/** This function will return statistics of a network
  * @access public
  * @return count of registered members, count of groups, count of contents
 public static function get_network_statistics($param)
     // setting count variables to 0
     $groups_count = $contents_count = $registered_members_count = $online_members_count = 0;
     $param['cnt'] = TRUE;
     $param['neglect_owner'] = FALSE;
     //network owner is a member with type OWNER
     $registered_members_count = Network::get_members($param);
     $sql = ' SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM {groups} AS G,{contentcollections} AS CC WHERE CC. collection_id = G.group_id AND CC.is_active = ? AND G.reg_type <> ? ';
     $data = array(ACTIVE, REG_INVITE);
     $res = Dal::query($sql, $data);
     if ($res->numRows()) {
         $row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT);
         $groups_count = $row->cnt;
     $sql = 'SELECT count(*) as cnt  FROM {contents} WHERE is_active = ?';
     $data = array(ACTIVE);
     $res = Dal::query($sql, $data);
     if ($res->numRows()) {
         $row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT);
         $contents_count = $row->cnt;
     //getting count of online registered users
     $timestamp = time() - MAX_TIME_ONLINE_USER;
     // MAX_TIME_ONLINE_USER = 1800 sec to get a realistic count of currently online users
     $online_members_count = User::count_online_users($timestamp);
     return array('registered_members_count' => $registered_members_count, 'groups_count' => $groups_count, 'contents_count' => $contents_count, 'online_members_count' => $online_members_count);