Example #1
             $field_value = str_replace('.', ',', $field_value);
         if (preg_match("/[,;\"\n\r\t\\s]/", $field_value)) {
             $field_value = "\"" . str_replace("\"", "\"\"", $field_value) . "\"";
         if ($i > 0) {
             $csv_row .= $delimiter_symbol;
         $csv_row .= $field_value;
     echo $csv_row . $eol;
     // end output
     $related_number = 0;
     // update exported status
     if ($table_name == $table_prefix . "orders") {
         $dbh->query("UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "orders SET is_exported=1 WHERE order_id=" . $prev_id);
 // collect data for next step
 for ($i = 0; $i < $columns_selected; $i++) {
     $column_name = $columns[$i];
     $field_value = "";
     if ($column_name == "item_category") {
         $item_id = $db->f("item_id");
         $sql = " SELECT ic.category_id, c.category_path FROM " . $table_prefix . "items_categories ic ";
         $sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "categories c ON ic.category_id=c.category_id ";
         $sql .= " WHERE  ic.item_id=" . $db->tosql($item_id, INTEGER);
         while ($dbh->next_record()) {
             $category = "";
Example #2
function delete_categories($categories_ids)
    global $db, $table_prefix;
    // additional connection
    $dbs = new VA_SQL();
    $dbs->DBType = $db->DBType;
    $dbs->DBDatabase = $db->DBDatabase;
    $dbs->DBHost = $db->DBHost;
    $dbs->DBPort = $db->DBPort;
    $dbs->DBUser = $db->DBUser;
    $dbs->DBPassword = $db->DBPassword;
    $dbs->DBPersistent = $db->DBPersistent;
    $categories = array();
    $sql = " SELECT category_id,category_path FROM " . $table_prefix . "categories ";
    $sql .= " WHERE category_id IN (" . $db->tosql($categories_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ") ";
    while ($dbs->next_record()) {
        $category_id = $dbs->f("category_id");
        $category_path = $dbs->f("category_path");
        if (!in_array($category_id, $categories)) {
            $categories[] = $category_id;
            $sql = " SELECT category_id FROM " . $table_prefix . "categories ";
            $sql .= " WHERE category_path LIKE '" . $db->tosql($category_path . $category_id . ",", TEXT, false) . "%'";
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                $categories[] = $db->f("category_id");
    if (is_array($categories) && sizeof($categories) > 0) {
        $categories_ids = join(",", $categories);
        $db->query("DELETE FROM " . $table_prefix . "categories WHERE category_id IN (" . $db->tosql($categories_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ")");
        $db->query("DELETE FROM " . $table_prefix . "items_categories WHERE category_id IN (" . $db->tosql($categories_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ")");
        $db->query("DELETE FROM " . $table_prefix . "categories_user_types WHERE category_id IN (" . $db->tosql($categories_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ")");
        $db->query("DELETE FROM " . $table_prefix . "categories_subscriptions WHERE category_id IN (" . $db->tosql($categories_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ")");
        $db->query("DELETE FROM " . $table_prefix . "categories_sites WHERE category_id IN (" . $db->tosql($categories_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ")");
        $db->query("DELETE FROM " . $table_prefix . "categories_columns WHERE category_id IN (" . $db->tosql($categories_ids, INTEGERS_LIST) . ")");
    // delete products that are not assigned to any category
    $sql = " SELECT i.item_id FROM (" . $table_prefix . "items i ";
    $sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "items_categories ic ON i.item_id=ic.item_id) ";
    $sql .= " WHERE ic.category_id IS NULL ";
    while ($dbs->next_record()) {
        $item_id = $dbs->f("item_id");
Example #3
include_once "../includes/db_{$db_lib}.php";
$db = new VA_SQL();
$db->DBType = $db_type;
$db->DBDatabase = $db_name;
$db->DBHost = $db_host;
$db->DBPort = $db_port;
$db->DBUser = $db_user;
$db->DBPassword = $db_password;
$db->DBPersistent = $db_persistent;
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == "add" && isset($_REQUEST['item_id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['item_id']) && isset($_REQUEST['item_name']) && isset($_REQUEST['quantity']) && isset($_REQUEST['price'])) {
    $duplicates = false;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['user_id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['user_id'])) {
        $user_id = get_session("session_user_id") ? get_session("session_user_id") : $_REQUEST['user_id'];
        $product_dup_query = "SELECT * FROM va_saved_items WHERE item_id = " . $_REQUEST['item_id'] . " AND user_id = " . $user_id;
        $duplicates = $db->next_record();
    } else {
        $id_query = "SELECT MAX(user_id) AS last_user_id FROM va_saved_items";
        $user_id = $db->f("last_user_id") < 444444444 ? 444444444 : $db->f("last_user_id") + 1;
    if (!$duplicates) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO `va_saved_items` (`cart_item_id`, `site_id`, `item_id`, `cart_id`, `user_id`, `type_id`, `item_name`, `quantity`, `quantity_bought`, `price`,`date_added`) VALUES (NULL, 1, '" . $_REQUEST['item_id'] . "', 0, '" . $user_id . "', '1', '" . $_REQUEST['item_name'] . "', '" . $_REQUEST['quantity'] . "', 0, '" . $_REQUEST['price'] . "', NOW())";
    $data = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'duplicates' => $duplicates);
    echo json_encode($data);
} else {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == "show") {
     //if (preg_match('/.*books.*/i', $item_google_type)) {
     //	write_to("\t\t<" . $schema_type . ":isbn>" . $item_code . "</" . $schema_type . ":isbn>" . $eol);
     //else if (preg_match('/.*media.*/i', $item_google_type) || preg_match('/.*software.*/i', $item_google_type)) {
     //	write_to("\t\t<" . $schema_type . ":upc>" . $item_code . "</" . $schema_type . ":upc>" . $eol);
     //else {
     //	write_to("\t\t<" . $schema_type . ":gtin>" . $item_code . "</" . $schema_type . ":gtin>" . $eol);
 } else {
     write_to("\t\t<" . $schema_type . ":mpn><![CDATA[" . substr(md5(microtime()), rand(0, 26), 5) . "]]></" . $schema_type . ":mpn>" . $eol);
 //Customization by Vital - adding product category description
 $specific_item_type = "Wall Stencils";
 $sql = "SELECT c.category_name FROM ( " . $table_prefix . "items_categories ic  LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "categories c ON ic.category_id=c.category_id) WHERE ic.item_id=" . $dbd->tosql($item_id, INTEGER) . " ORDER BY c.category_order";
 if ($dbd->next_record()) {
     if ($dbd->f("category_name")) {
         $specific_item_type = $dbd->f("category_name");
 //END customization
 write_to("\t\t<" . $schema_type . ":product_type>" . htmlspecialchars($item_google_type) . " &gt; " . $specific_item_type . "</" . $schema_type . ":product_type>" . $eol);
 write_to("\t\t<" . $schema_type . ":google_product_category>" . htmlspecialchars($item_google_type) . "</" . $schema_type . ":google_product_category>" . $eol);
 write_to("\t\t<" . $schema_type . ":expiration_date>" . $expiration_date_formatted . "</" . $schema_type . ":expiration_date>" . $eol);
 write_to("\t\t<" . $schema_type . ":condition>" . $google_base_product_condition . "</" . $schema_type . ":condition>" . $eol);
 $description = trim(strip_tags(get_translation($db->f("full_description"))));
 if (!strlen($description)) {
     $description = trim(strip_tags(get_translation($db->f("short_description"))));
 if (!strlen($description)) {
Example #5

include_once "../includes/var_definition.php";
include_once "../includes/constants.php";
include_once "../includes/db_{$db_lib}.php";
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1');
$db = new VA_SQL();
$db->DBType = $db_type;
$db->DBDatabase = $db_name;
$db->DBHost = $db_host;
$db->DBPort = $db_port;
$db->DBUser = $db_user;
$db->DBPassword = $db_password;
$db->DBPersistent = $db_persistent;
$sql = " SELECT article_id, article_title, short_description  FROM va_articles WHERE article_id IN (SELECT article_id FROM va_articles_assigned WHERE category_id = 43) AND status_id = 2 ";
	<ul class="DetailTabs"><li class="tab tabActive"><a id="desc_a_tab" href="#" class="tab tabActive">Questions on Ordering, Shipping and Returns</a></li><li class="tab" id="reviews_td_tab"><a href="#" class="tab">Questions on Stenciling and Paint</a></li></ul>
	<div style="display: none;" id="faqData2">
while ($db->next_record()) {
    echo '<div class="accordionButton" name="' . $db->f("article_id") . '">' . $db->f("article_title") . '</div>
		<div class="accordionContent" style="display: none;">' . $db->f("short_description") . '</div>';
$sql = " SELECT article_id, article_title, short_description  FROM va_articles WHERE article_id IN (SELECT article_id FROM va_articles_assigned WHERE category_id = 42) AND status_id = 2 ";
	<div style="display: none;" id="faqData">
Example #6
     $product_search = true;
     if (strlen($where)) {
         $where .= " AND ";
     $where .= " (oi.item_name LIKE '%" . $db->tosql($r->get_value("s_kw"), TEXT, false) . "%'";
     $where .= " OR oi.item_properties LIKE '%" . $db->tosql($r->get_value("s_kw"), TEXT, false) . "%'";
     $where .= " OR ois.serial_number=" . $db->tosql($r->get_value("s_kw"), TEXT);
     $where .= " OR osa.generation_key=" . $db->tosql($r->get_value("s_kw"), TEXT);
     $where .= " OR osa.activation_key=" . $db->tosql($r->get_value("s_kw"), TEXT);
     $where .= " OR o.shipping_type_desc LIKE '%" . $db->tosql($r->get_value("s_kw"), TEXT, false) . "%')";
 //Customization by Vital
 if (!$r->is_empty("s_coupon")) {
     //get coupon id
     $sql_cc = "SELECT coupon_id FROM va_coupons WHERE coupon_code=" . $db->tosql($r->get_value("s_coupon"), TEXT);
     $coupon_id = $dbp->next_record() ? $dbp->f("coupon_id") : "00000000";
     $product_search = true;
     if (strlen($where)) {
         $where .= " AND ";
     $where .= " ( ( o.order_id IN (SELECT order_id FROM va_orders_coupons WHERE coupon_code=" . $db->tosql($r->get_value("s_coupon"), TEXT) . ") ) OR ( oi.order_id IN ( SELECT order_id FROM va_orders_items WHERE " . $coupon_id . " IN (coupons_ids) ) ) )";
 $s_sku = "";
 if (!$r->is_empty("s_sku")) {
     $product_search = true;
     $s_sku = str_replace(",", " ", $r->get_value("s_sku"));
     $s_sku = str_replace("'", "", $s_sku);
     $s_sku = preg_replace('!\\s+!', ' ', $s_sku);
     $SKUs = explode(" ", $s_sku);
     $SKUsFinal = array();
 $sql .= " price,quantity";
 $sql .= " FROM " . $table_prefix . "orders_items WHERE order_id=" . $db->tosql($order_id, INTEGER);
 while ($db->next_record()) {
     $google_item_id = $db->f("item_id");
     $google_item_name = $db->f("item_name");
     //$google_sku_code = $db->f("manufacturer_code");
     //if (!$google_sku_code) {
     $google_sku_code = $db->f("item_code");
     $google_price = $db->f("price");
     $google_quantity = $db->f("quantity");
     $google_category = "";
     $count = 0;
     $sql = "SELECT c.category_name FROM " . $table_prefix . "items_categories ic, " . $table_prefix . "categories c WHERE ic.category_id=c.category_id AND ic.item_id=" . $dbh->tosql($google_item_id, INTEGER);
     while ($dbh->next_record()) {
         if ($count > 0) {
             $google_category .= " / ";
         $google_category .= $dbh->f("category_name");
     $t->set_var("google_sku_code", str_replace("\"", "\\\"", htmlspecialchars($google_sku_code)));
     $t->set_var("google_item_name", str_replace(array("\"", "'"), array("\\\"", "\\'"), htmlspecialchars($google_item_name)));
     $t->set_var("google_price", $google_price);
     $t->set_var("google_quantity", $google_quantity);
     $t->set_var("google_category", str_replace(array("\"", "'"), array("\\\"", ""), htmlspecialchars($google_category)));
     $t->sparse("google_items", true);
 $t->sparse("google_trans", true);
     $parsed_url = parse_url($item_url);
     if (isset($parsed_url['query'])) {
         $query_symbol = '&';
     } else {
         $query_symbol = '?';
     foreach ($languages as $language_code) {
         $language_item_url = $item_url . $query_symbol . 'language_code=' . $language_code;
         xml_add_url($language_item_url, $date_modified);
 if ($show_manual_articles) {
     $sql = " SELECT article_id, friendly_url, date_added, date_modified ";
     $sql .= " FROM " . $table_prefix . "manuals_articles ";
     $sql .= " WHERE manual_id=" . $dbp->tosql($manual_id, INTEGER);
     while ($dbm->next_record()) {
         if ($dbm->f("friendly_url") && $friendly_urls) {
             $item_url = $settings["site_url"] . $dbm->f("friendly_url") . $friendly_extension;
         } else {
             $item_url = $settings["site_url"] . "manuals_article_details.php?article_id=" . $dbm->f('article_id');
         $date_modified = '';
         if ($dbp->f("date_modified")) {
             $date_modified = $dbm->f("date_modified", DATETIME);
         } elseif ($dbp->f("date_added")) {
             $date_modified = $dbm->f("date_added", DATETIME);
         if (is_array($date_modified)) {
             $date_modified = va_date($datetime_loc_format, $date_modified);
         } else {
Example #9
function sync_wishlist($user_id)
    if (isset($_COOKIE['wishlist_user_id']) && is_numeric($_COOKIE['wishlist_user_id'])) {
        global $db, $table_prefix;
        $dba = new VA_SQL();
        $dba->DBType = $db->DBType;
        $dba->DBDatabase = $db->DBDatabase;
        $dba->DBUser = $db->DBUser;
        $dba->DBPassword = $db->DBPassword;
        $dba->DBHost = $db->DBHost;
        $dba->DBPort = $db->DBPort;
        $dba->DBPersistent = $db->DBPersistent;
        // 1st sync step: add cookie wishlist items to user wishlist items by updating the user_id
        $sql = "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "saved_items SET user_id=" . $db->tosql($user_id, INTEGER) . " WHERE user_id=" . $db->tosql($_COOKIE['wishlist_user_id'], INTEGER) . " AND item_id NOT IN (SELECT item_id FROM (SELECT DISTINCT item_id FROM va_saved_items WHERE user_id = " . $db->tosql($user_id, INTEGER) . ") AS tmptable)";
        // 2nd sync step: get and load items to the cookie wishlist
        $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT item_id, item_name, quantity, price, date_added FROM " . $table_prefix . "saved_items WHERE user_id=" . $db->tosql($user_id, INTEGER) . " AND item_id NOT IN (SELECT item_id FROM (SELECT DISTINCT item_id FROM va_saved_items WHERE user_id = " . $db->tosql($_COOKIE['wishlist_user_id'], INTEGER) . ") AS tmptable)";
        if ($dba->next_record()) {
            $wishlist_item_values = "(NULL, 1, '" . $dba->f("item_id") . "', 0, '" . $dba->tosql($_COOKIE['wishlist_user_id'], INTEGER) . "', '1', '" . $dba->f("item_name") . "', '" . $dba->f("quantity") . "', 0, '" . $dba->f("price") . "', TIMESTAMP('" . $dba->f("date_added") . "'))";
            while ($dba->next_record()) {
                $wishlist_item_values .= ",(NULL, 1, '" . $dba->f("item_id") . "', 0, '" . $dba->tosql($_COOKIE['wishlist_user_id'], INTEGER) . "', '1', '" . $dba->f("item_name") . "', '" . $dba->f("quantity") . "', 0, '" . $dba->f("price") . "', TIMESTAMP('" . $dba->f("date_added") . "'))";
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `va_saved_items` (`cart_item_id`, `site_id`, `item_id`, `cart_id`, `user_id`, `type_id`, `item_name`, `quantity`, `quantity_bought`, `price`, `date_added`) VALUES " . $wishlist_item_values;