Example #1
  * Function to be run before every test*() functions.
 public function setUp()
     BasicPasswordManagement::$hashAlgo = "haval256,5";
     //choose salting algo.
     User::newUserObject("rash", 'testing', "*****@*****.**");
     //create a user.
     //activate the user account
     $this->user = User::existingUserObject("rash", "testing");
     //get the user object
     $this->obj = new AdvancedPasswordManagement($this->user->getUserID(), 'testing');
     //create object to AdvancedPasswordManagement class.
Example #2
  * Function to be run before every test*() functions.
 public function setUp()
     BasicPasswordManagement::$hashAlgo = "haval256,5";
     //choose a hashing algo.
     User::newUserObject("rash", 'testing', "*****@*****.**");
     //create a new user.
     //activate the user account
     $this->obj = User::existingUserObject("rash", "testing");
     //get the user object
     $this->xobj = new XUser($this->obj);
     //get the XUser object
Example #3
  * Function to be run before every test*() functions.
 public function setUp()
     //Create users.
     User::newUserObject("abcd", "resting", "*****@*****.**");
     $this->user[0] = User::existingUserObject("abcd", "resting");
     //Create users.
     User::newUserObject("efgh", "resting", "*****@*****.**");
     $this->user[1] = User::existingUserObject("efgh", "resting");
     //create new sessions associated with each user.
     $this->session[0] = new Session();
     $this->session[1] = new Session();
     $this->session[2] = new Session();
     //session for user 0.
     //session for user 0.
     //session for user 1.
Example #4
  * Function to test accessibility if the account is inactive/active.
 public function testInactive()
     User::newUserObject("phpsec", "owasp", "*****@*****.**");
     //create a new user
     try {
         $testUser = User::existingUserObject("phpsec", "owasp");
         //note that the account is not activated. Hence an exception will be thrown
     } catch (UserAccountInactive $e) {
         //since exception is thrown, the test succeded.
         //activate the account
         $testUser = User::existingUserObject("phpsec", "owasp");
         //note that the account is now active. Hence the object will be created successfully.
         $this->assertTrue($testUser->getUserID() == "phpsec");
  * Function to test the function logOutFromALLDevices
 public function testLogOutFromAllDevices()
     UserManagement::createUser("owasp1", "owasp", "*****@*****.**");
     //create a user.
     $obj1 = UserManagement::logIn("owasp1", "owasp");
     $obj2 = UserManagement::logIn("owasp1", "owasp");
     //log in the same user from different device.
     $obj3 = UserManagement::logIn("owasp1", "owasp");
     //log in the same user from different device.
     //set session variables to imitate real cookies.
     $randomValue = randstr(32);
     SQL("INSERT INTO `SESSION` (`SESSION_ID`, `DATE_CREATED`, `LAST_ACTIVITY`, `USERID`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", array($randomValue, time(), time(), $obj3->getUserID()));
     SQL("INSERT INTO `SESSION` (`SESSION_ID`, `DATE_CREATED`, `LAST_ACTIVITY`, `USERID`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", array(randstr(32), time(), time(), $obj3->getUserID()));
     SQL("INSERT INTO `SESSION` (`SESSION_ID`, `DATE_CREATED`, `LAST_ACTIVITY`, `USERID`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", array(randstr(32), time(), time(), $obj3->getUserID()));
     $_COOKIE['sessionid'] = $randomValue;
     //This will delete all the sessions from the DB
     $result = SQL("SELECT * FROM SESSION");
     $Test = count($result) == 0;
     //delete the newly created users.

 * Activate new account
// Initialisation
require_once 'includes/init.php';
// Activate the account for the user with the token
if (isset($_GET['token'])) {
// Set the title, show the page header, then the rest of the HTML
$page_title = 'Activate account';
include 'includes/header.php';

<h1>Account activated</h1>

<p>Thank you for activating your account! You can now <a href="login.php">login</a>.</p>

include 'includes/footer.php';