Example #1
$status_message = '';
// Status messages, default to nothing
$r = new Record();
// Populate Genre Select List
$g = new Genre();
$genreList = $g->getGenreAsSelect();
// Populate Band Select List
$bd = new Band();
$bandList = $bd->getBandAsSelect();
if (!$r->valid()) {
    $status_message = WEB::_error('Record couldn\'t be viewed. Check ID #!', null);
// Handle Post Request
if (WEB::_req('POST')) {
    $msg = WEB::_imageUpload($_FILES['image']);
    if (!array_key_exists('error', $msg)) {
        $band_id = WEB::_post('band_id');
        $record_current_value = WEB::_post('record_current_value');
        $record_size = WEB::_post('record_size');
        $record_original_price = WEB::_post('record_original_price');
        $record_release_date = WEB::_post('record_release_date');
        $record_name = WEB::_post('record_name');
        $record_description = WEB::_post('record_description');
        $record_condition = WEB::_post('record_condition');
        $record_length = WEB::_post('record_length');
        $genre_id = WEB::_post('genre_id');
        $record_artwork = $msg['file_path'];
        // array($band_id, $record_current_value, $record_size, $record_original_price, $record_release_date,
        // $record_name, $record_description, $record_condition, $record_length, $genre_id, $record_artwork)
Example #2

require_once __DIR__ . '/libs/bourbon.php';
$b = new Bourbon();
function cidr_match($ip, $range)
    list($subnet, $bits) = explode('/', $range);
    $ip = ip2long($ip);
    $subnet = ip2long($subnet);
    $mask = -1 << 32 - $bits;
    $subnet &= $mask;
    # nb: in case the supplied subnet wasn't correctly aligned
    return ($ip & $mask) == $subnet;
// Make sure either an authenticated user or GitHub is running this script
if (!WEB::_req('POST')) {
} else {
    if (!cidr_match($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '')) {
        header('Location: ' . realpath() . '/index.php');
 * Used for automatically deploying websites via github or bitbucket, more deets here:
 *		https://gist.github.com/1809044
// The commands
$commands = array('echo $PWD', 'whoami', 'git pull', 'git status', 'git submodule sync', 'git submodule update', 'git submodule status', 'mysqladmin -uroot -proot -f drop bourbon', 'mysqladmin -uroot -proot -f create bourbon', 'mysql -uroot -proot bourbon < /srv/cpsc471-bourbon/sql/latest.sql');