Example #1
include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/ztda-config.php';
$i = 0;
// Pull the form data for registration
$id = $user->id;
$emails = isset($_POST["invite_emails"]) ? trim($_POST["invite_emails"]) : "";
$submitting_page = isset($_POST["submitting_page"]) ? trim($_POST["submitting_page"]) : "";
$updateUser = new User();
$validation = new Validation();
$subject = $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name . ' thinks you would enjoy Zen To Done App!';
$headers = 'From: ' . $user->email . '
Reply-To: ' . $user->email;
$remove_space = str_replace(' ', '', $emails);
$email_array = explode(',', $remove_space);
foreach ($email_array as $email) {
    if ($validation->checkEmail($email)) {
        $beta_code = User::addInvitedUser($email);
        $message = $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name . ' is using Zen To Done App. They think you would enjoy it and have invited you to the Beta release. You may sign up here: ' . SITE_URL . DS . 'sign-up' . DS . '
Your beta invite code is: ' . $beta_code . '
As we said, Zen To Done App is in beta and we want to improve it with your help. You\'ll notice a little FEEDBACK link in the footer on every page and we hope you\'ll use it! We look forward to your feedback!';
        if (!mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers)) {
            $session->message('<p class="error">There was an error sending out your invitations. Please try again.</p>');
            redirect_to(SITE_URL . DS . $submitting_page . DS);
        } else {
    } else {
        $session->message('<p class="error">There was an error with the email address ' . $email . '. Please try again.</p>');
        redirect_to(SITE_URL . DS . $submitting_page . DS);
$update_invites_left = User::updateInvitesLeft($user->id, $user->invites_left - $i);