Example #1
 public function setUserRequestToState($reqid, $stateid)
     $err = '';
     $reqs = null;
     $req = null;
     $states = null;
     if (is_numeric($reqid) === false) {
         $err = 'Invalid user request id given.';
     } else {
         if (is_numeric($stateid) === false) {
             $err = 'Invalid state given.';
         } else {
             $reqs = new Default_Model_UserRequests();
             if ($reqs->count() === 0) {
                 $err = 'User request not found.';
             } else {
                 $states = new Default_Model_UserRequestStates();
                 if ($states->count() === 0) {
                     $err = 'User request state not found.';
     if ($err !== '') {
         echo "<response error='" . $err . "'></response>";
     try {
         $req = $reqs->items[0];
         $user = new Default_Model_Researchers();
         $actorguid = $user->items[0]->guid;
         $actorid = $user->items[0]->id;
         //Get group id
         if ($req->requestType->name === "accessgroup") {
             $groups = new Default_Model_ActorGroups();
             $group = $groups->items[0];
             $groupid = $group->id;
         } else {
             //Get application id
             $apps = new Default_Model_Applications();
             $app = $apps->items[0];
             $appid = $app->id;
         //Get user(requestor) id
         $users = new Default_Model_Researchers();
         $user = $users->items[0];
         $userid = $user->id;
         $userguid = $user->guid;
         //Check if actor is the owner of the application in case of release manager request
         if ($req->requestType->name == "releasemanager") {
             if ($app->ownerid != $actorid && $app->addedby != $actorid && !userIsAdminOrManager($actorid)) {
                 echo "<response error='User needs to be owner of the software in order to grant release management privileges to other users.'></response>";
         if ($req->requestType->name !== "accessgroup") {
             //in case of access groups we first include user and then accept or reject
             //NOTE:Must update request state before inserting in order to
             //prevent database triggers from claiming the request.
             //Update request state
             $trans = 0;
             $req->stateid = $stateid;
             $req->actorguid = $actorguid;
             $trans = 1;
             if ($req->requestType->name == "joinapplication" && $stateid == 2) {
                 //if accepted add to related contacts
                 //Set relation between researcher and application(if there is none)
                 $resapp = new Default_Model_ResearchersApps();
                 $resappfilter = new Default_Model_ResearchersAppsFilter();
                 if ($resapp->count() === 0) {
                     $resapp = new Default_Model_ResearchersApp();
                     $resapp->appid = $appid;
                     $resapp->researcherid = $userid;
             } else {
                 if ($req->requestType->name == "releasemanager" && $stateid == 2) {
                     $privs = new Default_Model_Privileges();
                     if (count($privs->items) == 0) {
                         $prv = new Default_Model_Privilege();
                         $prv->actor = $user->guid;
                         $prv->actionid = 30;
                         $prv->object = $app->guid;
             //Send email notification to requestor
             try {
                 UserRequests::sendEmailResponseNotification($user, $app, $stateid, $req->requestType->name);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 error_log("EMAIL ERROR:Could not send email notification to user request response.Details:" . $e->getMessage());
         } else {
             if ($req->requestType->name === "accessgroup" && intval($stateid) === 2) {
                 AccessGroups::handleUserGroupAction($this->session->userid, $user, "accept", array($group->id));
             } else {
                 if ($req->requestType->name === "accessgroup" && intval($stateid) === 3) {
                     AccessGroups::handleUserGroupAction($this->session->userid, $user, "reject", array($group->id));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         error_log("Error while setting User request:" . $e->getMessage());
         if ($trans == 0) {
             echo "<response error='Error while updating user request'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</response>";
         } else {
             if ($trans == 1) {
                 echo "<response error='Error while updating software contact association'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</response>";
             } else {
                 echo "<response error='Error while processing user request'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</response>";
     echo "<response id='" . $req->id . "' state='" . $stateid . "' ></response>";
Example #2
  * Requests of $targetUser to be included in the access groups given by $groupids. ($sourceUser must be $targetUser).
  * @param Default_Model_Researcher|integer $sourceUser User profile object or id.
  * @param Default_Model_Researcher|integer $targetUser User profile object or id.
  * @param integer[] $groupIds The ids of the access groups.
  * @param {id, name, canAdd, canRemove, canRequest, canAcceptReject, hasRequest}[] $accesspermissions Optional array of $sourceUser's access groups permissions.
  * @return boolean|string True on success, text message on error, False on unknown error.
 private static function requestForGroups($sourceUser, $targetUser, $groupids, $accesspermissions)
     if ($sourceUser->id !== $targetUser->id) {
         return "Cannot make a user request on behalf of another user";
     if (is_array($groupids) === false) {
         if (is_numeric($groupids) === false) {
             return false;
         } else {
             $groupids = array($groupids);
     $res = array();
     foreach ($groupids as $gid) {
         $g = array($gid => self::canPerformAction($targetUser, $targetUser, "request", $gid, $accesspermissions));
         $res[] = $g;
         if ($g[$gid] !== true) {
         //if request exists for this group then return true.
         $ur = self::getAccessGroupRequests($targetUser, $gid);
         if (count($ur) > 0) {
             return true;
         //If group id does not exist ignore
         $group = self::getGroupById($gid);
         if ($group === null) {
         $userrequest = new Default_Model_UserRequest();
         $userrequest->typeid = 3;
         $userrequest->userguid = $targetUser->guid;
         $userrequest->targetguid = $group->guid;
         $userrequest->stateid = 1;
         //Dispatch mail to user and managers, appdb administrators and associated NILs
         UserRequests::sendEmailAccessGroupRequestNotifications($targetUser, $group);
     return true;
Example #3
 public function requestreleasemanagerAction()
     header('Content-type: text/xml');
     $appid = -1;
     $app = null;
     //Validate user input data
     $err = "";
     $uid = $this->session->userid;
     //Get current user GUID
     $ps = new Default_Model_Researchers();
     $user = $ps->items[0];
     $uguid = $user->guid;
     //Various validations
     if (is_null($uid)) {
         $err = 'Must be logged in';
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET["id"]) == false) {
             $err = 'Software id is required';
         } else {
             if (is_numeric($_GET["id"]) == false) {
                 $err = 'Software id is not valid';
             } else {
                 $appid = $_GET["id"];
                 $apps = new Default_Model_Applications();
                 if (count($apps->items) === 0) {
                     $err = "Software not found";
     if ($err === "") {
         $app = $apps->items[0];
         $appguid = $app->guid;
         $perms = new Default_Model_Permissions();
         if (count($perms->items) > 0) {
             $err = "Already have permissions to manage releases";
     //Check if requestor is associated with the application
     if ($err === "") {
         $app = $apps->items[0];
         $rs = $app->getResearchers();
         $found = false;
         if (count($rs) > 0) {
             foreach ($rs as $r) {
                 if ($r->id == $uid) {
                     $found = true;
         if ($found == false) {
             $err = "User must be associated to the software item as a contact.";
     //Check if any error occured during validations
     if ($err !== "") {
         echo "<response error='" . $err . "'></response>";
     //User only checks the state of request
     if (isset($_GET["state"])) {
         $urs = new Default_Model_UserRequests();
         $s1 = new Default_Model_UserRequestTypesFilter();
         $s2 = new Default_Model_UserRequestsFilter();
         $s4 = new Default_Model_UserRequestStatesFilter();
         $urs->filter->chain($s1->chain($s2->chain($s4, "AND"), "AND"), "AND");
         if ($urs->count() > 0) {
             echo "<response>pending</response>";
         } else {
             echo "<response>false</response>";
     //Validation is OK, continue to user request submition
     try {
         $msg = isset($_GET["m"]) ? $_GET["m"] : "";
         //If not in base64 format it will crash
         if ($msg !== "") {
             //do nothing
         //Check inclusion list. This receiver will get the notification even if he is not allowed.
         if (isset($_GET["r"])) {
         //Check exclution list. This receivers won't get the mail notification.
         if (isset($_GET["e"])) {
         //save request
         $ur = new Default_Model_UserRequest();
         $ur->typeid = 2;
         $ur->userguid = $uguid;
         $ur->userdata = $msg;
         $ur->targetguid = $app->guid;
         $ur->stateid = 1;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo "<response error='Could not save request' >" . $e->getMessage() . "</response>";
     // Send E-Mail notifications to receivers
     try {
         UserRequests::sendEmailRequestNotifications($user, $app, $msg, "releasemanager");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         error_log("EMAIL ERROR:Could not send email notification about user request to join software.Details:" . $e->getMessage());
     //respond OK
     echo "<response>ok</response>";