Example #1
$oauth_token_secret = $_SESSION['user_oauth_token_secret'];
$username = $_SESSION['username'];
// check if we session tweets to process
if (isset($_SESSION['tweets_to_process'])) {
    $tweets_to_process = $_SESSION['tweets_to_process'];
} else {
    // new twitter connection
    $twitter->connect($oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
    // collect tweets from api
    $tweets_to_process = $twitter->collectTweets($username);
    // store tweets in session
    $_SESSION['tweets_to_process'] = $tweets_to_process;
// new user and build profile
$user = new User();
// overwrite social sharing stuff
$social->share_url = Config::BASE_URL . 'user/' . strtolower($user->username);
$social->site_title = $user->name . '\'s (@' . $user->username . ') Life on Twitter profile. Get insights into your Twitter profile at';
$social->site_description = 'Life on Twitter analyses your Twitter profile and tells you how you use the platform. Get insights into your Twitter profile';
// reset best friends to get internal pointers
// different share texts
$share_text = array('My Twitter "best friend" is @' . key($user->best_friends) . ', view my Life on Twitter profile at', 'My most popular Tweet was http://twitter.com/' . $user->username . '/' . $user->popular_tweets[0]['tweet']->id_str . ' you can see my Life on Twitter profile on', 'I follow back ' . $user->follow_back_percent . '% of users. view my Life on Twitter profile at', 'My favourite hashtag is #' . key($user->popular_hashtags) . ' - Life on Twitter profile is here');
// get a random share tweet
$social->share_text = current($share_text);
// start output buffer
// store html profile