Example #1
  * Fires at the end of the 'Personal Options' settings table on the user editing screen.
  * @since WP 2.7.0
  * @param WP_User $profileuser The current WP_User object.
 public function personal_options($profileuser)
     $message = __('This view <strong>is enhanced</strong> by wpXtreme and WPDK framework. Please, <strong><a href="#wpdk">have a look below</a></strong> for additional information.', WPDK_TEXTDOMAIN);
     $alert = new WPDKUIAlert('wpdk-alert-personal_options', $message, WPDKUIAlertType::INFORMATION);
     $alert->dismissPermanent = true;
  * Return TRUE to stop the display of list item table, FALSE otherwise. Default return FALSE if you do not override.
  * You can override this method to process the action request sent from list table.
  * You can processing bulk and single action. This method must return a boolean in order to re-processed the items
  * list view.
  * @brief Process the bulk actions and standard actions
  * @return bool
 public function process_bulk_action()
     // Process the action result
     $action_result = $this->action_result();
     if (is_object($action_result)) {
         // Get content
         $content = $action_result->data;
         // Sanitize content
         if (!is_string($content)) {
             $content = WPDKHTML::endCompress();
         // Get type
         $type = $action_result->type;
         // Alert
         $alert = new WPDKUIAlert(false, $content, $type, $action_result->message);
     } elseif (!empty($action_result)) {
         $alert = new WPDKUIAlert(false, __('Operation successfully!', WPDK_TEXTDOMAIN), WPDKUIAlertType::SUCCESS, __('Information', WPDK_TEXTDOMAIN));
     return false;
Example #3
  * Drawing control
  * @brief Draw
 public function draw()
     $value = isset($this->item['value']) ? $this->item['value'] : '';
     $title = isset($this->item['title']) ? $this->item['title'] : '';
     $alert_type = isset($this->item['alert_type']) ? $this->item['alert_type'] : WPDKUIAlertType::INFORMATION;
     $alert = new WPDKUIAlert($this->id, $value, $alert_type, $title);
     $alert->dismissButton = isset($this->item['dismiss_button']) ? $this->item['dismiss_button'] : true;
     // @deprecated 'permanent_dismiss' since 1.5.6 - use 'dismiss_permanent' instead
     $alert->dismissPermanent = isset($this->item['permanent_dismiss']) ? $this->item['permanent_dismiss'] : false;
     // TODO Backward compatibility -
     $alert->dismissPermanent = isset($this->item['dismiss_permanent']) ? $this->item['dismiss_permanent'] : $alert->dismissPermanent;
     $alert->class = isset($this->item['classes']) ? $this->item['classes'] : isset($this->item['class']) ? $this->item['class'] : '';
     echo $this->contentWithKey('prepend');
     echo $this->contentWithKey('append');
Example #4
  * Hook for feedback. See `error` property too.
  * @brief Feedback
  * @return array
 public function wpdk_preferences_import_export_feedback()
     $title = __('Warning!', WPDK_TEXTDOMAIN);
     $content = '';
     switch ($this->error) {
         // ALL OK
         case self::ERROR_NONE:
             $title = __('Successfully!', WPDK_TEXTDOMAIN);
             $content = __('Import complete.', WPDK_TEXTDOMAIN);
             // ERROR while reading upload file
         // ERROR while reading upload file
         case self::ERROR_READ_FILE:
             $content = sprintf('%s %s', __('Error while read file! Error code:', WPDK_TEXTDOMAIN), $_FILES['file']['error']);
             // ERROR while uncompress upload file
         // ERROR while uncompress upload file
         case self::ERROR_MALFORMED_FILE:
             $content = __('Malformed file.', WPDK_TEXTDOMAIN);
             // Version export error
         // Version export error
         case self::ERROR_VERSION:
             $content = __('Wrong file version! You are try to import a most recent of export file. Please update your plugin before continue.', WPDK_TEXTDOMAIN);
     $alert = new WPDKUIAlert('feedback', $content, empty($this->error) ? WPDKUIAlertType::SUCCESS : WPDKUIAlertType::WARNING, $title);