_separator);
    if (!$display_currency_code) {
        $currency_code = '';
    $symbol = $display_currency_symbol ? $currency->get_currency_symbol() : '';
    $symbol = esc_html($symbol);
    $symbol = apply_filters('wpsc_format_currency_currency_symbol', $symbol, $isocode);
    $currency_sign_location = get_option('currency_sign_location');
    // Rejig the currency sign location
    switch ($currency_sign_location) {
        case 1:
            $format_string = '%3$s%1$s%2$s';
        case 2:
            $format_string = '%3$s %1$s%2$s';
        case 4:
            $format_string = '%1$s%2$s  %3$s';
        case 3:
            $format_string = '%1$s %2$s%3$s';
    $currency_code = apply_filters('wpsc_format_currency_currency_code', $currency_code, $isocode);
    // Compile the output
    $output = trim(sprintf($format_string, $currency_code, $symbol, $formatted));
    return $output;
 private function get_shipping_method_js_vars()
     global $wpsc_cart;
     $js_var = array('subtotal' => (double) $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal(), 'shipping' => array(), 'tax' => wpsc_is_tax_enabled() && !wpsc_is_tax_included() ? (double) wpsc_cart_tax(false) : 0, 'discount' => wpsc_coupon_amount(false) > 0 ? wpsc_coupon_amount(false) : 0);
     foreach ($this->shipping_calculator->sorted_quotes as $module_name => $quotes) {
         foreach ($quotes as $option => $cost) {
             $id = $this->shipping_calculator->ids[$module_name][$option];
             $js_var['shipping'][$id] = $cost;
     $currency = new WPSC_Country(get_option('currency_type'));
     $currency_code = $currency->get_currency_code();
     $isocode = $currency->get_isocode();
     $without_fractions = in_array($currency_code, WPSC_Payment_Gateways::currencies_without_fractions());
     $decimals = $without_fractions ? 0 : 2;
     $decimals = apply_filters('wpsc_modify_decimals', $decimals, $isocode);
     $decimal_separator = apply_filters('wpsc_format_currency_decimal_separator', wpsc_get_option('decimal_separator'), $isocode);
     $thousands_separator = apply_filters('wpsc_format_currency_thousands_separator', wpsc_get_option('thousands_separator'), $isocode);
     $symbol = apply_filters('wpsc_format_currency_currency_symbol', $currency->get_currency_symbol());
     $sign_location = get_option('currency_sign_location');
     $js_var['formatter'] = array('currency_code' => $currency_code, 'without_fractions' => $without_fractions, 'decimals' => $decimals, 'decimal_separator' => $decimal_separator, 'thousands_separator' => $thousands_separator, 'symbol' => $symbol, 'sign_location' => $sign_location);
     return $js_var;