Example #1
 protected function handleCommentVote()
     if (!User::$id || !$this->_get['id'] || !$this->_get['rating']) {
         return Util::toJSON(['error' => 1, 'message' => Lang::main('genericError')]);
     $target = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT c.userId AS owner, cr.value FROM ?_comments c LEFT JOIN ?_comments_rates cr ON cr.commentId = c.id AND cr.userId = ?d WHERE c.id = ?d', User::$id, $this->_get['id']);
     $val = User::canSupervote() ? 2 : 1;
     if ($this->_get['rating'] < 0) {
         $val *= -1;
     if (User::getCurDailyVotes() <= 0) {
         return Util::toJSON(['error' => 1, 'message' => Lang::main('tooManyVotes')]);
     } else {
         if (!$target || $val != $this->_get['rating']) {
             return Util::toJSON(['error' => 1, 'message' => Lang::main('genericError')]);
         } else {
             if ($val > 0 && !User::canUpvote() || $val < 0 && !User::canDownvote()) {
                 return Util::toJSON(['error' => 1, 'message' => Lang::main('bannedRating')]);
     $ok = false;
     // old and new have same sign; undo vote (user may have gained/lost access to superVote in the meantime)
     if ($target['value'] && $target['value'] < 0 == $val < 0) {
         $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('DELETE FROM ?_comments_rates WHERE commentId = ?d AND userId = ?d', $this->_get['id'], User::$id);
     } else {
         // replace, because we may be overwriting an old, opposing vote
         if ($ok = DB::Aowow()->query('REPLACE INTO ?_comments_rates (commentId, userId, value) VALUES (?d, ?d, ?d)', (int) $this->_get['id'], User::$id, $val)) {
     // do not refund retracted votes!
     if (!$ok) {
         return Util::toJSON(['error' => 1, 'message' => Lang::main('genericError')]);
     if ($val > 0) {
         // gain rep
         Util::gainSiteReputation($target['owner'], SITEREP_ACTION_UPVOTED, ['id' => $this->_get['id'], 'voterId' => User::$id]);
     } else {
         if ($val < 0) {
             Util::gainSiteReputation($target['owner'], SITEREP_ACTION_DOWNVOTED, ['id' => $this->_get['id'], 'voterId' => User::$id]);
     return Util::toJSON(['error' => 0]);
Example #2
 private function handleComment()
     // post sizes
     $_minCmt = 10;
     $_maxCmt = 7500 * (User::isPremium() ? 3 : 1);
     $_minRpl = 15;
     $_maxRpl = 600;
     $result = null;
         note: return values must be formated as STRICT json!
     switch ($this->params[0]) {
         case 'add':
             // i .. have problems believing, that everything uses nifty ajax while adding comments requires a brutal header(Loacation: <wherever>), yet, thats how it is
             if (!$this->get('typeid') || !$this->get('type') || !isset(Util::$typeStrings[$this->get('type')])) {
             // whatever, we cant even send him back
             // trim to max length
             if (!User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_MODERATOR) && mb_strlen($this->post('commentbody')) > $_maxCmt) {
                 $this->post['body'] = substr($this->post('body'), 0, $_maxCmt);
             if (User::canComment() && !empty($this->post('commentbody')) && mb_strlen($this->post('commentbody')) >= $_minCmt) {
                 if ($postIdx = DB::Aowow()->query('INSERT INTO ?_comments (type, typeId, userId, roles, body, date) VALUES (?d, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())', $this->get('type'), $this->get('typeid'), User::$id, User::$groups, $this->post('commentbody'))) {
                     Util::gainSiteReputation(User::$id, SITEREP_ACTION_COMMENT, ['id' => $postIdx]);
                     // every comment starts with a rating of +1 and i guess the simplest thing to do is create a db-entry with the system as owner
                     DB::Aowow()->query('INSERT INTO ?_comments_rates (commentId, userId, value) VALUES (?d, 0, 1)', $postIdx);
                     // flag target with hasComment (if filtrable)
                     if ($tbl = Util::getCCTableParent($this->get('type'))) {
                         DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ' . $tbl . ' SET cuFlags = cuFlags | ?d WHERE id = ?d', CUSTOM_HAS_COMMENT, $this->get('typeid'));
             header('Location: ?' . Util::$typeStrings[$this->get('type')] . '=' . $this->get('typeid') . '#comments', true, 302);
         case 'edit':
             if (!User::canComment() && !User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_MODERATOR) || !$this->get('id') || !$this->post('body')) {
             if (mb_strlen($this->post('body')) < $_minCmt) {
             // trim to max length
             if (!User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_MODERATOR) && mb_strlen($this->post('body')) > $_maxCmt) {
                 $this->post['body'] = substr($this->post('body'), 0, $_maxCmt);
             $update = array('body' => $this->post('body'), 'editUserId' => User::$id, 'editDate' => time());
             if (User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_MODERATOR)) {
                 $update['responseBody'] = !$this->post('response') ? '' : $this->post('response');
                 $update['responseUserId'] = !$this->post('response') ? 0 : User::$id;
                 $update['responseRoles'] = !$this->post('response') ? 0 : User::$groups;
             DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_comments SET editCount = editCount + 1, ?a WHERE id = ?d', $update, $this->get('id'));
         case 'delete':
             if (!$this->post('id')) {
             $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_comments SET flags = flags | ?d, deleteUserId = ?d, deleteDate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE id IN (?a){ AND userId = ?d}', CC_FLAG_DELETED, User::$id, (array) $this->post('id'), User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_MODERATOR) ? DBSIMPLE_SKIP : User::$id);
             // deflag hasComment (if filtrable)
             if ($ok) {
                 $coInfo = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT IF(BIT_OR(~b.flags) & ?d, 1, 0) as hasMore, b.type, b.typeId FROM ?_comments a JOIN ?_comments b ON a.type = b.type AND a.typeId = b.typeId WHERE a.id = ?d', CC_FLAG_DELETED, $this->post('id') ?: $this->get('id'));
                 if (!$coInfo['hasMore'] && ($tbl = Util::getCCTableParent($coInfo['type']))) {
                     DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ' . $tbl . ' SET cuFlags = cuFlags & ~?d WHERE id = ?d', CUSTOM_HAS_COMMENT, $coInfo['typeId']);
         case 'undelete':
             if (!$this->post('id')) {
             $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_comments SET flags = flags & ~?d WHERE id IN (?a){ AND userId = deleteUserId AND deleteUserId = ?d}', CC_FLAG_DELETED, (array) $this->post('id'), User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_MODERATOR) ? DBSIMPLE_SKIP : User::$id);
             // reflag hasComment (if filtrable)
             if ($ok) {
                 $coInfo = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT type, typeId FROM ?_comments WHERE id = ?d', $this->post('id') ?: $this->get('id'));
                 if ($tbl = Util::getCCTableParent($coInfo['type'])) {
                     DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ' . $tbl . ' SET cuFlags = cuFlags | ?d WHERE id = ?d', CUSTOM_HAS_COMMENT, $coInfo['typeId']);
         case 'rating':
             // up/down - distribution
             if (!$this->get('id')) {
                 $result = ['success' => 0];
             if ($votes = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT 1 AS success, SUM(IF(value > 0, value, 0)) AS up, SUM(IF(value < 0, -value, 0)) AS down FROM ?_comments_rates WHERE commentId = ?d GROUP BY commentId', $this->get('id'))) {
                 return json_encode($votes, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
             $result = ['success' => 1, 'up' => 0, 'down' => 0];
         case 'vote':
             // up, down and remove
             if (!User::$id || !$this->get('id') || !$this->get('rating')) {
                 $result = ['error' => 1, 'message' => Lang::main('genericError')];
             $target = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT c.userId AS owner, cr.value FROM ?_comments c LEFT JOIN ?_comments_rates cr ON cr.commentId = c.id AND cr.userId = ?d WHERE c.id = ?d', User::$id, $this->get('id'));
             $val = User::canSupervote() ? 2 : 1;
             if ($this->get('rating') < 0) {
                 $val *= -1;
             if (User::getCurDailyVotes() <= 0) {
                 $result = ['error' => 1, 'message' => Lang::main('tooManyVotes')];
             } else {
                 if (!$target || $val != $this->get('rating')) {
                     $result = ['error' => 1, 'message' => Lang::main('genericError')];
                 } else {
                     if ($val > 0 && !User::canUpvote() || $val < 0 && !User::canDownvote()) {
                         $result = ['error' => 1, 'message' => Lang::main('bannedRating')];
             if ($result) {
             $ok = false;
             // old and new have same sign; undo vote (user may have gained/lost access to superVote in the meantime)
             if ($target['value'] && $target['value'] < 0 == $val < 0) {
                 $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('DELETE FROM ?_comments_rates WHERE commentId = ?d AND userId = ?d', $this->get('id'), User::$id);
             } else {
                 // replace, because we may be overwriting an old, opposing vote
                 if ($ok = DB::Aowow()->query('REPLACE INTO ?_comments_rates (commentId, userId, value) VALUES (?d, ?d, ?d)', (int) $this->get('id'), User::$id, $val)) {
             // do not refund retracted votes!
             if (!$ok) {
                 $result = ['error' => 1, 'message' => Lang::main('genericError')];
             if ($val > 0) {
                 // gain rep
                 Util::gainSiteReputation($target['owner'], SITEREP_ACTION_UPVOTED, ['id' => $this->get('id'), 'voterId' => User::$id]);
             } else {
                 if ($val < 0) {
                     Util::gainSiteReputation($target['owner'], SITEREP_ACTION_DOWNVOTED, ['id' => $this->get('id'), 'voterId' => User::$id]);
             $result = ['error' => 0];
         case 'sticky':
             // toggle flag
             if (!$this->post('id') || !User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_MODERATOR)) {
             if ($this->post('sticky')) {
                 DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_comments SET flags = flags |  ?d WHERE id = ?d', CC_FLAG_STICKY, $this->post('id'));
             } else {
                 DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_comments SET flags = flags & ~?d WHERE id = ?d', CC_FLAG_STICKY, $this->post('id'));
         case 'out-of-date':
             // toggle flag
             if (!$this->post('id')) {
                 $result = 'The comment does not exist.';
             $ok = false;
             if (User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_MODERATOR)) {
                 if (!$this->post('remove')) {
                     $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_comments SET flags = flags |  0x4 WHERE id = ?d', $this->post('id'));
                 } else {
                     $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_comments SET flags = flags & ~0x4 WHERE id = ?d', $this->post('id'));
             } else {
                 if (User::$id && !$this->post('reason') || mb_strlen($this->post('reason')) < 15) {
                     $result = 'Your message is too short.';
                 } else {
                     if (User::$id) {
                         $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('INSERT INTO ?_reports (userId, mode, reason, subject, ip, description, userAgent, appName) VALUES (?d, 1, 17, ?d, ?, "<automated comment report>", ?, ?)', User::$id, $this->post('id'), User::$ip, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], get_browser(null, true)['browser']);
             if ($ok) {
                 // this one is very special; as in: completely retarded
                 return 'ok';
             // the script expects the actual characters 'ok' not some string like "ok"
             $result = Lang::main('genericError');
         case 'show-replies':
             $result = !$this->get('id') ? [] : CommunityContent::getCommentReplies($this->get('id'));
         case 'add-reply':
             // also returns all replies on success
             if (!User::canComment()) {
                 $result = 'You are not allowed to reply.';
             } else {
                 if (!$this->post('body') || mb_strlen($this->post('body')) < $_minRpl || mb_strlen($this->post('body')) > $_maxRpl) {
                     $result = 'Your reply has ' . mb_strlen($this->post('body')) . ' characters and must have at least ' . $_minRpl . ' and at most ' . $_maxRpl . '.';
                 } else {
                     if (!$this->post('commentId') || !DB::Aowow()->selectCell('SELECT 1 FROM ?_comments WHERE id = ?d', $this->post('commentId'))) {
                         $result = Lang::main('genericError');
                     } else {
                         if (DB::Aowow()->query('INSERT INTO ?_comments (`userId`, `roles`, `body`, `date`, `replyTo`) VALUES (?d, ?d, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?d)', User::$id, User::$groups, $this->post('body'), $this->post('commentId'))) {
                             $result = CommunityContent::getCommentReplies($this->post('commentId'));
                         } else {
                             $result = Lang::main('genericError');
         case 'edit-reply':
             // also returns all replies on success
             if (!User::canComment()) {
                 $result = 'You are not allowed to reply.';
             } else {
                 if (!$this->post('replyId') || $this->post('commentId')) {
                     $result = Lang::main('genericError');
                 } else {
                     if (!$this->post('body') || mb_strlen($this->post('body')) < $_minRpl || mb_strlen($this->post('body')) > $_maxRpl) {
                         $result = 'Your reply has ' . mb_strlen($this->post('body')) . ' characters and must have at least ' . $_minRpl . ' and at most ' . $_maxRpl . '.';
             if ($result) {
             $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_comments SET body = ?, editUserId = ?d, editDate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), editCount = editCount + 1 WHERE id = ?d AND replyTo = ?d{ AND userId = ?d}', $this->post('body'), User::$id, $this->post('replyId'), $this->post('commentId'), User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_MODERATOR) ? DBSIMPLE_SKIP : User::$id);
             $result = $ok ? CommunityContent::getCommentReplies($this->post('commentId')) : Lang::main('genericError');
         case 'detach-reply':
             if (!User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_MODERATOR) || !$this->post('id')) {
             DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_comments c1, ?_comments c2 SET c1.replyTo = 0, c1.type = c2.type, c1.typeId = c2.typeId WHERE c1.replyTo = c2.id AND c1.id = ?d', $this->post('id'));
         case 'delete-reply':
             if (!User::$id || !$this->post('id')) {
             if (DB::Aowow()->query('DELETE FROM ?_comments WHERE id = ?d{ AND userId = ?d}', $this->post('id'), User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_MODERATOR) ? DBSIMPLE_SKIP : User::$id)) {
                 DB::Aowow()->query('DELETE FROM ?_comments_rates WHERE commentId = ?d', $this->post('id'));
         case 'flag-reply':
             if (!User::$id || $this->post('id')) {
             DB::Aowow()->query('INSERT INTO ?_reports (userId, mode, reason, subject, ip, description, userAgent, appName) VALUES (?d, 1, 19, ?d, ?, "<automated commentreply report>", ?, ?)', User::$id, $this->post('id'), User::$ip, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], get_browser(null, true)['browser']);
         case 'upvote-reply':
             if (!$this->post('id') || !User::canUpvote()) {
             $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('INSERT INTO ?_comments_rates (commentId, userId, value) VALUES (?d, ?d, ?d)', $this->post('id'), User::$id, User::canSupervote() ? 2 : 1);
             if ($ok) {
         case 'downvote-reply':
             if (!$this->post('id') || !User::canUpvote()) {
             $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('INSERT INTO ?_comments_rates (commentId, userId, value) VALUES (?d, ?d, ?d)', $this->post('id'), User::$id, User::canSupervote() ? -2 : -1);
             if ($ok) {
     return json_encode($result, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);