Example #1
:  </b> <?php 
    echo $message['cid_name'];
    echo $message['cid_number'];
    echo Kohana::lang('voicemail.index.time');
 : </b><?php 
    echo date('n/j/y h:i a', $message['created_epoch']);
    echo VoicemailManager::prettyDate($message['created_epoch'], true);
    echo Kohana::lang('voicemail.index.duration');
 : </b><?php 
    echo sprintf("%d:%2.1f", floor($message['message_len'] / 60), $message['message_len'] % 60);
    echo Kohana::lang('voicemail.index.label');
 : </b><?php 
    echo ucwords($message['in_folder']);
Example #2
  *  blast
  * 	<user>@<domain> <sound_file> [<cid_num>] [<cid_name>]
  *  voicemail_inject is used to add an arbitrary sound file to a users voicemail mailbox.
 public function blast()
     $account_id = users::getAttr('account_id');
     $domain = VoicemailManager::getDomain($account_id);
     $this->view->mailboxes = VoicemailManager::getAllMailboxes();
     if ($this->input->post()) {
         if ($this->input->post('file_id') == 0) {
             message::set('Select a file to to use in the voicemail message');
         } else {
             foreach ($this->input->post('blast') as $mailbox) {
                 echo VoicemailManager::blast($mailbox, $domain, Media::getMediaFile($this->input->post('file_id')));