Example #1
  * @param string $template
  * @param array|string $_template_vars
  * @param WPLib_Item_Base|object $item
  * @note This is called via an instance as well as
  *       If this becomes deprecated we can prefix with an '_' and then
  *       use __call() and __callStatic() to allow it to be invoked.
  * @see  http://stackoverflow.com/a/7983863/102699
 static function the_template($template, $_template_vars = array(), $item = null)
     $_filename = preg_replace('#(\\.php)$#', '', ltrim($template, '/')) . '.php';
     $template = new stdClass();
     $template->dir = get_stylesheet_directory();
      * If root path (i.e. "~/wp-content/...") add ABSPATH to the template file after removing ~
      * If not root path, assume the template file is in /templates/ inside the theme directory
     $_templates_subdir = static::templates_subdir();
     $template->filename = preg_match('#^~[\\/](.+)#', $_filename, $match) ? ABSPATH . $match[1] : "{$template->dir}/{$_templates_subdir}/{$_filename}";
     if (!is_string($_template_vars) || false !== strpos($_template_vars, '=')) {
         $_specialty = false;
         if (is_string($_template_vars)) {
             $_template_vars = wp_parse_args($_template_vars);
         if (false === $_template_vars || is_null($_template_vars)) {
             $_template_vars = array();
         } else {
             if (!is_array($_template_vars)) {
                 $message = __('Unexpected value for 2nd parameter passed to the_template(). Expected array, string, false or null but got %s.', 'wplib');
                 WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf($message, gettype($_template_vars)));
     } else {
          * If a string is passed assume it is for a more specific template and behave like get_template_part().
         $_specialty = esc_attr($_template_vars);
         $_template_vars = array();
         $_specialty = preg_replace('#(\\.php)$#', "-{$_specialty}\$1", $template->filename);
     if ($_specialty && is_file($_specialty)) {
          * We found the special template before the general one.
         $template->filename = $_specialty;
         $_specialty = true;
     if (true !== $_specialty && !is_file($template->filename)) {
          * No speciality template and no template at all.
         $template->filename = $template->dir = false;
         if (!WPLib::is_production()) {
              * This is ONLY output if constant 'WPLIB_RUNMODE' is defined in wp-config.php.
             echo "\n<!--[FAILED Template File: {$template->filename} -->\n";
     if (!$template->filename) {
         $output = false;
     } else {
         if (!WPLib::doing_ajax() && !WPLib::is_production()) {
             echo "\n<!--[Template File: {$template->filename} -->\n";
         extract($_template_vars, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, '_');
         if ($item && ($_var_name = WPLib::get_constant('VAR_NAME', get_class($item)))) {
              * Assign the $item's preferred variable name in addition to '$item', i.e. '$brand'
              * This is a very controlled use of extract() i.e. I know what I am doing here.
             extract(array($_var_name => $item));
         $template->vars = $_template_vars;
         unset($_template_vars, $_templates_subdir, $_filename, $_cache_key, $_var_name, $_specialty);
         self::$_file_loading = $template->filename;
         require $template->filename;
         self::$_file_loading = false;
         $output = ob_get_clean();
     echo $output;
Example #2
  * @param string $template_slug
  * @param array|string $_template_vars
  * @param WPLib_Item_Base|object $item
  * @note This is called via an instance as well as
  *       If this becomes deprecated we can prefix with an '_' and then
  *       use __call() and __callStatic() to allow it to be invoked.
  * @see  http://stackoverflow.com/a/7983863/102699
 static function the_template($template_slug, $_template_vars = array(), $item = null)
      * Calculate the md5 value for caching this template filename
     if (!self::is_development()) {
         $_md5 = md5(serialize(array($template_slug, $_template_vars, get_class($item))));
     } else {
         $_md5 = $template_slug . '[' . get_class($item) . '][' . serialize($_template_vars) . ']';
     if (!($template = self::cache_get($_cache_key = "template_file[{$_md5}]"))) {
         $template = new stdClass();
         $template->filenames_tried = array();
         $template->found = false;
          * Ensure $_template_vars is an array
         $template->vars = is_string($_template_vars) ? wp_parse_args($_template_vars) : $_template_vars;
         if (!is_array($template->vars)) {
             $template->vars = array();
          * Ensure filename does not have a leading slash ('/') but does have a trailing '.php'
         $_filename = preg_replace('#(.+)(\\.php)?$#', '$1.php', ltrim($template_slug, '/'));
         foreach (array('theme', 'module', 'app') as $template_type) {
             switch ($template_type) {
                 case 'theme':
                     $template->dir = get_stylesheet_directory();
                     $template->subdir = static::templates_subdir();
                 case 'module':
                     $_app_class = !empty($template->vars['@app']) ? $template->vars['@app'] : self::app_class();
                     $_module_class = !empty($template->vars['@module']) ? self::get_module_class($template->vars['@module'], $_app_class) : get_class($item);
                     $template->dir = self::get_module_dir($_module_class);
                     $template->subdir = 'templates';
                 case 'app':
                      * @note Not implemented yet.
                     $_app_class = !empty($template->vars['@app']) ? $template->vars['@app'] : self::app_class();
                     $template->dir = call_user_func(array($_app_class, 'root_dir'));
                     $template->subdir = 'templates';
             $template->filename = "{$template->dir}/{$template->subdir}/{$_filename}";
             if (!WPLib::is_found($template->filename)) {
                 $template->filenames_tried[$template_type] = $template->filename;
             } else {
                 $template->found = true;
                 $template->var_name = self::get_constant('VAR_NAME', get_class($item));
                 $template->comments = "<!--[TEMPLATE FILE: {$template->filename} -->";
         self::cache_set($_cache_key, $template);
     $template->add_comments = !self::doing_ajax() && !self::is_production();
     if (!$template->found) {
         if ($template->add_comments) {
              * This can be used by theme developers with view source to see which templates failed.
              * @note FOR CODE REVIEWERS:
              * This is ONLY output of constant 'WPLIB_RUNMODE' is defined in wp-config.php.
              * In other words, this will NEVER run on your servers (unless you set WPLIB_RUNMODE.)
             echo "\n<!--[FAILED TEMPLATE FILE: {$template_slug}. Tried:\n";
             foreach ($template->filenames_tried as $template_type => $template_filename) {
                 echo "\n\t{$template_type}: {$template_filename}";
             echo "\n]-->";
     } else {
         if ($template->add_comments) {
             echo $template->comments;
          * This use of extract() is to support templates in the same way
          * that WordPress supports templates with variables that are accessible
          * in the namespace. However some code sniffers constantly flag extract()
          * so it is easier to hide it than to have to constantly see it flagged.
          * OTOH if you are using WPLib and you think we should do a direct call
          * to extract() here please add an issue so we can discuss the pros and
          * cons at https://github.com/wplib/wplib/issues
         $function = 'extract';
         $function($template->vars, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, '_');
         if ($template->var_name) {
              * Assign the $item's preferred variable name in addition to '$item', i.e. '$brand'
              * This is a very controlled use of extract() i.e. we know what we are doing here.
              * See a few lines above to explain	${'extract'}
             $function(array($template->var_name => $item));
         unset($_template_vars, $_filename, $_cache_key, $_md5, $_app_class, $_module_class);
         self::$_file_loading = $template->filename;
         require $template->filename;
         self::$_file_loading = false;
         if (!$template->add_comments) {
             echo ob_get_clean();
         } else {
              * This can be used by theme developers with view source to see which templates failed.
              * @note FOR CODE REVIEWERS:
              * This is ONLY output if constant 'WPLIB_RUNMODE' is defined in wp-config.php.
              * In other words, this will NEVER run on your servers (unless you set WPLIB_RUNMODE.)
             echo $template->comments;
             echo ob_get_clean();
             echo "\n<!--[END TEMPLATE FILE: {$template->filename} -->\n";