Example #1
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['oauth_token'])) {
        // Create TwitterOAuth object with app key/secret and token key/secret from default phase
        $to = new TwitterOAuth(config('oauth', 'consumer_key'), config('oauth', 'consumer_secret'), User::cGet('ort'), User::cGet('orts'));
        // Request access tokens from twitter
        $tok = $to->getAccessToken();
        // Save the access tokens
        User::cSet('oat', $tok['oauth_token']);
        User::cSet('oats', $tok['oauth_token_secret']);
        // Create TwitterOAuth with app key/secret and user access key/secret
        $to = new TwitterOAuth(config('oauth', 'consumer_key'), config('oauth', 'consumer_secret'), User::cGet('oat'), User::cGet('oats'));
        // Run request on twitter API as user to get their user details
        $user = json_decode($to->OAuthRequest('https://twitter.com/account/verify_credentials.json', array(), 'GET'), true);
        // Store the user ID in the cookie
        User::cSet('id', $user['id']);
        // Now save the user in the DB
        User::Update($user, true);
        // Tell me about it
        //@mail('*****@*****.**', 'TwitApps signin: '.$user['screen_name'], print_r($user, true));
        // Take them to the account page
    } else {
        $to = new TwitterOAuth(config('oauth', 'consumer_key'), config('oauth', 'consumer_secret'));
        $tok = $to->getRequestToken();
        User::cSet('ort', $tok['oauth_token']);
        User::cSet('orts', $tok['oauth_token_secret']);
Layout('Sign In', 'account');