public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $result = str_replace("", '', $result); # BOM $result = trim($result); $stats = explode(":", $result); if (count($stats) !== 7) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $i = 0; $username = $stats[$i++]; $rank = intval($stats[$i++]); $onsitescore = intval($stats[$i++]); $onsitescore = Common::clamp($onsitescore, 0); $maxscore = intval($stats[$i++]); $challssolved = intval($stats[$i++]); $challcount = intval($stats[$i++]); $usercount = intval($stats[$i++]); if ($maxscore === 0 || $challcount === 0 || $usercount === 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($onsitescore, $rank, $challssolved, $maxscore, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $stats = explode(':', $result); if (count($stats) !== 7) { // if ($result === '0') { // return array(0, 0); // } return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } # username:rank:score:maxscore:challssolved:challcount:usercount $uname = $stats[0]; $rank = intval($stats[1]); $onsitescore = intval($stats[2]); $maxscore = intval($stats[3]); $challssolved = intval($stats[4]); $challcount = intval($stats[5]); $usercount = intval($stats[6]); if ($maxscore === 0 || $challcount === 0 || $usercount === 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($onsitescore, $rank, $challssolved, $maxscore, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { $result2 = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false); $result = explode(':', $result2); if (count($result) !== 6) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result2), $this->displayName()))); } list($rank, $score, $maxscore, $challsolved, $challcount, $usercount) = $result; return array(intval($score), (int) $rank, $challsolved, $maxscore, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $data = explode(':', $result); if (count($data) !== 5) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } list($rank, $score, $maxscore, $usercount, $challcount) = $data; if ($rank == 0 || $maxscore == 0 || $usercount == 0 || $challcount == 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array(round($score), $rank, -1, $maxscore, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { $result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false); if ($result === false) { return false; } if ($result === "Unknown User") { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_onsitename', array($this->displayName()))); } $data = explode(":", $result); if (count($data) !== 5 || $data[3] < 0 || $data[3] > $data[4] || $data[2] == 0 || $data[4] == 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($data[3], Common::clamp($data[1], 0), $data[3], $data[4], $data[2], $data[4]); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $stats = explode(':', $result); if (count($stats) !== 3) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } list($onsitescore, $challcount, $usercount) = $stats; if ($challcount == 0 || $usercount == 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($onsitescore, -1, -1, $challcount, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $result = explode(":", $result); if (count($result) !== 4) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } list($rank, $score, $challcount, $usercount) = $result; if ($rank < 1 || $challcount == 0 || $usercount == 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($score, $rank, $score, $challcount, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $stats = explode(":", $result); if (count($stats) !== 4) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } if ($stats[0] < 0 || $stats[0] > $stats[1] || $stats[3] == 0 || $stats[2] == 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $score = round($stats[0] / $stats[1] * 10000); return array($score, -1, -1, 10000, $stats[3], $stats[2]); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $data = explode(":", $result); if (count($data) !== 7) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $challcount = isset($data[5]) ? intval($data[5]) : $this->getVar('challcount'); $usercount = isset($data[6]) ? intval($data[6]) : $this->getVar('usercount'); if ($data[1] < 0 || $data[1] > $data[2] || $challcount == 0 || $usercount == 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($data[1], $data[4], -1, $data[2], $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $stats = explode(':', $result); if (count($stats) < 2) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $onsitescore = intval($stats[0]); $maxscore = intval($stats[1]); $challcount = $maxscore; $usercount = intval($stats[2]); if ($onsitescore === 0 || $maxscore === 0 || $challcount === 0 || $usercount === 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($onsitescore, -1, $onsitescore, $maxscore, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $data = explode(':', $result); $percent = $data[0]; if (!is_numeric($percent) || $percent < 0 || $percent > 1) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $usercount = isset($data[1]) ? $data[1] : $this->getUsercount(); if ($usercount == 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $maxscore = $this->getOnsiteScore(); $challcount = $this->getChallcount(); return array(round($percent * $maxscore), -1, -1, $maxscore, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $stats = explode(":", $result); if (count($stats) < 3) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $challs = $stats[1]; $done = $stats[0]; #$usercount = $stats[2]; if ($challs == 0) { # || $usercount == 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($done, -1, $done, $challs, 0, $challs); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $data = explode(":", $result); if (count($data) !== 5) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $rank = (int) $data[0]; $score = (int) ($data[1] * 100); $maxscore = (int) ($data[2] * 100); $users = (int) $data[3]; $challs = (int) $data[4]; if ($score > $maxscore || $score < 0 || $maxscore == 0 || $challs == 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($score, $rank, -1, $maxscore, $users, $challs); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $stats = explode(":", $result); if (count($stats) < 3) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $onsitescore = intval($stats[0]); $onsitescore = Common::clamp($onsitescore, 0); $maxscore = intval($stats[1]); $usercount = intval($stats[2]); $onsiterank = isset($stats[3]) ? intval($stats[3]) : -1; $challcount = $maxscore; if ($maxscore === 0 || $challcount === 0 || $usercount === 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($onsitescore, $onsiterank, $onsitescore, $maxscore, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $stats = explode(":", $result); if (count($stats) !== 4) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $onsitescore = intval($stats[2]); $score = intval($stats[1]); $rankname = $stats[0]; $usercount = 39500; $challcount = 102; #intval($stats[3]); if ($score > $onsitescore * 2 || $challcount <= 2 || $onsitescore < 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($score, -1, -1, $onsitescore, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $data = explode(':', $result); if (count($data) !== 6) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $rank = (int) $data[0]; $score = (int) $data[1]; $maxscore = (int) $data[2]; // on site max score $usercount = (int) $data[3]; $challcount = (int) ($data[4] = (int) $maxscore); $onsitename = (int) $data[5]; if ($score > $maxscore || $score < 0 || $challcount == 0 || $usercount == 0 || $maxscore == 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($score, $rank, -1, $maxscore, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($page = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($page), $this->displayName()))); } $result = explode(':', trim($page)); if (count($result) !== 6) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($page), $this->displayName()))); } $i = 0; $username = $result[$i++]; $rank = -1; $score = $result[$i++]; $maxscore = $result[$i++]; $challssolved = $result[$i++]; $challcount = $result[$i++]; $usercount = $result[$i++]; if ($maxscore === 0 || $challcount === 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($score, $rank, $challssolved, $maxscore, $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $file = explode('<br>', $result); if (count($file) !== 5) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } // $ranking = $file[1]; list($ranking, $usercount) = explode('/', trim(Common::substrFrom($file[1], ':'))); // $usercount = Common::substrFrom($ranking, "/"); $challstats = $file[3]; $challcount = Common::substrFrom($challstats, "/"); $points = $file[2]; $back = array(); preg_match('#(\\d*)\\/(\\d*)#', $points, $back); if (count($back) !== 3 || $back[1] < 0 || $back[1] > $back[2] || $usercount == 0 || $challcount == 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($back[1], $ranking, -1, $back[2], $usercount, $challcount); }
public function parseStats($url) { if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } $stats = explode(':', $result); if (count($stats) != 7) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } # username:rank:score:maxscore:challssolved:challcount:usercount $i = 0; $username = $stats[$i++]; $onsitesrank = (int) $stats[$i++]; $onsitescore = (int) $stats[$i++]; $maxscore = (int) $stats[$i++]; $challssolved = (int) $stats[$i++]; $challcount = (int) $stats[$i++]; $usercount = (int) $stats[$i++]; if ($maxscore === 0 || $challcount === 0 || $usercount === 0) { return htmlDisplayError(WC_HTML::lang('err_response', array(GWF_HTML::display($result), $this->displayName()))); } return array($onsitescore, $onsitesrank, $challssolved, $maxscore, $usercount, $challcount); }
<?php echo GWF_Button::wrapStart(); echo GWF_Button::generic($tLang->lang('menu_sites'), $tVars['href_site']); echo GWF_Button::generic($tLang->lang('btn_edit_site_descr'), $tVars['href_descr']); echo GWF_Button::wrapEnd(); echo GWF_Table::start(); $headers = array(array('EDIT'), array('ID'), array('NAME'), array('HOST'), array('IP'), array('STATUS')); echo GWF_Table::displayHeaders1($headers); foreach ($tVars['boxes'] as $box) { $box instanceof WC_Warbox; echo GWF_Table::rowStart(); echo GWF_Table::column(GWF_Button::edit($box->hrefEdit())); echo GWF_Table::column($box->getID()); echo GWF_Table::column($box->display('wb_name')); echo GWF_Table::column($box->displayLink()); echo GWF_Table::column($box->getVar('wb_ip')); echo GWF_Table::column(WC_HTML::lang('wb_' . $box->getVar('wb_status'))); echo GWF_Table::rowEnd(); } echo GWF_Table::end(); echo GWF_Button::wrapStart(); echo GWF_Button::add('Add a new warbox', $tVars['href_add']); echo GWF_Button::wrapEnd();
public function displayComment() { return WC_HTML::lang('userhist_' . $this->getVar('userhist_type'), array($this->getSite()->displayName(), $this->getVar('userhist_gain_score'), sprintf('%.02f', $this->getVar('userhist_percent') / 100), sprintf('%.02f', $this->getVar('userhist_gain_perc') / 100))); }
<?php echo WC_HTML::accountButtons(); ?> <?php $user = GWF_Session::getUser(); if (false !== ($mod_gb = GWF_Module::getModule('Guestbook'))) { $mod_gb->onInclude(); if (false !== ($gb = $mod_gb->getGuestbook($user->getID()))) { echo GWF_Button::generic(WC_HTML::lang('btn_manage_gb'), $gb->hrefEdit()); } elseif ($mod_gb->canCreateGuestbook($user)) { echo GWF_Button::generic(WC_HTML::lang('btn_manage_gb'), Module_WeChall::hrefCreateGB()); } } // //if (false !== ($mod_ug = GWF_Module::getModule('Usergroups'))) { // if ($mod_ug->hasGroup($user)) { // echo GWF_Button::generic(WC_HTML::lang('btn_manage_ug'), $mod_ug->hrefEdit($user->getID())); // } // elseif ($mod_ug->canCreateGroup($user)) { // echo GWF_Button::generic(WC_HTML::lang('btn_manage_ug'), $mod_ug->hrefCreate()); // } //} ?> <h1><?php echo $tLang->lang('ft_settings'); ?> </h1> <p><?php echo $tLang->lang('pi_help');
private function displayBirthdays(array $userdate) { # more vars $today = date('md'); $tommorow = date('md', time() + GWF_Time::ONE_DAY); $yesterday = date('md', time() - GWF_Time::ONE_DAY); # Output $href = '/index.php?mo=WeChall&me=BirthdayRead'; $title = $this->lang('bdnews_title'); $text = $this->lang('bdnews_body_init', array($href)); $weekdays = GWF_Time::getWeekdaysFromMo(); $i = -1; foreach ($userdate as $date => $data) { $i++; if (count($data) === 0) { continue; } $day = $weekdays[$i]; if ($date === $yesterday) { $day = WC_HTML::lang('Yesterday'); } elseif ($date === $today) { $day = '[b]' . WC_HTML::lang('Today') . '[/b]'; } elseif ($date === $tommorow) { $day = WC_HTML::lang('Tommorow'); } elseif ($date < $today) { $day = WC_HTML::lang('bd_over', array($day)); } elseif ($date > $today) { $day = WC_HTML::lang('bd_soon', array($day)); } $text .= $day . ': '; $app = ''; foreach ($data as $username) { $app .= sprintf(', [url=/profile/%s]%s[/url]', urlencode($username), htmlspecialchars($username)); // $text .= $day.': '.implode(', ', $data).PHP_EOL; } $text .= substr($app, 2) . PHP_EOL; // $text .= $day.': '.implode(', ', $data).PHP_EOL; } $wechalluser = Module_WeChall::instance()->cfgWeChallUser(); $english = GWF_Language::getEnglish(); $news = GWF_News::newNews(GWF_Time::getDate(GWF_Date::LEN_SECOND), 0, $wechalluser->getID(), $english->getID(), $title, $text, true); return Module_News::displayItem($news); }
} else { echo gwfProfileRow(WC_HTML::lang('th_score'), GWF_HTML::anchor(GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'stats/' . $u->urlencode('user_name'), $u->getVar('user_level'))); } if (isset($data['WC_HIDE_RANK'])) { echo gwfProfileRow(WC_HTML::lang('th_rank2'), $wechall->lang('hidden')); } else { $rank = WC_RegAt::calcRank($u); echo gwfProfileRow(WC_HTML::lang('th_rank2'), GWF_HTML::anchor(GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'ranking/player/' . $u->urlencode2('user_name') . '#rank_' . $rank, $rank)); } if ($u->getVar('user_countryid') !== '0') { if (isset($data['WC_HIDE_RANK'])) { echo gwfProfileRow(WC_HTML::lang('th_crank'), $wechall->lang('hidden')); } else { $cRank = WC_Regat::calcCountryRank($u); $href_crank = GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'country_ranking/player/' . $u->urlencode2('user_name') . '#rank_' . $cRank; echo gwfProfileRow(WC_HTML::lang('th_crank'), GWF_HTML::anchor($href_crank, $cRank)); } } echo gwfProfileRow($tLang->lang('th_registered'), GWF_Time::displayDate($u->getVar('user_regdate'))); if ($u->isOptionEnabled(GWF_User::HIDE_ONLINE)) { $lastactivity = GWF_HTML::lang('unknown'); } else { $lastactivity = GWF_Time::displayTimestamp($u->getVar('user_lastactivity')); } echo gwfProfileRow($tLang->lang('th_last_active'), $lastactivity); echo gwfProfileRow($tLang->lang('th_views'), $p->getVar('prof_views')); if ('' !== ($v = $p->display('prof_firstname'))) { echo gwfProfileRow($tLang->lang('th_firstname'), $v); } if ('' !== ($v = $p->display('prof_lastname'))) { echo gwfProfileRow($tLang->lang('th_lastname'), $v);
function math_pyramid_check(WC_Challenge $chall, $formula, $maxlen, $precision = 4) { error_reporting(E_ERROR); GWF_Debug::setDieOnError(false); GWF_Debug::setMailOnError(false); $len = strlen($formula); $tests = array('0' => 0, '1' => 0.2357, '3.14' => 7.2971, '10' => 235.7023, '100' => 235702.2604); $eval = new EvalMath(); $fa = "f(a) = {$formula}"; if (false === $eval->evaluate($fa)) { echo GWF_HTML::error('Math Pyramid', $chall->lang('err_formula', array(htmlspecialchars($fa)))); return false; } GWF_Debug::setDieOnError(true); GWF_Debug::setMailOnError(true); $back = GWF_HTML::message('Math Pyramid', $chall->lang('msg_formula', array(htmlspecialchars($fa))), false); $correct = 0; foreach ($tests as $a => $result) { $result2 = $eval->evaluate("f({$a})"); $result = sprintf('%.0' . $precision . 'f', $result); $result2 = sprintf('%.0' . $precision . 'f', $result2); if ($result === $result2) { $back .= GWF_HTML::message('Math Pyramid', $chall->lang('msg_correct', array($a, $result2, $result)), false); $correct++; } else { $back .= GWF_HTML::error('Math Pyramid', $chall->lang('err_wrong', array($a, $result2, $result)), false); } } require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'module/WeChall/WC_MathChall.php'; if ($chall->getID() > 0 && $correct === count($tests)) { if (false === WC_MathChall::insertSolution($chall->getID(), GWF_Session::getUserID(), $formula)) { $back .= GWF_HTML::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } else { $back .= GWF_HTML::message('Math Pyramid', WC_HTML::lang('msg_wmc_sol_inserted', array($len, WC_MathChall::getLimitedHREF($chall, $len))), false); } } # Check Len if ($len > $maxlen) { $back .= GWF_HTML::error('Math Pyramid', $chall->lang('err_too_long', array($len, $maxlen)), false); } echo $back; if ($correct === count($tests) && $len <= $maxlen) { if ($len < $maxlen) { echo GWF_HTML::message('Math Pyramid', $chall->lang('msg_new_record', array($len, $maxlen)), false); GWF_Settings::setSetting('WC_MATH_PYRAMID', $len); } $chall->onChallengeSolved(GWF_Session::getUserID()); } }
function wcProfileUsergroup(GWF_User $user, $is_logged_in) { $ug = GWF_TABLE_PREFIX . 'usergroup'; $userid = $user->getVar('user_id'); if (false === gdo_db()->queryFirst("SELECT 1 FROM {$ug} WHERE ug_userid={$userid}")) { return ''; } if (false === ($mod_ug = GWF_Module::loadModuleDB('Usergroups'))) { return ''; } $mod_ug instanceof Module_Usergroups; $groups = $mod_ug->getGroups($user); foreach ($groups as $group) { if ($group->isAskToJoin()) { echo sprintf('<h2>%s</h2>', WC_HTML::lang('pi_ug_info', array($user->displayUsername(), $group->display('group_name'), $group->getVar('group_memberc')))); if ($is_logged_in) { echo sprintf('<h3>%s</h3>', WC_HTML::lang('pi_ug_join', array(GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'index.php?mo=Usergroups&me=Join&gid=' . $group->getID()))); } else { echo sprintf('<h3>%s</h3>', WC_HTML::lang('pi_ug_register', array(GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'register'))); } } else { } } return ''; }
<div class="gwf_buttons_outer"> <div class="gwf_buttons"> <?php $m = $tVars['module']; $m instanceof Module_Usergroups; echo GWF_Button::generic($tLang->lang('btn_users'), $tVars['href_users'], 'generic', '', $m->isMethodSelected('Users')); echo GWF_Button::generic($tLang->lang('btn_groups'), $tVars['href_groups'], 'generic', '', $m->isMethodSelected('ShowGroups')); echo GWF_Button::generic($tLang->lang('btn_search'), $tVars['href_search'], 'generic', '', $m->isMethodSelected('Search')); echo GWF_Button::generic($tLang->lang('btn_gallery'), $tVars['href_gallery'], 'generic', '', $m->isMethodSelected('AvatarGallery')); echo GWF_Button::generic(WC_HTML::lang('btn_site_masters'), GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'site_masters', 'generic', '', false); ?> </div> </div>
<div class="gwf_buttons_outer"> <div class="gwf_buttons"> <?php $m = $tVars['module']; $m instanceof Module_Usergroups; echo GWF_Button::generic($tLang->lang('btn_users'), $tVars['href_users'], 'generic', '', $m->isMethodSelected('Users')); echo GWF_Button::generic($tLang->lang('btn_groups'), $tVars['href_groups'], 'generic', '', $m->isMethodSelected('ShowGroups')); echo GWF_Button::generic($tLang->lang('btn_search'), $tVars['href_search'], 'generic', '', $m->isMethodSelected('Search')); echo GWF_Button::generic($tLang->lang('btn_gallery'), $tVars['href_gallery'], 'generic', '', $m->isMethodSelected('AvatarGallery')); echo GWF_Button::generic(WC_HTML::lang('btn_site_masters'), GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'site_masters', 'generic', '', false); echo GWF_Button::generic(WC_HTML::lang('btn_hackerspace'), GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'places', 'generic', '', false); ?> </div> </div>
echo gwfProfileRow($tLang->lang('th_user_avatar'), $u->displayAvatar()); } if ($u->hasCountry()) { echo gwfProfileRow($tLang->lang('th_user_country'), $u->displayCountryFlag(true)); } echo gwfProfileRow($tLang->lang('th_user_name'), $u->displayUsername()); if (isset($data['WC_HIDE_SCORE'])) { echo gwfProfileRow(WC_HTML::lang('th_score'), $wechall->lang('hidden')); } else { echo gwfProfileRow(WC_HTML::lang('th_score'), GWF_HTML::anchor(WC_Site::getWeChall()->hrefRanking(), $u->getVar('user_level'))); } if (isset($data['WC_HIDE_RANK'])) { echo gwfProfileRow(WC_HTML::lang('th_rank2'), $wechall->lang('hidden')); } else { $rank = WC_RegAt::calcRank($u); echo gwfProfileRow(WC_HTML::lang('th_rank2'), GWF_HTML::anchor(WC_Site::getWeChall()->hrefRanking(), $rank)); } // if ($u->getVar('user_countryid') !== '0') { // if (isset($data['WC_HIDE_RANK'])) { // echo gwfProfileRow(WC_HTML::lang('th_crank'), $wechall->lang('hidden')); // } else { // $cRank = WC_Regat::calcCountryRank($u); // $href_crank = GWF_WEB_ROOT.'country_ranking/player/'.$u->urlencode2('user_name').'#rank_'.$cRank; // echo gwfProfileRow(WC_HTML::lang('th_crank'), GWF_HTML::anchor($href_crank, $cRank)); // } // } echo gwfProfileRow($tLang->lang('th_registered'), GWF_Time::displayDate($u->getVar('user_regdate'))); if ($u->isOptionEnabled(GWF_User::HIDE_ONLINE)) { $lastactivity = GWF_HTML::lang('unknown'); } else { $lastactivity = GWF_Time::displayTimestamp($u->getVar('user_lastactivity'));
if (!$tVars['have_cookies']) { ?> <div class="box"><?php echo $tLang->lang('info_no_cookie'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php #echo GWF_Box::box('Just register with fake email. All emails that would have been sent are printed to the screen.<br/>If you get prompted for account data, use 1111222233334444 as Steuernummer, rest can be garbage.<br/>Missing:<br/>- Stats', 'ALPHA NOTE'); ?> <div class="box"> <?php echo WC_HTML::lang('register_tos', array(GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'wechall_license')); ?> </div> <?php echo $tVars['form']; ?> <div class="box"> <?php echo WC_HTML::lang('register_forgot', array(GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'recovery')); ?> </div>