Example #1
  * Test parseRange functionality.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function testParseRange()
     // basic range test:
     $result = VuFindSolrUtils::parseRange("[1 TO 100]");
     $this->assertEquals('1', $result['from']);
     $this->assertEquals('100', $result['to']);
     // test whitespace handling:
     $result = VuFindSolrUtils::parseRange("[1      TO     100]");
     $this->assertEquals('1', $result['from']);
     $this->assertEquals('100', $result['to']);
     // test invalid ranges:
     $this->assertFalse(VuFindSolrUtils::parseRange('1 TO 100'));
     $this->assertFalse(VuFindSolrUtils::parseRange('[not a range to me]'));
Example #2
  * Support method for getVisData() -- extract details from applied filters.
  * @param array $filters Current filter list
  * @return array
  * @access private
 private function _processDateFacets($filters)
     $result = array();
     foreach ($this->_dateFacets as $current) {
         $from = $to = '';
         if (isset($filters[$current])) {
             foreach ($filters[$current] as $filter) {
                 if ($range = VuFindSolrUtils::parseRange($filter)) {
                     $from = $range['from'] == '*' ? '' : $range['from'];
                     $to = $range['to'] == '*' ? '' : $range['to'];
         $result[$current] = array($from, $to);
     return $result;
Example #3
  * Get the current settings for the date range facet, if it is set:
  * @param object $savedSearch Saved search object (false if none)
  * @return array              Date range: Key 0 = from, Key 1 = to.
  * @access private
 private function _getDateRangeSettings($savedSearch = false)
     // Default to blank strings:
     $from = $to = '';
     // Check to see if there is an existing range in the search object:
     if ($savedSearch) {
         $filters = $savedSearch->getFilters();
         if (isset($filters['main_date_str'])) {
             foreach ($filters['main_date_str'] as $current) {
                 if ($range = VuFindSolrUtils::parseRange($current)) {
                     $from = $range['from'] == '*' ? '' : $range['from'];
                     $to = $range['to'] == '*' ? '' : $range['to'];
                     $savedSearch->removeFilter('main_date_str:' . $current);
     // Send back the settings:
     return array($from, $to);
Example #4
  * Support method for getVisData() -- extract details from applied filters.
  * @param array $filters Current filter list
  * @return array
  * @access protected
 protected function processDateFacets($filters)
     $result = array();
     foreach ($this->dateFacets as $current) {
         $from = $to = '';
         if (isset($filters[$current])) {
             foreach ($filters[$current] as $filter) {
                 if ($range = VuFindSolrUtils::parseRange($filter)) {
                     $from = $range['from'] == '*' ? '' : $range['from'];
                     $to = $range['to'] == '*' ? '' : $range['to'];
         $result[$current] = array($from, $to);
         $result[$current]['label'] = $this->searchObject->getFacetLabel($current);
     return $result;
Example #5
  * Returns the stored list of facets for the last search
  * @param array $filter         Array of field => on-screen description listing
  * all of the desired facet fields; set to null to get all configured values.
  * @param bool  $expandingLinks If true, we will include expanding URLs (i.e.
  * get all matches for a facet, not just a limit to the current search) in the
  * return array.
  * @return array                Facets data arrays
  * @access public
 public function getFacetList($filter = null, $expandingLinks = false)
     // If there is no filter, we'll use all facets as the filter:
     if (is_null($filter)) {
         $filter = $this->facetConfig;
     // Start building the facet list:
     $list = array();
     // If we have no facets to process, give up now
     if (!isset($this->indexResult['facet_counts']['facet_fields']) && !isset($this->indexResult['facet_counts']['facet_queries']) || !is_array($this->indexResult['facet_counts']['facet_fields']) && !is_array($this->indexResult['facet_counts']['facet_queries'])) {
         return $list;
     $translationPrefix = isset($this->facetTranslationPrefix) ? $this->facetTranslationPrefix : '';
     // Loop through every field returned by the result set
     $validFields = array_keys($filter);
     foreach ($this->indexResult['facet_counts']['facet_fields'] as $field => $data) {
         // Skip filtered fields and empty arrays:
         if (!in_array($field, $validFields) || count($data) < 1) {
         // Initialize the settings for the current field
         $list[$field] = array();
         // Add the on-screen label
         $list[$field]['label'] = $filter[$field];
         // This tells us whether there is a selection made in the facet group
         // Useful so we will not have to loop through the list later on
         $list[$field]['isApplied'] = false;
         // Build our array of values for this field
         $list[$field]['list'] = array();
         // Should we translate values for the current facet?
         $translate = in_array($field, $this->translatedFacets);
         // Hierarchical facets
         $hierarchical = $this->getFacetSetting('SpecialFacets', 'hierarchical');
         // Loop through values:
         foreach ($data as $facet) {
             // Initialize the array of data about the current facet:
             $currentSettings = array();
             if ($translate) {
                 if (is_array($hierarchical) && in_array($field, $hierarchical)) {
                     $facetValue = $facet[0];
                     // Remove trailing slash
                     $facetValue = rtrim($facetValue, '/');
                     $translatedValue = translate(array('prefix' => $translationPrefix, 'text' => $facetValue));
                     if ($translatedValue == $facetValue) {
                         // Didn't find a translation, so let's just clean up the display string a bit
                         $translatedValue = end(explode('/', $facetValue));
                     $currentSettings['value'] = $translatedValue;
                 } else {
                     $currentSettings['value'] = translate(array('prefix' => $translationPrefix, 'text' => $facet[0]));
             } else {
                 $currentSettings['value'] = $facet[0];
             $currentSettings['untranslated'] = $facet[0];
             $currentSettings['count'] = $facet[1];
             $currentSettings['isApplied'] = false;
             $currentSettings['url'] = $this->renderLinkWithFilter("{$field}:" . $facet[0]);
             // If we want to have expanding links (all values matching the
             // facet) in addition to limiting links (filter current search
             // with facet), do some extra work:
             if ($expandingLinks) {
                 $currentSettings['expandUrl'] = $this->getExpandingFacetLink($field, $facet[0]);
             // Is this field a current filter?
             // preg_replace removes the filter exclude if any
             $rawField = preg_replace('/{!ex=.+}/', '', $field);
             if (in_array($rawField, array_keys($this->filterList))) {
                 // and is this value a selected filter?
                 if (in_array($facet[0], $this->filterList[$rawField])) {
                     $currentSettings['isApplied'] = true;
                     $list[$field]['isApplied'] = true;
             // Store the collected values:
             $list[$field]['list'][] = $currentSettings;
     foreach ($this->indexResult['facet_counts']['facet_queries'] as $key => $count) {
         list($field, $query) = explode(':', $key, 2);
         if (!in_array($field, $validFields)) {
         // Initialize the settings for the current field
         if (!isset($list[$field])) {
             $list[$field] = array();
             // Add the on-screen label
             $list[$field]['label'] = $this->pseudoFacets[$field];
             // Build our array of values for this field
             $list[$field]['list'] = array();
         // Initialize the array of data about the current facet:
         $currentSettings = array();
         $range = VuFindSolrUtils::parseRange($query);
         $currentSettings['value'] = $currentSettings['untranslated'] = $query;
         $currentSettings['count'] = $count;
         $currentSettings['isApplied'] = false;
         $filter = $this->buildDateRangeFilter($field, $range['from'], $range['to']);
         $currentSettings['url'] = $this->renderLinkWithFilter($filter);
         // If we want to have expanding links (all values matching the
         // facet) in addition to limiting links (filter current search
         // with facet), do some extra work:
         if ($expandingLinks) {
             $currentSettings['expandUrl'] = $this->getExpandingFacetLink($field, $facet[0]);
         // Is this field a current filter?
         if (in_array($field, array_keys($this->filterList))) {
             // and is this value a selected filter?
             if (in_array($facet[0], $this->filterList[$field])) {
                 $currentSettings['isApplied'] = true;
         // Store the collected values:
         $list[$field]['list'][] = $currentSettings;
     // Sort configured facets alphabetically
     $alphaSorted = $this->getFacetSetting('Results_Settings', 'hierarchicalFacetSortOptions');
     if (is_array($alphaSorted)) {
         foreach ($alphaSorted as $alphaFacet => $mode) {
             if (isset($list[$alphaFacet])) {
                 if ($mode == 'all' || $mode == 'top' && isset($list[$alphaFacet]['list'][0]['untranslated'][0]) && $list[$alphaFacet]['list'][0]['untranslated'][0] == '0') {
                     usort($list[$alphaFacet]['list'], function ($a, $b) {
                         return strtolower($a['value']) > strtolower($b['value']);
     return $list;
  * Support function to get publication date range. Return string in the form
  * @param string $field Name of filter field to check for date limits.
  * @return string
  * @access protected
 protected function getPublishedDates($field)
     // Try to extract range details from request parameters or SearchObject:
     if (isset($_REQUEST[$field . 'from']) && isset($_REQUEST[$field . 'to'])) {
         $range = array('from' => $_REQUEST[$field . 'from'], 'to' => $_REQUEST[$field . 'to']);
     } else {
         if (is_object($this->_searchObject)) {
             $currentFilters = $this->_searchObject->getFilters();
             if (isset($currentFilters[$field][0])) {
                 $range = VuFindSolrUtils::parseRange($currentFilters[$field][0]);
     // Normalize range if we found one:
     if (isset($range)) {
         if (empty($range['from']) || $range['from'] == '*') {
             $range['from'] = 0;
         if (empty($range['to']) || $range['to'] == '*') {
             $range['to'] = date('Y') + 1;
         return $range['from'] . '-' . $range['to'];
     // No range found?  Return empty string:
     return '';
Example #7
  * Execute a search.
  * @param array  $query      The search terms from the Search Object
  * @param array  $filterList The fields and values to filter results on
  * @param string $start      The record to start with
  * @param string $limit      The amount of records to return
  * @param string $sortBy     The value to be used by for sorting
  * @param array  $facets     The facets to include (null for defaults)
  * @param bool   $returnErr  On fatal error, should we fail outright (false) or
  * treat it as an empty result set with an error key set (true)?
  * @throws object            PEAR Error
  * @return array             An array of query results
  * @access public
 public function query($query, $filterList = null, $start = 1, $limit = 20, $sortBy = null, $facets = null, $returnErr = false)
     // Query String Parameters
     $options = array('s.q' => $this->_buildQuery($query));
     // TODO: add configurable authentication mechanisms to identify authorized
     // users and switch this to "authenticated" when appropriate (VUFIND-475):
     $options['s.role'] = 'none';
     // Which facets should we include in results?  Set defaults if not provided.
     if (!$facets) {
         $facets = array_keys($this->_config['Facets']);
     // Default to "holdings only" unless a different setting is found in the
     // filters:
     $options['s.ho'] = 'true';
     // Which filters should be applied to our query?
     $options['s.fvf'] = array();
     $options['s.rf'] = array();
     if (!empty($filterList)) {
         // Loop through all filters and add appropriate values to request:
         foreach ($filterList as $filterArray) {
             foreach ($filterArray as $filter) {
                 $safeValue = $this->_escapeParam($filter['value']);
                 // Special case -- "holdings only" is a separate parameter from
                 // other facets.
                 if ($filter['field'] == 'holdingsOnly') {
                     $options['s.ho'] = $safeValue;
                 } else {
                     if ($filter['field'] == 'excludeNewspapers') {
                         // Special case -- support a checkbox for excluding
                         // newspapers:
                         $options['s.fvf'][] = "ContentType,Newspaper Article,true";
                     } else {
                         if ($range = VuFindSolrUtils::parseRange($filter['value'])) {
                             // Special case -- range query (translate [x TO y] syntax):
                             $from = $this->_escapeParam($range['from']);
                             $to = $this->_escapeParam($range['to']);
                             $options['s.rf'][] = "{$filter['field']},{$from}:{$to}";
                         } else {
                             // Standard case:
                             $options['s.fvf'][] = "{$filter['field']},{$safeValue}";
     // Special case -- if user filtered down to newspapers AND excluded them,
     // we can't possibly have any results:
     if (in_array('ContentType,Newspaper Article,true', $options['s.fvf']) && in_array('ContentType,Newspaper Article', $options['s.fvf'])) {
         return array('recordCount' => 0, 'documents' => array());
     if (is_array($facets)) {
         $options['s.ff'] = array();
         foreach ($facets as $facet) {
             // See if parameters are included as part of the facet name;
             // if not, override them with defaults.
             $parts = explode(',', $facet);
             $facetName = $parts[0];
             $facetMode = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : 'and';
             $facetPage = isset($parts[2]) ? $parts[2] : 1;
             if (isset($parts[3])) {
                 $facetLimit = $parts[3];
             } else {
                 $facetLimit = isset($this->_config['Facet_Settings']['facet_limit']) ? $this->_config['Facet_Settings']['facet_limit'] : 30;
             $facetParams = "{$facetMode},{$facetPage},{$facetLimit}";
             // Special case -- we can't actually facet on PublicationDate,
             // but we need it in the results to display range controls.  If
             // we encounter this field, set a flag indicating that we need
             // to inject it into the results for proper display later:
             if ($facetName == 'PublicationDate') {
                 $injectPubDate = true;
             } else {
                 $options['s.ff'][] = "{$facetName},{$facetParams}";
     if (isset($sortBy)) {
         $options['s.sort'] = $sortBy;
     $options['s.ps'] = $limit;
     $options['s.pn'] = $start;
     // Define Highlighting
     if ($this->_highlight) {
         $options['s.hl'] = 'true';
         $options['s.hs'] = '{{{{START_HILITE}}}}';
         $options['s.he'] = '{{{{END_HILITE}}}}';
     } else {
         $options['s.hl'] = 'false';
         $options['s.hs'] = $options['s.he'] = '';
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo '<pre>Query: ';
         echo "</pre>\n";
     $result = $this->_call($options);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
         if ($returnErr) {
             return array('recordCount' => 0, 'documents' => array(), 'errors' => $result->getMessage());
         } else {
     // Add a fake "PublicationDate" facet if flagged earlier; this is necessary
     // in order to display the date range facet control in the interface.
     if (isset($injectPubDate) && $injectPubDate) {
         $result['facetFields'][] = array('fieldName' => 'PublicationDate', 'displayName' => 'PublicationDate', 'counts' => array());
     return $result;