Example #1
 public function __construct()
     $u = new User();
     $ui = UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID());
     $us = new UserStatistics($ui);
     $this->set('uLastActivity', $us->getPreviousSessionPageViews());
     $timeStr = '';
     if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
         $timeStr = '%x ' . t('at') . ' %I:%M %p';
     } else {
         $timeStr = '%x ' . t('at') . ' %l:%M %p';
     $this->set('uLastLogin', strftime($timeStr, $ui->getLastLogin('user')));
     $this->set('uName', $ui->getUserName());
     $this->set('totalViews', PageStatistics::getTotalPageViewsForOthers($u));
     $this->set('totalVersions', PageStatistics::getTotalPageVersions());
     $this->set('lastEditSite', strftime($timeStr, strtotime(PageStatistics::getSiteLastEdit('user'))));
     $llu = UserStatistics::getLastLoggedInUser();
     if ($llu->getUserID() == $u->getUserID()) {
         $this->set('lastLoginSite', t('Your login is the most recent.'));
     } else {
         $this->set('lastLoginSite', strftime($timeStr, $llu->getLastLogin()));
     $this->set('totalEditMode', PageStatistics::getTotalPagesCheckedOut());
     $this->set('totalFormSubmissions', FormBlockStatistics::getTotalSubmissions());
     $this->set('totalFormSubmissionsToday', FormBlockStatistics::getTotalSubmissions(date('Y-m-d')));
Example #2
 public function save()
     $config = Core::make('config');
     if (Core::make('token')->validate('conversations.settings.save')) {
         $helper_file = Core::make('helper/concrete/file');
         $config->save('conversations.files.guest.max_size', intval($this->post('maxFileSizeGuest')));
         $config->save('conversations.files.registered.max_size', intval($this->post('maxFileSizeRegistered')));
         $config->save('conversations.files.guest.max', intval($this->post('maxFilesGuest')));
         $config->save('conversations.files.registered.max', intval($this->post('maxFilesRegistered')));
         $config->save('conversations.attachments_enabled', (bool) $this->post('attachmentsEnabled'));
         $config->save('conversations.subscription_enabled', (bool) $this->post('subscriptionEnabled'));
         $users = array();
         if (is_array($this->post('defaultUsers'))) {
             foreach ($this->post('defaultUsers') as $uID) {
                 $ui = \UserInfo::getByID($uID);
                 if (is_object($ui)) {
                     $users[] = $ui;
         if ($this->post('fileExtensions')) {
             $types = preg_split('{,}', $this->post('fileExtensions'), null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $types = $helper_file->serializeUploadFileExtensions($types);
             $config->save('conversations.files.allowed_types', $types);
     } else {
         $this->error->add('Invalid Token.');
 public function getWorkflowProgressApprovalUsers(WorkflowProgress $wp)
     $pk = Key::getByHandle('approve_basic_workflow_action');
     $access = $pk->getPermissionAssignmentObject()->getPermissionAccessObject();
     $users = array(\UserInfo::getByID(USER_SUPER_ID));
     $usersToRemove = array();
     if (is_object($access)) {
         // Loop through all items and get the relevant users.
         $items = $access->getAccessListItems(Key::ACCESS_TYPE_INCLUDE);
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $entity = $item->getAccessEntityObject();
             $users = array_merge($entity->getAccessEntityUsers($access), $users);
         // Now we loop through the array and remove
         $items = $access->getAccessListItems(Key::ACCESS_TYPE_EXCLUDE);
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $entity = $item->getAccessEntityObject();
             foreach ($entity->getAccessEntityUsers($access) as $user) {
                 $usersToRemove[] = $user->getUserID();
         $users = array_unique($users);
         $usersToRemove = array_unique($usersToRemove);
         $users = array_filter($users, function ($element) use($usersToRemove) {
             if (in_array($element->getUserID(), $usersToRemove)) {
                 return false;
             return true;
     return $users;
 public function save($post)
     // clear all selected permissions
     $tps = array();
     foreach ($post['tpID'] as $tpID) {
         $tp = TaskPermission::getByID($tpID);
         $tps[] = $tp;
     foreach ($post['selectedEntity'] as $e) {
         if ($e != '') {
             $o1 = explode('_', $e);
             if ($o1[0] == 'uID') {
                 $obj = UserInfo::getByID($o1[1]);
             } else {
                 $obj = Group::getByID($o1[1]);
             foreach ($tps as $tp) {
                 if ($post[$e . '_' . $tp->getTaskPermissionID()] == 1) {
Example #5
 public function save()
     $helper_file = Loader::helper('concrete/file');
     Config::save('conversations.files.guest.max_size', intval($this->post('maxFileSizeGuest')));
     Config::save('conversations.files.registered.max_size', intval($this->post('maxFileSizeRegistered')));
     Config::save('conversations.files.guest.max', intval($this->post('maxFilesGuest')));
     Config::save('conversations.files.registered.max', intval($this->post('maxFilesRegistered')));
     Config::save('conversations.attachments_enabled', !!$this->post('attachmentsEnabled'));
     Config::save('conversations.subscription_enabled', !!$this->post('subscriptionEnabled'));
     $users = array();
     if (is_array($this->post('defaultUsers'))) {
         foreach ($this->post('defaultUsers') as $uID) {
             $ui = \UserInfo::getByID($uID);
             if (is_object($ui)) {
                 $users[] = $ui;
     if ($this->post('fileExtensions')) {
         $types = preg_split('{,}', $this->post('fileExtensions'), null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         $types = $helper_file->serializeUploadFileExtensions($types);
         Config::save('conversations.files.allowed_types', $types);
 public function view()
     $u = new User();
     $ui = UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID());
     $timeStr = '';
     if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
         $timeStr = '%x ' . t('at') . ' %I:%M %p';
     } else {
         $timeStr = '%x ' . t('at') . ' %l:%M %p';
     if (is_object($ui)) {
         $this->set('uLastLogin', strftime($timeStr, $ui->getLastLogin('user')));
         $this->set('uName', $ui->getUserName());
         $this->set('lastEditSite', strftime($timeStr, strtotime(PageStatistics::getSiteLastEdit('user'))));
         $llu = UserStatistics::getLastLoggedInUser();
         if ($llu->getUserID() == $u->getUserID()) {
             $this->set('lastLoginSite', t('Your login is the most recent.'));
         } else {
             $this->set('lastLoginSite', strftime($timeStr, $llu->getLastLogin()));
     $this->set('totalFormSubmissions', FormBlockStatistics::getTotalSubmissions());
     $this->set('totalFormSubmissionsToday', FormBlockStatistics::getTotalSubmissions(date('Y-m-d')));
Example #7
 public function view($userID = 0)
     $html = Loader::helper('html');
     $canEdit = false;
     $u = new User();
     if ($userID > 0) {
         $profile = UserInfo::getByID($userID);
         if (!is_object($profile)) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid User ID.');
     } else {
         if ($u->isRegistered()) {
             $profile = UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID());
             $canEdit = true;
         } else {
             $this->set('intro_msg', t('You must sign in order to access this page!'));
     $this->set('profile', $profile);
     $this->set('av', Loader::helper('concrete/avatar'));
     $this->set('t', Loader::helper('text'));
     $this->set('canEdit', $canEdit);
 protected function attemptAuthentication()
     $user = parent::attemptAuthentication();
     $userInfo = \UserInfo::getByID($user->getUserID());
     $extractor = $this->getExtractor();
     $roles = $extractor->getExtra('roles');
     // sync groups with roles
     if (is_array($roles)) {
         $groupIds = array();
         foreach ($roles as $role) {
             $roleApplicationCode = $role['role_application']['application_code'];
             if ($roleApplicationCode == \Config::get('auth.worldskills.roles_application_code')) {
                 $roleName = $role['name'];
                 // check for entity role and append entity name
                 if (isset($role['ws_entity'])) {
                     $roleName = $roleName . ' - ' . $role['ws_entity']['name']['text'];
                 // check if group exists
                 $group = \Group::getByName($roleName);
                 if (!is_object($group)) {
                     // add missing groups
                     $group = \Group::add($roleName, '');
                 $groupIds[] = $group->getGroupID();
         // remove duplicate groups
         $groupIds = array_unique($groupIds);
         // update groups of user
     // login user again to make sure groups are reloaded
     return \User::loginByUserID($user->getUserID());
 public function getAccessEntityUsers(PermissionAccess $pa)
     $f = $pa->getPermissionObject();
     if (is_object($f) && $f instanceof File) {
         return UserInfo::getByID($f->getUserID());
Example #10
 public function on_start()
     $ihm = Loader::helper('concrete/ui/menu');
     $p = new Permissions(Page::getByPath('/dashboard/forums/'));
     if ($p->canRead()) {
         $ihm->addPageHeaderMenuItem('forums', 'webli_forums', array('icon' => '', 'label' => t('Forums'), 'position' => 'right', 'href' => URL::to('/dashboard/forums'), 'linkAttributes' => array('style' => 'padding:0 5px;width:auto;')));
     Events::addListener('on_page_add', function ($e) {
         $page = $e->getPageObject();
         if ($page->getCollectionTypeHandle() == 'forum_post') {
             $settings = $this->get_saved_settings($page->getCollectionParentID());
             if ($settings['notification']) {
                 if (Config::get('concrete.email.webli_forum.address') && strstr(Config::get('concrete.email.webli_forum.address'), '@')) {
                     $formFormEmailAddress = Config::get('concrete.email.webli_forum.address');
                 } else {
                     if (Config::get('concrete.email.default.address') && strstr(Config::get('concrete.email.default.address'), '@')) {
                         $formFormEmailAddress = Config::get('concrete.email.default.address');
                     } else {
                         $adminUserInfo = UserInfo::getByID(USER_SUPER_ID);
                         $formFormEmailAddress = $adminUserInfo->getUserEmail();
                 $mh = Core::make('helper/mail');
                 $parentPage = Page::getByID($page->getCollectionParentID());
                 $mh->addParameter('forumName', $parentPage->getCollectionName());
                 $mh->addParameter('forumPath', BASE_URL . DIR_REL . $parentPage->getCollectionPath());
                 $mh->load('forum_notification', 'webli_forums');
                 $mh->setSubject(t('New Forum Post to %s', $parentPage->getCollectionName()));
    private function send_notification_email($data)
        $subject = '[' . SITE . '] New Contact Form Submission';
        $optInString = $data['optIn'] ? 'Yes' : 'No';
        $body = <<<EOB
A new submission has been made to the custom contact form:

Name: {$data['name']}
Email: {$data['email']}
Newsletter: {$optInString}


        //Dev Note: The "EOB;" above must be at the far-left of the page (no whitespace before it),
        //          and cannot have anything after it (not even comments).
        //			See http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php#language.types.string.syntax.heredoc
        //Send email
        $mh = Loader::helper('mail');
        //Use $mh->setBodyHTML() if you want an HTML email instead of (or in addition to) plain-text
Example #12
	public function get($itemsToGet = 100, $offset = 0) {
		$userInfos = array(); 
		$r = parent::get( $itemsToGet, intval($offset));
		foreach($r as $row) {
			$ui = UserInfo::getByID($row['uID']);			
			$userInfos[] = $ui;
		return $userInfos;
 public function on_start()
     $u = new \User();
     if (!$u->isRegistered()) {
     $this->error = Loader::helper('validation/error');
     $this->set('valt', Loader::helper('validation/token'));
     $this->set('av', Loader::helper('concrete/avatar'));
     $this->set('profile', \UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID()));
Example #14
 public function getWorkflowProgressHistoryDescription()
     if ($this->object instanceof WorkflowRequest) {
         $d = $this->object->getWorkflowRequestDescriptionObject();
         $ui = UserInfo::getByID($this->object->getRequesterUserID());
         return $d->getDescription() . ' ' . t('Originally requested by %s.', $ui->getUserName());
     if ($this->object instanceof WorkflowHistoryEntry) {
         $d = $this->object->getWorkflowProgressHistoryDescription();
         return $d;
Example #15
	public function __construct() {
		$html = Loader::helper('html');
		$u = new User();
		if (!$u->isRegistered()) {
			$this->set('intro_msg', t('You must sign in order to access this page!'));
		$this->set('ui', UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID()));
		$this->set('av', Loader::helper('concrete/avatar'));
Example #16
 public function check($content, $type, $additionalArgs = array())
     if ($this->controller) {
         $args['ip_address'] = Loader::helper('validation/ip')->getRequestIP();
         $args['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
         $args['content'] = $content;
         foreach ($additionalArgs as $key => $value) {
             $args[$key] = $value;
         if (isset($args['user']) && is_object($args['user'])) {
             $u = $args['user'];
         } else {
             $u = new User();
         if (!isset($args['email']) && $u->isRegistered()) {
             $ui = UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID());
             $args['email'] = $ui->getUserEmail();
         $r = $this->controller->check($args);
         if ($r) {
             return true;
         } else {
             $c = Page::getCurrentPage();
             if (is_object($c)) {
                 $logText .= t('URL: %s', Loader::helper('navigation')->getLinkToCollection($c, true));
                 $logText .= "\n";
             if ($u->isRegistered()) {
                 $logText .= t('User: %s (ID %s)', $u->getUserName(), $u->getUserID());
                 $logText .= "\n";
             $logText .= t('Type: %s', Loader::helper('text')->unhandle($type));
             $logText .= "\n";
             foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
                 $logText .= Loader::helper('text')->unhandle($key) . ': ' . $value . "\n";
             if (Config::get('ANTISPAM_LOG_SPAM')) {
                 Log::addEntry($logText, t('spam'));
             if (Config::get('ANTISPAM_NOTIFY_EMAIL') != '') {
                 $mh = Loader::helper('mail');
                 $mh->addParameter('content', $logText);
             return false;
     } else {
         return true;
         // return true if it passes the test
 public function getAccessEntityUsers(PermissionAccess $pae)
     if ($pae instanceof PagePermissionAccess) {
         $c = $pae->getPermissionObject();
     if (is_object($c) && $c instanceof Page) {
         $pcID = $c->getCollectionParentID() ?: $c->getCollectionID();
         // Check against this page, if no parent set
         $ui = UserInfo::getByID($pcID);
         $users = array($ui);
         return $users;
Example #18
 public function completeAuthentication(User $u)
     $ui = \UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID());
     if (!$ui->hasAvatar()) {
         try {
             $image = \Image::open($this->getExtractor()->getImageURL());
         } catch (\Imagine\Exception\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
             \Log::addNotice("Unable to fetch user images in Google Authentication Type, is allow_url_fopen disabled?");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
     return parent::completeAuthentication($u);
 public function load()
     $db = Loader::db();
     $uID = $db->GetOne('SELECT uID FROM PermissionAccessEntityUsers WHERE peID = ?', array($this->peID));
     if ($uID) {
         $ui = \UserInfo::getByID($uID);
         if (is_object($ui)) {
             $this->uID = $uID;
             $this->label = $ui->getUserName();
         } else {
             $this->label = t('(Deleted User)');
Example #20
 public function load()
     $db = Loader::db();
     $uID = $db->GetOne('select uID from PermissionAccessEntityUsers where peID = ?', array($this->peID));
     if ($uID) {
         $ui = UserInfo::getByID($uID);
         if (is_object($ui)) {
             $this->user = $ui;
             $this->label = $ui->getUserName();
         } else {
             $this->label = t('(Deleted User)');
Example #21
	public function getAccessEntityUsers(PermissionAccess $pae) {
		if ($pae instanceof PagePermissionAccess) {
			$c = $pae->getPermissionObject();
		} else if ($pae instanceof AreaPermissionAccess) {
			$c = $pae->getPermissionObject()->getAreaCollectionObject();
		} else if ($pae instanceof BlockPermissionAccess) {
			$a = $pae->getPermissionObject()->getBlockAreaObject();
			$c = $a->getAreaCollectionObject();
		if (is_object($c) && ($c instanceof Page)) {
			$ui = UserInfo::getByID($c->getCollectionUserID());
			$users = array($ui);
			return $users;
Example #22
 public function view()
     $dh = Loader::helper('concrete/dashboard');
     $im = Loader::helper('image');
     $c = Page::getCurrentPage();
     $ui = UserInfo::getByID($c->getCollectionUserID());
     if ($imAtt = $c->getAttribute('main_image')) {
         $this->set('headImage', $im->getThumbnail($imAtt, 800, 800));
     $this->set('isLoggedIn', $dh->canRead());
     $this->set('canEdit', is_object(ComposerPage::getByID($c->getCollectionID())));
     $this->set('authorName', ($first_name = $ui->getAttribute('first_name')) ? "{$first_name} {$ui->getAttribute('last_name')}" : $ui->getUserObject()->getUserName());
     $this->set('publishDate', $c->getCollectionDatePublic(DATE_APP_GENERIC_MDY_FULL));
     $this->set('pageType', 'blog');
Example #23
 protected function notifyAdmin($offenderID)
     $offender = UserInfo::getByID($offenderID);
     $ue = new \Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfo($offender);
     Events::dispatch('on_private_message_over_limit', $ue);
     $admin = UserInfo::getByID(USER_SUPER_ID);
     Log::addEntry(t("User: %s has tried to send more than %s private messages within %s minutes", $offender->getUserName(), \Config::get('concrete.user.private_messages.throttle_max'), \Config::get('concrete.user.private_messages.throttle_max_timespan')), t('warning'));
     $mh = new MailHelper();
     $mh->addParameter('offenderUname', $offender->getUserName());
     $mh->addParameter('profileURL', BASE_URL . View::url('/profile', 'view', $offender->getUserID()));
     $mh->addParameter('profilePreferencesURL', BASE_URL . View::url('/profile/edit'));
 public function getWorkflowProgressHistoryDescription()
     $uID = $this->getRequesterUserID();
     $ux = UserInfo::getByID($uID);
     switch ($this->getAction()) {
         case 'approve':
             $d = t('Approved by %s', $ux->getUserName());
         case 'cancel':
             $d = t('Denied by %s', $ux->getUserName());
     if ($this->getWorkflowStepComments()) {
         $d .= t(' with the comments "%s"', $this->getWorkflowStepComments());
     return $d;
Example #25
     * Creates form fields and JavaScript user chooser for choosing a user. For use with inclusion in blocks and addons.
     * <code>
     *     $dh->selectUser('userID', '1'); // prints out the admin user and makes it changeable.
     * </code>
     * @param int $uID
    public function selectUser($fieldName, $uID = false, $javascriptFunc = 'ccm_triggerSelectUser')
        $selectedUID = 0;
        if (isset($_REQUEST[$fieldName])) {
            $selectedUID = $_REQUEST[$fieldName];
        } else {
            if ($uID > 0) {
                $selectedUID = $uID;
        $html = '';
        $html .= '<div class="ccm-summary-selected-item"><div class="ccm-summary-selected-item-inner"><strong class="ccm-summary-selected-item-label">';
        $displayTrashcanStyle = 'display:none;';
        if ($selectedUID > 0) {
            $ui = UserInfo::getByID($selectedUID);
            $html .= $ui->getUserName();
            $displayTrashcanStyle = '';
        $html .= '</strong></div>';
        $html .= '<a class="ccm-sitemap-select-item" id="ccm-user-selector-' . $fieldName . '" onclick="ccmActiveUserField=this" dialog-append-buttons="true" dialog-width="90%" dialog-height="70%" dialog-modal="false" dialog-title="' . t('Choose User') . '" href="' . REL_DIR_FILES_TOOLS_REQUIRED . '/users/search_dialog?mode=choose_one">' . t('Select User') . '</a>';
        $html .= '&nbsp;<a id="ccm-user-clear-' . $fieldName . '" href="javascript:void(0)" class="ccm-clear-selected-user" style="float: right; margin-top: -8px;' . $clearStyle . $displayTrashcanStyle . '"><img src="' . ASSETS_URL_IMAGES . '/icons/remove.png" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 3px" /></a>';
        $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fieldName . '" value="' . $selectedUID . '">';
        $html .= '</div>';
        $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
        $html .= '$(function() { $("#ccm-user-selector-' . $fieldName . '").dialog(); });';
        $html .= 'if (typeof(ccmActiveUserField) == "undefined") {';
        $html .= 'var ccmActiveUserField;';
        $html .= '}';
        $html .= '
		$(function() { 
		var this_ccm_triggerSelectUser = function(uID, uName, uEmail) { ';
        if ($javascriptFunc == '' || $javascriptFunc == 'ccm_triggerSelectUser') {
            $html .= '
			var par = $(ccmActiveUserField).parent().find(\'.ccm-summary-selected-item-label\');
			var pari = $(ccmActiveUserField).parent().find(\'[name=' . $fieldName . ']\');
        } else {
            $html .= $javascriptFunc . "(uID, uName); \n";
        $html .= "\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\$('#ccm-user-clear-{$fieldName}').unbind().click(function(){\n\t\t\t\tccmActiveUserField = \$('#ccm-user-selector-{$fieldName}').get(0);\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tthis_ccm_triggerSelectUser(null, null, null); //should clear the user selection\n\t\t\t\t\$(this).hide();\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\$('#ccm-user-selector-{$fieldName}').click(function() {\n\t\t\t\t//replace global function called by dialog with local scoped one.  \n\t\t\t\t//this is important if we ever use custom javascript functions, so we don't overwrite them.\n\t\t\t\twindow.ccm_triggerSelectUser = this_ccm_triggerSelectUser;\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}); \r\n </script>";
        return $html;
Example #26
 public function package()
     $pl = new MootoolsPluginList();
     $package = $this->post("package");
     $fs = Fileset::getByName($package);
     $u = new User();
     $ui = UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID());
     $username = $ui->getAttribute(MOOTOOLS_GITHUB_USER);
     $uID = $u->getUserID();
     $files = $pl->getMootoolsPluginFiles($fs);
     $filesets[$fs->getFileSetName()] = $files;
     $package = Package::getByHandle($pkgHandle);
     $path = $package->getPackagePath();
     include $path . "/elements/plugin_files.php";
Example #27
	public function process($mail) {
		// now that we're here, we know that we're validated and that this is an email
		// coming from someone proper.
		// We need to know what to do with it, now. We check the "data" column, which stores
		// a serialized PHP object that contains relevant information about what this item needs to respond to, post to, etc...
		$do = $mail->getDataObject();
		if ($do->msgID > 0) {
			$upm = UserPrivateMessage::getByID($do->msgID);
			if (is_object($upm)) {
				$originalTo = UserInfo::getByID($do->toUID);
				$originalFrom = UserInfo::getByID($do->fromUID);
				if (is_object($originalTo) && is_object($originalFrom)) {
					$originalTo->sendPrivateMessage($originalFrom, $mail->getSubject(), $mail->getProcessedBody(), $upm);
Example #28
	public function getAccessEntityUsers(PermissionAccess $pa) {
		$groups = $this->groupset->getGroups();
		$users = array();
		$ingids = array();
		$db = Loader::db();
		foreach($user->getUserGroups() as $key => $val) {
			$ingids[] = $key;
		$instr = implode(',',$ingids);
		$r = $db->Execute('select uID from UserGroups where gID in (' . $instr . ')');
		$users = array();
		while ($row = $r->FetchRow()) {
			$ui = UserInfo::getByID($row['uID']);
			if (is_object($ui)) {
				$users[] = $ui;
		return $users;
     * Creates form fields and JavaScript user chooser for choosing a user. For use with inclusion in blocks and addons.
     * <code>
     *     $dh->selectUser('userID', '1'); // prints out the admin user and makes it changeable.
     * </code>
     * @param int $uID
    public function selectUser($fieldName, $uID = false, $javascriptFunc = 'ccm_triggerSelectUser')
        $selectedUID = 0;
        if (isset($_REQUEST[$fieldName])) {
            $selectedUID = $_REQUEST[$fieldName];
        } else {
            if ($uID > 0) {
                $selectedUID = $uID;
        $html = '';
        $html .= '<div class="ccm-summary-selected-item"><div class="ccm-summary-selected-item-inner"><strong class="ccm-summary-selected-item-label">';
        if ($selectedUID > 0) {
            $ui = UserInfo::getByID($selectedUID);
            $html .= $ui->getUserName();
        $html .= '</strong></div>';
        $html .= '<a class="ccm-sitemap-select-item" id="ccm-user-selector-' . $fieldName . '" onclick="ccmActiveUserField=this" dialog-append-buttons="true" dialog-width="90%" dialog-height="70%" dialog-modal="false" dialog-title="' . t('Choose User') . '" href="' . REL_DIR_FILES_TOOLS_REQUIRED . '/users/search_dialog?mode=choose_one">' . t('Select User') . '</a>';
        $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fieldName . '" value="' . $selectedUID . '">';
        $html .= '</div>';
        $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
        $html .= '$(function() { $("#ccm-user-selector-' . $fieldName . '").dialog(); });';
        $html .= 'if (typeof(ccmActiveUserField) == "undefined") {';
        $html .= 'var ccmActiveUserField;';
        $html .= '}';
        $html .= '
		$(function() { 
		ccm_triggerSelectUser = function(uID, uName, uEmail) { ';
        if ($javascriptFunc == '' || $javascriptFunc == 'ccm_triggerSelectUser') {
            $html .= '
			var par = $(ccmActiveUserField).parent().find(\'.ccm-summary-selected-item-label\');
			var pari = $(ccmActiveUserField).parent().find(\'[name=' . $fieldName . ']\');
        } else {
            $html .= $javascriptFunc . "(uID, uName); \n";
        $html .= "}}); \r\n </script>";
        return $html;
		public function view() {
			$u = new User();
			$ui = UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID());
			$dh = Loader::helper('date');
			if (is_object($ui)) { 
				$this->set('uLastLogin', $dh->date(DATE_APP_GENERIC_MDYT, $ui->getLastLogin('user')));
				$this->set('uName', $ui->getUserName());
				$this->set('lastEditSite', $dh->date(DATE_APP_GENERIC_MDYT, strtotime(PageStatistics::getSiteLastEdit('user'))));
				$llu = UserStatistics::getLastLoggedInUser();
				if ($llu->getUserID() == $u->getUserID()) {
					$this->set('lastLoginSite', t('Your login is the most recent.'));		
				} else { 
					$this->set('lastLoginSite', $dh->date(DATE_APP_GENERIC_MDYT, $llu->getLastLogin()));
			$this->set('totalFormSubmissions', FormBlockStatistics::getTotalSubmissions());
			$this->set('totalFormSubmissionsToday', FormBlockStatistics::getTotalSubmissions(date('Y-m-d')));