Example #1
	function handleStockAfterStatusChangedPerProduct($newState, $oldState,$tableOrderItems, $quantity) {

		if($newState == $oldState) return;
		// $StatutWhiteList = array('P','C','X','R','S','N');
		$db = JFactory::getDBO();
		$db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_orderstates` ');
		$StatutWhiteList = $db->loadAssocList('order_status_code');
		// new product is statut N
		$StatutWhiteList['N'] = Array ( 'order_status_id' => 0 , 'order_status_code' => 'N' , 'order_stock_handle' => 'A');
		if(!array_key_exists($oldState,$StatutWhiteList) or !array_key_exists($newState,$StatutWhiteList)) {
			vmError('The workflow for '.$newState.' or  '.$oldState.' is unknown, take a look on model/orders function handleStockAfterStatusChanged','Can\'t process workflow, contact the shopowner. Status is '.$newState);
			return ;
		//vmdebug( 'updatestock qt :' , $quantity.' id :'.$productId);
		// P 	Pending
		// C 	Confirmed
		// X 	Cancelled
		// R 	Refunded
		// S 	Shipped
		// N 	New or coming from cart
		//  TO have no product setted as ordered when added to cart simply delete 'P' FROM array Reserved
		// don't set same values in the 2 arrays !!!
		// stockOut is in normal case shipped product
		// 'A' : stock Available
		// 'O' : stock Out
		// 'R' : stock reserved
		// the status decreasing real stock ?
		// $stockOut = array('S');
		if ($StatutWhiteList[$newState]['order_stock_handle'] == 'O') $isOut = 1;
		else $isOut = 0;
		if ($StatutWhiteList[$oldState]['order_stock_handle'] == 'O') $wasOut = 1;
		else $wasOut = 0;

		// Stock change ?
		if ($isOut && !$wasOut)     $product_in_stock = '-';
		else if ($wasOut && !$isOut ) $product_in_stock = '+';
		else $product_in_stock = '=';

		// the status increasing reserved stock(virtual Stock = product_in_stock - product_ordered)
		// $Reserved =  array('P','C');
		if ($StatutWhiteList[$newState]['order_stock_handle'] == 'R') $isReserved = 1;
		else $isReserved = 0;
		if ($StatutWhiteList[$oldState]['order_stock_handle'] == 'R') $wasReserved = 1;
		else $wasReserved = 0;

		if ($isReserved && !$wasReserved )     $product_ordered = '+';
		else if (!$isReserved && $wasReserved ) $product_ordered = '-';
		else $product_ordered = '=';

		//Here trigger plgVmGetProductStockToUpdateByCustom
		$productModel = VmModel::getModel('product');

		if (!empty($tableOrderItems->product_attribute)) {
			$virtuemart_product_id = $tableOrderItems->virtuemart_product_id;
			$product_attributes = json_decode($tableOrderItems->product_attribute,true);
			foreach ($product_attributes as $virtuemart_customfield_id=>$param){
				if ($param) {
						$customfield_id = key($param);
					} else {
						$customfield_id = $param;
					if ($customfield_id) {
						if ($productCustom = VirtueMartModelCustomfields::getCustomEmbeddedProductCustomField ($customfield_id ) ) {
							if ($productCustom->field_type == "E") {
								if(!class_exists('vmCustomPlugin')) require(VMPATH_PLUGINLIBS.DS.'vmcustomplugin.php');
								$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
								$dispatcher->trigger('plgVmGetProductStockToUpdateByCustom',array(&$tableOrderItems,$param, $productCustom));

			// we can have more then one product in case of pack
			// in case of child, ID must be the child ID
			// TO DO use $prod->amount change for packs(eg. 1 computer and 2 HDD)
			if (is_array($tableOrderItems))	foreach ($tableOrderItems as $prod ) $productModel->updateStockInDB($prod, $quantity,$product_in_stock,$product_ordered);
			else $productModel->updateStockInDB($tableOrderItems, $quantity,$product_in_stock,$product_ordered);

		} else {
			$productModel->updateStockInDB ($tableOrderItems, $quantity,$product_in_stock,$product_ordered);
