Example #1
 public static function doLogin($username, $submitted_password, $allow_login, $ip, $db)
     if ($allow_login) {
         //Checking to see if the Username exists in the database
         $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM user_accounts WHERE username=? LIMIT 1");
         $loginInfo = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         if (isset($loginInfo['uid'])) {
             if ($loginInfo['lockdown'] == 1) {
                 setAlert('danger', 'Account Locked', 'This account has been locked by an Administrator, and cannot be used to log in.');
             } elseif (password_verify($submitted_password, $loginInfo['password'])) {
                 //Password is valid - Setting a blank session hash string
                 $random_string = generateRandom(32);
                 $_SESSION['sid'] = $random_string;
                 $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO sessions (sid,uid,expire) VALUES (?,?,?)');
                 $stmt->execute(array($random_string, $loginInfo['uid'], time()));
                 // Adding the most recent login time to the database information
                 $stmt = $db->prepare('UPDATE user_accounts SET last_login = ? WHERE uid = ?');
                 $stmt->execute(array(time(), $loginInfo['uid']));
                 header('Location: ' . SITE_ADDRESS . '/dashboard');
             } else {
                 //The password is invalid - adding this request to the brute table
                 User::bruteInsert($ip, $username, $db);
                 $_SESSION['alert-subtext'] = "The username or password that you have entered is invalid.";
         } else {
             //The username doesn't exist
             User::bruteInsert($ip, $username, $db);
             $_SESSION['alert-subtext'] = "The username or password that you have entered is invalid.";
     } else {
         //This ip is brute-banned. They cannot log in.
         setAlert('danger', 'IP Address Banned', 'The IP Address you are connecting from has been temporarily banned due to repeated failed login attempts. Please try again later.');