Example #1
  * @dataProvider detectRPCDataProvider
 function testDetectRPC($invocationPath, $rpcInvocationPath, $expectIsRPC, $explanation)
     $explanation .= str_pad("\nSimulated URL:", 40) . $invocationPath;
     $explanation .= str_pad("\nSimulated rpcInvocationPath:", 40) . $rpcInvocationPath;
     // FAKE RPC
     $fakeRPC = new WFRPC();
     $_REQUEST = $fakeRPC->rpcAsParameters();
     $rpc = WFRPC::rpcFromRequest($invocationPath);
     if ($expectIsRPC) {
         $this->assertNotNull($rpc, $explanation);
     } else {
         $this->assertNull($rpc, $explanation);
Example #2
  * Initialize the named page. This will load the widget instances and prepare for manipulating the UI.
  * Each page has two parts, the HTML template, and the page instances config file (also called the .yaml file).
  * On the filesystem, they are named <pageName>.tpl (the template file) and <pageName>.yaml (the config file).
  * Once the instances are initialized and configured, the module will be given a chance to load default settings for the page via a callback.
  * This is the time to set up select lists, default values, etc.
  * The method name that will be called on the module is "<pageName>_PageDidLoad". Here is the prototype for that method:
  * void <pageName>_PageDidLoad($page, $parameters);
  * The parameters argument is an associative array, with "name" => "value". The items that will be in the array are determined by the page's parameterList,
  * which is provided by the <pageName>_ParameterList() method, you can implement if your page needs parameters. This method should simply return a list of
  * strings, which will become the "names" passed into your _PageDidLoad method.
  * Here's how the parameterization works... for each item in the array, first the PATH_INFO is mapped to the items. So, if your parameterList is:
  * array('itemID', 'otherParameter')
  * And the PATH_INFO is /12/moreData then the parameters passed in will be array('itemID' => '12', 'otherParameter' => 'moreData').
  * Any data that cannot be matched up will be passed with a NULL value.
  * Also, if there is a form submitted, then the values for the parameters will be replaced by the "value" of the outlets of the same name.
  * Thus, if your form has an "itemID" hidden field, the value from the form will supercede the value from PATH_INFO.
  * After the _PageDidLoad call, the UI state from the request will be applied on top of the defaults.
  * @todo Something is goofy with the detection of isRequestPage surrounding the action processor... seems to be getting called on the response page too. investiage.
  * @todo Rename this to executePage or something... this actually runs the whole page infrastructure!
 function initPage($pageName)
     WFLog::log("Initing page {$pageName}", WFLog::TRACE_LOG);
     if (!empty($this->pageName)) {
         throw new Exception("Page already inited with: {$this->pageName}. Cannot initPage twice.");
     $this->pageName = $pageName;
     // look for page delegate
     $pageDelegateClassName = $this->module->moduleName() . '_' . $this->pageName;
     if (class_exists($pageDelegateClassName, false)) {
         $delegate = new $pageDelegateClassName();
         // look for case mismatch b/w instantiated name and name in URL; php class names are case-insensitive, so class_exists() can kinda false-positive on us here
         // the mistmatch of cases means that downstream users of the name (loading yaml files, etc) will unexpectedly fail.
         if ($pageDelegateClassName !== get_class($delegate)) {
             throw new WFRequestController_NotFoundException("Page {$this->pageName} not found.");
             // $this->pageName = substr(get_class($delegate), strlen($this->module->moduleName() . '_')); // upgrade name to correct for case
     // calculate various file paths
     $basePagePath = $this->module->pathToPage($this->pageName);
     $yamlFile = $basePagePath . '.yaml';
     $instancesFile = $basePagePath . '.instances';
     $configFile = $basePagePath . '.config';
     if (file_exists($yamlFile)) {
         WFLog::log("Loading YAML config: {$pageName}.yaml", WFLog::TRACE_LOG);
         $yamlConfig = WFYaml::load($yamlFile);
         foreach ($yamlConfig as $id => $instanceManifest) {
             $this->initInstanceYAML($id, $instanceManifest);
         // after all config info is loaded, certain widget types need to "update" things...
         // since we don't control the order of property loading (that would get way too complex) we just handle some things at the end of the loadConfig
         foreach ($this->instances as $viewId => $view) {
     } else {
         // parse instances file and instantiate all objects be graceful -- no need to have fatal error if there are no instances
         if (file_exists($instancesFile)) {
             include $instancesFile;
             foreach ($__instances as $id => $instanceManifest) {
                 $this->initInstancePHP($id, $instanceManifest);
             // parse config file - for each instance, see if there is a config setup for that instance ID and apply it.
             // note: this will call allConfigFinishedLoading automatically
     // let delegate know the page instances are ready
     // restore UI state, if this is the requestPage
     // must happen AFTER config is loaded b/c some config options may affect how the widgets interpret the form data.
     // must happen BEFORE _PageDidLoad callback because that callback may need to access widget data, before it's available via bindings.
     if ($this->isRequestPage()) {
     // the PARAMTERS are ONLY determined for the requestPage!
     // Calculate parameters
     $parameters = array();
     $parameterList = $this->parameterList();
     // get parameter definition from delegate
     if ($this->isRequestPage()) {
         WFLog::log("Parameterizing {$pageName}", WFLog::TRACE_LOG);
         if (count($parameterList) > 0) {
             // first map all items through from PATH_INFO
             // @todo Right now this doesn't allow DEFAULT parameter values (uses NULL). Would be nice if this supported assoc_array so we could have defaults.
             $invocationParameters = $this->module->invocation()->parameters();
             $defaultOpts = array('defaultValue' => NULL, 'greedy' => false);
             $i = 0;
             $lastI = count($parameterList) - 1;
             foreach ($parameterList as $k => $v) {
                 if (gettype($k) === 'integer') {
                     $opts = $defaultOpts;
                     $parameterKey = $v;
                 } else {
                     $parameterKey = $k;
                     if (is_array($v)) {
                         $opts = array_merge($defaultOpts, $v);
                     } else {
                         $opts = $defaultOpts;
                         $opts['defaultValue'] = $v;
                 if (isset($invocationParameters[$i])) {
                     // handle greedy
                     if ($i === $lastI and $opts['greedy'] === true and count($invocationParameters) > count($parameterList)) {
                         $parameters[$parameterKey] = join('/', array_slice($invocationParameters, $i));
                     } else {
                         $parameters[$parameterKey] = $invocationParameters[$i];
                 } else {
                     $parameters[$parameterKey] = isset($_REQUEST[$parameterKey]) ? $_REQUEST[$parameterKey] : $opts['defaultValue'];
             // then over-ride with from form, if one has been submitted
             if ($this->hasSubmittedForm()) {
                 foreach ($parameterList as $id) {
                     if (!$this->hasOutlet($id)) {
                     // see if there is an instance of the same name in the submitted form
                     $instance = $this->outlet($id);
                     if ($instance instanceof WFWidget) {
                         // walk up looking for parent
                         $parent = $instance->parent();
                         do {
                             if ($parent and $parent instanceof WFForm and $parent->name() == $this->submittedFormName()) {
                                 $parameters[$id] = $this->outlet($id)->value();
                             if (!is_object($parent)) {
                                 throw new Exception("Error processing parameter overload for parameter id: '{$id}': found widget of same id, but cannot determine the form that it belongs to. Are you sure that widget id: '{$id}' is in a WFForm?");
                             $parent = $parent->parent();
                         } while ($parent);
     } else {
         WFLog::log("Skipping Parameterization for {$pageName}", WFLog::TRACE_LOG);
         if (count($parameterList) > 0) {
             // NULL-ify all params
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($parameterList); $i++) {
                 $parameters[$parameterList[$i]] = NULL;
     // save completed parameters
     $this->parameters = $parameters;
     // inform delegate that params are ready
     // parametersDidLoad may have affected the arrayControllers
     // restore UI state AGAIN so that any controls created dynamically can update their values based on the UI state.
     if ($this->isRequestPage()) {
     // now that the UI is set up (instantiated), it's time to propagate the values from widgets to bound objects if this is the requestPage!
     // then, once the values are propagated, we should call the action handler for the current event, if there is one.
     if ($this->isRequestPage()) {
         // let delegate know that we're about to push bindings - this is effectively a statement of "we're in 'postback', deal with it if you must"
         // willPushBindings may have affected the arrayControllers
         // push values of bound properties back to their bound objects
         // Determine action: do we need to call the noAction handler?
         $rpc = NULL;
         if ($this->hasSubmittedForm()) {
             // look for action in the form data
             $rpc = WFRPC::rpcFromRequest($this->module()->invocation()->invocationPath());
             if (!$rpc) {
                 // look for the submit button;
                 // look up the instance ID for the specified action... look for "action|<actionOutletID>" in $_REQUEST...
                 // but need to skip the _x and _y fields submitted with image submit buttons
                 $actionOutletID = NULL;
                 foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $value) {
                     if (strncmp("action|", $name, 7) == 0 and !in_array(substr($name, -2, 2), array('_x', '_y'))) {
                         list(, $actionOutletID) = explode('|', $name);
                 // if there is no button found in the parameters, we ask the WFForm what the default submit button is
                 if (!$actionOutletID) {
                     $form = $this->outlet($this->submittedFormName());
                     $actionOutletID = $form->defaultSubmitID();
                     WFLog::log("Form submitted, but no action button detected. Using default button: {$actionOutletID}", WFLog::TRACE_LOG);
                 // call the ACTION handler for the page, if there is an action.
                 if ($actionOutletID) {
                     try {
                         $action = $this->outlet($actionOutletID)->submitAction();
                         $action->rpc()->setArguments(array($actionOutletID, 'click'));
                         $rpc = $action->rpc();
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         throw new WFException("Could not find form button (outlet) for current action: {$actionOutletID}. Make sure that you don't have nested forms!");
                 } else {
                     WFLog::log("No action occurred (no action specified in form data)", WFLog::WARN_LOG);
         } else {
             // look for action in Params
             // new-school WFAction stuff;
             $rpc = WFRPC::rpcFromRequest($this->module()->invocation()->invocationPath());
         // deal with action
         if ($rpc) {
             $shouldRun = false;
             if ($this->hasSubmittedForm()) {
                 if ($rpc->runsIfInvalid() or !$rpc->runsIfInvalid() and $this->formIsValid()) {
                     if ($rpc->runsIfInvalid()) {
                         // runsIfInvalid by default implies ignoreErrors
                     $shouldRun = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($rpc->isAjax()) {
                 if ($shouldRun === false) {
             } else {
                 $shouldRun = true;
             if ($shouldRun) {
                 try {
                 } catch (WFErrorCollection $e) {
                     // Automagically map all errors for keys to widgets with the same ID
                     // note that propagateErrorsForKey* functions may prune errors
                     // from the original WFErrorCollection before we get here.
                     foreach ($this->instances as $id => $obj) {
                         if ($e->hasErrorsForKey($id)) {
                             $this->propagateErrorsForKeyToWidget($e, $id, $obj, true);
                     // add all remaining errors to the general error display
                 if ($rpc->isAjax() and count($this->errors())) {
         } else {
         // action/noAction may have affecting the arrayControllers