Example #1
     do {
         echo "Enter student Roll Number \n";
         $rollnumber = readline();
     } while ($rollnumber > 4);
 case 11:
     echo "\n Hello Internee :)\n ";
     echo " please enter your name & passowrd to continue\n";
     while ($attempts != 0 && $status == false) {
         echo "UserName :\n ";
         $userName = readline();
         echo "Password :\n ";
         $password = readline();
         $status = $obj->SignIn($userName, $password);
         if ($status) {
             $attempts = 0;
     if ($status == true) {
         echo "press 1 to Edit Student Info \n";
         echo "press 2 to change its password\n";
         echo "press 3 to show Student Result Records \n";
         echo "press 4 to add Data Entry Operator \n";
         $input1 = readline();
         switch ($input1) {
             case 1: