Example #1
 public static function Convert($filename, $directory, $format = self::FORMAT_MP4, $vbitrate = 900, $abitrate = 96, $dimensions = false, $callback = null)
     if (!is_dir($directory)) {
         throw new BaseException('Video conversion output directory does not exist', $directory);
     if (!is_writeable($directory)) {
         throw new BaseException('Video conversion output directory is not writeable', $directory);
     $vi = new Video_Info($filename);
     // Scaling of the output video
     $scale = self::ScaleFilter($dimensions, $vi->video_width, $vi->video_height);
     // TODO: Don't convert the video if it is already the correct format
     //  VP6/MP3 FLV
     //      ID_VIDEO_FORMAT=VP6F
     //      ID_VIDEO_CODEC=ffvp6f
     //      ID_AUDIO_CODEC=mp3
     //  H263/MP3 FLV
     //      ID_VIDEO_FORMAT=FLV1
     //      ID_VIDEO_CODEC=ffflv
     //      ID_AUDIO_CODEC=mp3
     //  H264/AAC FLV
     //      ID_VIDEO_FORMAT=H264
     //      ID_VIDEO_CODEC=ffh264
     //      ID_AUDIO_CODEC=faad
     //      ID_VIDEO_FORMAT=avc1
     switch ($format) {
         case self::FORMAT_MP4:
             return self::ConvertToMP4($vi, $filename, $directory, $vbitrate, $abitrate, $scale, $callback);
         case self::FORMAT_VP6:
             return self::ConvertToVP6($vi, $filename, $directory, $vbitrate, $abitrate, $scale, $callback);
             return self::ConvertToH263($vi, $filename, $directory, $vbitrate, $abitrate, $scale, $callback);
Example #2
 public static function Run()
     chdir(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'));
     require_once 'includes/global.php';
     $doc_root = Config::Get('document_root');
     $DB = GetDB();
     while (true) {
         // See if we were requested to stop
         if (self::ShouldStop()) {
             self::Log('User requested stop...');
         $queue_item = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tbx_thumb_queue` ORDER BY `queued` LIMIT 1');
         if (!empty($queue_item)) {
             $video = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tbx_video` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($queue_item['video_id']));
             if (!empty($video)) {
                 $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_thumb_queue` SET `date_started`=? WHERE `video_id`=?', array(Database_MySQL::Now(), $video['video_id']));
                 $clips = $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tbx_video_clip` WHERE `video_id`=? AND `type`!=? ORDER BY `clip_id`', array($queue_item['video_id'], 'Embed'));
                 $dir = new Video_Dir(Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($video['video_id']));
                 Video_FrameGrabber::SetLogFile($dir->GetBaseDir() . '/thumbnailer.log');
                 $thumb_start = time();
                 try {
                     if (!empty($clips)) {
                         $thumbs = array();
                         $duration = 0;
                         // Number of thumbs to create per clip
                         $amount = round(Config::Get('thumb_amount') / count($clips));
                         // Move existing thumbnails
                         $dir->MoveFiles($dir->GetThumbsDir(), $dir->GetTempDir(), JPG_EXTENSION);
                         // Process each clip
                         foreach ($clips as $clip) {
                             // Remote video
                             if (preg_match('~https?://~i', $clip['clip'])) {
                                 $http = new HTTP();
                                 if ($http->Get($clip['clip'], $clip['clip'])) {
                                     $video_file = $dir->AddOriginalFromVar($http->body, File::Extension($clip['clip']));
                                     $vi = new Video_Info($video_file);
                                     $duration += $vi->length;
                                     $temp_thumbs = Video_FrameGrabber::Grab($video_file, $dir->GetProcessingDir(), $amount, Config::Get('thumb_quality'), Config::Get('thumb_size'), $vi);
                                     // Move generated thumbs from the processing directory
                                     foreach ($temp_thumbs as $temp_thumb) {
                                         $thumbs[] = $dir->AddThumbFromFile($temp_thumb);
                             } else {
                                 $temp_thumbs = Video_FrameGrabber::Grab($doc_root . '/' . $clip['clip'], $dir->GetProcessingDir(), $amount, Config::Get('thumb_quality'), Config::Get('thumb_size'));
                                 // Move generated thumbs from the processing directory
                                 foreach ($temp_thumbs as $temp_thumb) {
                                     $thumbs[] = $dir->AddThumbFromFile($temp_thumb);
                         // Get the relative URL for each thumb and add to database
                         $thumb_ids = array();
                         foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) {
                             $thumb = str_replace($doc_root, '', $thumb);
                             $thumb_ids[] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_thumbnail', array('video_id' => $video['video_id'], 'thumbnail' => $thumb));
                         // Determine number of thumbnails and select random display thumbnail
                         $num_thumbnails = count($thumbs);
                         $display_thumbnail = null;
                         if ($num_thumbnails > 0) {
                             // Select display thumbnail randomly from the first 40%
                             $display_thumbnail = $thumb_ids[rand(0, floor(0.4 * $num_thumbnails))];
                         $update = array('video_id' => $video['video_id'], 'num_thumbnails' => $num_thumbnails, 'display_thumbnail' => $display_thumbnail);
                         if (empty($video['duration']) && !empty($duration)) {
                             $update['duration'] = $duration;
                         DatabaseUpdate('tbx_video', $update);
                         // Remove old thumbnails
                         $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_thumbnail` WHERE `video_id`=?' . (!empty($thumb_ids) ? ' AND`thumbnail_id` NOT IN (' . join(',', $thumb_ids) . ')' : ''), array($video['video_id']));
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     // Restore old thumbnails
                     $dir->MoveFiles($dir->GetTempDir(), $dir->GetThumbsDir(), JPG_EXTENSION);
                     Video_FrameGrabber::Log($e->getMessage() . (strtolower(get_class($e)) == 'baseexception' ? $e->getExtras() : '') . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
                     self::UpdateStatsProcessed($thumb_start, $thumb_end, $queue_item['queued'], true);
                 $thumb_end = time();
                 $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_thumb_queue` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($queue_item['video_id']));
                 self::UpdateStatsProcessed($thumb_start, $thumb_end, $queue_item['queued']);
         } else {
Example #3
function tbxUploadStepTwo()
    global $t;
    $upload = $_FILES['video_file'];
    $v = Validator::Create();
    $DB = GetDB();
    $v->Register(sha1($_REQUEST['step_one_data'] . Config::Get('random_value')) == $_REQUEST['step_one_sig'], Validator_Type::IS_TRUE, _T('Validation:Video Data Altered'));
    $v->Register($upload['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK, Validator_Type::IS_TRUE, Uploads::CodeToMessage($upload['error']));
    if (is_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'])) {
        $max_filesize = Format::StringToBytes(Config::Get('max_upload_size'));
        $max_duration = Format::DurationToSeconds(Config::Get('max_upload_duration'));
        $extensions = str_replace(',', '|', Config::Get('upload_extensions'));
        $v->Register($upload['size'], Validator_Type::IS_BETWEEN, _T('Validation:Video size too large'), '1,' . $max_filesize);
        $v->Register(File::Extension($upload['name']), Validator_Type::REGEX_MATCH, _T('Validation:Video file extension not allowed'), '~^(' . $extensions . ')$~');
        try {
            $vi = new Video_Info($upload['tmp_name']);
            $v->Register($vi->length, Validator_Type::LESS_EQ, _T('Validation:Video duration too long'), $max_duration);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $v->Register(false, Validator_Type::IS_TRUE, $e->getMessage());
        $md5 = md5_file($upload['tmp_name']);
        if (Config::Get('flag_upload_reject_duplicates')) {
            $v->Register($DB->QueryCount('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tbx_video_md5sum` WHERE `md5`=?', array($md5)), Validator_Type::IS_ZERO, _T('Validation:Duplicate video'));
    // Validate input
    if (!$v->Validate()) {
        $t->Assign('g_errors', $v->GetErrors());
        $t->AssignByRef('g_form', $_REQUEST);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['flash'])) {
        } else {
            $t->Assign('g_file_types', '*.' . str_replace(',', ';*.', Config::Get('upload_extensions')));
            $t->Assign('g_cookie', $_COOKIE[LOGIN_COOKIE]);
    $_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, unserialize(base64_decode($_REQUEST['step_one_data'])));
    Form_Prepare::Custom('tbx_video_custom_schema', 'on_submit');
    $_REQUEST['duration'] = $vi->length;
    $_REQUEST['date_added'] = Database_MySQL::Now();
    $_REQUEST['username'] = AuthenticateUser::GetUsername();
    $_REQUEST['is_private'] = Config::Get('flag_upload_allow_private') ? intval($_REQUEST['is_private']) : 0;
    $_REQUEST['allow_ratings'] = intval($_REQUEST['allow_ratings']);
    $_REQUEST['allow_embedding'] = intval($_REQUEST['allow_embedding']);
    $_REQUEST['allow_comments'] = intval($_REQUEST['allow_comments']) ? 'Yes - Add Immediately' : 'No';
    $_REQUEST['is_user_submitted'] = 1;
    if ($_REQUEST['recorded_day'] && $_REQUEST['recorded_month'] && $_REQUEST['recorded_year']) {
        $_REQUEST['date_recorded'] = $_REQUEST['recorded_year'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['recorded_month'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['recorded_day'];
    // Strip HTML tags
    if (Config::Get('flag_video_strip_tags')) {
        $_REQUEST = String::StripTags($_REQUEST);
    // Configure status
    $_REQUEST['status'] = STATUS_ACTIVE;
    if (Config::Get('flag_upload_convert')) {
        $_REQUEST['status'] = STATUS_QUEUED;
        $_REQUEST['next_status'] = Config::Get('flag_upload_review') ? STATUS_PENDING : STATUS_ACTIVE;
    } else {
        if (Config::Get('flag_upload_review')) {
            $_REQUEST['status'] = STATUS_PENDING;
    // Add to database
    $_REQUEST['video_id'] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video', $_REQUEST);
    DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_custom', $_REQUEST);
    DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_stat', $_REQUEST);
    if ($_REQUEST['status'] == STATUS_ACTIVE && !$_REQUEST['is_private']) {
    } else {
        if ($_REQUEST['status'] == STATUS_QUEUED) {
            DatabaseAdd('tbx_conversion_queue', array('video_id' => $_REQUEST['video_id'], 'queued' => time()));
    // Mark as private
    if ($_REQUEST['is_private']) {
        $_REQUEST['private_id'] = sha1(uniqid(rand(), true));
        DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_private', $_REQUEST);
    // Setup video files and generate thumbnails
    $directory = Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($_REQUEST['video_id']);
    $vd = new Video_Dir($directory);
    $clip = $vd->AddClipFromFile($upload['tmp_name'], File::Extension($upload['name']));
    if (Video_FrameGrabber::CanGrab()) {
        Video_FrameGrabber::Grab($clip, $vd->GetThumbsDir(), Config::Get('thumb_amount'), Config::Get('thumb_quality'), Config::Get('thumb_size'), $vi);
    foreach ($vd->GetClipURIs() as $clip) {
        $_REQUEST['clip'] = $clip;
        $_REQUEST['filesize'] = filesize(Config::Get('document_root') . $clip);
        DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_clip', $_REQUEST);
    $thumb_ids = array();
    foreach ($vd->GetThumbURIs() as $thumb) {
        $_REQUEST['thumbnail'] = $thumb;
        $thumb_ids[] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_thumbnail', $_REQUEST);
    // Select the display thumbnail
    $num_thumbnails = count($thumb_ids);
    $display_thumbnail = null;
    if ($num_thumbnails > 0) {
        $display_thumbnail = $thumb_ids[rand(0, floor(0.4 * $num_thumbnails))];
    DatabaseUpdate('tbx_video', array('video_id' => $_REQUEST['video_id'], 'num_thumbnails' => $num_thumbnails, 'display_thumbnail' => $display_thumbnail));
    // Add MD5 sum for prevention of duplicates
    $DB->Update('REPLACE INTO `tbx_video_md5sum` VALUES (?)', array($md5));
    // Update user stats
    $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_user_stat` SET ' . '`today_videos_uploaded`=`today_videos_uploaded`+1,' . '`week_videos_uploaded`=`week_videos_uploaded`+1,' . '`month_videos_uploaded`=`month_videos_uploaded`+1,' . '`total_videos_uploaded`=`total_videos_uploaded`+1 ' . 'WHERE `username`=?', array($_REQUEST['username']));
    $t->AssignByRef('g_form', $_REQUEST);
    $t->AssignByRef('g_video', $_REQUEST);
    $t->Display(isset($_REQUEST['flash']) ? 'upload-flash-complete.tpl' : 'upload-complete.tpl');
    if (!Config::Get('flag_using_cron') && $_REQUEST['status'] == STATUS_QUEUED) {
Example #4
 public function PreProcess()
     $this->video_dir = new Video_Dir(null, 0700);
     if (!isset($_FILES[Video_Source::FIELD_UPLOADS])) {
         throw new BaseException('No files were uploaded');
     foreach ($_FILES[Video_Source::FIELD_UPLOADS] as $upload) {
         // No file uploaded in this field
         if ($upload['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
         // Check for other errors
         if ($upload['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
             throw new BaseException(Uploads::CodeToMessage($upload['error']));
         $thumbs = array();
         $will_grab = Video_Info::CanExtract() && Video_FrameGrabber::CanGrab();
         switch (File::Type($upload['name'])) {
             case File::TYPE_ZIP:
                 foreach (Zip::ExtractEntries($upload['tmp_name'], File::TYPE_JPEG) as $name => $data) {
                     $thumbs[] = $this->video_dir->AddTempFromVar($data, JPG_EXTENSION);
                 foreach (Zip::ExtractEntries($upload['tmp_name'], File::TYPE_VIDEO) as $name => $data) {
                     $this->clips[] = $this->video_dir->AddClipFromVar($data, File::Extension($name));
             case File::TYPE_JPEG:
                 $thumbs[] = $this->video_dir->AddTempFromFile($upload['tmp_name'], JPG_EXTENSION);
             case File::TYPE_VIDEO:
                 $this->clips[] = $this->video_dir->AddClipFromFile($upload['tmp_name'], File::Extension($upload['name']));
     // Make sure at least one video clip was uploaded
     if (empty($this->clips)) {
         throw new BaseException('No video files were uploaded');
     // Try to grab frames from video files
     if ($will_grab) {
         $amount = round(Config::Get('thumb_amount') / count($this->clips));
         foreach ($this->clips as $clip) {
             $vi = new Video_Info($clip);
             $this->duration += $vi->length;
             $temp_thumbs = Video_FrameGrabber::Grab($clip, $this->video_dir->GetProcessingDir(), $amount, Config::Get('thumb_quality'), Config::Get('thumb_size'));
             // Move generated thumbs from the processing directory
             foreach ($temp_thumbs as $temp_thumb) {
                 $this->thumbs[] = $this->video_dir->AddThumbFromFile($temp_thumb);
     } else {
         $this->duration = $this->source[Video_Source::FIELD_DURATION];
     // Use uploaded images if none could be generated
     if (empty($this->thumbs) && !empty($thumbs)) {
         if (Video_Thumbnail::CanResize()) {
             $this->thumbs = Video_Thumbnail::ResizeDirectory($this->video_dir->GetTempDir(), $this->video_dir->GetThumbsDir(), Config::Get('thumb_size'), Config::Get('thumb_quality'));
         } else {
             $this->thumbs = $this->video_dir->MoveFiles(Video_Dir::TEMP, Video_Dir::THUMBS, JPG_EXTENSION);
     // Cleanup temp and processing dirs
Example #5
 public function PreProcess()
     $this->video_dir = new Video_Dir(null, 0700);
     $thumbs = array();
     $clips = array();
     foreach ($this->source[Video_Source::FIELD_URLS] as $url) {
         $url_path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
         switch (File::Type($url_path)) {
             case File::TYPE_ZIP:
                 $http = new HTTP();
                 if ($http->Get($url, $url)) {
                     $zip = $this->video_dir->AddTempFromVar($http->body, ZIP_EXTENSION);
                     foreach (Zip::ExtractEntries($zip, File::TYPE_JPEG) as $name => $data) {
                         $thumbs[] = $this->video_dir->AddTempFromVar($data, JPG_EXTENSION);
                     foreach (Zip::ExtractEntries($zip, File::TYPE_VIDEO) as $name => $data) {
                         $this->clips[] = $this->video_dir->AddClipFromVar($data, File::Extension($name));
             case File::TYPE_JPEG:
                 $http = new HTTP();
                 if ($http->Get($url, $url)) {
                     $thumbs[] = $this->video_dir->AddTempFromVar($http->body, JPG_EXTENSION);
             case File::TYPE_VIDEO:
                 if ($this->source[Video_Source::FLAG_HOTLINK]) {
                     $clips[] = $url;
                     $this->duration = Format::DurationToSeconds($this->source[Video_Source::FIELD_DURATION]);
                 } else {
                     $http = new HTTP();
                     if ($http->Get($url, $url)) {
                         $this->clips[] = $this->video_dir->AddClipFromVar($http->body, File::Extension($http->url));
     if (empty($clips)) {
         if (!empty($this->clips) && Video_Info::CanExtract() && Video_FrameGrabber::CanGrab()) {
             $amount = round(Config::Get('thumb_amount') / count($this->clips));
             foreach ($this->clips as $clip) {
                 $vi = new Video_Info($clip);
                 $this->duration += $vi->length;
                 $temp_thumbs = Video_FrameGrabber::Grab($clip, $this->video_dir->GetProcessingDir(), $amount, Config::Get('thumb_quality'), Config::Get('thumb_size'));
                 // Move generated thumbs from the processing directory
                 foreach ($temp_thumbs as $temp_thumb) {
                     $this->thumbs[] = $this->video_dir->AddThumbFromFile($temp_thumb);
     } else {
         $this->clips = $clips;
     if (empty($this->clips)) {
         throw new BaseException('No valid video URLs were submitted');
     // Use images from supplied URLs if none could be generated
     if (empty($this->thumbs) && !empty($thumbs)) {
         if (Video_Thumbnail::CanResize()) {
             $this->thumbs = Video_Thumbnail::ResizeDirectory($this->video_dir->GetTempDir(), $this->video_dir->GetThumbsDir(), Config::Get('thumb_size'), Config::Get('thumb_quality'));
         } else {
             $this->thumbs = $this->video_dir->MoveFiles($this->video_dir->GetTempDir(), $this->video_dir->GetThumbsDir(), JPG_EXTENSION);
     // Cleanup temp and processing dirs
Example #6
 public function PreProcess()
     $this->video_dir = new Video_Dir(null, 0700);
     $http = new HTTP();
     if (!$http->Get($this->source[Video_Source::FIELD_GALLERY])) {
         throw new BaseException('Could not access gallery: ' . $http->error);
     list($thumbs, $clips) = self::ExtractUrls($http->url, $http->body);
     if (empty($clips)) {
         throw new BaseException('No video files could be located on this gallery');
     // Hotlinking video from gallery
     if ($this->source[Video_Source::FLAG_HOTLINK]) {
         $this->clips = $clips;
         $this->duration = Format::DurationToSeconds($this->source[Video_Source::FIELD_DURATION]);
     } else {
         // Download clips
         $amount = round(Config::Get('thumb_amount') / count($clips));
         foreach ($clips as $clip) {
             $chttp = new HTTP();
             if ($chttp->Get($clip, $http->url)) {
                 $clip = $this->video_dir->AddClipFromVar($chttp->body, File::Extension($chttp->url));
                 $this->clips[] = $clip;
                 $vi = new Video_Info($clip);
                 $this->duration += $vi->length;
                 $temp_thumbs = Video_FrameGrabber::Grab($clip, $this->video_dir->GetProcessingDir(), $amount, Config::Get('thumb_quality'), Config::Get('thumb_size'));
                 // Move generated thumbs from the processing directory
                 foreach ($temp_thumbs as $temp_thumb) {
                     $this->thumbs[] = $this->video_dir->AddThumbFromFile($temp_thumb);
     // Download thumbs from gallery if none could be created from the video files
     // or video files are being hotlinked
     if (empty($this->thumbs)) {
         foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) {
             $coords = null;
             if (preg_match('~^\\[(.*?)\\](.*)~', $thumb, $matches)) {
                 $coords = $matches[1];
                 $thumb = $matches[2];
             $thttp = new HTTP();
             if ($thttp->Get($thumb, $http->url)) {
                 $temp_file = $this->video_dir->AddTempFromVar($thttp->body, JPG_EXTENSION);
                 $imgsize = @getimagesize($temp_file);
                 $aspect = $imgsize !== false ? $imgsize[0] / $imgsize[1] : 0;
                 if ($imgsize !== false && $aspect >= self::MIN_ASPECT && $aspect <= self::MAX_ASPECT) {
                     if (Video_Thumbnail::CanResize()) {
                         $this->thumbs[] = Video_Thumbnail::Resize($temp_file, Config::Get('thumb_size'), Config::Get('thumb_quality'), $this->video_dir->GetThumbsDir(), $coords);
                     } else {
                         $this->thumbs[] = $this->video_dir->AddThumbFromFile($temp_file, JPG_EXTENSION);
                 } else {
     // Cleanup temp and processing dirs
Example #7
 public static function Grab($filename, $directory, $num_frames = 10, $quality = 90, $dimensions = false, $vi = null)
     if (!is_dir($directory) || !is_writeable($directory)) {
         throw new BaseException('Output directory is missing or not writeable', $directory);
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         throw new BaseException('Input file is missing', $filename);
     // Get video info if it was not provided
     if (!$vi instanceof Video_Info) {
         $vi = new Video_Info($filename);
     $output = null;
     $tools = Video_Tools::Get();
     $filter = self::ScaleFilter($dimensions, $vi->video_width, $vi->video_height);
     // Extract frames from short videos (less than 1 minute)
     if ($vi->length < 60) {
         self::Log('Using short video frame extraction method');
         $framestep = floor($vi->video_frames / $num_frames);
         $end = floor($vi->length);
         $cmd = $tools->mplayer . ' -nosound' . ' -vo ' . escapeshellarg('jpeg:quality=' . $quality . ':outdir=' . $directory) . ' -endpos ' . escapeshellarg($end) . ' -sws 9' . ' -speed 100' . ' -vf ' . escapeshellarg('framestep=' . $framestep . ',' . $filter) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($filename) . ' 2>&1';
         $output = shell_exec($cmd);
         $frames = glob($directory . '/*.' . JPG_EXTENSION);
         $generated = count($frames);
         self::Log('Total frames generated: ' . $generated);
     } else {
         self::Log('Using long video frame extraction method');
         $start = min(ceil($vi->length * 0.01), 15);
         $end = floor($vi->length - $start);
         $interval = floor(($end - $start) / ($num_frames - 1));
         // Attempt to use the quick frame grab method
         $cmd = $tools->mplayer . ' -nosound' . ' -vo ' . escapeshellarg('jpeg:quality=' . $quality . ':outdir=' . $directory) . ' -frames ' . escapeshellarg($num_frames) . ' -ss ' . escapeshellarg($start) . ' -sstep ' . escapeshellarg($interval) . ' -endpos ' . escapeshellarg($end) . ' -sws 9 ' . ' -vf ' . escapeshellarg($filter) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($filename) . ' 2>&1';
         $output = shell_exec($cmd);
         $frames = glob($directory . '/*.' . JPG_EXTENSION);
         $generated = count($frames);
         self::Log('Total frames generated: ' . $generated);
         // Fall back to the slow frame grab method
         if ($generated < 1 || $num_frames > 1 && $generated == 1 || stristr($output, 'first frame is no keyframe')) {
             self::Log('Falling back to long video SLOW frame extraction method');
             // Reset values and directory contents
             $generated = 0;
             if (is_array($frames)) {
                 foreach ($frames as $frame) {
             // Grab each frame individually
             for ($i = 0; $i < $num_frames; $i++) {
                 $cmd = $tools->mplayer . ' -nosound' . ' -vo ' . escapeshellarg('jpeg:quality=' . $quality . ':outdir=' . $directory) . ' -frames 1 ' . ' -sws 9 ' . ' -ss ' . ($start + $i * $interval) . ' -vf ' . escapeshellarg($filter) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($filename) . ' 2>&1';
                 $this_output = shell_exec($cmd);
                 $output .= $this_output;
                 if (file_exists("{$directory}/00000001.jpg")) {
                     rename("{$directory}/00000001.jpg", $directory . sprintf('/%s%08d.jpg', $generated == 1 ? 't' : '', $generated));
             if (file_exists("{$directory}/t00000001.jpg")) {
                 rename("{$directory}/t00000001.jpg", "{$directory}/00000001.jpg");
             $frames = glob($directory . '/*.' . JPG_EXTENSION);
             self::Log('Total frames generated: ' . $generated);
     if ($generated < 1) {
         throw new BaseException('Could not grab frames from this video file', $filename, $output);
     if (Video_Thumbnail::CanResize()) {
         $frames = Video_Thumbnail::DiscardBlack($directory);
         self::Log('Total frames generated after black frame removal: ' . count($frames));
     return $frames;