     * Figures out if current page is the property overview page
     * This function could be called multiple times for the same shortcode, and numerous times on the page.
     * therefore, all JS in here has to take that into account and not perform same function twice.
     * @since 1.10
    function wpp_draw_pagination($settings = '')
        global $wpp_query, $wp_properties;
        $settings = wp_parse_args($settings, array('javascript' => true, 'return' => true, 'class' => '', 'sorter_type' => 'none', 'hide_count' => false, 'sort_by_text' => isset($wpp_query['sort_by_text']) ? $wpp_query['sort_by_text'] : ''));
        $settings = apply_filters('wpp:draw_pagination:settings', $settings, $wpp_query, $wp_properties);
        //** Do not show pagination on ajax requests */
        if ($wpp_query['ajax_call']) {
            return null;
        if (is_array($wpp_query) || is_object($wpp_query)) {
        if ($pagination == 'off' && $hide_count) {
            return null;
        /** Maybe use custom pagination/sorter instead of default one */
        $custom = apply_filters('wpp:property_overview:custom_pagination', false, $settings, $wpp_query, $wp_properties);
        if (!empty($custom)) {
            if ($settings['return'] == 'true') {
                return $custom;
            } else {
                echo $custom;
                return null;
        if (is_array($wpp_query) || is_object($wpp_query)) {
        if ($properties['total'] > $per_page && $pagination != 'off') {
            $use_pagination = true;
        if ($properties['total'] < 2 || $sorter_type == 'none') {
            $sortable_attrs = false;
        //** */
        if ($settings['javascript']) {
      <script type="text/javascript">
         * The functionality below is used for pagination and sorting the list of properties
         * It can be many times (on multiple shortcodes)
         * So the current javascript functionality should not to be initialized twice.
         * Init global WPP_QUERY variable which will contain all query objects
        if ( typeof wpp_query == 'undefined' ) {
          var wpp_query = [];
        if ( typeof document_ready == 'undefined' ) {
          var document_ready = false;
         * Initialize shortcode's wpp_query object
        if ( typeof wpp_query_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 == 'undefined' ) {
          var wpp_query_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 = <?php 
            echo json_encode($wpp_query);
          /* Default values for ajax query. It's used when we go to base URL using back button */
            echo $unique_hash;
['default_query'] = wpp_query_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
          /* Push query objects to global wpp_query variable */
          wpp_query.push( wpp_query_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
         * Init variable only at once
        if ( typeof wpp_pagination_history_ran == 'undefined' ) {
          var wpp_pagination_history_ran = false;
        /* Init variable only at once */
        if ( typeof wpp_pagination_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 == 'undefined' ) {
          var wpp_pagination_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 = false;
        if ( typeof first_load == 'undefined' ) {
          var first_load = true;
        /* Watch for address URL for back buttons support */
        if ( !wpp_pagination_history_ran ) {
          wpp_pagination_history_ran = true;
           * On change location (address) Event.
           * Also used as Back button functionality.
           * Attention! This event is unique (binds at once) and is used for any (multiple) shortcode
          jQuery( document ).ready( function () {
            if ( !jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.fn.slider ) ) {
            jQuery.address.change( function ( event ) {
              callPagination( event );
            } );
          } );
           * Parse location (address) hash,
           * Setup shortcode params by hash params
           * Calls ajax pagination
          function callPagination ( event ) {
             * We have to be sure that DOM is ready
             * if it's not, wait 0.1 sec and call function again
            if ( !document_ready ) {
              window.setTimeout( function () {
                callPagination( event );
              }, 100 );
              return false;
            var history = {};
            /* Parse hash value (params) */
            var hashes = event.value.replace( /^\//, '' );
            /* Determine if we have hash params */
            if ( hashes ) {
              hashes = hashes.split( '&' );
              for ( var i in hashes ) {
                if ( typeof hashes[i] != 'function' ) {
                  hash = hashes[i].split( '=' );
                  history[hash[0]] = hash[1];
              if ( history.i ) {
                /* get current shortcode's object */
                var index = parseInt( history.i ) - 1;
                if ( index >= 0 ) {
                  var q = wpp_query[index];
                if ( typeof q == 'undefined' || q.length == 0 ) {
                  return false;
                if ( history.sort_by && history.sort_by != '' ) {
                  q.sort_by = history.sort_by;
                if ( history.sort_order && history.sort_order != '' ) {
                  q.sort_order = history.sort_order;
                /* 'Select/Unselect' sortable buttons */
                var sortable_links = jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_' + q.unique_hash + ' .wpp_sortable_link' );
                if ( sortable_links.length > 0 ) {
                  sortable_links.each( function ( i, e ) {
                    jQuery( e ).removeClass( "wpp_sorted_element" );
                    if ( jQuery( e ).attr( 'sort_slug' ) == q.sort_by ) {
                      jQuery( e ).addClass( "wpp_sorted_element" );
                  } );
                if ( history.requested_page && history.requested_page != '' ) {
                  eval( 'wpp_do_ajax_pagination_' + q.unique_hash + '(' + history.requested_page + ')' );
                } else {
                  eval( 'wpp_do_ajax_pagination_' + q.unique_hash + '(1)' );
              } else {
                return false;
            } else {
              /* Looks like it's base url
               * Determine if this first load, we do nothing
               * If not, - we use 'back button' functionality.
              if ( first_load ) {
                first_load = false;
              } else {
                 * Set default pagination values for all shortcodes
                for ( var i in wpp_query ) {
                  wpp_query[i].sort_by = wpp_query[i].default_query.sort_by;
                  wpp_query[i].sort_order = wpp_query[i].default_query.sort_order;
                  /* 'Select/Unselect' sortable buttons */
                  var sortable_links = jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_' + wpp_query[i].unique_hash + ' .wpp_sortable_link' );
                  if ( sortable_links.length > 0 ) {
                    sortable_links.each( function ( ie, e ) {
                      jQuery( e ).removeClass( "wpp_sorted_element" );
                      if ( jQuery( e ).attr( 'sort_slug' ) == wpp_query[i].sort_by ) {
                        jQuery( e ).addClass( "wpp_sorted_element" );
                    } );
                  eval( 'wpp_do_ajax_pagination_' + wpp_query[i].unique_hash + '(1, false)' );
         * Changes location (address) hash based on pagination
         * We use this function extend of wpp_do_ajax_pagination()
         * because wpp_do_ajax_pagination() is called on change Address Value's event
         * @param int this_page Page which will be loaded
         * @param object data WPP_QUERY object
         * @return object data Returns updated WPP_QUERY object
        if ( typeof changeAddressValue == 'undefined' ) {
          function changeAddressValue ( this_page, data ) {
            var q = window.wpp_query;
            /* Get the current shortcode's index */
            var index = 0;
            for ( var i in q ) {
              if ( q[i].unique_hash == data.unique_hash ) {
                index = (++i);
            /* Set data query which will be used in history hash below */
            var q = {
              requested_page: this_page,
              sort_order: data.sort_order,
              sort_by: data.sort_by,
              i: index
            /* Update WPP_QUERY query */
            data.query.requested_page = this_page;
            data.query.sort_order = data.sort_order;
            data.query.sort_by = data.sort_by;
             * Update page URL for back-button support (needs to do sort order and direction)
             * jQuery.address.value() and jQuery.address.path() double binds jQuery.change() event, some way
             * so for now, we use window.location
            var history = jQuery.param( q );
            window.location.hash = '/' + history;
            return data;

        function wpp_do_ajax_pagination_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
( this_page, scroll_to ) {
          if ( typeof this_page == 'undefined' ) {
            this_page = 1;
          if ( typeof scroll_to == 'undefined' ) {
            scroll_to = true;

          data = wpp_query_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
          /* Update page counter */
          jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_current_page_count" ).text( this_page );
          jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_slider .slider_page_info .val" ).text( this_page );
          /* Update sliders  */
          jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_slider" ).slider( "value", this_page );
          jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .ajax_loader' ).show();
          /* Scroll page to the top of the current shortcode */
          if ( scroll_to ) {
            jQuery( document ).trigger( 'wpp_pagination_change', {'overview_id': <?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
} );
          data.ajax_call = 'true';
          data.requested_page = this_page;
          jQuery.post( '<?php 
            echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
', {
              action: 'wpp_property_overview_pagination',
              wpp_ajax_query: data
            }, function ( result_data ) {
              jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .ajax_loader' ).hide();
              var p_list = jQuery( '.wpp_property_view_result', result_data.display );
              //* Determine if p_list is empty try previous version's selector */
              if ( p_list.length == 0 ) {
                p_list = jQuery( '.wpp_row_view', result_data.display );
              var content = ( p_list.length > 0 ) ? p_list.html() : result_data.display;
              var p_wrapper = jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_property_view_result' );
              //* Determine if p_wrapper is empty try previous version's selector */
              if ( p_wrapper.length == 0 ) {
                p_wrapper = jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_row_view' )
              p_wrapper.html( content );
              /* Total properties count may change depending on sorting (if sorted by an attribute that all properties do not have) */
              /* It seems issue mentioned above are fexed so nex line unneeded, commented odokienko@UD */
              // jQuery("#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
            if (isset($use_pagination) && $use_pagination) {
              /* Update max page in slider and in display */
              jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
                echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_slider" ).slider( "option", "max", result_data.wpp_query.pages );
              jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
                echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_total_page_count" ).text( result_data.wpp_query.pages );
                echo $unique_hash;
 = result_data.wpp_query.pages;
              if ( max_slider_pos_<?php 
                echo $unique_hash;
 == 0 ) jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
                echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_current_page_count" ).text( 0 );
              jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 a.fancybox_image" ).fancybox( {
                'transitionIn': 'elastic',
                'transitionOut': 'elastic',
                'speedIn': 600,
                'speedOut': 200,
                'overlayShow': false
              } );
              jQuery( document ).trigger( 'wpp_pagination_change_complete', {'overview_id': <?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
} );
            }, "json" );

        jQuery( document ).ready( function () {
          if ( !jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.fn.slider ) || !jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.fn.slider ) ) {
            jQuery( ".wpp_pagination_slider_wrapper" ).hide();
            return null;
          document_ready = true;
            echo $unique_hash;
 = <?php 
            echo !empty($pages) ? $pages : 'null';
          //** Do not assign click event again */
          if ( !jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_back' ).data( 'events' ) ) {
            jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_back' ).click( function () {
              var current_value = jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_slider" ).slider( "value" );
              if ( current_value == 1 ) {
              var new_value = current_value - 1;
              jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_slider" ).slider( "value", new_value );
            echo $unique_hash;
 = changeAddressValue( new_value, wpp_query_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
            } );
          if ( !jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_forward' ).data( 'events' ) ) {
            jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_forward' ).click( function () {
              var current_value = jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_slider" ).slider( "value" );
              if ( max_slider_pos_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 && (current_value == max_slider_pos_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 || max_slider_pos_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 < 1 ) ) {
              var new_value = current_value + 1;
              jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_slider" ).slider( "value", new_value );
            echo $unique_hash;
 = changeAddressValue( new_value, wpp_query_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
            } );
          if ( !jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_sortable_link' ).data( 'events' ) ) {
            jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_sortable_link' ).click( function () {
              var attribute = jQuery( this ).attr( 'sort_slug' );
              var sort_order = jQuery( this ).attr( 'sort_order' );
              var this_attribute = jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_sortable_link[sort_slug=" + attribute + "]" );
              if ( jQuery( this ).is( ".wpp_sorted_element" ) ) {
                var currently_sorted = true;
                /* If this attribute is already sorted, we switch sort order */
                if ( sort_order == "ASC" ) {
                  sort_order = "DESC";
                } else if ( sort_order == "DESC" ) {
                  sort_order = "ASC";
              jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_sortable_link" ).removeClass( "wpp_sorted_element" );
            echo $unique_hash;
.sort_by = attribute;
            echo $unique_hash;
.sort_order = sort_order;
              jQuery( this_attribute ).addClass( "wpp_sorted_element" );
              jQuery( this_attribute ).attr( "sort_order", sort_order );
              /* Get ajax results and reset to first page */
            echo $unique_hash;
 = changeAddressValue( 1, wpp_query_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
            } );
          if ( !jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_sortable_dropdown' ).data( 'events' ) ) {
            jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_sortable_dropdown' ).change( function () {
              var parent = jQuery( this ).parents( '.wpp_sorter_options' );
              var attribute = jQuery( ":selected", this ).attr( 'sort_slug' );
              var sort_element = jQuery( ".sort_order", parent );
              var sort_order = jQuery( sort_element ).attr( 'sort_order' );
            echo $unique_hash;
.sort_by = attribute;
            echo $unique_hash;
.sort_order = sort_order;
              /* Get ajax results and reset to first page */
            echo $unique_hash;
 = changeAddressValue( 1, wpp_query_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
            } );
          if ( !jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_overview_sorter' ).data( 'events' ) ) {
            jQuery( '#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_overview_sorter' ).click( function () {
              var parent = jQuery( this ).parents( '.wpp_sorter_options' );
              var sort_element = this;
              var dropdown_element = jQuery( ".wpp_sortable_dropdown", parent );
              var attribute = jQuery( ":selected", dropdown_element ).attr( 'sort_slug' );
              var sort_order = jQuery( sort_element ).attr( 'sort_order' );
              jQuery( sort_element ).removeClass( sort_order );
              /* If this attribute is already sorted, we switch sort order */
              if ( sort_order == "ASC" ) {
                sort_order = "DESC";
              } else if ( sort_order == "DESC" ) {
                sort_order = "ASC";
            echo $unique_hash;
.sort_by = attribute;
            echo $unique_hash;
.sort_order = sort_order;
              jQuery( sort_element ).attr( "sort_order", sort_order );
              jQuery( sort_element ).addClass( sort_order );
              /* Get ajax results and reset to first page */
            echo $unique_hash;
 = changeAddressValue( 1, wpp_query_<?php 
            echo $unique_hash;
            } );
            if (isset($use_pagination) && $use_pagination) {
          jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
                echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_slider_wrapper" ).each( function () {
            var this_parent = this;
            /* Slider */
            jQuery( '.wpp_pagination_slider', this ).slider( {
              value: 1,
              min: 1,
              max: <?php 
                echo $pages;
              step: 1,
              slide: function ( event, ui ) {
                /* Update page counter - we do it here because we want it to be instant */
                jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
                echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_current_page_count" ).text( ui.value );
                jQuery( "#wpp_shortcode_<?php 
                echo $unique_hash;
 .wpp_pagination_slider .slider_page_info .val" ).text( ui.value );
              stop: function ( event, ui ) {
                echo $unique_hash;
 = changeAddressValue( ui.value, wpp_query_<?php 
                echo $unique_hash;

            } );

            /* Fix slider width based on button width */
            var slider_width = (jQuery( this_parent ).width() - jQuery( ".wpp_pagination_back", this_parent ).outerWidth() - jQuery( ".wpp_pagination_forward", this_parent ).outerWidth() - 30);
            jQuery( ".wpp_pagination_slider", this_parent ).css( 'width', slider_width );

            jQuery( '.wpp_pagination_slider .ui-slider-handle', this ).append( '<div class="slider_page_info"><div class="val">1</div><div class="arrow"></div></div>' );

          } );
        } );

            $js_result = ob_get_contents();
    <div class="properties_pagination <?php 
        echo $settings['class'];
 wpp_slider_pagination" id="properties_pagination_<?php 
        echo $unique_hash;
      <div class="wpp_pagination_slider_status">
        <span class="wpp_property_results_options">
        if ($hide_count != 'true') {
            $wpp_property_results = '<span class="wpp_property_results">';
            $wpp_property_results .= $properties['total'] > 0 ? WPP_F::format_numeric($properties['total']) : __('None', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
            $wpp_property_results .= __(' found.', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
            echo apply_filters('wpp::wpp_draw_pagination::wpp_property_results', $wpp_property_results, array('properties' => $properties, 'settings' => $settings));
        if (!empty($use_pagination)) {
            _e('Viewing page', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
            <span class="wpp_current_page_count">1</span> <?php 
            _e('of', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
            <span class="wpp_total_page_count"><?php 
            echo $pages;
        if ($sortable_attrs) {
          <span class="wpp_sorter_options"><span class="wpp_sort_by_text"><?php 
            echo $settings['sort_by_text'];
            if ($settings['sorter_type'] == 'buttons') {
                foreach ($sortable_attrs as $slug => $label) {
                <span class="wpp_sortable_link <?php 
                    echo $sort_by == $slug ? 'wpp_sorted_element' : '';
 label label-info" sort_order="<?php 
                    echo $sort_order;
" sort_slug="<?php 
                    echo $slug;
                    echo $label;
            } elseif ($settings['sorter_type'] == 'dropdown') {
              <select class="wpp_sortable_dropdown sort_by label-info" name="sort_by">
                foreach ($sortable_attrs as $slug => $label) {
          <option <?php 
                    echo $sort_by == $slug ? 'class="wpp_sorted_element" selected="true"' : '';
                    echo $slug;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $slug;
                    echo $label;
                /* <span class="wpp_overview_sorter sort_order <?php echo $sort_order ?> label label-info" sort_order="<?php echo $sort_order ?>"></span> */
            } else {
                do_action('wpp_custom_sorter', array('settings' => $settings, 'wpp_query' => $wpp_query, 'sorter_type' => $settings['sorter_type']));
        <div class="clear"></div>
        if (!empty($use_pagination)) {
        <div class="wpp_pagination_slider_wrapper">
        <div class="wpp_pagination_back wpp_pagination_button"><?php 
            _e('Prev', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
        <div class="wpp_pagination_forward wpp_pagination_button"><?php 
            _e('Next', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
        <div class="wpp_pagination_slider"></div>
    <div class="ajax_loader"></div>
        $result = ob_get_contents();
        //** Combine JS (after minification) with HTML results */
        if ($settings['javascript'] && isset($js_result)) {
            $js_result = WPP_F::minify_js($js_result);
            $result = $js_result . $result;
        if ($settings['return'] == 'true') {
            return $result;
        echo $result;
Example #2
 * Demonstrates how to add dollar signs before all prices and deposits
 * @since 1.15.3
 * @uses WPP_F::get_coordinates() Creates an array from string $args.
 * @param string $listing_id Listing ID must be passed
function add_dollar_sign($content)
    global $wp_properties;
    $currency_symbol = !empty($wp_properties['configuration']['currency_symbol']) ? $wp_properties['configuration']['currency_symbol'] : "\$";
    $currency_symbol_placement = !empty($wp_properties['configuration']['currency_symbol_placement']) ? $wp_properties['configuration']['currency_symbol_placement'] : "before";
    $content = trim(str_replace(array("\$", ","), "", $content));
    if (!is_numeric($content)) {
        return preg_replace_callback('/(\\d+)/', create_function('$matches', 'return add_dollar_sign( $matches[0] );'), $content);
    } else {
        return ($currency_symbol_placement == 'before' ? $currency_symbol : '') . WPP_F::format_numeric($content) . ($currency_symbol_placement == 'after' ? $currency_symbol : '');
  * Returns the list of property statuses.
  * @return array
 public function get_post_statuses()
     $all = 0;
     $_attrs = \WPP_F::get_all_attribute_values('post_status');
     $attrs = array();
     if (is_array($_attrs)) {
         foreach ($_attrs as $attr) {
             $count = \WPP_F::get_properties_quantity(array($attr));
             switch ($attr) {
                 case 'publish':
                     $label = __('Published', $this->get('domain'));
                     $all += $count;
                 case 'pending':
                     $label = __('Pending', $this->get('domain'));
                     $all += $count;
                 case 'trash':
                     $label = __('Trashed', $this->get('domain'));
                 case 'auto-draft':
                     $label = __('Auto-Draft', $this->get('domain'));
                     $label = strtoupper(substr($attr, 0, 1)) . substr($attr, 1, strlen($attr));
                     $all += $count;
             $attrs[$attr] = $label . ' (' . \WPP_F::format_numeric($count) . ')';
     } else {
         return array();
     $attrs['any'] = __('Any', $this->get('domain')) . ' (' . \WPP_F::format_numeric($all) . ')';
     return $attrs;
Example #4
<div class="properties_pagination <?php 
echo $settings['class'];
 wpp_slider_pagination type-<?php 
echo $settings['type'];

  <div class="wpp_pagination_slider_status">
    <span class="wpp_property_results_options">
if ($hide_count != 'true') {
    $wpp_property_results = '<span class="wpp_property_results">';
    $wpp_property_results .= $properties['total'] > 0 ? \WPP_F::format_numeric($properties['total']) : __('None', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
    $wpp_property_results .= __(' found.', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
    echo apply_filters('wpp::wpp_draw_pagination::wpp_property_results', $wpp_property_results, array('properties' => $properties, 'settings' => $settings));
if (!empty($use_pagination)) {
    _e('Viewing page', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
        <span class="wpp_current_page_count">1</span> <?php 
    _e('of', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
        <span class="wpp_total_page_count"><?php 
    echo $pages;