/** * Initialize properties before running the controller methods (actions), * so they are available to our action. */ public function before($template = NULL) { parent::before(); Theme::checker(); $this->maintenance(); /** * selected category */ if ($this->request->param('category', NULL) != 'all') { $slug_cat = new Model_Category(); $seo_cat = $slug_cat->where('seoname', '=', $this->request->param('category'))->limit(1)->cached()->find(); if ($seo_cat->loaded()) { self::$category = $seo_cat; } } /** * selected location */ if ($this->request->param('location', NULL) != NULL || $this->request->param('location') != 'all') { $slug_loc = new Model_Location(); $seo_loc = $slug_loc->where('seoname', '=', $this->request->param('location'))->limit(1)->cached()->find(); if ($seo_loc->loaded()) { self::$location = $seo_loc; } } if ($this->auto_render === TRUE) { // Load the template if ($template !== NULL) { $this->template = $template; } $this->template = View::factory($this->template); // Initialize template values $this->template->title = core::config('general.site_name'); $this->template->meta_keywords = ''; $this->template->meta_description = ''; $this->template->meta_copywrite = 'Open Classifieds ' . Core::version; $this->template->content = ''; $this->template->styles = array(); $this->template->scripts = array(); //we can not cache this view since theres dynamic parts //$this->template->header = View::factory('header'); //setting inner views try to get from fragment // if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) // $this->template->header = View::fragment('header_front_login','header'); // else $this->template->header = View::factory('header'); // $this->template->header = View::fragment('header_front','header'); //no fragment since CSRF gets cached :( $this->template->footer = View::fragment('footer_front', 'footer'); } }
function login_post() { $user = $_POST['user']; $pass = $_POST['pass']; if (Auth::authorize($user, $pass)) { header('location: /'); $content = View::fragment('<div id="login">Success</div><script type="text/javascript">location.href="/";</script>'); die; } else { if (Config::get('open', false)) { Auth::add_user($user, $pass); Auth::authorize($user, $pass); header('location: /'); $content = View::fragment('<div id="login">Success</div><script type="text/javascript">location.href="/";</script>'); die; } else { header('location: ' . Config::get('Auth/path', '/auth') . (isset($_GET['path']) ? '?path=' . $_GET['path'] : '')); die; } } $v = new View(array('content' => $content, 'page_id' => 'loginpage')); echo $v->render('template'); }
/** * Initialize properties before running the controller methods (actions), * so they are available to our action. */ public function before($template = NULL) { parent::before(); Theme::checker(); $this->maintenance(); //get category, deprecated, to keep backwards compatibility with themes self::$category = Model_Category::current(); //Gets a coupon if selected self::$coupon = Model_Coupon::current(); //get the affiliate if any Model_Affiliate::current(); if ($this->auto_render === TRUE) { // Load the template if ($template !== NULL) { $this->template = $template; } $this->template = View::factory($this->template); // Initialize template values $this->template->title = core::config('general.site_name'); $this->template->meta_keywords = ''; $this->template->meta_description = ''; $this->template->meta_copyright = 'Open eShop ' . Core::VERSION; $this->template->content = ''; $this->template->styles = array(); $this->template->scripts = array(); //we can not cache this view since theres dynamic parts //$this->template->header = View::factory('header'); //setting inner views try to get from fragment // if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) // $this->template->header = View::fragment('header_front_login','header'); // else $this->template->header = View::factory('header'); //no fragment since CSRF gets cached :( $this->template->footer = View::fragment('footer_front', 'footer'); } }
} ?> <dl class="form-group"> <dt></dt> <dd class="text-center"><?php echo FORM::button('submit', __('Contact Us'), array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-success', 'action' => Route::url('contact'))); ?> </dd> </dl> </fieldset> <?php echo FORM::close(); ?> </div> <?php if (Theme::get('sidebar_position') != 'none') { ?> <?php echo Theme::get('sidebar_position') == 'left' ? View::fragment('sidebar_front', 'sidebar') : ''; ?> <?php echo Theme::get('sidebar_position') == 'right' ? View::fragment('sidebar_front', 'sidebar') : ''; ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div>
<?php echo FORM::close(); ?> <div class="modal modal-statc fade" id="processing-modal" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false"> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <h4 class="modal-title"><?php echo _e('Processing...'); ?> </h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="progress progress-bar-success progress-striped active"> <div class="progress-bar" style="width: 100%"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php echo View::fragment('sidebar_front', 'sidebar'); ?> </div> </div> </div>