Example #1
         } else {
             if (!$theVerify->sendVerifyEmail()) {
                 NSSError("Sending the verification email failed.", "Email error");
             $smarty->assign('autoHome', TRUE);
     // If they reached here, they failed the Captcha test
     $smarty->assign('verifyFailed', TRUE);
 } else {
     // They are an authorised user so don't need a Captcha
     if ($theVerify = new Verify($theDropbox)) {
         if ($theVerify->formInitError() != "") {
             NSSError($theVerify->formInitError(), "Verify error");
         } else {
             // The for worked, go for it!
             $authFullName = $theDropbox->authorizedUserData("displayName");
             $authEmail = $theDropbox->authorizedUserData("mail");
             $authOrganization = paramPrepare($_POST['senderOrganization']);
             $authOrganization = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-\\_\\+\\"\'\\@\\/\\:\\&\\, ]/', '', $authOrganization);
             $smarty->assign('senderName', $authFullName);
             $smarty->assign('senderOrg', $authOrganization);
             $smarty->assign('senderEmail', strtolower($authEmail));
             $smarty->assign('recipEmailNum', 1);
             $smarty->assign('addressbook', $theDropbox->getAddressbook());
             # Generate unique ID required for progress bars status