require_once ''; /* this file handles the entire OAuth API token negotiation for a user token -- update it to include a better explanation, pertinent to your app, for why the user is about to be asked to log into Canvas in the middle of Canvas */ try { $oauth = new OAuthNegotiator(); } catch (OAuthNegotiator_Exception $e) { } if (isset($_REQUEST['oauth'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['oauth']) { case 'request': $smarty->assign('content', '<h1>Token Request</h1> <p>This application requires access to the Canvas APIs. Canvas is about to ask you to give permission for this.</p> <p><a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?oauth=process">Click to continue</a></p>'); $smarty->display(); exit; case 'process': $oauth = new OAuthNegotiator('https://' . $toolProvider->user->getResourceLink()->settings['custom_canvas_api_domain'] . '/login/oauth2', (string) $secrets->oauth->id, (string) $secrets->oauth->key, "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?oauth=complete", (string) $secrets->app->name); break; case 'complete': $user = new UserAPIToken($_SESSION['user_consumer_key'], $_SESSION['user_id'], $sql); $user->setToken($oauth->getToken()); $user->setAPIUrl("{$metadata['CANVAS_INSTANCE_URL']}/api/v1"); $_SESSION['apiToken'] = $user->getToken(); $_SESSION['apiUrl'] = $user->getAPIUrl(); $_SESSION['isUserToken'] = true; header("Location: {$metadata['APP_URL']}/app.php"); exit; } }