Example #1
 * --- Retrieve users ---
 * Retrieves all users along with their corresponding packages as well as the assigned nimbusec bundle
 * Executes two request to the WHM API
function retrieveUsers()
    $hash = file_get_contents("/root/.accesshash");
    $host = gethostname();
    $serverAddr = gethostbyname($host);
    // Contains all packages + users
    $packages = array();
    // Get access data for WHM API
    $whmApi = new WHMAPIClient($hash, $serverAddr);
    // Retrieve all packages
    $pkgResult = $whmApi->sendRequest('listpkgs');
    // Loop through every package to get the name of the package
    foreach ($pkgResult['data']['pkg'] as $pkg) {
        if (!empty($pkg['_PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS'])) {
            if (strpos($pkg['_PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS'], "nimbusec") !== false) {
                $bundle = explode('_', $pkg['nimbusec_bundles']);
                array_push($packages, array("packageName" => $pkg['name'], "bundleName" => $bundle[0], "bundleID" => $bundle[1], "users" => array()));
    if (!empty($packages)) {
        // Retrieve all users
        $acctResult = $whmApi->sendRequest('listaccts');
        foreach ($acctResult['data']['acct'] as $acct) {
            foreach ($packages as $key => $pkg) {
                // If the user's package has the same package name
                if (in_array($acct['plan'], $pkg, true)) {
                    array_push($packages[$key]['users'], array('email' => $acct['email'], 'domain' => $acct['domain'], 'name' => $acct['user']));
        return $packages;
    } else {
        return "No package with nimbusec included could be found on the system.";
function checkPackage($input = array())
    $logger = new Logger("/usr/local/nimbusec/logs", "changePackage.log", true);
    $data = $input['data'];
    $logger->info("Triggered change_package hook");
    try {
        $logger->info("Check bundles");
        // Get access data for WHM API
        $hash = file_get_contents("/root/.accesshash");
        $host = gethostname();
        $serverAddr = gethostbyname($host);
        $whmApi = new WHMAPIClient($hash, $serverAddr);
        $oldPkgName = $data['cur_pkg'];
        $newPkgName = $data['new_pkg'];
        $userName = $data['user'];
        $logger->debug("Get input data [cur/old_pkg] '{$oldPkgName}' [new_pkg] '{$newPkgName}' and [user] '{$userName}'");
        $oldPkgRes = $whmApi->sendRequest('getpkginfo', array("pkg" => $oldPkgName));
        $newPkgRes = $whmApi->sendRequest('getpkginfo', array("pkg" => $newPkgName));
        $logger->info("Read infomation for both packages");
        // Isset is much faster than array_key_exists
        $old_hasNimbusec = isset($oldPkgRes['data']['pkg']['nimbusec_bundles']);
        $new_hasNimbusec = isset($newPkgRes['data']['pkg']['nimbusec_bundles']);
        $logger->debug("Old package [has_nimbusec] 'json_encode({$old_hasNimbusec})', new package [has_nimbusec] 'json_encode({$new_hasNimbusec})'");
        list($key, $secret) = $whmApi->getNVData(array("NIMBUSEC_APIKEY", "NIMBUSEC_APISECRET"));
        if (!$old_hasNimbusec && $new_hasNimbusec) {
            $logger->info("Include nimbusec and provision [user] '{$userName}'");
            $accRes = $whmApi->sendRequest('accountsummary', array("user" => $userName));
            $logger->info("Retrieve account information of user");
            $data = array("user" => $userName, "domain" => $accRes['data']['acct'][0]['domain'], "contactemail" => $accRes['data']['acct'][0]['email'], "nimbusec_bundles" => $newPkgRes['data']['pkg']['nimbusec_bundles']);
            if (isset($data['contactemail'])) {
                $logger->debug("Read relevant data for [user] '{$userName}': [domain] => '{$accRes['data']['acct'][0]['domain']}'\n\t\t\t\t, [contactemail] => '{$accRes['data']['acct'][0]['email']}' and [nimbusec_bundles] => '{$newPkgRes['data']['pkg']['nimbusec_bundles']}'");
                $logger->info("Provisioning begins..");
                $provision = new Provision($key, $secret);
                $res = $provision->provisionUser($data, $logger);
                if ($res[0]) {
                } else {
                $logger->info("Provisioning ends..");
                return array(1, $res[1]);
            } else {
                $str = "No email specified. Therefore user can't be provisioned with nimbusec";
                return array("1", $str);
        } else {
            if ($old_hasNimbusec && $new_hasNimbusec) {
                $logger->info("Checking package bundles...");
                $oldBundle = $oldPkgRes['data']['pkg']['nimbusec_bundles'];
                $newBundle = $newPkgRes['data']['pkg']['nimbusec_bundles'];
                // Check / update bundles
                if ($oldBundle == $newBundle) {
                    $logger->info("The old package's bundle and the new package's bundle is the same");
                    $logger->debug("[old_bundle] '{$oldBundle}' == [new_bundle] '{$newBundle}'");
                    return array("1", "The old package's bundle and the new package's bundle is the same");
                } else {
                    $logger->info("Updating bundle begins..");
                    $accRes = $whmApi->sendRequest('accountsummary', array("user" => $userName));
                    $logger->info("Retrieve account information of user");
                    $email = $accRes['data']['acct'][0]['email'];
                    $logger->debug("Updating {$oldPkgName} with nimbusec bundle '{$oldBundle}' to {$newPkgName} with nimbusec bundle '{$newBundle}' for user {$email}");
                    $provision = new Provision($key, $secret);
                    $res = $provision->updateBundle($email, $newBundle, $logger);
                    if ($res[0]) {
                    } else {
                    $logger->info("Updating bundle ends..");
                    return array(1, $res[1]);
            } else {
                if ($old_hasNimbusec && !$new_hasNimbusec) {
                    $logger->info("Removing account begins..");
                    $accRes = $whmApi->sendRequest('accountsummary', array("user" => $userName));
                    $logger->info("Retrieve account information of user");
                    $email = $accRes['data']['acct'][0]['email'];
                    $logger->debug("Removing user {$userName} with email {$email} from database and system");
                    $provision = new Provision($key, $secret);
                    $res = $provision->removeUser(array("user" => $userName, "contactemail" => $email), $logger);
                    if ($res[0]) {
                    } else {
                    $logger->info("Removing user ends..");
                    return array(1, $res[1]);
                } else {
                    if (!$old_hasNimbusec && !$new_hasNimbusec) {
                        $str = "Neither the old package nor the new package have nimbusec included.";
                        return array("1", $str);
        $str = "Something unexpected happened in change_package hook. Better check immediately";
        return array("1", $str);
    } catch (CUrlException $exp) {
        $logger->error("[CUrl SPECIFIC ERROR] in {$exp->getFile()}: {$exp->getMessage()} at line {$exp->getLine()}");
        $logger->info("Processing data in change_package hook aborted...");
        return array("1", $exp->getMessage());
    } catch (NimbusecException $exp) {
        $logger->error("[Nimbusec SPECIFIC ERROR] in {$exp->getFile()}: {$exp->getMessage()} at line {$exp->getLine()}");
        $logger->info("Processing data in change_package hook aborted...");
        return array("1", $exp->getMessage());
    } catch (WHMException $exp) {
        $logger->error("[WHM SPECIFIC ERROR] in {$exp->getFile()}: {$exp->getMessage()} at line {$exp->getLine()}");
        $logger->info("Processing data in change_package hook aborted...");
        return array("1", $exp->getMessage());
    } catch (Exception $exp) {
        $logger->error("[UNSPECIFIC ERROR] in {$exp->getFile()}: {$exp->getMessage()} at line {$exp->getLine()}");
        $logger->info("Processing data in change_package hook aborted...");
        return array("1", $exp->getMessage());
Example #3
 $logger->progress("Nimbusec uninstallation begins...");
 // Get access data for WHM API - do not delete
 $hash = file_get_contents("/root/.accesshash");
 $host = gethostname();
 $serverAddr = gethostbyname($host);
 $whmApi = new WHMAPIClient($hash, $serverAddr);
 list($key, $secret, $agentKey) = $whmApi->getNVData(array("NIMBUSEC_APIKEY", "NIMBUSEC_APISECRET", "NIMBUSEC_SERVERAGENTKEY"));
 $nimbusecAPI = new NimbusecAPI($key, $secret);
 // To remind, every error will be handled in the particular method of each PHP (!) class you use
 // and catched in this class
 // So you can log after every command without needing to check whether it worked properly or not
 // because if it's not, it will be catched by the 'catch' - clause which will log it in addition
 // ################################## 1.) Remove all users and domains from database ##################################
 $logger->progress("Removing all user and domains from database...");
 // Retrieve names of all packages containing nimbusec extension into an array
 $pkgResult = $whmApi->sendRequest('listpkgs');
 $logger->info("Packages retrieved");
 $logger->debug("Resultstatus WHM API listpkgs: {$pkgResult['metadata']['result']}");
 // Loop through every package to get name + list of package extensions
 foreach ($pkgResult['data']['pkg'] as $pkg) {
     if (!empty($pkg['_PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS'])) {
         // Space-seperated list
         $extensions = explode(' ', $pkg['_PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS']);
         // Look for the key word nimbusec..
         // If the package has nimbusec, remove it from the list and add it to the array
         if (($keyPos = array_search("nimbusec", $extensions, true)) !== false) {
             array_push($pkgInfos, array("name" => $pkg['name'], "extensions" => implode(' ', $extensions)));
     } else {
         $logger->debug("Zero package extensions installed for package: {$pkg['name']}");
Example #4
function removeUser($input = array())
    $logger = new Logger("/usr/local/nimbusec/logs", "remove.log", true);
    $data = $input['data'];
    $userName = "";
    if (array_key_exists('user', $data)) {
        $userName = $data['user'];
    } else {
        $userName = $data['username'];
    $logger->info("Triggered removeuser hook");
    $logger->debug("Removing user {$userName}");
    $logger->info("Check bundle");
    try {
        // Get access data for WHM API
        $hash = file_get_contents("/root/.accesshash");
        $host = gethostname();
        $serverAddr = gethostbyname($host);
        $whmApi = new WHMAPIClient($hash, $serverAddr);
        $accRes = $whmApi->sendRequest('accountsummary', array("user" => $userName));
        $logger->info("Retrieve account information of user");
        $pkgRes = $whmApi->sendRequest('getpkginfo', array("pkg" => $accRes['data']['acct'][0]['plan']));
        $logger->info("Read infomation for user's package {$accRes['data']['acct'][0]['plan']}");
        $hasNimbusec = isset($pkgRes['data']['pkg']['nimbusec_bundles']);
        $logger->debug("User has nimbusec [has_nimbusec] 'json_encode({$hasNimbusec})'");
        list($key, $secret) = $whmApi->getNVData(array("NIMBUSEC_APIKEY", "NIMBUSEC_APISECRET"));
        if ($hasNimbusec) {
            $logger->info("User has nimbusec");
            $logger->info("Removing begins..");
            $provision = new Provision($key, $secret);
            $res = $provision->removeUser(array("user" => $userName, "contactemail" => $accRes['data']['acct'][0]['email']), $logger);
            if ($res[0]) {
            } else {
            $logger->info("Removing ends..");
            return array(1, $res[1]);
        } else {
            $str = "User doesn't have nimbusec";
            return array("1", $str);
        $str = "Something unexpected happened in remove hook. Better check immediately";
        return array("1", $str);
    } catch (CUrlException $exp) {
        $logger->error("[CUrl SPECIFIC ERROR] in {$exp->getFile()}: {$exp->getMessage()} at line {$exp->getLine()}");
        $logger->info("Processing data in remove hook aborted...");
        return array("1", $exp->getMessage());
    } catch (NimbusecException $exp) {
        $logger->error("[Nimbusec SPECIFIC ERROR] in {$exp->getFile()}: {$exp->getMessage()} at line {$exp->getLine()}");
        $logger->info("Processing data in remove hook aborted...");
        return array("1", $exp->getMessage());
    } catch (WHMException $exp) {
        $logger->error("[WHM SPECIFIC ERROR] in {$exp->getFile()}: {$exp->getMessage()} at line {$exp->getLine()}");
        $logger->info("Processing data in remove hook aborted...");
        return array("1", $exp->getMessage());
    } catch (Exception $exp) {
        $logger->error("[UNSPECIFIC ERROR] in {$exp->getFile()}: {$exp->getMessage()} at line {$exp->getLine()}");
        $logger->info("Processing data in remove hook aborted...");
        return array("1", $exp->getMessage());