function header_load($doc = null) { $id = ''; $onload = ''; if($doc != null) { $timestamp = time(); $id = $doc->getId(); $sig = Vuzit_Service::signature("show", $doc->getId(), $timestamp, get("p")); $onload = "initialize()"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <title>Vuzit <?php echo get("c") ?> Command Example</title> <link href="<?php echo Vuzit_Service::getServiceUrl(); ?>/stylesheets/Vuzit-2.9.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="<?php echo Vuzit_Service::getServiceUrl(); ?>/javascripts/Vuzit-2.9.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Called when the page is loaded. function initialize() { vuzit.Base.apiKeySet("<?php echo Vuzit_Service::getPublicKey(); ?>"); vuzit.Base.webServerSet({ host: '<?php echo domain(); ?>', port: '80' }); vuzit.Base.imageServerSet({ host: '<?php echo domain(); ?>', port: '80' }); var options = { signature: '<?php echo rawurlencode($sig); ?>', <?php if(get("p") != null) { ?> includedPages: '<?php echo get("p"); ?>', <?php } ?> timestamp: '<?php echo $timestamp ?>'} var viewer = vuzit.Viewer.fromId("<?php echo $id; ?>", options); viewer.display(document.getElementById("vuzit_viewer"), { zoom: 1 }); } </script> </head> <body onload="<?php echo $onload; ?>"> <h2>Command: <?php echo get("c"); ?></h2> <?php }
protected static function postParameters($method, $params, $id = '') { if ($params == null) { $params = array(); } $params['method'] = $method; $params['key'] = Vuzit_Service::getPublicKey(); // Signature variables $timestamp = time(); $params['timestamp'] = sprintf("%d", $timestamp); $pages = ''; if (array_key_exists("included_pages", $params)) { $pages = $params["included_pages"]; } $label = ''; // Create the signature $sig = Vuzit_Service::signature($method, $id, $timestamp, $pages, $label); $params['signature'] = $sig; return $params; }
protected static function postParameters($method, $params, $id = '') { if ($params == null) { $params = array(); } $params['method'] = $method; $params['key'] = Vuzit_Service::getPublicKey(); // Signature variables $timestamp = time(); $params['timestamp'] = sprintf("%d", $timestamp); $sig = Vuzit_Service::signature($method, $id, $timestamp, $params); $params['signature'] = $sig; return $params; }