public static function get($foldername) { if (!($match = Uri::match($foldername . '\\/(\\w+)'))) { throw new Exception("Not match valid route."); } $routeName = $match[1]; $pluginPath = ROOT_PATH . 'contents/themes/' . $foldername . '/api.php'; define("THIS_URL", ROOT_URL . 'contents/themes/' . $foldername . '/'); define("THIS_PATH", ROOT_PATH . 'contents/themes/' . $foldername . '/'); if (!file_exists($pluginPath)) { return false; } include $pluginPath; $routes = SelfApi::route(); if (!isset($routes[$routeName])) { throw new Exception("Theme not support this route."); } $func = $routes[$routeName]; if (!method_exists('SelfApi', $func)) { throw new Exception('Route ' . $routeName . ' not ready for runc.'); } try { $result = SelfApi::$func(); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } return $result; }
public function index() { $post = array('alert' => ''); // Model::load('admincp/setting'); if ($match = Uri::match('\\/setting\\/(\\w+)')) { if (method_exists("controlSetting", $match[1])) { $method = $match[1]; $this->{$method}(); die; } } if (Request::has('btnSave')) { System::saveSetting(Request::get('general')); } $data = array(); if (!($data = Cache::loadKey('systemSetting', -1))) { $data = System::makeSetting(); } else { $data = unserialize($data); } $post = $data; $post['usergroups'] = UserGroups::get(); System::setTitle('Setting System - ' . ADMINCP_TITLE); View::make('admincp/head'); self::makeContents('settingGeneral', $post); View::make('admincp/footer'); }
function listRss() { header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8"); $location = Url::rss(); if ($match = Uri::match('^(.*?)$')) { $location = ROOT_URL . $match[1]; $reLocation = base64_encode($location); if ($loadData = Cache::loadKey($reLocation, 60)) { $loadData = json_decode($loadData, true); return $loadData; } } $inputData = array('limitShow' => 15, 'limitPage' => 0); if ($match = Uri::match('\\/page\\/(\\d+)')) { $inputData['limitPage'] = $match[1]; } if ($match = Uri::match('\\/category\\/(\\d+)')) { $id = $match[1]; $inputData['where'] = "where catid='{$id}'"; } if ($match = Uri::match('rss\\/products')) { $loadData = Products::get($inputData); } else { $loadData = Post::get($inputData); } $reLocation = base64_encode($location); Cache::saveKey($reLocation, json_encode($loadData)); return $loadData; }
function searchResult() { $curPage = 0; $keywords = ''; if ($matches = Uri::match('tag\\/(.*?)\\/page\\/(\\d+)')) { $curPage = $matches[2]; $keywords = $matches[1]; } elseif ($matches = Uri::match('tag\\/(.*?)$')) { $curPage = 0; $keywords = $matches[1]; } // $loadPostNode=PostTags::get(array( // 'limitShow'=>10, // 'limitPage'=>$curPage, // 'where'=>"where tag_title LIKE '%$keywords%'" // )); // // print_r($loadPostNode);die(); // $total=count($loadPostNode); // $listID=''; // for($i=0;$i<$total;$i++) // { // $listID.="'".$loadPostNode[$i]['postid']."', "; // } // $listID=substr($listID, 0, strlen($listID)-2); $loadData = Post::get(array('where' => "where postid IN (select postid from post_tags where title='{$keywords}')", 'orderby' => "group by postid order by date_added")); return $loadData; }
public function index() { Cache::loadPage('', 30); $inputData = array(); $postid = 0; $curPage = 0; // Model::loadWithPath('home',System::getThemePath().'model/'); if ($match = Uri::match('page\\/(\\d+)')) { $curPage = (int) $match[1]; } $txtKeywords = addslashes(Request::get('txtKeywords', '')); if ($match = Uri::match('\\/keyword\\/(.*?)\\/page')) { $txtKeywords = base64_decode($match[1]); } $loadData = Post::get(array('limitShow' => 10, 'limitPage' => $curPage, 'cacheTime' => 30, 'where' => "where title LIKE '%{$txtKeywords}%'", 'orderby' => "order by postid desc")); if (!isset($loadData[0]['postid'])) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $inputData['newPost'] = $loadData; $inputData['keywords'] = $txtKeywords; $inputData['listPage'] = Misc::genPage('search/keyword/' . base64_encode($txtKeywords), $curPage); System::setTitle('Search result with keyword "' . $txtKeywords . '" results:'); self::makeContent('search', $inputData); Cache::savePage(); }
public function index() { Cache::loadPage('', 30); $inputData = array(); $postid = 0; Model::loadWithPath('page', System::getThemePath() . 'model/'); if (!($match = Uri::match('page\\/(.*?)\\.html$'))) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $friendly_url = addslashes($match[1]); $loadData = Pages::get(array('cacheTime' => 30, 'where' => "where friendly_url='{$friendly_url}'")); if (!isset($loadData[0]['pageid'])) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $inputData = $loadData[0]; $postid = $loadData[0]['pageid']; if (Uri::isNull()) { System::setTitle(ucfirst($loadData[0]['title'])); } $keywords = isset($loadData[0]['keywords'][4]) ? $loadData[0]['keywords'] : System::getKeywords(); System::setKeywords($keywords); if ($loadData[0]['page_type'] == 'fullwidth') { self::makeContent('pageFullWidth', $inputData); } else { self::makeContent('page', $inputData); } Cache::savePage(); }
public function index() { Cache::loadPage('', 30); $inputData = array(); $postid = 0; Model::loadWithPath('post', System::getThemePath() . 'model/'); if (!($match = Uri::match('post\\/(.*?)\\.html$'))) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $friendly_url = addslashes($match[1]); $loadData = Post::get(array('cacheTime' => 30, 'where' => "where friendly_url='{$friendly_url}'")); if (!isset($loadData[0]['postid'])) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $inputData = $loadData[0]; if (Request::has('btnComment')) { try { sendComment($loadData[0]['postid']); $inputData['commentAlert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Send comment success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $inputData['commentAlert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } $postid = $loadData[0]['postid']; $listTag = PostTags::renderToLink($postid); $inputData['listTag'] = $listTag; $inputData['listComments'] = Comments::get(array('where' => "where postid='{$postid}' AND status='1'", 'orderby' => "order by postid desc")); Post::upView($postid); System::setTitle(ucfirst($loadData[0]['title'])); $keywords = isset($loadData[0]['keywords'][4]) ? $loadData[0]['keywords'] : System::getKeywords(); System::setKeywords($keywords); self::makeContent('post', $inputData); Cache::savePage(); }
function loadApi($action) { switch ($action) { case 'post_image': if (!($match = Uri::match('post_image\\/(\\d+)\\.(jpg|png)'))) { throw new Exception('Data not valid'); } $fileUrl = ''; try { $fileUrl = Post::getImageFromContent($match[1]); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } Redirect::to($fileUrl, 301); exit; break; case 'post_thumb': if (!($match = Uri::match('post_thumb\\/(\\d+)\\.(jpg|png)'))) { throw new Exception('Data not valid'); } $fileUrl = ''; try { $fileUrl = System::getUrl() . Post::getThumb($match[1]); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } Redirect::to($fileUrl, 301); exit; break; } }
public function index() { Cache::loadPage('', 30); $inputData = array(); $postid = 0; $curPage = 0; // Model::loadWithPath('home',System::getThemePath().'model/'); if (!($match = Uri::match('tag\\/(\\w+)\\/?'))) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $friendly_url = addslashes($match[1]); if ($match = Uri::match('page\\/(\\d+)')) { $curPage = (int) $match[1]; } $loadData = Post::get(array('limitShow' => 10, 'limitPage' => $curPage, 'cacheTime' => 30, 'where' => "where postid IN (select postid from post_tags where title='{$friendly_url}')", 'orderby' => "order by postid desc")); if (!isset($loadData[0]['postid'])) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $inputData['newPost'] = $loadData; $inputData['keywords'] = $friendly_url; $inputData['listPage'] = Misc::genPage('tag/' . $friendly_url, $curPage); System::setTitle('Tag "' . $friendly_url . '" results:'); self::makeContent('tag', $inputData); Cache::savePage(); }
public function index() { if ($match = Uri::match('\\/jsonCategory')) { $keyword = String::encode(Request::get('keyword', '')); $loadData = Categories::get(array('where' => "where title LIKE '%{$keyword}%'", 'orderby' => 'order by title asc')); $total = count($loadData); $li = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $li .= '<li><span data-method="category" data-id="' . $loadData[$i]['catid'] . '" >' . $loadData[$i]['title'] . '</span></li>'; } echo $li; die; } $post = array('alert' => ''); Model::load('admincp/categories'); $curPage = 0; if ($match = Uri::match('\\/page\\/(\\d+)')) { $curPage = $match[1]; } if (Request::has('btnAction')) { actionProcess(); } if (Request::has('btnAdd')) { try { insertProcess(); $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Add new category success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } if (Request::has('btnSave')) { $match = Uri::match('\\/edit\\/(\\d+)'); try { updateProcess($match[1]); $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Update category success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } if (Request::has('btnSearch')) { filterProcess(); } else { $post['pages'] = Misc::genSmallPage('admincp/categories', $curPage); $post['theList'] = Categories::get(array('limitShow' => 20, 'limitPage' => $curPage, 'orderby' => 'order by catid desc', 'cache' => 'no')); } if ($match = Uri::match('\\/edit\\/(\\d+)')) { $loadData = Categories::get(array('where' => "where catid='" . $match[1] . "'", 'cache' => 'no')); $post['edit'] = $loadData[0]; } System::setTitle('Categories list - ' . ADMINCP_TITLE); View::make('admincp/head'); self::makeContents('categoriesList', $post); View::make('admincp/footer'); }
function searchResult() { $curPage = 0; $keywords = ''; if ($matches = Uri::match('search\\/keyword\\/(.*?)\\/page\\/(\\d+)')) { $curPage = $matches[2]; $keywords = base64_decode($matches[1]); } else { $keywords = Request::get('txtKeywords', ''); } $loadData = Post::get(array('limitShow' => 24, 'limitPage' => $curPage, 'where' => "where title LIKE '%{$keywords}%'")); return $loadData; }
public function view() { if (!($match = Uri::match('\\/view\\/(\\d+)'))) { Redirect::to(ADMINCP_URL . 'comments/'); } $commentid = $match[1]; $loadData = Comments::get(array('query' => "select p.title,c.* from " . Database::getPrefix() . "post p," . Database::getPrefix() . "comments c where p.postid=c.postid AND c.commentid='{$commentid}'")); $post['edit'] = $loadData[0]; System::setTitle('View comment - ' . ADMINCP_TITLE); View::make('admincp/head'); self::makeContents('commentView', $post); View::make('admincp/footer'); }
public function index() { $post = array('alert' => ''); // Model::load('admincp/dbstore'); if ($match = Uri::match('\\/dbstore\\/(\\w+)')) { if (method_exists("controlDBStore", $match[1])) { $method = $match[1]; $this->{$method}(); die; } } Redirect::to(ADMINCP_URL); }
public function index() { if ($match = Uri::match('^api\\/(\\w+)')) { Model::load('api'); try { apiProcess(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => 'yes')); } }
public function view() { if (!($match = Uri::match('\\/view\\/(\\d+)'))) { Redirect::to(ADMINCP_URL . 'contacts/'); } $postid = $match[1]; $post = array('alert' => ''); $loadData = Contactus::get(array('where' => "where contactid='{$postid}'")); $post = $loadData[0]; System::setTitle('View contact - ' . ADMINCP_TITLE); View::make('admincp/head'); self::makeContents('contactView', $post); View::make('admincp/footer'); }
public function index() { $post = array('alert' => ''); Model::load('admincp/taxrate'); $curPage = 0; if ($match = Uri::match('\\/page\\/(\\d+)')) { $curPage = $match[1]; } if (Request::has('btnAction')) { actionProcess(); } if (Request::has('btnAdd')) { try { insertProcess(); $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Add new category success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } if (Request::has('btnSave')) { $match = Uri::match('\\/edit\\/(\\d+)'); try { updateProcess($match[1]); $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Update category success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } if (Request::has('btnSearch')) { filterProcess(); } else { $post['pages'] = Misc::genPage('admincp/taxrate', $curPage); $post['theList'] = Taxrates::get(array('limitShow' => 20, 'limitPage' => $curPage, 'orderby' => 'order by taxid desc', 'cacheTime' => 1)); } if ($match = Uri::match('\\/edit\\/(\\d+)')) { $loadData = Taxrates::get(array('where' => "where taxid='" . $match[1] . "'")); $post['edit'] = $loadData[0]; if (strlen($loadData[0]['country_short']) > 0) { $post['edit']['countries'] = explode(',', $loadData[0]['country_short']); } // print_r($post['countries']);die(); } $post['listCountries'] = Country::get(); System::setTitle('Taxrate list - ' . ADMINCP_TITLE); View::make('admincp/head'); self::makeContents('taxrateList', $post); View::make('admincp/footer'); }
function listPage() { $curPage = 0; $id = 0; $friendly_url = ''; if ($matches = Uri::match('category-(\\d+)-([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)-page-(\\d+)')) { $curPage = $matches[3]; $id = $matches[1]; $friendly_url = $matches[2]; } elseif ($matches = Uri::match('category-(\\d+)-([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)')) { $id = $matches[1]; $friendly_url = $matches[2]; } $listPage = Misc::genPage('category-' . $id . '-' . $friendly_url, $curPage, 5, '-'); return $listPage; }
public function index() { Cache::loadPage('', 30); $inputData = array(); $curPage = 0; Model::loadWithPath('home', System::getThemePath() . 'model/'); if ($match = Uri::match('page\\/(\\d+)')) { $curPage = (int) $match[1]; } $curPage = (int) $curPage >= 0 ? $curPage : 0; $inputData['newPost'] = Post::get(array('limitShow' => 2, 'limitPage' => $curPage)); if (!isset($inputData['newPost'][0]['postid'])) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $inputData['listPage'] = Misc::genPage('', $curPage); self::makeContent('home', $inputData); Cache::savePage(); }
public function index() { $post = array('alert' => ''); Model::load('admincp/links'); $curPage = 0; if ($match = Uri::match('\\/page\\/(\\d+)')) { $curPage = $match[1]; } if (Request::has('btnAction')) { actionProcess(); } if (Request::has('btnAdd')) { try { insertProcess(); $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Add new link success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } if (Request::has('btnSave')) { $match = Uri::match('\\/edit\\/(\\d+)'); try { updateProcess($match[1]); $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Update link success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } if (Request::has('btnSearch')) { filterProcess(); } else { $post['pages'] = Misc::genSmallPage('admincp/links', $curPage); $post['theList'] = Links::get(array('limitShow' => 20, 'limitPage' => $curPage, 'orderby' => 'order by sort_order asc', 'cache' => 'no')); } if ($match = Uri::match('\\/edit\\/(\\d+)')) { $loadData = Links::get(array('where' => "where id='" . $match[1] . "'", 'cache' => 'no')); $post['edit'] = $loadData[0]; } $post['listLinks'] = Links::get(array('orderby' => 'order by sort_order asc', 'cache' => 'no')); System::setTitle('Links list - ' . ADMINCP_TITLE); View::make('admincp/head'); self::makeContents('linksList', $post); View::make('admincp/footer'); }
public function edit() { if (!($match = Uri::match('\\/edit\\/(\\d+)'))) { Redirect::to(ADMINCP_URL . 'pages/'); } $pageid = $match[1]; $post = array('alert' => ''); if (Request::has('btnSave')) { try { updateProcess($pageid); $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Save changes success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } $loadData = Pages::get(array('where' => "where pageid='{$pageid}'", 'isHook' => 'no', 'cache' => 'no')); $post['edit'] = $loadData[0]; System::setTitle('Edit page - ' . ADMINCP_TITLE); View::make('admincp/head'); self::makeContents('pagesEdit', $post); View::make('admincp/footer'); }
function pageProcess($inputData) { $match = Uri::match('^page-(\\d+)-(.*?)\\.html'); if (!$match) { Redirect::to('404page'); // Alert::make('Page not found'); } $id = $match[1]; $friendly_url = $match[2]; $loadData = Pages::get(array('where' => "where pageid='{$id}' AND friendly_url='{$friendly_url}' AND status='1'")); if (!isset($loadData[0]['title'])) { Redirect::to('404page'); // Alert::make('Page not found'); } $inputData['title'] = $loadData[0]['title']; $inputData['content'] = $loadData[0]['content']; $inputData['page_type'] = $loadData[0]['page_type']; if (strlen($loadData[0]['keywords']) > 5) { $inputData['keywords'] = $loadData[0]['keywords']; } return $inputData; }
public function index() { $controlName = 'admincp/controlDashboard'; if (Cookie::has('userid')) { $valid = UserGroups::getPermission(Users::getCookieGroupId(), 'can_view_admincp'); if ($valid != 'yes') { Alert::make('You not have permission to view this page'); } $controlName = 'admincp/controlDashboard'; $default_adminpage_method = trim(System::getSetting('default_adminpage_method', 'none')); if ($default_adminpage_method == 'url') { $default_adminpage = trim(System::getSetting('default_adminpage_url', 'admincp/')); if ($default_adminpage != 'admincp/' && System::getUri() == 'admincp/') { $beginUri = 'admincp'; if ($default_adminpage[0] != '/') { $beginUri .= '/'; } System::setUri($beginUri . $default_adminpage); } } if ($match = Uri::match('^admincp\\/(\\w+)')) { $controlName = 'admincp/control' . ucfirst($match[1]); } } else { $controlName = 'admincp/controlLogin'; if ($match = Uri::match('^admincp\\/forgotpass')) { $controlName = 'admincp/controlForgotpass'; } } $codeHead = Plugins::load('admincp_header'); $codeHead = is_array($codeHead) ? '' : $codeHead; $codeFooter = Plugins::load('admincp_footer'); $codeFooter = is_array($codeFooter) ? '' : $codeFooter; // print_r($codeHead);die(); System::defineGlobalVar('admincp_header', $codeHead); System::defineGlobalVar('admincp_footer', $codeFooter); Controller::load($controlName); }
public function edit() { if (!($match = Uri::match('\\/edit\\/(\\d+)'))) { Redirect::to(ADMINCP_URL . 'post/'); } $postid = $match[1]; $post = array('alert' => ''); if (Request::has('btnSave')) { try { updateProcess($postid); $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Save changes success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } $loadData = Post::get(array('cache' => 'no', 'isHook' => 'no', 'query' => "select p.*,c.title as cattitle from " . Database::getPrefix() . "post p," . Database::getPrefix() . "categories c where p.catid=c.catid AND p.postid='{$postid}'")); $post['edit'] = $loadData[0]; $post['tags'] = PostTags::renderToText($postid); System::setTitle('Edit post - ' . ADMINCP_TITLE); View::make('admincp/head'); self::makeContents('postEdit', $post); View::make('admincp/footer'); }
public function index() { // Cache::loadPage(30); $inputData = array(); $postid = 0; $curPage = 0; // Model::loadWithPath('home',System::getThemePath().'model/'); if (!($match = Uri::match('category\\/(\\w+)$'))) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $friendly_url = addslashes($match[1]); if ($match = Uri::match('page\\/(\\d+)')) { $curPage = (int) $match[1]; } $loadData = Post::get(array('limitShow' => 2, 'limitPage' => $curPage, 'cacheTime' => -1, 'query' => "select p.*,c.title as cattitle from post p,categories c where c.friendly_url='{$friendly_url}' AND p.catid=c.catid order by p.postid desc")); if (!isset($loadData[0]['postid'])) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $inputData['newPost'] = $loadData; $inputData['listPage'] = Misc::genPage('', $curPage); System::setTitle(ucfirst($loadData[0]['cattitle'])); self::makeContent('category', $inputData); // Cache::savePage(); }
function apiProcess() { if (!($match = Uri::match('^api\\/(\\w+)\\/(\\w+)'))) { $result = json_encode(array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => 'Api not valid')); echo $result; die; } $method = strtolower($match[1]); $action = strtolower($match[2]); $result = array('error' => 'no', 'message' => ''); switch ($method) { case 'image': Model::load('api/image'); try { $result['data'] = loadApi($action); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } break; case 'user': try { $result['data'] = Users::api($action); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } break; case 'category': try { $result['data'] = Categories::api($action); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } break; case 'plugin': try { $foldername = $action; $result['data'] = PluginsApi::get($foldername); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } break; case 'payment': try { $foldername = $action; $result['data'] = PaymentApi::get($foldername); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } break; case 'theme': try { $foldername = $action; $result['data'] = ThemeApi::get($foldername); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } break; case 'cronjob': if (!($match = Uri::match('run\\.php$'))) { // throw new Exception("Error Processing Request"); $result = array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => "Error Processing Request"); } Cronjobs::run(); break; case 'pluginstore': try { $result['data'] = PluginStoreApi::api($action); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } break; case 'system': Model::load('api/system.php'); try { $result['data'] = loadApi($action); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } break; } echo json_encode($result); }
<?php $pageData = array(); $pageName = System::getCurrentPage(); $pageName = $pageName == '' ? 'home' : $pageName; if ($matches = Uri::match('^(\\w+)\\/?')) { $pageName = $matches[1]; } if ($matches = Uri::match('^page\\/(\\d+)')) { $pageName = 'home'; } // Theme::view('head'); $codeHead = Plugins::load('site_header'); $codeHead = is_array($codeHead) ? '' : $codeHead; $codeFooter = Plugins::load('site_footer'); $codeFooter = is_array($codeFooter) ? '' : $codeFooter; // print_r($codeHead);die(); System::defineGlobalVar('site_header', $codeHead); System::defineGlobalVar('site_footer', $codeFooter); $links = Links::get(array('cacheTime' => 3, 'orderby' => 'order by sort_order asc')); System::defineVar('linkList', $links, 'head'); Controller::loadWithPath('theme' . ucfirst($pageName), 'index', System::getThemePath() . 'controller/'); // Theme::view('footer');
<?php if (!($match = Uri::match('category-(\\d+)\\/?'))) { Redirect::to('404page'); // Alert::make('Page not found'); } $pageName = 'category'; $pageData = array(); $pageData['content_top'] = Render::content_top($pageName); $pageData['content_left'] = Render::content_left($pageName); $pageData['content_right'] = Render::content_right($pageName); $pageData['content_bottom'] = Render::content_bottom($pageName); Theme::model('category'); $headData = GlobalCMS::$setting; $pageData['newPost'] = searchResult($match[1]); $pageData['listPage'] = listPage(); Theme::view('head', $headData); Theme::view($pageName, $pageData); Theme::view('footer');
<?php if (!($match = Uri::match('\\/setting\\/payza\\/'))) { Redirect::to(ROOT_URL); } $post = array('alert' => ''); Model::load(PAYMENTMETHOD_PATH . 'model/setting', 1); if (Request::has('btnSend')) { $post['alert'] = settingProcess(); } $post['data'] = settingData(); View::make(PAYMENTMETHOD_PATH . 'view/setting', $post, 1);
public function deactivate() { if (!($match = Uri::match('\\/deactivate\\/(\\w+)'))) { Redirect::to(ADMINCP_URL); } $foldername = $match[1]; Database::query("update plugins set status='0' where foldername='{$foldername}'"); Database::query("update plugins_meta set status='0' where foldername='{$foldername}'"); PluginsZone::saveCache(); Redirect::to(ADMINCP_URL . 'plugins'); }
</div> <!-- Author --> </div> <!-- /.container-fluid --> </div> <!-- /#page-wrapper --> </div> <!-- /#wrapper --> <script type="text/javascript"> var control='<?php if ($match = Uri::match("plugins\\/controller\\/(\\w+)")) { echo $match[1]; } elseif ($match = Uri::match("admincp\\/(\\w+)")) { echo $match[1]; } ?> '; $(document).ready(function(){ var target='li-'+control; if($('.'+target).length==1) { $('.'+target).children('a').removeClass('collapsed').attr('aria-expanded','true'); $('.'+target).children('ul').removeClass('collapse').addClass('collapse in').attr('aria-expanded','true'); }